
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord Bo Tien (武天菩萨). The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affiliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. Needless to say that all the saints we know are in this temple. Ji Gong Posat too is no exception. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven. We worship God and saints, not man however good that man may be. There should be no hero worshiping or idolizing of man whether he is a charismatic pastor, priest, monk, medium or lay leader. We don't even idol worship the image of any saint but reflect on what the image stands for. - the doctrine in the image. Omitofo 阿弥陀佛!.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Will a savior save non believers?

No 1358 of Living Life Series 1

Men of faith would like others to believe that if they believe in their saint, they will be saved. This is the misconception that if others do not believe, they will not be saved. 

In reality, we have heard of many testimonials of those who do not believe or yet to believe in a saint. Yet when in predicament, they are saved by the saint. 

Naturally, once they are saved, they will believe in the saint. But is it a precondition that they must believe before they will be saved. Definitely a saint out of the love for all will come to the help of those with problems regardless of who they are and what they believe. This is divine love. 

A saint is not just for believers but for all. He will not forsake those who need help just because they do not believe in him or do not know him. 

God and saints are like that. They love and are kind to all beings. 

Thus at mission of Bo Tien 武天, there is this prayer which is not just for the believers but for all. 
Bo Tien 武天
"To all heavenly saints, we greatly adore. We believe in your existence and thy glory is in the thought of men. We seek for thy protection and guidance so as to live better for the time to come." 

The prayer clearly tells us that even saints of other religions will help us and we can seek their help. This is obvious but men being men may not realise this. We must be mindful of this and be insightful.

Will a savior save non-believers? Yes is the answer. 

Likewise we must love and be kind to all whether they are in our clique, sect or religion and we do not go around telling others we will not help you if you are not in our group or do not join our group. 

Help must be without strings attached. Please, let there be no bargain or barter in the name of love. God and saints will be upset if we do... 

But of course, God and saints will still love us and help us. God and saints do not bargain. It is not their cup of tea to bargain. If they do, then they are no God and no saint. Give this some thought. 

All religions will naturally help those not in their religions. They flock to disaster zones to help all. They do not and should never be partial. They do not choose and pick. They are not picky. 

They do not bargain with those who are in need of help and love. If they do, then they themselves need help. God forgive them for they know not what they do. 

Ji Gong 济公 is one such man though he is saint. He behaves as though he is still man. He wants you to forget that he is a saint but a man and a friend you can be with. There is no need to be his believer - no need to believe in him. He is content to be a friend and man to you and to me.
Ji Gong 济公
To him there is no bad egg. Even if you are one, he will help you. Really there are no strings or conditions attached. He helps you regardless of background and never mind if you are rotten. His hope is that you are touched by him and even before your wish is fulfilled, he would have won your heart. 

He helps all regardless of religion, race or who they are. That is Ji Gong 济公 - Lord Ji. But he behaves as though he is no lord. He pushes credit to God and Buddha. He is famously known for exclaiming 'Amituofo (Amitabha).'  

You do not need to believe in him. Like any savior, he will save even non-believers. 

You too though a man and imperfect at that and even if of limited means can help and save others. You too can be a savior. You too will save anyone. You will not say that you only help those who believes in you.

Will a savior save non-believers? Certainly there can be no doubts about that. Which savior won't? Even God will. Men must not belittle and make a mockery of God and saints by insisting that God and saints will only save those who believe in them. 

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Go for the Word and not continue to go for God and saints?

No 1357 of Living Life Series 1

Do you know that there are demons in heaven in the same way as there are saints or angels in Hell. 

That is why there is Lucifer. He is said to be a fallen angel - fallen not in literal sense as he is still in Heaven. He has his faults but as we know not everyone is all bad. Even a criminal has the good points about him. 

Thus even good angels or saints are never the same as one another. Each has a character of his own. Each has his strong points and not so strong ones as well. Human beings too are like that. 

As on Earth, so also in Heaven. We may put this in another way. As in Heaven so also on Earth and even in Hell. 

Going to Heaven is never a bad deal but this can at times be not so good in some ways. It depends where you end up in Heaven. 

The same applies to Earth or Hell. We have well off people who are both good and bad - some more good and some more bad. In Heaven, those there are mainly good but remember there are those not so good in some ways. 

