
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord Bo Tien (武天菩萨). The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affiliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. Needless to say that all the saints we know are in this temple. Ji Gong Posat too is no exception. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven. We worship God and saints, not man however good that man may be. There should be no hero worshiping or idolizing of man whether he is a charismatic pastor, priest, monk, medium or lay leader. We don't even idol worship the image of any saint but reflect on what the image stands for. - the doctrine in the image. Omitofo 阿弥陀佛!.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Devilising God and saint is a problem with men

No 518 of Living Life Series 1

Who we worship or pray to depends on what we want and make out of the god or saint we hold on to as object of veneration. 

Even if we pray to God Almighty but perceive him as the reservoir of our far from divinely expectations, then there arise in the God figure or iconic representation not God but the embodiment of one far from godly. 

We may then make the devil out of the God or saint we em-place in a church or temple. That is sad but is a reality of the modern age of 2014 and beyond.

Likewise, if we pray to the image of a saint or god whom many decry as pagan worship and proclaim that we are influenced by the devil and of the devil, then are we truly of the devil? 

Well, this need not be so. God would have forbidden it if it was so. Well again, men say that God gives free will and this extends to the free-will to say others' God is not God but Satan or the devil. Is God so narrow minded and intolerant, so petty and conniving like the many who are bigots? 

If we pray to the wrong image or representation of God or saint and even if it happens to be of the devil, what matters is what we want or make out of him. 

If we see in him the goodness of God and saint, and if in the process we model our individual precious life and soul in this holistic and wholesome goodness, we make God and saint out of the seemingly devil of an image in that temple or church. 

Then though far from God or saint, having em-placed the devil of an image as God in the temple, we are near though far from God and saint. The far may be near and the near far. 

The good at heart may be in the temple of the devil but if he has God in his heart in all thoughts, words and deeds, though far as he is in the temple of the devil, he is near to God. 

He may indeed be nearer to God than one in the temple or church of God and saint but has the heart of the devil in all his thoughts, words and deeds. 

Thus the saying of Lord Bo Tien that the far may be near and the near far is one saying we must remember and reflect to at all times.

It is applicable and holds true even in any of the temples under his name. The pioneers and elders may rightly or wrongly preceive some of the younger lot or upstarts as gone with the wind as far as mission and doctrine to save souls is concerned. 

They may be heavy laden at heart and think somehow that so-and-so is simply not up to the mark but please don't be opinionated. Don't ever be too sure. 

Even if he is way off the mark and has detoured and gone astray, so long as that so-and-so persists and stays in the temple of the lord, one fine day that so-and-so will reach the end point even if he has detoured umpteen times. 

He may be that wrong now and may have even misdirected the temple of the lord to the ever mundane social and worldly pursuits. He may bury away the more wholesome and worthy spiritual and doctrinal goals. That would be no loss, so long as he is in the temple of the lord. 

He may however be like the turtle in the turtle and the hare story. Though he may be outright wrong to begin with but so long as he is in the temple of the lord, he may indeed arrive at the spiritual end-point earlier than the hare who is conceited. Though he has gone for the mundane, he may well stand the chance of going back to the supra-mundane, so long as he is in the temple of the lord.

On the other hand, that so-and-so may well not be like the turtle as in the fable of the turtle and the hare. That so-and-so may be seeing and expecting all the wrong things in the temple and the saint of that temple. Though the image is of the lord saint, he may see in the image all the wrong things and end up worshiping the devil instead of the saint.

There is always the danger of men making a devil out of God and saint in a temple and that is more common than we think. This is as long as men think that they are right and others wrong. The word is bigotry. 

Is bigotry an issue with religions in the modern world of 2014 and beyond? It may even be an issue within the folds of the same temple and with members and followers of the same God and saint. 

Perhaps, devilising God and saint is indeed a problem with some men. 

We must see the Doctrine or Word in the saint and not the devil in the saint. The image is the doctrine and the doctrine is the image. This Lord Bo Tien said with respect to his image in his temple. 

The problem dear readers is that the devil in man may make a devil out of the image of a saint in the temple of God and saint. Then the temple will appear to be a temple of man rather than of God and saint. The truth is that the temple may descend to lowly level and be a temple of the devil in man.

