
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord Bo Tien (武天菩萨). The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affiliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. Needless to say that all the saints we know are in this temple. Ji Gong Posat too is no exception. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven. We worship God and saints, not man however good that man may be. There should be no hero worshiping or idolizing of man whether he is a charismatic pastor, priest, monk, medium or lay leader. We don't even idol worship the image of any saint but reflect on what the image stands for. - the doctrine in the image. Omitofo 阿弥陀佛!.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Have more of Tao with tolerance

No 468 of Living Life Series 1

The lord saint Lord Bo Tien has said that there is no need to run away from society but instead we should be with the thick and thin of society to practise Tao or Way to divine peace by balancing the yin and the yang, the odd and even, the feminine and the masculine, the rich and the poor, the passive and the active. 
The seated image of the lord saint
with feet balancing the elements
depicts balancing of yin and yang.
The left hand in salutation bids us
to be tolerant and patient.
If we can do so and renounce the extreme of denial or giving up of life and the extreme of indulgence or excess of life, we can be better models for others to emulate. 

But to do so, we must be able to tolerate the incessant views of society that castigate us for not staying away from worldly or mundane life and for still having the worldly life. 

Lord Bo Tien has however said we stay put in society and the very principles that augur well for spiritual life if applied to mundane worldly life will put us in comfortable worldly life and gains without dent on spiritual progress. 

This in the modern world since his descent in 1969 this is the way to go, more so that the norms of society have been changing ever the more towards more of worldliness. We cannot give up worldly life. We must not unplug from this materialistic world but continue to be plugged into the world though of course moderated by Tao at the heart

It would be tougher to achieve Tao in an ever more worldly life but it can be done. Tao allows us to be plugged into the peace of Heaven on earth and we do not need to unplug from the world around us. 

We do need to plug into the world though primarily into heaven. The heavenly way must lead and enable the former. There must be optimization or balance of yin and yang, worldly life being more yin and heavenly life more yang.

The main obstacle is not worldliness and the attractions of worldly life but the mouths of men who can utter words that rock and bite at the heartstrings of the ones in the path of Tao. This they say is the quality of tolerance. 

Can we tolerate the critical ways of society from every nook and corner? If we can and maintain the peace within our hearts, we are more solidly at peace. This would be better than the peace one gets by sitting cross legged like a hermit in the wilderness. 

It is heartening to note that the lord saint has foresight to know that unlike our ancestors, few men of today can stay away and make it, for at every turn and corner, there are men and the trappings of men in the modern world. 

There is need for Tao in society and not away from society. Otherwise, where else can we practise Tao and only a handful can make it. 

Yin yang is not static but dynamic like the revolving globe. Yin yang balance is more exacting but the joy of being able to have the balance is that more satisfying and lasting. But we need to have tolerance and that much more we can have if there is more of tolerance. 

Tolerate what others say. Tolerate the push and pull. Tolerate the nuances and sharp tongues of men and the vicissitudes that may seem to come and assuage us time and time again. Be ever more patient and tolerant. This is the pillar in the practice of Tao.  

The root of the problem that plagues men lies in society itself. It may be better to stay put and make do by cultivating tolerance and making do with Tao in the thick and thin of society. 

Even the lotus grows best in the muddy water. The men of Tao do better in the mud of society. They must tolerate the mud of men in society and if they do, they can make it and bloom in Tao like the lotus. 

We can know better the source of problems of men by being with men and not staying away. Always go to where the problem lies and society is where the problem resides. 

Even in any temple of a lord saint, tolerance is key and without tolerance, the subsequent management members may take things in their own hands and have no qualms at all in finding fault with the long respected temple head appointed and anointed by the lord saint. 

There would then be pandemonium and the unexpected would happen. This would be the case if doctrine and Tao are considered no longer as important and the ways of men take precedence. There is need to know doctrine and its practice has to do with Tao. 

Tolerance is needed for the practitioner of Tao more so if not yet saint. This would include almost all.

Have more of Tao with tolerance. One day of practicing Tao with tolerance in the thick and thin of society is better than a hundred days of sitting cross legged in the wilderness or in the attic. 

The reality is that many who come to a temple have agenda other than spiritual and spiritual is only a cover for their agenda. But there are still those who are spiritual but they have issues with practice, more so with Tao and they well know they need tolerance. 