Hell too is generally bad but there are those in Hell with a good heart. They are there for some misdeeds but they can still be good hearted and godly. 

Take the duo of Hell guards Dua Di Ya Pek 大二爷伯 as examples. They are more popular than many saints in Heaven. They took their own lives as humans and that can never be right but they have heart of gold. They end up as gods or saints of sorts in Hell and their images adorn many home altars of Chinese.
Dua Di Ya Pek 大二爷伯
The learning point is that we must be careful when people tell you or promise you of paradise in Heaven. You may end up in hell in Heaven. Heaven is not all that rosy after all, at least for some.

For others, some joke that Hell is not a bad deal. There is some truth in this. Not all in Hell are bad and even of the bad, they too have good points and are capable of being more good. 

For the many in Heaven, they are not all good and even if good, they may still have very bad points. That is why there can be demons in Heaven. 

Even on Earth, there are the rich and powerful - the gods or demigods so to speak. It is not necessary they are good and even if good, they are flawed and not perfect. 

Well, the same applies to the saints or gods in Heaven. They yield power and control over our lives. But they are not necessarily good. They can be like demons sometimes, and that is the problem.

Do we end up worshipping demons instead when we worship saints, more so if they promise you paradise? This is what some claim is promised but do we frankly think God or saints are like that and want us to glorify them at all cost and not be doctrine orientated. Demons obviously cherish that but not God and saints. Well, we need to be mindful and more discerning. Luckily most of us are capable of this.

Thus the saint Bo Tien 武天 advises us not to go crazy over him or God and other saints. We may end up portraying them as demonic - power obsessed and unrelenting - painting them as jealous and intolerant. 

We must instead go above this and go for the Word or doctrine they champion. This is a principle Bo Tien 武天 wants us to have and this is in the teachings of all faiths and sects.
Bo Tien 武天
The saint said that he is the Word and the Word is him. Go for the Word and not the Saint. Ultimately, we are saved by the Word and not by God or saint. Well, as said, this is true in all religions. 

Children growing up go for the father and depends on the father. But eventually they must grow up and know how to be on their own. They must learn from the father. 

All saints will tell you that we must eventually go for the Word but only some men tell you otherwise. For a start, it may be alright to go for the saint but we must eventually rise above this and go for the Word. The Word is God. 

Why go for the Word and not God or saint? Well, the Word is God. Good and truth will prevail. Isn't this true for all regardless of faiths? Indeed, the Word is God. 

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Before you die, Live...

No 1356 of Living Life Series 1

Bo Tien 武天 had no intention of starting a new religion or even a new sect. He is not here to give any new teaching. He is not here to let us know he is saint or even if he is not one. 

Bo Tien 武天 merely wants people to know what is in life and why we live, why we have religion and also why it is also not necessary to have religion. 

Life is what we all have and how we value life and know life is in all religions and even in the world beyond religions.  

As what Shakespeare said, 

"I always feel happy, You know why? 
Because I don't expect anything from anyone, 
Expectations always hurt...
Life is short..So love your life..
Be happy..And keep smiling..
Just Live for yourself and 
Before you speak, Listen. 
Before you write, Think. 
Before you spend, Earn. 
Before you pray, Forgive. 
Before you hurt, Feel. 
Before you hate, Love. 
Before you quit, Try. 
Before you die, Live... " 

Doesn't this sound familiar? Sages and saints have said and will continue to say the same somewhat but in different ways and in different context. 

But people see things in ways that fail to do justice to what sages and saints said. 

Sages and saints are not just mentioned in religions. They are there and there will ever be even more of them not mentioned by religions. 

But the sad part is that people tend to add to and subtract what sages said. They like to sensationalise, to be different and to alienate others. They like upmanship. In the process, they do the bad when they intend to do good.

What sages said are complete. No need to add and subtract. No need to cause confusion and distraction. This is what my friend Brother Lionel said.

We often forget to live. We think of the worst even before we can think of living. We seem to want to die before we can even fully live. 

We may forget to live even though we turn to religion. Some in religion may focus on death and they will think of dying and forget to live. They are alarmists and rob us the joy of living. This is not the intention of the prophets and saints religions championed. 

