No 108 of Living Life Series 1
Lord Bo Tien is a heavenly arahat or saint. The 13th day of the 9th lunar month is the anniversary day of His descent. He is a Divine messenger of God for the Inner Truth of life and the oneness of faiths. He is neither here to start a new sect or faith nor to be worshipped as a household saint. "Who is He ?" and "How to know him?" are not concerns. What He represents is more important and of greater impact. Those who see and perceive the Inner Truth see, know Him and are close to Him even if far. The far may be near and the near may be far. Thus hath He said time and again.
A heavenly saint from up high
The messenger of Heaven
For the divine Inner Truth
behind all faiths, sects and ways
Not here to start a new religion
But to rejuvenate religious thought
His temple is not limited to a building
The whole wide world be one temple
for the Mission of Heaven on earth
To spread the message of Inner Truth
The Sky and Heaven is the temple roof
Religions and sects are the pillars
of this one vast universal temple
His Mission is not Mission of Man
But the Mission of Heaven above
Men may not be ready and can wait
But heavenly ones are and cannot wait
To move on with the Mission for www
The whole wide world and web
All can come for the divine nectar
Even ants and insects amongst men
So blame not the flower and saint
when access open to one and all
Thus worship heaven and not man
In this open house of the lords
See neither the saint in man
nor the man in lord saints
Man is man and saint is saint
The Inner Truth Sermon is His first sermon. This is also the Four Pillar Sermon that there is oneness of divinity and all heavenly saints behind the diverse religions and sects.
The house of God or Divinity is simply compared to a house with four pillars or religions supporting the heaven or roof and all under heaven are in this house and its compound.
Of course, there are more than four religions and the number will increase for sure. Hence the writer prefers to refer to his original sermon as The Inner Truth sermon.
Image of marble above is from writer's residence. Do take note of the divine body language of the majestic pose. It has to do with how to effect inner truth in our life through balanced approach as depicted by his feet on the elements of life and be at peace with life with its swirls of yin and yang.
There is need to persevere, to be steady, to be steadfast and to stay the course as reflected by his left hand.
His septre in right hand is to let us know he is only a messenger to carry out the mission of Heaven to invigorate realisation of commonality of truth behind all sects and religions, to stress the complementary and synergistic roles of all sects and religions and he is here NOT to start a new sect or religion.
Many have misunderstood. Thus conflicts and misperceptions are not suprising amongst religions and sects. This is cause for concern.
Mission is to correct this and the truth is termed thus the inner truth and has to do with peace and satisfaction in the present life as well as in the life hereafter, perhaps in a heaven or elsewhere.
What is important is the impact on the present as the present is a present and if well tended to will pave way for a better tomorrow in this life and the next.
The house of God or Divinity is simply compared to a house with four pillars or religions supporting the heaven or roof and all under heaven are in this house and its compound.
Of course, there are more than four religions and the number will increase for sure. Hence the writer prefers to refer to his original sermon as The Inner Truth sermon.
Image of marble above is from writer's residence. Do take note of the divine body language of the majestic pose. It has to do with how to effect inner truth in our life through balanced approach as depicted by his feet on the elements of life and be at peace with life with its swirls of yin and yang.
There is need to persevere, to be steady, to be steadfast and to stay the course as reflected by his left hand.
His septre in right hand is to let us know he is only a messenger to carry out the mission of Heaven to invigorate realisation of commonality of truth behind all sects and religions, to stress the complementary and synergistic roles of all sects and religions and he is here NOT to start a new sect or religion.
Many have misunderstood. Thus conflicts and misperceptions are not suprising amongst religions and sects. This is cause for concern.
Mission is to correct this and the truth is termed thus the inner truth and has to do with peace and satisfaction in the present life as well as in the life hereafter, perhaps in a heaven or elsewhere.
What is important is the impact on the present as the present is a present and if well tended to will pave way for a better tomorrow in this life and the next.
PS As per 1980 anniversary message,
Lord Bo Tien's 1980 Anniversary Message (click to access)
Followers should not mistake the majestic military attire to conceive that He is a general. He is a heavenly saint and not a general. There is no need to know who He is but to know what He represents and the values He wants to share with all.