
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord Bo Tien (武天菩萨). The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affiliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. Needless to say that all the saints we know are in this temple. Ji Gong Posat too is no exception. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven. We worship God and saints, not man however good that man may be. There should be no hero worshiping or idolizing of man whether he is a charismatic pastor, priest, monk, medium or lay leader. We don't even idol worship the image of any saint but reflect on what the image stands for. - the doctrine in the image. Omitofo 阿弥陀佛!.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Roll in more of the goodies year after year

No 1674 of Living Life Series 1. 

Everyday is the beginning of a new year and every yesterday the end of the past year. 

Every new year brings in new opportunities to make good in life. 

What matters is to be better than what was before. 

Let all roll in more inner peace that enriches the spirit and this must surpass worldly richness. 

This Bo Tien 武天 says all religions will teach and should stress in every new day or year. 

Let there be health, so more inner peace there will be and this will roll in inner peace ever the more. 

Let this be the evergreen new year resolution year after year. 

More inner peace for all is what God wishes all can nurture through any religion or culture.

Religion is too serious to be a show business

No 1673 of Living Life Series 1. 

Religion risks becoming more a show business. This is not the wish of God but the ungainly way of men. 

Blame not God for the quest of men for fun and to let down their hair and go wild in of all places, the religion meant to uphold the holiness of God and saints. 

In old days, there were the staged or opera shows. But this has moved on for the whole house of God to be a well staged world concert. Religion has become a show business in its own right. 

We let down our hairs and discard all inhibitions and decorum to be wild with God and heavenly saints. We go frantic and loud and jarring in prayers and instead of embracing God and what God stands for, we hug the next person around us in the house of God. 

We are noisy and loud in prayers. Is this the way of God or the way of man? Why be showy and why be lame to behave so wild in passion with one so high and divine like God, only to belittle him as though he is only an idol or pop star. Isn't this much worse than the often frowned at simple idolatry? 

Men have ironically moved on from simple idolatry ways to newfound open wild, hilarious and unholy idolatry of the one so high that is God and God alone. 

Well, this is to be expected if we go for the majesty of God and saints and not for the good and pureness of heart that God and saints stand for. 

We only need to go for the honest to goodness simple pureness in our hearts to be one with God and saints. This will give  the inner peace Bo Tien 武天 wants all to know and have in whatever religion or sects they be in or even if none. 

Do not make a joke out of God and saints but be real serious with what God and saints stand for. Do not make religion a show business and make mockery of God and saints. 

Thus like God and all heavenly saints, Bo Tien 武天 is not showy of divine majesty. He is here only to show us the way once more - the same way that started all the religions of the day. This is the way of pure heart and honesty, so all may have inner peace ever the more.

Man and Life as Man

No 1672 of Living Life Series 1. 

When happy day comes, all the problems that we have are forgotten. Our mind is like that. 

When the happy occasion is over, then we feel the emptiness. To make matters worse, we will wake up to the full weight of the problems we have and may even have new problems. This is life isn't it? 

But if we grumble and wallow in misery, we may fall sick and this adds more problem to problems. Yes this is in the nature of life and this is what any human being should expect. 

Bo Tien 武天 says the problems of men are many and plentiful. This is the truth of life regardless of the religion or culture we are in. 

Face truth and come to terms with it. Then, easier it is to be at peace with life. Religion helps and any religion will do. 

But do not expect immortality. Even immortals have their own problems. God too is no exception. 

God is aware of what we go through in life and most of the time he tries to do what he can, so that issues do not be big issues. But we will still not be free from issues. God feels sorry for us but there is a limit to his help. 

The best help or gift God can give us is to teach us the time honored simple truth on how to be at peace to face problems so that we will not create more problems. This Bo Tien 武天 says is in all religions. 

Be at peace come what may. Problems will seem smaller and acceptable. This is the way to go in life and the way to be if we want to be whole and at peace. We do not want to end up in pieces, do we?

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Is the respect for elders less than before?