So please be down to Earth and have eyes open and feet planted to the ground. Do live. Before you die, Live... Isn't this very touching and true?

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Cell or care groups can be cause for concern

No 1355 of Living Life Series 1

Bo Tien 武天 did say that everyone must learn how to be good by knowing the inner truth common to and behind all religions. 

That which is not common may still be useful and beneficial, but must be treated with suspect if it touches on ill-will towards all others who are not of the same views. 

A single candle light is able to light up darkness but a collection of candle flames can even do better. 

A group of people may be composed of those who are unable to give light to one another, let alone others. 

Thus while fellowship is good, Bo Tien 武天 cautions on this risk. Bo Tien 武天 did say to the effect that many hands give light work and if the group is made of people with different skills, this would be beneficial but obviously not when not the case. 

Thus while a church or temple is run by people with leaders whose views are moderated by the many in a big congregation, the same may not be said of the small cell groups. 

Cell groups come into being when people of same age and background gather together. The inherent risk is that cell groups may end up attracting immature and wrong thinking people. 

Often while the pastor at pulpit may preach a view in the correct context, a cell group may exaggerate this view in the wrong context. 

Thus when a pastor calls for faith in the prophet or saint in a religion, cell groups run the risk of carrying this too far and condemn believers of other saints or even those who believe in the same saint but in a skewed way though not condemning other saints. 

Such bigoted views will be detrimental and can breed discord not only among religions but also among members of the same denomination. Squabbles may escalate to conflicts and to schisms

Cell groups must not carry this risk. To ensure no such risk, then the pastor must have the strong hand to decide on the composition of a cell group, must ensure cell groups record minutes of their gatherings or sessions - even the religious views of members of the cell groups. 

The risk of cell groups as breeding grounds for fanaticism and extremist religious views is real and must be checked. When all members or majority of members of a cell group do not have the grasp of the doctrine common to and behind all religions, then there is cause for concern not only to the pastor but also to the government of the land in an open and multi-religious society. 

It may be better to go back to the old days when temples and churches do not have cell or care groups as they can serve as magnets for the coming together of those with wrong views. 

Central control and strong hand of the management of the temple or church is usually lacking. This is more the case the bigger the church as the proliferation of cell or care groups whatever you call them becomes unchecked. 

What the pastor preaches will be interpreted and skewed to the detriment of not only the church or temple but also to all of society. The pastor may not even know this but word will go round that the wrong and fanatic views are of the pastor. 

Cell or care groups can be cause of concern. Pastors must be made responsible and answerable for the conduct of cell or care groups. 

Pastors no matter how passionate they may be for their religion or beliefs will never cross the line though they may come close to this. But, of course, the same cannot be said of the cell or care groups. 

We cannot help but recall what Bo Tien 武天 said. He says that the problems and issues of men are many and plentiful. Even in a religious place, men do create problems though they go there to solve and have less problems and issues. 

No wonder the Buddha exhorts all not to believe on what is said and to question even what he said as though gold is tested by fire in the old days. Jesus came to mankind to add light and dimension to the Old Testament and that is why there is the New Testament. 

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Eternal happiness now - not wait till afterlife

No 1354 of Living Life Series 1

Why do we live? We live to be better not just in body but also in spirit. Can we do this? To say we can is not right but to say otherwise too is not correct as well. We can only do what we can and be happy and at peace come what may. 

To neglect what we have or can have is a waste. To indulge in what we have and to have much more is to go for more and more - a bottomless pit. We don't seem to have enough. We always be in want. 

We must know what are needs and what are wants. We must know the must-have and the good-to-have. There is this need for balance as depicted in the image of Bo Tien 武天 with feet atop and on the elements. 

We tend to be lopsided and we are usually in pain due to our wants. There is the need to counter this. We need to focus on what we take for granted - the blessings of life that we have everyday. This is easier said than done. 

We need to inject ourselves with happiness and meet others who are happy. But all tend to flow downstream with the current of emptiness. There is always something bad that needs to be worked on. Bo Tien 武天 says we need to go upstream against this current. 

This is not easy and the sages of old China knew this. They know we don't like to do so. So what they did over the centuries is to inject reasons to be happy not just for ourselves but also for all others as well. 