But men are men after all and often cannot make it as yet. We too may be like that. So what next and what can we do. There is no need to stay away from the crowd and that would be running away from learning. 

In the days of old, going into the wilderness was a solution. Today this is not practical and at every nook and corner, there are men and more of men. We simply has to be with men and with society.

If we have problems in the practice of Tao in society, do not feel lost but call out the name of Amitabha and be recharged spiritually. Then we can be better at it again and go back into the fray and practise Tao with more tolerance. We need to be tolerant and that way we can have better Tao. 

Namo Omitofo 

Monday, December 30, 2013

What is the point in having more of the same?

No 467 of Living Life Series 1

Ji Gong The Living Buddha roams the world of men to do things differently so as to reach out and bless more beings and men.

What has Ji Gong to do with this post, Do read on and find out.

The old anytime better than the new

Many take pride in having a new temple but is this what they need? Yes, it would certainly be. But there is a catch. 

Is the temple providing services that other temples have yet to provide or is it providing more of the same provided by other temples? 

Well, many do have pride and pride calls the tune. They want to show they can do what others are doing and even better than that. 

Is that a problem? No, but they can do better and do what others are not doing or could not do more. They should not emulate others and the temple they run should not end up as carbon copies of other temples but serve as beacon of new endeavors for other temples to model after. 

Certainly, a temple of a lord saint has a mission. Each saint has something special to do. This would be based on the overall doctrine of heaven to save souls. The saints do work separately but yet as one. This is just as religions and sects work likewise but yet are one. 

The mission of the lord saint Lord Bo Tien is to show the oneness of religions and sects and that the same basic teachings and practices are present in all despite their being separate and each unique in its own way. 

Thus a temple of the lord saint is not meant to be one of the many but one for the many to know all are same in God and saints. It may start off like one but is meant to flower out to be different enough to show that all are one in the inner truth that is common to all temples and religions. 

But has the temple of the lord saint arrived as such or is it just being one of the many and doing more of the same such as observing rituals, traditions and performing communal services like the many other temples that were and are around? The answer is obvious. 

Do we need more of the same or more of something new that will make the difference for others to learn and follow. A temple of Lord Bo Tien must showcase the basics behind all religions and sects. It must be able to provide crystal clear water like from the upper source of a river. This the lord saint Lord Bo Tien say. 

It may appear different and far from the ways of other temples but it can be near to all if it can showcase the doctrine that is always behind and common to all religions and temples. Though far in being so different, it is near to all temples. The lord saint did say that the far may be near and the near far. 

The men at his temple should know best but they may not do as much what they are supposed to do as much, all because they are men and the lord knows that. The temple of the lord like the flower should not be blamed for insects coming to it. 

Lord Bo Tien says that a flower will always attract insects and ants coming to it for nectar. Blame not the flower for insects coming to it. A temple is like the flower. Men have weaknesses and a temple exists to help men learn. The lord saint says that men must learn from one another and this is life. Life is the true gospel and not the gospel written by men for God and saints.  

But on the wider perspective, the true temple is the universe with sky as the roof and religions and sects the pillars. All under the sky is in this temple. This too Lord Bo Tien did say. The temple at Singapore models after this concept.

Even Ji Gong the Living Buddha has little inclination for the temple of brick or concrete. He prefers to roam the world and be in the alleys and backyards as well as in the mountains and byways.  

It is really the heart that matters and not the building, the actions or men or what go through their guts. What is the point of having more of the same when the world will do? 


Sunday, December 29, 2013

Wake up call for a temple

No 466 of Living Life Series 1

Keep the oil lamp going
It is the light that is the doctrine.
The doctrine is the temple saint.
The saint is the doctrine.

Keep the temple going,
by up keeping the doctrine,
not the personal fancies of men.
The temple is the saint, 
people and doctrine all in one

It is way off the mark if a temple is run based on the thinking of men more so of one or two men and not in accordance with the wishes and directions of its lord saint. 

A temple is usually set up because of the motivation by a lord saint but with time, men come into the picture and men decide that the communication by the lord saint through man is not to be relied on. 

They seem to choose to believe and then choose not to. They see not saint from man and man from saint. Man is man and saint is saint. This the lord saint Lord Bo Tien did reiterate. 

It may also be true that men who stick to the word of the lord saint written in the book of the gospel of the temple decide to relegate the book to the backyard. They often succeed with combination of smart moves and ignorant men in the crowd.