No 1671 of Living Life Series 1. 

Religion is for the living young while they are still alive. This is obvious and the oldies and the dead no longer have the limelight in religion. But in Asian traditions of old, they were given limelight. 

But with the excuse that there should be no other God, the trendy young have conveniently downgraded the respect for elders. There is no qualms at all in using God as the excuse to sideline the elderly and the dead to near oblivion. 

How can respect for elders be less of a divine instruction of God? Bo Tien 武天 has all along uphold this respect for parents and elders. 

But this respect has also lost ground in those who were co-opted to do his mission to revive the emphasis on goodness and purity in all religions. 

The elders in many a religion or temple who brought in the young are increasingly being sidelined and even sort of disowned. Why is there this trend? 

If there is less respect for elders, then will there be less respect for those in other religions? For now, it seems there is no such problem at all. There is still enough level headedness and rationality. 

God sends Bo Tien 武天 to check the trends and return religions to their original goodness and purity. This is the mission to return religions to the original pristine true goodness. 

Bo Tien 武天 refers to this as the Inner Truth as it is less obvious at the front of religions but somewhat relegated more to the rear.

What is religion for?

No 1670 of Living Life Series 1 

Religion is designed to make better persons out of those who come to it. Many sadly do not become better in religion. Many make religion better at meeting their non-religious needs. Hence people are unlikely to make religion better for them. 

Many go to religion for the very things they should not expect of religion. They go for contacts which will help them in their jobs and businesses. They praise God for the blessings. But they are far from the best blessing which is the blessing of the gift of the truth of how to be good. 

This truth is simply too simple and not worth their focus. To be good is what children are told by their parents. Many feel they do not need to go to religion just to be good like children. 

They feel religion is not about just being good. That will be below their dignity, ego or standing in society. They forget that though to be good is simple in theory but in practice not simple at all. 

Thus Bo Tien 武天 says that truth is simple but difficult to perceive and can be so profound that many do not perceive, let alone idealise in moment to moment life. 

Many just think that how can the core truth in religion be just being good. Religion to many is good only if religion can satisfy their wantings in life. Religion must meet their desires and inflate their ego and pride. 

Religion can do that and improve self esteem. Many are even picky with religion and decide to go for what they want in religion. But is this what religion is for? 

Religion has become what men want it to be, not what God and saints hope men can have. What God and saints want is very basic - for all to be good at heart, to be humble, to be honest and to be pure. 

This is no longer the obvious truth in religion and Bo Tien 武天 has to refer this as the Inner Truth. There is the need for the revival of the truth to its proper place in the hearts of men in any religion or culture they are in.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Be logical, love and not abuse life. Religion too...

No 1669 of Living Life Series 1 

Go for what is logical in life or in religion. 

Just because it is God, we cannot be logical. This is not logical. Is it logical to assume that someone is possessed just because he is queer and have doubts? Is it logical to blame on spirits just because we think that the world is made for man? 

Man is made for the world and must take care of the world. If man abuses the world, the world will be more difficult to live in. There will be climate changes, disruption to food chain and new illnesses. Every other being has to coexist with man and this includes spirits. 

Be logical and realise that everything is not made for man. Any abuse by man will create consequences. Well, this includes religion. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that religion has to be logical but instead man throws logic aside and religion can be the excuse to be illogical. 

Truth has to be logical. Bo Tien 武天 refers this as the Inner Truth. Many have forgotten the need to be logical. We cannot be good without being logical. 

We cannot abuse life and this includes religion. We need to love life and love all religions for they are for the good of all.

Be logical, love and not abuse life. Religion too is no exception

Exorcism is unkind but love is kind

No 1668 of Living Life Series 1 

If we are pure and good we attract goodness around us. Good spirits follow us and will influence the so-called bad spirits that may be around.

Obviously, when we go to a haunted place, if we dwell in religious reflection or what some refer to as meditation, the spirits that haunt the place will learn how to be pure and honest. They will no longer be dissatisfied and will decide to leave as they will have learnt how to let go their hang ups and be better off. 