They introduced the festivals like Chinese New Year, Dumpling festival, Autumn and Spring festivals and even the Hungry Ghost Month when people gather and enjoy street shows, have feast not only for the wandering spirits but also for those still alive and in flesh - to rejoice with the wandering souls. 

We need to be happy and happiness is infectious. Even those sick and disabled must learn to be happy. 

Hardly a month or two pass bye before there is another festival. They even added Vesak and Christmas into their calendar of festivals. 

We must learn to feel the pleasure of life in every second. We should never be angry or sad. Why? Well, you know it. For every minute of our sadness, we lost 60 seconds of happiness. 

Learn to be happy. Everyone must do that. What better ways than to have festivals the whole year round. This will keep us smiling more often. 

Even death of a loved one is not just an occasion to grief but to up lift the spirit and to celebrate at the end with feasting and music at successfully sending off the departed. We must be happy even in sadness. 

There needs to be the celebration of life even in death. The departed is not lost but is back with family through the ancestral tablet. The family members welcome the departed back and even celebrate in style.

We must find more excuses to be happy here and now - not wait till life hereafter to have happiness. Eternal happiness here and now in this life is what we must have. Spare us the agony of waiting till we die to have eternal happiness. That is unkind though intention is otherwise. 

The moment we come to this life, we must be alive and never say die (to happiness) - 1354 in Cantonese dialect of Chinese is a pun on this. This post is number 1354 of the Living Life Series 1. We must be happy and not let happiness die... Eternal happiness now is what we need and can have. We do not wait till afterlife to have this. 

If you seek Ji Gong 济公 for help with a problem, he will just laugh and be merry even before your problem is resolved. You will instantly feel the joy in him has an infectious quality on you. You will be happy the moment you meet him. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The gist of what Bo Tien 武天 said

No 1353 of Living Life Series 1

All religions are one. There are the same Buddhist teachings even in Christianity more so in the Old Testament. There are also the same Christian teachings in Buddhism. 

For the matter, the teachings of any religion will always be there in another. 

By knowing more of Buddhism, it is better for a Christian to be a good Christian than be an awkward and uncomfortable Buddhist. This is controversial to some but Bo Tien 武天 did make this comment. 

For a person who is in a religion for a long time, he will not be familiar with Buddhist culture and will be uncomfortable in such setting. 

Bo Tien 武天 reminds us that there is the same inner truth or teachings in all religions. But it is natural for people to champion their religion and this, like it or not, may of course create misunderstanding of sorts. That is the problem. 

Bo Tien 武天 adds that the problems and issues of men are many and plentiful. We must be mindful of this. Even in religion, men will have issues and problems. 

It is immaterial on issue of who is Bo Tien 武天. Never mind who he is. What matters is what he stands for. What matters is the Inner Truth or Doctrine common to all religions. 

The doctrine is the image. The image is the Doctrine. He said. What he meant is that the doctrine is him and he is the doctrine. He is in a way the truth and the light, like any other heavenly saint. The truth and the light is him. Any saint or prophet too is the truth and the light. 

One light is good. A collection of lights is even better. Bo Tien 武天 said this, didn't he? Yes, he did. One saint is already great. Many more will be marvellous and really awesome. 

To all heavenly saints we greatly adore. We believe in your existence and thy glory is in the thought of men. We seek for thy protection and guidance so as to live better for the time to come. 

God has blessed us not in one way but in many ways - not through one saint but through many saints. Praise God - not that God need our praises but that we are grateful to God. 

Saints too do not need our praises but we need to show gratitude to them. The best gratitude is to practice what they taught - the Inner Truth common to all religions. 

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Bo Tien 武天 on Love in life and in all religions

No 1352 of Living Life Series 1

Bo Tien 武天 says that loving kindness is for all and comes from the heart. It is the everything we need to do and to have. 

Ji Gong 济公 says that what matters is not what we do, what goes through our gut but what goes through and what comes from the heart. 

Bo Tien 武天 in 1975 said that love is the beginning, the middle and the everything of what we should do and have in religion, whatever the religion it may be. 

Love is still and will always be the strongest force on the planet. Love must be whole and not because we want a reward or something in return. There must be no strings attached. 

If there is hatred because of love, then this is not love and far from wholesome love. We must not damn people to hell and still talk of love for God and for religion.