This is not an uncommon fate of religions and the temples and churches of men. Sad this may be but how else can there be adequate satisfaction of any sorts when men call the tune and not God and saints. 

Men may often act on their own word and their word then would seem to be the word of God. Men indeed have the potential to make mockery out of the otherwise good image of God and saints. How else can there be the many unkind acts of all kind and imagination in the name of God and saints? 

Men indeed are supposed to be kind and benevolent to those who have erred and to those who do not see eye to eye with them but there is at times not even an inch of give and take. 

How unloving can they be. They are far from being able to love their enemies and those who are not with them.

A problem of men is that often men supposedly of God and saint may end up devilising the good image of God and saint. 


Lord Bo Tien

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

More to good even with the not so good

No 517 of Living Life Series 1

Who is better and more good,
the one on ground
or the superior one above?

Many religions and temples focus on what will attract the crowd and what that will appeal. These may be far from the best of the good and deal with the not so good. But what matters is that they appeal and bring in the numbers and the vibrancy in a temple or a religion. 

For those more discerning and who want more, they can stand on their own and move on, away from the crowd. They have to if they want to go to the next stage and many stages higher. 

But those at higher stages should not decry the lack of wisdom of those at lower stages. Who would expect a kindergarten child to know Einstein theory or the theory of relativity, evolution and the wide world of science. All that they need be told is that there is God and that God created the world. This is good enough. 

There is more to good with the not so good. Won't this ring a bell? 

The teachings of many temples are the teachings which many could grasp but the truth is beyond and even perhaps behind this. We must go to the upper source for clear water but to do so we must first be at the downstream. This Lord Bo Tien said. 

Whilst the water from the upper source is clear,
who have the better edge
those at the down stream
or those at the upper source?
At times it may be
those at the downstream

But to one who is at the downstream, even the polluted water of the river is alright and it may be futile to ask him to go against the current to go to the upper stream. He may be irked by you and find you wanting if you tell him to go for the upper source for better water. 

He may even find the mud and shit of the water at the downstream palatable and enriching. They do add taste and give character and distinctive flavor to the water.

All of us feel that way when we start with life and religion but when we are more discerning and grow in wisdom, we know better and stay away from the crowd and the downstream. We wade and row against the current to the upper source. 

We do not god for distinctiveness or uniqueness. Instead, we go for plain truth or reality. 

We however do try to help the rest at the downstream but if they are not ready, then we just have to wait it out till they are ready. Anyway the polluted water of the downstream may still serve its purpose and if not for the religions and sects of the downstream, many would be lost from the river and from divinity. 

There is more to good even with the not so good. This is true even in a temple of any lord saint and a temple of Lord Bo Tien is no exception. 

While those at the helm of the temple know little of the doctrine, and do mere social and welfare work, what they do may be not so good to the more discerning and the wise. But then of course, there is more to good even with the not so good. 

As the saying goes, let not pride get into the way. Pride may beget a fall. The hare may in complacency sleep and still lose the race to the turtle who though crawling at snail pace may even reach higher stages and the finishing line - enlightenment and sainthood that is the divine end point. 

Thus the big joke is that the not so good may reach and have more good after all. This may be the way men of Tao or Way learn to eat humble pie. 

So long as one is not yet saint, who knows the person who is not as good may end up good enough to be saint so long as he can prod along and not walk backwards. Omitofo

....where the good co-exist with the not so good
 and even as brethren as should be the case
based on yin and yang principle
taught by Lord Bo Tien
- the balance of polarities as depicted
by the image of Lord Bo Tien
with the feet on the elements

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Schemers in the house of God

No 516 of Living Life Series 1

"OMG, there is a criminal and schemer in the temple! " Read on to know more...

The schemes of men are often not good and are rooted in personal motive. These if happen in a temple or house of God will be contradictory to the teaching of God and saints. 

Why is there the need to scheme? Why go for personal motive in a temple when the good of all men and beings must take center stage? How can the schemer hold his head high in the house of God?

That is exactly what is happening despite the best efforts to keep a temple or church on track and in line with the will of Heaven for the good of all. 

But the lord saint Lord Bo Tien did say that men should not blame the flower for insects coming to it for nectar and keeping others away*. How profound can this be and how meaningful! 