This is exorcism made simple. But exorcism implies we harm and hurt the spirits and chase them away. We did not. We merely show to them that there is a better way to be better off and give up their hang ups. 

We help the spirits to see a better perspective of life and they will no longer harass the people who go to the place which was their haunt. We do not harm the spirits that haunt a place. We show them love and a better way to live. 

This love and inner peace is behind all religions. Bo Tien 武天 says that men fail to know that this is the Inner truth. 

Exorcism is unkind. Love is kind. Never say we kill or exorcise the spirit but say that we show love and a better way to live

Reorientate religions to true goodness of heart

No 1667 of Living Life Series 1 

When will men stop aspiring and innovating? For many, this is endless otherwise where is progress. 

But in progress, some are left behind. Also some are unscrupulous. They sell tainted food and cause harm to others. Some end up cheating on their spouses after having make it in life. 

Even in a temple or house of God, as long as there are human beings, such issues exist and cause problems to fellow humans. This is the reality in life. 

Religion should instead of winning converts should act to change people from bad to good, from dishonesty to honesty. This is better than making people change religion by all possible and at times atrocious means. 

There must be the emphasis on being good, honest and pure at heart so that there is love for all life, not just one's life at others' expense and not just love for others at one's personal expense but love for all without distinction and grades. 

This is the goodness that religions are originally meant to promote but men divert religions to show that one religion is better than others. This is out of misconceived love for their religion. This causes divides and does not promote goodness of spirit in men. Such is the misplaced love that creates ill will and is not love. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that there is need to encourage men to be truly good. This is the Inner Truth that all in any religion must come to realise once again. Then there will be love for all without distinction and grades.

Bo Tien 武天 on logical approach to religion

No 1666 of Living Life Series 1 

Life has unexpected twists and turns. This is what life is all about. We cannot know when is the next turn we are forced to take. 

That is why religions are there to help us to be able to cope. We turn to God to help us and as said by Bo Tien 武天 small issues will be no issues and big issues even if they cannot be no issues will be less issues. 

Bo Tien 武天 says we can turn to one another for assistance and that is an easier way. 

But there is element of fate which God cannot intervene. We are what we were and we will be what we are and had been. We have to know that. 

We live our own life. God cannot take over and live life for us. We must be at peace with life. We need to cultivate the Inner Peace in our hearts so that we can better face life. 

This logical approach is what Bo Tien 武天 refers to as the Inner Truth. Religions must have this common sense approach. Religions have to fall back on logic.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Hopeless, Hopeful and Common Sense

No 1665 of Living Life Series 1 

Hopeless among the hopeful is what some end up with. They feel hopeless and out of place among those who think they have the solution to life in God as those hopefuls seem to be confident they are right and critical of what their families do. 

They the hopefuls deride what gave succour for generations and think well of themselves only to create the same which others may find them hopeless in time to come. 

The cycle goes on and history repeats itself though in new ways. 

There are also those who feel hopeful among the hopeless as they see the glimmering hope to bring common sense to the fore. 

But how much they can do is contentious. They cannot go too fast and upset the set ways of the people. They often try to rush through what they think are right and end up making a mess. 

This is life and life is like that. Bo Tien 武天 says that Divinity cannot wait for men to be ready to make things right for all humanity. 

Divinity cannot wait for men to be ready to see the common sense of goodness that is behind life and religions. The mission to bring common sense as the mainstay in life cannot wait for men.

Religion is for the common good

No 1664 of Living Life Series 1. 

For many, to be with God is to be with others. The others too want to be with God. But if the others are still searching, then they may be as lost as anyone. The intent is good. 

But out of the many may arise a few who take matters into their own hands. Then there is the possibility of the blind leading the blind. 

In the chorus of elation, then there may arise false concept that others not with them are lost and must be saved. With people in religion who may be prone to this, religion may work against its own interests. 

