
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord Bo Tien (武天菩萨). The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affiliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. Needless to say that all the saints we know are in this temple. Ji Gong Posat too is no exception. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven. We worship God and saints, not man however good that man may be. There should be no hero worshiping or idolizing of man whether he is a charismatic pastor, priest, monk, medium or lay leader. We don't even idol worship the image of any saint but reflect on what the image stands for. - the doctrine in the image. Omitofo 阿弥陀佛!.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Make it happen even if it cannot happen

No 1767 of Living Life Series 1 

Let it happen in the heart even if it cannot happen in the world around. 

Let there be happiness at heart even if no happiness in life. 

Let there be peace at heart even if peace not there at all. 

Bo Tien 武天 refers to this as inner peace. 

This is the Inner Truth that all religions talk about. 

Awareness of need for inner peace is the insight that all must have regardless of religion and culture. Commit to the Word and be committed to as God. 

Whatever we will be will be but hold on to the God in the heart. 

God will manifest in the heart of the faithful. 

God speaks through silence and his silence is loud. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Acts of Devil or God?

No 1766 of Living Life Series 1 

Supernatural acts do happen. 

When you believe in the person who effects them, they are miracles. 

When you do not, then they are acts of the Devil. 

Such is the shallowness of men. 

Belief and it is God at work. 

Doubt and it is the Devil at work. 

The Devil or God is in man. 

This is in the nature of man. 

Bo Tien 武天 wants us to know the nature of man. Be in tune with what is being man.

Be pleased with the unpleasant

No 1765 of Living Life Series 1

Has man no guts to face truth in life. 

Man will not accept the inevitable and turn to religion to realise that which he cannot get in life. 

Religion is supposed to wake man up to reality and not bring him to the world of untruth. Truth is never pleasant. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that there is need to feel pleasant with life. The man who can have this has arrived. 

Religion helps man to arrive at pleasantness despite the unpleasantness and imperfection of life. 

Have you arrive at pleasantness in life deemed unpleasant to many? 

Be pleased with those who hurt you for that is how you learn and that is opportunity to love even those who do not love you. 

Be pleased with problems for in problems you learn to be stronger and learn to value what you already have. 

Religion is never meant to deceive you that life is a bed of roses. Even roses have thorns. 

Any representative of God when he descend in human form never experience pleasant life. How did any man ever think that he came to give pleasant life. 

What God gives through him is the gift of truth - the gift of the need for inner peace come what may. This is pointed out by Bo Tien 

Life is never pleasant. Do be pleased with the unpleasant.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Has man become less man in the name of God?

No 1764 of Living Life Series 1 

When the young are dependent on parents, they depend on parents as their backbone in life. 

When the parents are old, they often cannot provide the backbone for parents. 

Their excuse is that they have to serve God before they serve parents. 

This is very telling and they are actually making use of the name of God in vain. 

Serving God takes priority over serving parents. 

They even think that there is no other God beside God. They do not think it fit to godify parents. 

Parents are no gods, let alone respect for ancestors. Isn't this moral decay in its ugly form. 

Bo Tien 武天 says we must learn from the ways of such men. The ways of such men are never the ways of God and heavenly saints. 

That said, we must take remedial correction and make good what is not good that many wrongly consider as good. 

Respect for elders if absent or lacking make a mockery of respect for God and heavenly saint. 

Men must wake up and be counted as befitting God. 

Do not cast aside parents and elders in the name of God and heavenly saints. 

Do not hold parents as discards to be considered only when all things else are taken care off. 

One unthinkable scenario is when the biological family at home (house) is sacrificed for the need of the family at the house of God. Often there is no time left for the biological family, not even quality time. 

With so many weddings and christenings at house of God, the biological family at home (house) is often forgotten. This is a mistake but cherished and hailed as good and proper.

Think carefully. Has man become less man in the name of God. Has the house of God make non-existent the house of man. Is this what God wants in men? 

Have men use the name of God in vain? Is this not unbecoming and unworthy of God? God knows even if men chooses not to know. 

Has man become less man in the name of God? Has man end up glorifying self in the name of glorifying God? Isn't that distasteful, and deceitful? No house of God is spared from this. 