Lord Bo Tien

Among the schemes of men at a temple is the often repeated scheme to devise a plan to keep out the old-timers, the pioneers or elders so that the schemer can have a free hand and field day to take over the reins. 

For those who are otherwise not schemers and who are at the helm of a temple and spiritually motivated, the standard practice is to allow all those in arrears of membership payment to pay up just before the annual general meeting. 

This will activate membership and enable more to participate at the AGM. This is in keeping with the heavenly principle that all are near and dear to God and saints. There are no chosen few. 

*We need all both the yin and the yang in the society be it at a temple or outside a temple. Yin and yang coexistence and balance is referred to by Lord Bo Tien so that men and the temples of men can have peace and true progress.

But for a schemer, all that is needed is to meticulously ensure that the membership roll of a temple is deliberately trimmed off those who fail to pay up their annual membership fees. He does not subscribe to yin and yang diversity for oneness and wholeness in a temple.

Often there is no verbal cues for members in arrears of membership subscriptions to pay up. There is also no written reminders by those at the helm of the temple. These are obvious signs of scheming. 

Then what remains of the membership are those with the schemer. The schemer can put in more yes-men who are often in his camp -  his friends, kith and kin. 

Then lo and behold at the annual general meeting, the schemer can have his field day. His take over and monopoly of the house of God is complete but what he gets is not the hearts of men but his isolation in world of his own creation.

The schemer can take over the management of the temple or church after purging and cleansing the membership roll off those who hold views different from him and often these are the old hags or pioneers. This is the way the schemer can get what he wants and have peace his way.

Yes the doctrine of God and any saint is to enable men and beings to have peace and be at peace with life and all. The schemer's concept of what this peace is and how to achieve it is very warped though he thinks he has achieved the peace. 

He may be in the house of God and saints. Though he is near to God, he is far. No wonder the lord saint stresses that the near may be far and the far near*. 

Though he is far from God and the lord saint of the temple, he is still accepted by God and saints. But the irony is that he will not accept those men and elders who are far from him in views and approach.

Forgive him for he does not know what he does, or perhaps he does know after all. 

Other accounts on schemers in life of men occur too outside the house of God and in life out there in society and in the world under the blue sky. 

Lord Bo Tien did say that the world under the sky is the universal temple or church with the sky or Heaven as the roof and religions as the pillars. Can schemers too have their field day in the universal temple? Readers should know better. 

Do not forget that a schemer at a temple is there because of the affinity from past lives he had with God and saints even if he has erred and continue to err. Those others who are seemingly better than the schemer somehow have not the same affinity. 

So do not judge God and saints. Please do not think God and saints are dumb. Perhaps it is we who are dumb. Judge not lest we be judged. 

Affinity determines if one is able to be in the orbit of a heavenly saint in this life and the next. It is not because he is favored or a prodigal son. It is just affinity. 

Moreover as what Lord Bo Tien did say a heavenly lord saint could choose to select a criminal to be a medium or a leader if he decides to train him*. 

Though the criminal has weakness, he may have certain abilities and in fact be a more capable and refreshing subcontractor* to work on the temple. He may be an asset in some way. This too the lord saint did say.

Do also look towards any temple named after the lord saint if you want to learn more of how a society or a temple should be and should not be. We can learn from the strengths and weaknesses of fellow men*. This Lord Bo Tien did say. 

But this is different from judging. Judge not lest we be judged. Do not be critical and pass offensive remarks. That would be unkind and unpleasant. We will be far from the peace that God and saints want us to have.

Do not retaliate and scheme against the schemer, more so in the house of God. Do be kind in words, thoughts and deeds to those who have erred. Do just be empathetic and learn so that we can improve our lot spiritually and otherwise. 

Do have loving kindness* which all saints including Lord Bo Tien dwell in depth. But there must be wisdom and the best wisdom requires us to correct the schemer. That too is to really practice loving kindness. To let him continue to do wrong is unkind and not loving kindness,

As said, it would be even better if we can make good those who have erred. Let there be abiding peace all round and this is best. That way we stand to even gain the heart of the one who schemes. 

This is even more so relevant and necessary in the house of God. We have better chance to ensure he schemes no more and turn him round to the straight and honest-to-goodness path. 