That is why Bo Tien 武天 says that we need people to know that religions must act together for the good and peace of the many. There must be love for those who think differently from us. 

There is need to go back to the original intent to go for the common good. God stands for the common good. 

Bo Tien 武天 refers to this as the Inner Truth. The Inner Truth will bring all together as one though all are different. Religions unite people for the common good. 

Be religious in the ideal sense. Let there be goodness of spirit among men. This will favor more inner peace in the hearts of men. There will be humility, honesty and love. We need Inner Truth awareness to bring about more inner peace in the hearts of all.

The harvest befitting a house of God

No 1663 of Living Life Series 1 

Be a good harvester of goodness in the hearts of men. Do not end up harvesting to deepen the pockets of men. 

A temple is to create bountiful goodness in the spirit. Let no one in name of God and saints demands payment for the blessings of God and saints. 

Do not dress to the nines and go in racy cars when going to a temple. Go with pure heart and goodness instead. 

Be humble, honest and pure. This is the harvest that is befitting a house of God. 

Bo Tien 武天 refers to this as the Inner Truth which yields and nurtures more of inner peace. This is in all religions but men blinded by ego go for what ego demands. 

They make God and saints appear egomaniac when it is they who are egomaniac. 

Bo Tien 武天 says it is better for the far to be near than out there lost with little chance to be redeemed in spirit.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Deep roots in Inner Truth give peace of mind

No 1662 of Living Life Series 1.  

Bo Tien 武天 says that a tree rooted in subterranean water will not wither come drought. But many trees in a plantation will wither when there is drought. 

Many in religions are like such trees in plantations. They will wither if not rooted in Inner Truth. 

The religions we know are like plantations. People in religions are watered by leaders. 

But without the Inner Truth that all must be good, humble and honest, they will not have inner peace and without inner peace, they will not be evergreen throughout the year. 

Come storms, they will be uprooted as they do not grow deep roots to thrive on Inner Truth. With deep roots, those who are rooted in Inner Truth will stay alive and thrive in life. They have the inner peace. 

Those rooted in Inner Truth have inner peace at heart and thrive even in storms or droughts. Life carries on in peace - be it for this life or the next. Be deeply rooted in Inner Truth to have peace of mind.

Get real with life and not live in illusion

No 1661 of Living Life Series 1 

Time flies faster when we grow old. It is just too slow when we are young. We cannot wait to be older. This is life, isn't it? 

Is time an illusion? Life itself is an illusion if we do not see through the truth in life. 

The truth is that we are not here for long and within the decades we live, we must make sense out of life, and not life makes no sense out of us. 

Why are we  here for? Surely life has its purpose. Can we make it to this calling. What is the calling? 

The calling is not who we can be in life or how much wealth we can muster. The calling is that life as we know must enable us to have enough comforts to go for the comfort and peace of the spirit. 

Bo Tien 武天 refers to this as the inner peace that all religions are meant to promote but many have illusion of religion. 

Have no illusion but get real with life. That is the Inner Truth behind religions. 

Be rich in spirit but not rich in worldly things. Do not deny the world as long as we are of the world. Do not go only for the world. Why? Well, do get real. What we have, we will not have in the afterlife. Be rich in spirit and not in flesh. 

Only the richness of spirit will follow us wherever we go in life and beyond. We will leave behind all the rest. Have no illusion of life. Get real with life and not live in illusion.

Be our own heaven

No 1660 of Living Life Series 1 

Making it to Heaven is not the issue. How not to be reborn is the issue. Many see eternity as Heaven. But if there is no eternity in Heaven, is it still heavenly? 

Heaven is where you can have peace and true heaven is in the heart. If inner peace we have at heart, everywhere we go is heavenly. 

The heart is where we can have heaven or hell. If of good heart, there is heaven. If of bad heart, there is hell even if in heaven. Thus not all in heaven are heavenly. Some are in hell though in heaven. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that there must be inner peace, never mind if there is no heaven around. With inner peace, we see the good of life and that is what we want for now. Be our own heaven and indeed this is true. 