They proclaim what they want out of the temple and say that they are the new subcontractors to run the temple. This is the fate of many a temple or church. 

The means then become the ends and the ends no longer matter and become part of history. No wonder Lord Bo Tien said with respect to religion and God, that men must go to the upper source of a river for clear water. This means we must go to the basics or fundamentals. 

But we must understand history and know in what context, the basics were uttered, how it gave rise to other teachings which become dogmas and why often the latter teachings and dogmas overshadow the basics or fundamentals. 

Otherwise in attempt to know the basics, there is the inevitable danger in a temple that the fundamentals may be skewed and applied in such ways as to create new teachings and elaborations which set new dogmas and doctrine so different from the basics or fundamentals. This would of course defeat the very purpose of going to the fundamentals or basics.

A temple therefore can lose its way and stray beyond the original teachings of God and Heaven introduced by the pioneer saint. There is therefore the need for a temple to shape up or be lost and be far from God and saint. 

Lord Bo Tien said that the far may be near and the near far. There is much truth in this. It may mean that those running a temple may be the ones who should not and those whom they excommunicated and staying afar from the temple may well be the better ones to run the temple. 


Right of way can be no way

No 465 of Living Life Series 1

Namo Omitofo

This post is about the topic of Right of Way. 

Right of way in life is based on what is good or right. This is difficult to define but in current mundane society depends largely on conventional thinking. But not all will agree with the majority or what are set by convention. 

Thus right of way can at times, perhaps even more often than that, be no way and if one insists to have right of way, one will be at odds with others who do not see the same way. Then there will be discord and no peace. 

The man of God is one who is at peace come what may. He knows what is wise or right but will not insist on right of way. Thus he will establish concord with those who do not see eye to eye with him and he will endeavor to minimise ill will and misunderstanding not only in the other party but in himself as well. 

In that way he creates not only his own blessings but also is a blessing to those who disagree with him just because he was wise not to insist in right of way. 

The lord saint Lord Bo Tien says that his followers who are near to him may be far from him if they know not how to practise the doctrine. If we are shallow in practice and not so adept in doing so, we may insist on right of way and create a mess of life for ourselves and for others. 

That brings us to another teaching of the lord saint that we can learn from our own life and from the lives of people around us and be more informed and learned spiritually. Truth is in life and life is the living gospel. 

Just because we know we are right does not mean we have right of way. It is also important that others see the same view. If they do not we must know how to reconcile the tricky situation and have a pleasant and yet acceptable outcome that may not be ideal from our viewpoint but that we do no wrong even if we cannot do right. 

We must not end up creating wrong outcome by insisting right of way and ruffling feathers just because of that. Both parties that is ourselves and the other party will not be at peace. 

There must be harmony or balance of yin and yang as explained by Lord Bo Tien and depicted by his image with feet stop the elements. The doctrine is in the image. 

Opposing views can coexists and harmony can still be possible. This illustrates how to effect Tao in life. 

Tao is the way to have peace and is not static. What applies to one situation nay not work for another. Right of way can be no way. There is always the need to go to the source of a river for clear water as said by Lord Bo Tien. 

In a specific situation, what is right of way may not work and we have to go to the roots and know what roots are working and ensure that the roots of ill-will pride and wrong views are not operative otherwise the outcome will be far from peaceful. 

Tao is for peace and peace is what ultimate enlightenment is all about. But there is more than that. It is that we not encourage the roots of greed, hatred and delusion as the Buddha Gautama taught in the Abhidharma or Higher Doctrine. 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

New Year Joy is central to spiritual life

No 464 of Living Life Series 1

There will always be that air of joy and peace that goes with it on the start of every new year. The spirit of the new year is the spirit of spiritual life. Spiritual life injects joy and peace in many even in those who are less fortunate.

Fire crackers drive away the silence of the darkness of life and brings on the light and boom of more of the good in life loud and clear. We must always have a happy new year.

Let every man light up the fire cracker of life so as to bring cheer and laughter all round. Let men smile from ear to ear and God and saints will agree ever the more that men need to be happy from the beginning of the year. There is no other cause for cheer safe for that it is a new year. No special reason for that extra joy safe that it is indeed a new year.  

Joy in the world begins with God and saints above and infect men with cheer. But men are ever on the bend. The issues of men are many and plentiful. This saints like Lord Bo Tien say. 