Even followers of traditional temples like any temple  in the name of Bo Tien 武天 can succumb to this in its own way. 

That is the truth. Many may be silent over this but the truth is loud even in silence. Death is capitalised. Every big day of a heavenly saint is opportunity for financial gain. 

What is loss is gain. How ironical can this be? But how else can a temple or house of God survive? This is a world of reality of no money no talk. 

A man must be pure and good at heart and what goes on in the world is no issue. He can be better at being man and be one with God and saints. He will not be less man than man in the name of God.

Monday, March 5, 2018

How to make good in life

No 1763 of Living Life Series 1 

Let not life fix us. We should fix life instead. Better still is not to have any fixation. 

Rise above the ups and downs and the to and fro of life. This is what we should go for. This is the way to be better in life and to make good in life and be better than what we are. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that this is the truth that we must go for in any religion or culture. This is how to make good in life. 

Do not be fixed by life. Do not try to fix life though this is a better option. Best is to be beyond fixation.

Be wise and insightful

No 1762 of Living Life Series 1 

Speak less and listen more. 

Be aware of what is in the mind of others. 

Speak not what you want others to know. They may end up having the wrong message. Often this is the cause of dissent and ill will. 

Religions face this risk and have potential to fan disunity. Religions should unite men. If religions do not unite men, then they are no longer religions. 

Religions should make men better than what they are, better in the religions  and cultures they are in. 

All boils down to wisdom and moment-to-moment mindfulness what Bo Tien 武天 refers to as insightfulness. 

All religions are good. What may not be good are men.

No drama out of life and religion

No 1761 of Living Life Series 1 

Wailers were favored and expected in days of old so much so that professional paid wailers were resorted to at Chinese funerals. This became distasteful and frown at. 

But the modern men of 2018 and beyond did exactly what they frown at. They wail to God and place their lives in the hands of God. What is the difference? 

Bo Tien 武天 points to us that we must understand the nature of men and learn from this. We will be better off that way. 

No one should wail should we be gone. Of what use is wailing to the living  and the dead. Just pack the dead up and let them go in peace. 

Of what use is wailing to God when there is a problem. Just handle it and move on whatever the outcome. 

Do not make drama out of problems in life. Wailing has to do with attachment. This is not ideal. 

We should not even be attached to spot up there in the heavens or to even the doctrine for any attachment is a hindrance to progress in spiritual. 

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Silence best when every man is man like no other

No 1760 of Living Life Series 1 

Saved by grace or saved by good works can be the starting point in spirituality. 

But many will argue till kingdom come which is correct. 

That is in the nature of men. 

What matters is to see that they are the flip sides of the coin. 

What matters is to know this and rise above the folly of rationalisation. 

God is silent but men do not take silence as the answer. Every man is a man like no other and tends to speak for God. 

It is in silence that we have inner peace. We have to be calm and at peace. Then we will not be swayed by the ways of many and instead of flowing downstream with others, we have to go upstream to upper source for clear water. This is pointed out by Bo Tien 武天.

Have heaven now to continue into the afterlife

No 1759 of Living Life Series 1 

Heaven must start now and not just in the afterlife. 

Many live as though heaven can wait till afterlife. 

Then what meaning there is to life if we have to have heaven not now but only afterlife. 

What we must have is to have heaven now to continue into the afterlife. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that there is the flipside of worldly happiness. Whatever we have, there is the flipside. 

There is the positive and negative - the yang and the yin. We cannot have one without the other and this too is in afterlife. 

But we need to have the insight the moment to moment insight that gives inner peace of the spirit. 

This is the truth inner to and behind the stated or perceived in religions or in cultures. This is the Inner Truth Bo Tien 武天 says is in life.

All for God and love but not for parents and elders?

No 1758 of Living Life Series 1

The objection to ancestor worship is no excuse for not being with elders and parents when they need you most. 

Many are dependent on parents and elders when young and not able to stretch their wings and fly. But once they can take flight, they would not even have their parents and elders in their line of vision. 

Is this not a lack of respect for parents and elders? They even find fault with the parents and elders and they insist that God (or heavenly saint) is what they must have in their line of vision. 

They think that not doing so is going against God and will not get them any favor from God. 