Alas however, for the stubborn schemer with no iota of spirituality and no heart in God and saints but bent on having his way and making mockery out of the house of God, there is need to be firm and show we mean business. There is need to send him to hell to wake him up and rehabilitate him thereafter. 

This is what God and saints will do in afterlife for a schemer and that is why there is Hell. If, however, a temple elder can mete the hellish wake-up call in this life, won't that be better that he reforms in this life and does not need to have to wait till afterlife to face hell and be reformed. He should then rightly be thankful to the temple elder. Omitofo. 

No need for stubborn schemer to go to Hell 
if only the temple elder could deal with 
the schemer firmly and in no uncertain terms
and reform him......... 

* refers to the teachings of Lord Bo Tien. Total of seven mentioned in this post

Friday, March 14, 2014

What schemers and deceivers of elders need to know

No 515 of Living Life Series 1

"Know why the mission to save souls
is of Heaven and not of men 
by reading this post"

Respect for elders and parents is part of culture of all races and religions; so also with with the moral need not to speak untruths and not to scheme.

It is therefore no surprise that it is the 6th precept, one of the seven universal precepts introduced by Lord Bo Tien and the precepts are displayed at all Bo Tien temples. 

Another precept has to do with those who are untruthful and are schemers. It is precept no 7. 

The Universal Precepts are:-
1. I must believe in One God 
2. I must believe in what all the Saints preach in words, thoughts, deeds and all that are written.
3. I must not kill.
4. I must not steal and do what is extremely bad to harm my neighbors or their belongings.
5. I must not covet my neighbor's wife.
6. I must respect my parents and all those elder than me.
7. I must not bear false witnesses against my neighbors'.

In Chinese culture, it is noteworthy that the Hill of Ice is one of the 18 levels of Hell where those who are schemers and who do not respect elders will have to go to after their present lives as men. 

The precept for respect for elders and pioneers no doubt occupies a prominent place in society and no less at any Bo Tien Temple. 

The gate of Hell is ever open to all
who are schemers and deceivers of elders

Schemers and deceivers of elders need to know that they face prospect of hell in afterlife. The picture at bottom of post is graphic portrayal but the truth may not be exactly like that but it does convey the core essence of the dire consequences of being schemers and deceivers of elders.

Hell and the two guardian deities
of the gate of Hell eagerly summon
all deceivers of elders and schemers

as well as all those who condone 
and abet them for intensive correction.

So do beware as we have been warned. But many still choose to ignore and do what they want. They think God and saints are not there or even if there, God and saints couldn't care less. 

Worse still are those who know the deeds of such people but choose to close an eye. By doing so, they are condoning, condescending or perhaps not doing their parts to right the wrong. They may face similar consequences as the schemers and deceivers of elders. 

When judgement day comes, they have to explain themselves, why don't they do something good for the men who are wrongdoers. By doing so, they can at least make some good out of the many wrongs in this world even if they cannot right the wrongs of the wrong doers. 

But then again, they may think that God and saints too are doing nothing and why should they do so. They are additionally wronging God and saints over and above the wrong of not correcting the wrongs of those who are schemers and deceivers of elders. 

We should not only keep abreast of what schemers and deceivers of elders need to know and correct them, but also we do need to know what will befall us if we do not do our part to correct them and make good some of the many wrongs in this world. 

But somehow in the process, we must not condemn and be judgmental. This calls for the art of balance and how to be at peace in situations far from peaceful

Truly a keeper of the universal precepts

This dear friends and especially those in the mission of Lord Bo Tien is what the lord saint set out to do so as to save souls. But like it or not, deceivers of elders and schemers are everywhere even in any temple, no less at a Bo Tien temple. 

Though it is improbable as such at a Bo Tien temple as a temple in the name of Lord Bo Tien is a flag bearer and is tasked as a keeper of precepts by the lord saint. 

Another Bo Tien temple
not of concrete
but better than concrete

Even we may be schemers and deceivers. How true is this and how pathetic! 

So how can the mission of the lord saint depend on men. No wonder, it is the Mission of Heaven and not of men. Thus  have this been said. 

Please do not feel offended if you happen to be an ardent follower of Lord Bo Tien. This article is posted in good faith as one must ever realise that the time of reckoning is always there. Omitofo.

PS: Hill of Cold Ice - one level of the 18 levels of Hell
Schemers, deceivers of elders (including parents) and adulterers will be left naked in freezing cold.