We must do good, be good and think good not because we want to be rewarded but because we simply want to be good. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that doing charity is good but best is to do so not for own good or get a name and praises. That is still good but not good enough - not wholesome. 

Love is in all religions. Love is everything. Love makes the world go round and there is no end to love. If there is the end, then love is finite and limited. Even if someone hurts us, we must somehow still love him and win him over. 

No hatred please. If someone hates us, remember what Buddha says: Hatred is not appeased by hatred but by love alone is it quelled. Jesus said that we offer our other cheek when someone slapped us on one cheek. That is to emphasize on need to have no hatred but to have love.

Love must be limitless. Please have no end to love in whatever we do and with whomever comes into our life. 

Love is not about control or be controlled. That will not be ideal. Such love comes with limits and is conditional. 

With limited or conditional love. religion will only end up with no love for those outside the religion and even for the same religion, there will be no love for those outside their subgroup. How can we say that if you are not one of us, we don't like you? How can we ever say that we can only like you if you are one of us and do what we do and believe in the same way we do? 

That there are increasingly more sects and denominations within a religion stems from this serious fallacy of many. Perhaps many within the same religion never even see eye to eye. They never even love one another unconditionally and have to part ways. 

They have wrong concept of love. They only love those who do what they do and believe in the same way as they do. They have no place for those who differ. Thus those who differ must end up having their own denominations. 

But this cannot be helped as most are not cultivated enough in loving kindness. Most are lopsided and bias. They will err even in love. So long as this is the case, there will of course be many more denominations and sects. 

At least, these provide more opportunities to reach out to men and more will come to know God and saints and learn to have love though bias and far from wholesome. Thus for religions, there will be not one by many and sects or denominations within any religion, even that much more. 

For the wiser of the lot, there is need not to flow downstream with the current (the sects and denominations) but to go upstream against the current to reach the upper source for clear water - to reach the ability to have pure and wholesome love. This is as explained by Bo Tien 武天 .

They strive to be like the Buddha, Jesus and Ji Gong 济公in cultivation of wholesome love and like the pure ones, they have to move away from the establishments and appear to do the unthinkable to the many in establishments. 

It is not that they love religion less but that they love religions even more. They will invariably ruffle feathers in the process as many will misunderstand them.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Pastoring problems when own problems not resolved

No 1351 of Living Life Series 1 

People turn to pastors for problems in life when they want God or heavenly saints to help them. Why don't they turn to God and saints directly? 

This is easier said than done. Perhaps, it is because they need a real person to talk to even if they believe in God and saints. 

Then for pastors themselves, why are they trying to solve others' problems when they too have problems similar to what others who want their assistance? 

How can they help others when they cannot help themselves? How can they intercede with God for help for others when God don't seem to be able to help them? 

If pastors cannot get God to help them in their problems, how could pastors get God to help others? Isn't that ironical? 

Isn't it the reality that pastors have problems and are very much in need of help from God as much as the members whom they are pastoring? 

Bo Tien 武天 has this to say. The issues and problems of men are many and plentiful. If men turn to God and saints in earnest, God and saints will come to them and issues will usually be no issues more so if not big issues. Big issues even if these cannot be no issues will usually become less issues. 

But men must understand that there is the element of fate as well. Sometimes fate is cruel and we have to face the music but the kind thoughts and love of God and saints make it bearable and no issue.

Pastors face problems similar to those they are pastoring and they often cannot solve their own problems, yet people turn to them for guidance. How do they reconcile this oddity? Well, well, they have great faith in God and squarely accept their fate. They feel loved, and with love, no issue is an issue. So they put their heart to address others' problems.

But some may think: what use is a pastor who cannot handle and solve his own life problems? Worse still, what use is a pastor who has weaknesses he don't want those he is pastoring to have? This is not uncommon at all. 

But can a pastor be like that? He can be like that because he is man. Man is man and God is God. See not the God in man and the man in God. 

Bo Tien 武天 said that we should not mistake man and God. God or saint can choose to speak through a criminal and it does not mean that what is said by that man is not from God, neither is it true that all that are said and done by that man are from God and approved by God. 