Isn't that discrediting God? Isn't that not in keeping with love? 

They claim that they love others as per teaching of God. But they turn a blind eye on parents and elders. They end up all for God and love for others but not for parents and elders. 

Thus Bo Tien 武天 stress the need for respect for elders and parents as one of the universal precepts regardless of religion or culture.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Truth behind first full moon of lunar new year

No 1757 of Living Life Series 1

The first moon of the new year heralds in the new year. It grows from sickle to full moon. This represents the aspiration of men to grow and to progress. This represents hope. 

But there is always the imperfection of life. Change is inevitable. This is the true nature of life. This is the truth in life. Culture or tradition blows up the dream of men. 

But we cannot live in dream. The dream bubble will grow but will burst. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that all religions and cultures teach this reality. But men often cannot face this. 

Religion will never draw in the crowd if it harps on the harsh nature of life. 

Many do not want to be reminded and even sages of religion are portrayed as guarantees of dreams. Truth hurts but dreams are pleasing. 

How do we be at peace with truth in life? Well, we need to have inner peace come what may be it the yin or yang. This is how we can have balance in life and have the peace at heart regardless of the swirls that abound. Bo Tien 武天 says this is the Inner Truth in any culture or religion.

Need for true wisdom

No 1756 of Living Life Series 1

What is of the land, bring it not to God or any heavenly saint. 

What is of the land will be decided by the authority that be. 

What is of God is decided by God. God will never interfere with the laws of the land. Bo Tien 武天 clearly stated this. 

This is what  is echoed in any culture and the Bible is no exception. There it is stated that we give to Rome what is due to Rome and to God what is due to God, 

Bo Tien 武天 added that all must know who is God and who is Man. This requires insight and moment-to-moment mindfulness which has to do with true wisdom. 

True wisdom has to do with not only one's good but the good of the many.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Men tend to judge due to no insight

No 1755 of Living Life Series 1 

There is truth in every culture and every form of religious practices. Do not judge by appearance and form. 

What seems not right to one is still right. What seems right to some may seem not right to others. This is the nature of life. 

Bo Tien 武天 says we must see through the tendency of men to be like that. 

What is needed is insight so that we can see the oneness in diversity. 

Even in the early days of the mission Bo Tien 武天 descended in 1969 in Singapore to do, there is obvious cause for misunderstanding. 

This is for all to learn so that all can arrive at the common goodness that is behind all religions and cultures. 

Bo Tien 武天 refers to this as the Inner Truth. 

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Unlock Inner Truth not the astral eye, tongue, ear

No 1754 of Living Life Series 1 

Do you unlock the astral eye, tongue or ear in you? 

Let us deal with the astral eye. Why do you need the astral eye? Well what you see with our worldly eyes will never be what the astral eye could see? A stone is just a stone but in the astral world, the stone is colorful and more than a stone. 

This Bo Tien 武天 did say. But without insight, the astral eye may end up seeing the unsightly and the unpleasant. Then there will be no peace at heart. 

What is important is to know what is good for not only yourself but for others. This true goodness is in all religions and Bo Tien 武天 refers to this as the truth behind expounded truths. 

This is the Inner Truth. 

We must not just unlock the astral eye, tongue or ear but the Inner Truth. 

Some can unlock the Inner Truth without having the astral eye, tongue or ear. 

Sometimes, mental illness people hear voices, sees things that are in the head or even speak gibberish. These should not be mistaken as astral eye, tongue or ear

The religions and cultures of the day allow many to achieve Inner Truth through not one path but through many. They support and are pillars to the Inner Truth.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Do not add to the problems of man in distress

No 1753 of Living Life Series 1 

A dying or very sick person is tired. 

Do you think he will welcome conversation? He would rather be left alone. 

Yet there are those who harass him with accepting a sage or heavenly saint. 

Just leave him alone and let him cope with his tiredness. 

Only the unethical will at this time do the unthinkable. 

He does not even have the energy to pally with suggestions and issues. 

Let him have some peace even if peace is difficult. 

At least, do not add to the stress he is managing. Failure to do so is to fail to have insight and love. 