Lord Bo Tien reminded that
we go to upper source for clear water

The joy at birth like the clear water of the upper source of a river soon gets polluted and sullied by the mud of men who create more problems by solving problems, they say. 

Who are they? Do you want to know. Well they are God and saints above who ever wish men to have joy from the word "Go". But men are men and they get entwined by the ups and downs - the yin and yang. 

The wake up call comes on new year day with fireworks and crackers set ablaze to brighten up the darkness men create in life. New year joy is central to life for all men and on that day of the new year, problems are set aside and optimism reigns. New year joy is like yang energy of Heaven to complement and balance the yin. 

Every religion and sect will surely demarcate New Year Day for all to cheer. Joy to the world and joy to you and me. Spiritual life begins each year on New Year Day and for Chinese it spans from new moon to full moon for good 15 days. 

Joy must grow like the moon from new moon to full moon. Joy would be round and complete that way. 

New Year joy is central to spiritual life and it makes the world go round, come what may. This is regardless of religion or sect men are in. Men of all races all over the world without exception treasure new year joy in their own respective ways.

But O dear what can the matter be if men all over the world fail to keep the cheer of new year through out the year. Surely this is no fault of God and saints but the failings of men to master Tao and balance yin and yang for lasting peace and joy. 

New Year joy is here to stay if God and saints have their way but men are the ones to be wet blankets and make God and saints so imperfect when the problem lies with men for not making it in Tao. 

Tao is simple in principle but yet profound and difficult to perceive. Men surrounded and overwhelmed by the trivialities of life made humongous by men themselves succumb like dominoes falling from even a mere nudge. It seems to be difficult to effect because of the often restless and roaming minds of men. 

Lord Bo Tien in his seated pose image bids us with left hand in salutation to be steady and keep the course so as to have more of joy and peace. 

We must have faith in Heaven for wanting us to have peace from the start of the new year and for that matter every new year. This is as depicted by his right hand holding on to the scepter of the mission to save the souls of men and let them have peace and joy. 

His feet atop the elements depict balancing of yin and yang - the ups and downs men are in and which are created ever the more by men themselves. 

Well, the imperfections and ungodly ways of men make God and saints look pathetically incapable of keeping the joy of new year throughout the year. This is despite their message that new year joy we have is ever central to life, not just mundane life but also spiritual life. 

Omitofo. Heaven will still bless men even if men fail Heaven and not that Heaven had failed men. This is a truth we must always know.  Omitofo once again.

Omitofo ever willing to heed the call of men
from all directions and all angles

Friday, December 27, 2013

Some strange things people do in life

No 463 of Living Life Series 1

Counting sheep to sleep
Might as well say a mantra  to sleep
There are some strange things people do in life that they may not even realize. It can be odd. It is just like counting sheep or sheep counting children. 

Some strange things sheep do.
Sheep counting children to sleep

instead of children counting sheep

It is perhaps very true though not readily proven that many have chosen to be born as men knowing full well they will have to die the moment they are borne. They live as though death is for others and not for them. They have clinging to life and cannot let go in all matters in life. Death is simply not at all in their minds. 

They may even say they will never die as their priest say so and if they believe in the saint the priest wants them to believe. They will live in the savior saint even if they die. 

Alas, life is the interplay of yin and yang and in world of yin and yang, there will be ebb and flow. But there are at the other end, some who knowing that there is death, will give up and wait for the day to exit. They treasure not life and somehow have the undying dying mentality and ever wait for death everyday. 

They may even withdraw from society as their monk tells them life is not worthwhile - nothing up suffering and death. The way out is to renounce life and just give up. 

Both approaches or perspectives (never die and surely die) are bad and it is best to live life. 

It is best not to run from life or fear life and think we will surely die. It is also best not to delude ourselves that we won't die and only others will

The former that is of fearing death may drive many to live in indulgence out of fear of death. 

We come to this world to learn what we could not learn in previous life. Learning is within a fixed time frame. There will be entry point and exit point. 

Birth and death are just markers of the learning course. Life as man is the course. Life is the true gospel. It is the training and learning ground.

We can safely say that there are even some in Heaven who do descend to be men to learn how to handle the heaven and hell on Earth, the sweetness and bitterness that characterize the life of man. 