Monday, March 10, 2014

The right way to be rich

No 514 of Living Life Series 1

Pity be to men who are rich and yet poor in spirit for they will be the bane of society. Rejoice in men who are poor but rich in spirit for they are the living torches to lead others out of gloom and doom. They are the saints of men. Are you one of them?

Many temples big (mega temples) and in the limelight attract men who are rich or want to be rich but alas they are rich but poor in spirit. They bring woe to those they lead. 

They sell the end that money can buy men places in heaven. Money end up buying the leaders of the temple places on Earth even if not in Heaven. 

This is the wrong way for a temple and its men at its helm to be rich. What then is the right way? 

Be richer in spirit than in flesh. What matters is what is in the heart or spirit and not what one does in flesh or what goes through the gut. This is the guiding principle of saints like Ji Gong. 

Ji Gong

Even Lord Bo Tien in 1975 said that he came down not to display his heavenly or divine majesty but to save souls through Tao - the cultivation of love - love is the only way for men and a temple to be rich. But richness must be more in spirit than in flesh. This is the only way for a man or a temple to save souls and be rich.

Lord Bo Tien

If we find men saying that God loves the rich and powerful who give in abundance to the temple or church, then have some thought on their way of promoting religion. This is not in keeping with the norms,

God and saints love all even those who promote the prosperity gospel. This includes those who are wayward and promoting places beside God if they enrich God. The more one enriches God, the richer will one be. 

There is always the right way to be spiritually right and rich and it may or may not have anything to do with being rich in the flesh. But things are no longer as they are. 

People want to be even that more richer in flesh even if they are already rich. They think God and his temple can make this happen. Indeed, this may be so or is it not so? God knows. 

Well, the world has changed allot. What was wrong ages ago may be right today and what was right in the past may be wrong and frowned at today. Is this the sign of the times? Is this improvement or sheer decadence?

A temple where there is surely more
richness in spirit than in the flesh. 

Namo Bo Tien Posat

The sages of old will no longer be sages if they are here today in the flesh. The next human saint, guru, buddha or messiah may well have to be that much a multimillionaire and be even more as he gained his following. How ironical can this be?

Religion and men need money but God don't. No one will deny this reality but yet prosperity gospel is the in-thing and is catching on. God has no objection to that. How is that going to affect us in the long term? God knows. 

Men are still groping and getting to know more of God like the blind men trying to know the elephant. This is despite the sober reality that religions and saints have been around to guide men for a very long time.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Richness in life not wealth is what matters

No 513 of Living Life Series 1

It is strange that many men do know what they want but often go for money as though money is the end-all. Men know that money is the currency to get what is needed in the world of the mundane. 

Money is the means to the end but not the end in itself. What is the end? It is the satisfaction in life. 

Yes no doubt we may be satisfied if we have money but what is more important is how we live our life so that we look forward to each sunrise and sunset with peace at heart. 

We must have less problems and even if there are problems, they are no issues to us and life is peaceful and ever a breeze amid the problems of the day and time. 

Some problems are not meant to be solved but can only be contained or reconciled with. That way there is more amiable pace of life for us to have peace. 

We must not do nothing or have nothing to do. We too must not have too many things in our hands. 

Go for the doable and leave aside the rest for now. Do keep in view the rest. While we know there is the sky and the sky is the limit, we cannot fly or climb up to the sky. Surely, we will fall and be hurt. 

But knowing that, many still reach for the sky and behave like rats. This they say is the rat race. But we are men, not rats. 

We should not run along in life but we should walk and still move on in life. We must eschew each moment in life and be aware of each moment. 

We must have time to appreciate life and its moments. We must have time to smell the roses or what have we. We must create time to count blessings and value life as it unfurls. 

We must be mindfully aware and be at peace. But we must not be idle since time and tide waits for no man. Isn't that wonderful? 

Don't rush through life and be crushed by the haste and flurry of life. That will stifle the daylight out of life.

Don't be blind to the richness of life which money cannot buy but which ironically still need currency of money to bring about. Money should not be the master but the servant. 

We must not be held to ransom by lack of money. We must make do with what we can have and be thankful to God and saints above.

We must not be rich but yet poor, agonizing badly in wanting to have more and more. We must not be crushed by our lust for more.