He may even be under sedation and cannot think clearly. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that the problems of men lie in the lack of insight and they may bedevil the dying and very sick man in the name of God. Isn't that doing a great disservice to God?

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Do not make other beliefs invisible

No 1752 of Living Life Series 1 

Do not make other cultures invisible. Many in eagerness to embrace new culture downplay the cultures of their ancestors. 

When religion takes on a cultural mask, this can have negative consequences. Instead of upholding the cultures men are born into, men of a religion make such cultures invisible. 

Foreign cultures and religions take over and become the attractions and trend setters. This is accepted as good and they do create good but can be  banes in disguise as gains. 

One good illustration is tobacco. We know it is bad. But in old days cigarette smoking is considered good and classy even though mere handling of fresh tobacco leaves at open tobacco plantations can easily cause vomiting and acute illness. 

This is in the nature of life. What many consider as good is actually not. But what they want is to be different, to look classy and to be in new trends. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that we must learn from life. 

Life is the greatest teacher. Do not live life blindly. Have insight or what is referred to as mindfulness. Only then, can all be really better and good in whatever religions they are in. 

Any religion will do but this does not mean that all the practices are congenial to all the people in that religion. 

Often, it is better to believe in what are good and never draw the line between religions. Embrace all even if we are in only one religion. That will be wholesome and the world more pleasant. There will be more of love and harmony.

Hunger for good is not the good God wants in us

No 1751 of Living Life Series 1 

He who wants something but cannot get it is in hunger for it. He is a hungry ghost in a way. 

The way to go is to be contented even if he cannot have what he wants. Then he is not a hungry ghost but a satiated being. 

He who goes to a religion to seek providence from God can risk being hungry ghost even while still every inch a human being and devout to God. 

The right and proper way to religion is to know what is good. Do not hunger for this or that but just make do and move on. 

Do not deny outright what can come our way just because we think God can provide and we think we do nothing and wait for God to do things from above. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that what we must have is to know what is good. Any good is no good if we get flustered when we cannot get it. 

We will not have inner peace. Bo Tien 武天 says that inner peace can only come with practice of what is truly good. 

This truly good is behind all religions and cultures. Hunger for good is not the good religions refer to. This good is the Inner Truth in all religions and cultures.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Religion is for those who can please and love others

No 1750 of Living Life Series 1 

When will men learn that pleasing themselves is NOT to displease others. 

In reality, the truth is that pleasing others will please themselves even more. 

This is what Bo Tien 武天 says is the loving kindness that all religions talk about. 

Let this be our guiding principle regardless of religion. 

We should never please ourselves by displeasing others. We can be better than that. We should only be pleased if can please others. 

But helping others to please themselves by displeasing those they dislike is not the way of loving kindness. It is the way of hatred and lack of truth. They have poor insight of what is good. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that they know not what is good. 

They have no understanding of life and what is good in life, let alone be considered as religious. They are far from religious though they say they are. 

Religion is for those who can please and love others.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Is life or God a keepsake?

No 1749 of Living Life Series 1 

Life is never ours. But we always think it is in our hands. 

Even God cannot promise eternal life. Life has to do with God and goodness. 

Life belongs to the person who saves and treasures life. Life never belongs to the one who captures and misuses life. 

We must save life and not destroy it. Life is the gift for all. Treasure it and be wise. Life like any gift is not for our whims and fancies. If we mismanage life, life will be a destroyed item to be thrown to the junkyard. 

Treasure life and be true to life. Then life will be rewarding and a blessing. 

Remember that any blessing, like any toy will not be forever and when no longer attractive, any toy will be discarded to rubbish bin. 

Our life when old will no longer be treasured even by love ones who prefer new toys that is their own lives. 

It is often the case that men treasure God or a heavenly saint for keepsake. But is life, God or a heavenly saint for keeps? 

Many value God or a heavenly saint like Bo Tien 武天 but treasures them as keepsakes. 

What is important is to treasure what they stand for and not treat Divinity as keepsakes. Is God or a heavenly saint for keeps? 

God or a heavenly saint is for goodness and this is what God or heavenly saints stand for. 

We must be good and goodness is God or any heavenly saint. This is the teaching of Bo Tien 武天 and applies to any religion.