But unfortunately there will be some from this group who having been so used to Heaven or a life with abundant providence in past life, will live life as men as though others owe them a living. On the other hand, it will be equally unwise it they live as though they owe all others a living. 

Both perspectives are due to sheer ignorance or false views. Unfortunately, the very religion that offers hope and respite may often be the problem rather than the solution. That is so and must it remain so? 

Lord Bo Tien

"No." as God has sent Lord Bo Tien to spearhead the mission for men to understand the problems of religions so that men will go to the inner truth or basics common to all religions. Men must go to the upper source for clear water.

Religions may end up doing strange things which become the norms because of common practice. They promote wrong views such some men live as though others all owe them a living. There are some others who live as though they owe all others a living. 

How can they be at peace? There is need to be atop the extremes so as to have peace of the saints. This is the basic doctrinal approach common to all religions and sects and is written into the image of the lord saint Lord Bo Tien with feet straddling and balancing the elements. 

Omitofo and may we move from darkness to light and from light to more light in the learning curve of life. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

What's up after Christmas?

 No 462 of Living Life Series 1

Christmas is in the season of Winter in the north and gives warmth and hope to men in the otherwise harsh winter. Jesus was born in the manger on Christmas Day and the world over celebrates the mass of Christ. Christ is the anointed one to give hope and bring Spring to men. 

The pair of auspicious cranes dancing above are sights in China which herald the coming of Spring and Chinese New Year is the second day of Spring in China.

So if we are asked, what's up after Christmas, it will be that Spring is coming and flowers are blooming and there is joy in the air. This is as though Heaven is opening up. The dancing cranes are bringing on the cheer and life of Spring. 

The sky is opening up and with Spring, every step is a joy and fresh air is nostalgic and there is spring in every step. This is the Chinese New Year and it stretches over 15 days.

There is a fresh start. The past is history whether good or bad. The present is a present and the future is yet to be. We start life with clean slate of blessings. 

It is time of New Year resolutions. It is time to start anew and refresh life like a fresh breath of air that we can have in Spring. Let there be peace and hope and let us pray to the heavenly saints to open the way. 

For those in the mission of Lord Bo Tien the messenger of Heaven, this is the time to renew the zest in the mission. Just look at his image. He said that the doctrine is in the image and the image is the doctrine. 

Lord Bo Tien

The doctrine is that there is hope in life. This hope is present as basic doctrine in all religions and sects. It is how to know God and goodness of Heaven by understanding the nature of life and the teachings of all saints. More importantly, it is to fathom the basics common to all religions. 

There will always be the ups and downs, the worldly issues, contingencies or vicissitudes of life like gain-loss, praise-blame and honor-dishonor. Lord Bo Tien did say that the issues of men are many and plentiful. 

They constitute life and make life go round and round. All we need is to be atop them and not to run away, for there is no running away from life. Be at peace with life instead by being atop and balancing the ups and downs which the sages of old in China refer to as the yin and yang.

This balancing of the yin and yang is depicted by the feet of the lord saint Lord Bo Tien above the elements. That way we are winners and we bring spring into each step of life. We will then be able to have Spring in every season and not wait for Chinese New Year.

But one problem with men is that they like to complicate life and add their own views and stories. They create dogmas and traditions as well as new beliefs. They changed religions and sects and introduce changes over time of centuries. 

So the lord saint said that there is need to go to the basics and the upper source for clear water. Lord Bo Tien is not here to start new religion or sect but to let us see things as they are - the nature of life or rather to put it in another way to see the inner truth and beauty behind and common to all religions and sects. 

There is need to renew the zest in life, the grasp of the basic or inner truth doctrine or way to be pure and at peace with life, God and men, in fact to be at peace with all beings. We cannot change them but we can change ourselves and be at peace come what may. 

This renewal is cyclical and timely for all to make resolution of renewal after Christmas by going along with the renewal of mother nature in Spring. Chinese New Year marks the new Spring in the year and in life. The Chinese say that even the house gods or saints return to God in Heaven at end of a year and return in the new year. 

This does add meaning and fullness to the greeting Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We celebrate completion of a year on Christmas  Day . We thank one another with presents for making it for the year. 

Presents around the tree

We then welcome the new year more so when Spring comes. We have to renew our joy in life by going for the inner truth way of Lord Bo Tien and in process be better in whatever religion or sect we may be in or even if none.