God or a heavenly saint can decide to train a criminal and turn him to be of God and reform him if God or saint so decide. Who are we to say God has made a mistake? Don't try to see perfection in man more so a pastor. 

A pastor is never perfect and he is not God. He is still man. Good can still come out of him as no man is all bad, God can still make use of him. God do make use of pastor to reach out to us. 

But if a pastor breaks the laws of the land e.g. embezzlement, he has to be dealt with by the land even if God does not seem to mind and tolerate him to continue in pastoral work. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that there is the ways of the land and the ways of God and saints. That heaven does not seem to mind does not mean it is wrong for the land to take him to task. Thus a pastor may be gay. This may be frowned at as distasteful. The laws of the land will deal with him. God seems to be open minded or is this so? 

But mind you, the laws of the land can change and in some places, a gay pastor can even marry someone of the same sex. Well, well, man is man and God is God. Think and be mindful of this. 

Jesus said that we give to the land what is due to the land and to God what is due to God. Bo Tien 武天 says that we have to contend with the the laws of the land and also the laws of God. There is the same advice in all religions and cultures. 

Even a pastor is not spared from the laws of the land and just because he is doing God's work does not mean he can be at liberty to run foul of the laws of the land. Pastor can well have the very same weaknesses and problems of those they are pastoring. Even if favored by God, he has to face the music for any transgressions of the laws of the land.

Solution to religious psychosis (delusion)

No 1350 of Living Life Series 1

There are those who only want to tell you what they believe and not willing and allowing you to tell them why you disagree with them let alone listen to your alternative views. They have overvalued ideas to the point of delusion. They feel threatened by alternative views and comments that threaten their confidence.

They hear not what others say. This will reinforce their delusion that they are right and others must follow them. The bad part is that they make others dumb and when others keep dumb and mute and just listen to them, this heightens their delusion and blow it even bigger. 

How do we help them to have insight that their approach is wrong and help them get out of the delusional world they live in. 

Challenging them will only make matters worse. They will think that this is evidence that they are right and they need to change the world. 

But keeping our gaps shut and just be passive to let them continue their monologue will make them swell in the head and think the world of their delusion as right and there is need for them to change and win over the world. 

By keeping our gaps shut, we are not only doing a disservice to them and to ourselves as they will take it upon themselves to change the world to their mindset, but we will also do disservice to the world as well. 

So what is the solution? The answer is not simple.

The solution is for them to have insight and not be deluded. How do we not reinforce their delusion and wake them up? How do we get them out of their delusion? How do we bring them down to earth and not be carried away by their overvalued ideas that can bother on delusion and make them out of touch with reality ?

The answer is for us not to be part of their world. Do not enter and be part of their "virtual" world. Avoid them and soon they will wonder why their world is shrinking. When they have insight and willing to hear others, then it is time to bring them into the real and bigger world of men. 

This is how to deal with those few who live in world of delusion they create. Do not be inadvertently absorbed into their world of delusion and expand their world of delusion. They have lost touch with reality and are deluded. They suffer from religious psychosis.

They live in world of darkness and when a candle light is introduced to them, they put it off. Let us leave them alone but when time comes, let us be a bunch of candle flames to light them up and bring them out of the world of darkness into the real and vast world of light.  

A bunch of candles is better than one or a few in giving light. This candle light lesson is used by Bo Tien 武天 to tell us that we need to light them up and bring them into the vast world of light. 

There is the same light or inner truth of goodness behind all religions. Help those who are deluded and wrongly think that only they are right and others wrong. Bring them out of darkness of such delusion. We need to help them to have insight and get out of their religious psychosis and wake them up to reality.

The first step is not to unknowingly be part of their deluded world when they force us somehow to be silent. Silence often is mistaken as consent and concurrence. Worse still, they do all the talking and do not allow us to talk and yes indeed they do all the talking. You may think this monologue rather than dialogue is absurd but it does happen. 

The solution is to avoid them and this will shrink their self-created religious psychosis world. Then they will have second thoughts and break out of their delusion. They will have insight. Then let us embrace them into reality and give them light. Show them that there is the inner or common basic truth or goodness behind all religions and cultures. 

This will grow the common space and goes some way to eliminate fearful risk of exclusiveness of religion. The world will become increasingly a better place to live in.