Whosoever pray to the heavenly saints in earnest, the saints do know. Whosoever seeks their Divine Grace, the saints do come forth.
Have no fear. Have no doubt. They are here to stay, to guide us day by day. Let the saints lead us. Do follow in their shadow.
Open our doors to the saints in our thoughts, words and deeds. Welcome them into our hearts.
In happy times, be thankful for their blessings. Be mindful of their helping hand. But remember also to help others, just as we have received their divine benevolence.
In bad times, do hold on to our faith in the saints, in thoughts, words and deeds. Let the saints walk us along the path of life. Welcome them to guide us through our problems.
In this way, big issues become small issues. Small issues become non-issues.
Praise be unto all Heavenly Saints. Remember them always. Share their Divine Grace with others as we journey through life. Pray for the saints to watch our every step. Let this be our daily prayer.
We believe in your existence
and thy glory is in the thought of men
We seek for thy protection and guidance
so as to live better for the time to come."