Yes do be our own heaven and life will be good come what may. God and saints will rejoice that we have effected heaven in life of Man. Truth be told is simple but many keep looking everywhere till kingdom come  - except within themselves. 

We must walk the talk

No 1659 of  Living Life Series 1 

When will the sun shine again? When will we want the sun to shine even if it is sunset? Let the sun in our hearts shine out even when the sun sets on us. 

No one can shine up our life. No one will be able to do so, even if he says he could help. We have to pick up the pieces of our life. even if others are kind to offer help. 

Sages can give advice and say God is kind. But if we are not kind to self how can we benefit from others. We must walk the talk and not talk and not walk. Talk and talk but not walk the life is of no use. Religion poses this danger when we talk of how great God is and how special is the heavenly saint we adore. So please walk the talk. 

Life is how we make it to be. Life is how we can be happy with our lot. Thus miracles and majestic display by God and heavenly saints may capture our adoration and is good for the start but we must learn from them how to be good at heart, how to be humble and not display our ego and project greatness. 

The aim is not to awe others lest we end up awful and conceited. Thus God and saints will never say that we go to them and be saved. They want us to learn from them and be like them. They talk to us the way to be good, humble and peaceful at heart. We must was walk the talk. 

Bo Tien 武天 said all these and advice us to know what saints and God talk through the many religions of the day. 

Bo Tien 武天 Lord says he is not here to display divine majesty, lest we be awed and end up awful lot who just expect him to do the lot for us. We must not end up spineless lot and leave life to God and lord saints like Bo Tien 武天

We must be awesome lot who having learnt what God and saints taught are able to have our own life and not leave everything to the Lord. Do not end up as awful lot but be awesome lot when we believe in God and Lord. God cannot live our life. We must live life ourselves. We must walk the talk of God and saints. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

What is true in life and in religion

No 1658 of Living Life Series 1 

It is important to be honest. But in all honesty, few are and many talk to please. What they say is never what they meant. What they say is music to the ears but not the truth. Is this correct? Sometimes truth can hurt and cannot win hearts. Life is like that. 

Religion too is no different. Untruths can help but why are many unable to face the truth? They are not prepared and it is best to go slow and not upset the person with truth. 

Religion often cannot be frank and direct. What religion says must be music to the ears. This is in the nature of many men. 

Bo Tien 武天 says we need to understand why people in religion have to be like that. This is true in life as well as in religion. We cannot make a saint out of a person right away. Salvation is not given but people want it to be given. It has to be nurtured and cultivated. This is the way to save souls. 

Thus there are many religions and sects with many ways to attract men. They provide different types of music to the ears. Then slowly over time, they can learn more and face the truth that is in life and common to all religions. Bo Tien  武天  says religions are many but truth of life is same.

Man wants religion to support dreams

No 1657 of Living Life Series 1

Life is eternal and in a way this is true. We come and we go. We take on new lives. 

But in days of old, people think they could have elixir of life to live forever. The first Emperor of China tried in vain to live forever. People in ancient Rome and during the times of Jesus too harped on eternal life. 

This was consistent with the expectations in ancient times. With time, humanity became more aware that this is impossible in the physical body. 

But they try to cheat ageing by staying youthful. This is the watered down version of the quest for eternal life. Thus a sixty year old lady or man may dress up like a young lady or man. 

Many want the freedom of youth and delay marriage or never even get married. They lead care free life and have many partners. They never stop dating. This makes them think they never grow old. 

This tells us the nature of man. Man cannot face the inevitable and do not plan for the various stages in life. 

There is much we can learn about life from the way humanity has been living life from ancient times to current era. 

Bo Tien 武天 says we can learn from life. Life is the greatest teacher. Life is the best religion. 

People prefer delusion than to be in touch with the inevitable. They prefer to ignore the truth in life and even chose religions that allow them to live in their dreams. This gives succour to many. 

Man wants religion to support dreams. The moment religions stop that, few will be in religion.