When we want more and more, somehow we will feel we have less and less. More can be less and less can be more. 

It is the richness in life and not wealth that matters. Are we rich in life? That is the big question. 

The spiritual principle behind is that we do not crave more and yet more but we do not deny and shun life. We move on with life and make do, yet have gains along the way. 

Whatever we can get and whatever we cannot get are immaterial. We just want to be happy and at peace in whatever situation we may be in. 

Contentment is the best of all options. But complacency will get the better of us and will spell disaster. 

These are principles that sages of old follow and they are referred to as the Way or Tao to divine peace but which if we apply them to mundane life, we will have no strife and no loss (emptiness) but more life and peace. 

The image of Lord Bo Tien
exemplifies Tao with feet atop
the elements of yin and yang.

Tao if applied to either 
spiritual and mundane 
brings peace and results
This the lord saint did say 

The Way involves balancing the polarities of life the yin and the yang. It is not running away and have nothing. It is not indulging and having more. It is how to value life and have more when we go for the optimum which is often less. Often more is less and less is more.

Richness in life not wealth is what matters. Ji Gong The Living Buddha in his life as man centuries ago was poor and in beggarly robes with patch works but he was rich in life and had more to spare even for those better endowed than him worldly wise. 

He was poor and yet rich with more to spare for others. He is a saint and a blessing to all of life. That is why he is considered a wealth god in Taiwan. Omitofo

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Making life work even in face of odds

No 512 of Living Life Series 1

We cannot run and hide from the consequences of our actions. We can only try to run but often whatever and however hard we try we are still at same spot. 

Worse of all we may feel the shame and this may make matters worse and we try to run. Stand still and face reality. Accept what comes our way. 

By all means learn from the shortcomings of our actions and face them bravely but wisely and calmly. Maintain the composure and be steady and at peace even in face of storms. 

Storms will not last forever and calm will return, We will only be swept way and be drowned if we are ruffled and panicky. Hold on to a large tree or better still seek out a good shelter. 

If sheltered by a saint, problems big and small will be no issue. This is the way to make life less eventful. Remember however that there is always the element of fate but even so the saints above are always there for us.

Small issues will be no issues. Big issues will become small issues even if they cannot be no issue. This Lord Bo Tien says. 

Even if there are issues, do what we can and do not die for them. It is not worth it. 

Be like Ji Gong and laugh away the issues. Have a good heart. What matters is not what others do to us or think of us. What matters is what we think of ourselves and do to ourselves. 

Ji Gong Huo Fo

Do not degrade and be derogatory to self. Stay calm and be at peace. There will always be better days. Ji Gong just did that and cultivated the peace and purity of the heart. What matters is not what one does or eats but what is in the heart. 

With this, against all odds and opinions of his colleagues at the monastery during his life as man many centuries ago, he succeeded as a saint though many at the monastery were exasperated by his eccentric ways and sent him out into the streets.

This will give us insight on how to make life work for us and not we work for life and suffer in the hands of life and fate. We will not let fate has its way. 

We will be ever happy and peaceful even in face of odds. We will be like Ji Gong. Cheers and Omitofo. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Chopstick doctrine in religion

No 511 of Living Life Series 1

A pair of chopsticks may seem unappealing other than knowledge that easterners like Chinese and Japanese use chopsticks to eat. Interestingly it comes as a pair and both must complement so that the user can pick up food. There is balance and coordination needed to use them to pick up food. 

Initially, concerted and conscious effort is needed but over time, this no longer requires conscious effort and it becomes a habit. When one is learning to eat, it can be a hassle and there will be dis-ease if one cannot use chopsticks when eating say chinese food. 

But over time, when one is versatile with chopsticks, there is little effort needed. One no longer has to struggle and fight with oneself over the use of chopsticks and eating becomes a joy and there is peace. 

The link below to You Tube entitled Chopsticks* will allow readers to refresh and appreciate how chopsticks are very much part of Chinese culture. It has to do with spiritual principles inherent in life and applicable to both mundane and spiritual life. 

A pair of chopsticks may seem innocuous but it speaks volumes about the wisdom of the ancient sages. Chopsticks tell us about life and how we must master the art of living so that life is no longer a struggle and there will be ease and peace. Life will then be no longer an effort and we can be more productive and aware of life around us. 

Chopsticks come in many styles and can be made of different materials. That adds to the variety but whatever the differences or styles, they are still chopsticks and we need to handle them the same way to pick up food.

Chopsticks tell us about the art of living. We need to handle the left and right of life to move on. If we are not adept and still learning, it is admittedly no doubt an effort to use chopsticks and life or eating is no longer a joy, no longer peaceful as such. 

The same applies to life in general both mundane and spiritual. Know the polarities and be very aware of worldly contingencies like praise blame, gain loss, honor dishonor, health ill health and what have we - male female, husband wife, odd and even, sunrise sunset etc. 

The sages of old refer to these as yin and yang - yin for passive and yang for active. Even in use of chopsticks, one of the pair is moved more actively. There is the yang and yin of chopsticks. 

We need to balance and be atop yin and yang to be at peace so that life can move on more peacefully. This is the yin and yang doctrine but we can also say that this is the chopstick doctrine. 

Religions or sects may indeed differ and be of varying diverse styles and making like the various kinds of chopsticks. But indeed they strikingly and admittedly serve the same purpose of enabling peace in life both mundane or spiritual. Thus sages of old in China and Lord Bo Tien as well stress on yin and yang balance to have peace. This is immaterial of which religion or sect we profess. 

Work life balance is one aspect or application of yin yang balance. It is the norm or principle of jobs in the mundane world. 

Yin yang balance is as depicted by the feet of Lord Bo Tien gingerly but firmly applying pressure on the two polarities or elements. There is the art and need for coordination as well as doing it differently with progress of time and change of scenarios. 

Lord Bo Tien

Likewise in use of chopsticks, depending on what we are picking up, there is need for variation of pressure and style. Sometimes the porcelain spoon may have to come in to assist. 

Readers should reflect that religious or spiritual principles are already in mundane life and culture passed down to us by ancestors. There is no need for written scriptures. 

Life is the living bible. The doctrine is in life and life is the doctrine. No wonder, Lord Bo Tien says that his image is about life and his image is the doctrine. The doctrine is his image. 

Last but not least, even within a temple of any religion, we need both the right and not so right to work as one for the peace and progress of the temple. We need the left and the right like the left and right of chopsticks to work together.

The pioneers and subsequent generations must learn to work as one. They must learn to work together effortlessly and that will be the day. This applies to any temple and no less to any Bo Tien temple.

A temple with no slap-sticks
but only chopsticks
that all can be proud of.

Any Bo Tien temple anywhere in the world has to be the torch for other temples to emulate. Respect for elders is one of the precepts or pillars but respect must always and ever be two way. There is no doubt on this. Chopsticks must work as a pair and in synergy. 

Do not end up having men in a temple being slap-sticks to one another - inflicting woes and making a big joke out of the temple. People in a temple must not be like slap-sticks to one another. But sometimes saying so and stating the obvious can be waste of time. 

They are actually meant to be chopsticks to one another and please not slap-sticks. That would make them look like clowns. What a big joke that would be? It would be so unbecoming of any temple to devolve to such shameful state. It will become the talk of the town. 

It would be a let-down to its saint and the doctrine of the saint of that temple. The men at such a temple would then not be able to stand tall, would crouch with bent knees and would have to hang their heads down in shame - tantamount to a disgrace some may say. 

But such men have to learn and will be blessed by God and saints to remain in the temple to learn. If they don't learn what next? Why should we be concerned when God and saints are not? 

A saint is like the great ocean that reaches out to many a shore. No amount of human mud will taint the ocean. This too did Lord Bo Tien say. Members of any Bo Tien temple have to do the saint proud that they are not mud, that they are not slapsticks but chopsticks.

Hanging head down in shame, 
crouched and bent at knees
walking hastily away
but still at same spot.
We cannot run away
from our actions.
We must learn and
be at peace with what we do
We are not God and saints.

The choice of chopsticks or slap-sticks is left to those at a temple. Can they act as one and not be laughing stock and the talk of town? What mission to talk about when the men cannot act in concert like chopsticks?

The issue is whether temples and churches like Bo Tien temples are chopstick ready for mission to save souls. God willing and men abiding, this should not be a problem. Omitofo

* Chopsticks