
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord Bo Tien (武天菩萨). The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affiliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. Needless to say that all the saints we know are in this temple. Ji Gong Posat too is no exception. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven. We worship God and saints, not man however good that man may be. There should be no hero worshiping or idolizing of man whether he is a charismatic pastor, priest, monk, medium or lay leader. We don't even idol worship the image of any saint but reflect on what the image stands for. - the doctrine in the image. Omitofo 阿弥陀佛!.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Fantasy can work both ways in any setting

No 1303 of Living Life Series 1

There has to be an element of fantasy to keep most of us have that sense of awe for life. 

Even in science, without fantasy beyond what is known and even with what is known, there will not be the push to know more and to find out more. 

Undeniably fantasy plays a more important part in religion. But this does not mean that in religion we do not go for facts and truth. 

We still do but we want more than that and we fantasize. This can be good but can be bad. 

When we fantasize that our religion is better and worse still is the only one for all, then this will be bad. We will be imposing our fantasy on others. Of course, we will insist that there is no fantasy but truth - facts. 

To be truthful what we claim as facts about the saint of our religion when he was in the flesh many centuries ago often is distorted by the fantasy of men. 

We would end up passionate and insist that our religion is the only right one. That is not at all good. 

It is better to think or if we like it to fantasise that all religions are right and weave their fantasies to capture the minds and hearts and imagination of men. 

There must always be the element of mystery. This can be mystifying. There is much more we not know than know, be it in science or in religion. 

We seem to know our God or saint but really there is much more that we do not know. If we know everything, then we are not humans but God and saints. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 let us know little of himself. What he lets us know is the basic or inner truth behind all religions, and he said that his wooden image at his temple is the Word and the Word is him. 

He wants us to be more focused on how to be good, pure and humble - to want less and not want more. We should also not want nothing - not even ourselves and our individual lives. 

We should neither deny nor fantasize. But while we have yet to be more into the Word and live in the Word, somehow fantasy can be good. Fantasy can work both ways and is a double edge sword. 

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Is there no real man of God and saints?

No 1302 of Living Life Series 1

Who is the real man of God and saints? Is he the one who takes over the temple set up through the pioneer elder who helped break barriers to set up the temple or is he the pioneer elder? 

The one who takes over would like to think that he is the one and would take pains to insist that the pioneer elder has claimed unnecessary credit. The pioneer elder was only one of many. But he forgets that without the firmness and head bashing ways of the elder, doors would not have opened and the temple would not have come about. 

When the temple cómes about and rose as a concrete building from the ground, there are those who take the opportunity to walk in and claim glory. 

They speak as though the pioneer elders and the few who stood with him are the bad eggs and the temple is better off without them. 

They come like heros to liberate the temple from th clutches of the pioneer elder. They flock like insects to the flower for nectar. This did the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 did say could happen to any temple of a lord saint. 

Worse still, the elder pioneer may end up portrayed as the villain. When he tries to rectify the situation, he is outnumbered and the table is turned against him. 

He shouldn't try too hard, perhaps not even try at all. He may end up his own undoing when it is they who is the cause of his undoing. Whatever good he has done in the past cannot be written off by men. The good will be etched in heaven. 

Heaven has recognised him though men may not, more so men who are too eager to dash in to take over the success he has helped to bring about. 

He became their eyesore  and a reminder that they who came later were not the ones who have built the place and done good. Isn't this uncouth and unnecessary - more of the play of the devil of the egos in men? 

Be mindful that this not happen and if it does happen, this is due to the failure of the grasp of the teachings of the lord saint not only by those who come like insects but those whom the insects of men come to displace. 

Who is the real man of God and saints? It seems that perhaps no one is. As the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says - the near may be far and the far near. 

Alas, if we care to know we will realise that those who take over the temple built by pioneers to the exclusion of pioneers want to be near but yet far. The ones who pioneered and toiled to get it up too are far though near if they cling on to their glory and wrestle with those who deny credit to them

Both can be deviled by the ego and the failure to see and live in doctrine. The Word is the image (the saint) and the saint (the image) is the Word - so said the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 . 

All will be far though claiming to be near to God and saints. But then again because all are far and lost, God and saints want to reach out to them to change them and enabled them to be on the correct path and be saved. So they had to be near though far. '

God and saints will open the temple doors to them - to all to be exact. It is not a problem at all if they are like insects coming to a flower for nectar. But blame not the flower for insects coming to it.

Friday, August 26, 2016

When discontent in men of religion goes awry

No 1301 of Living Life Series 1

People turn to religion in hard times. This is inevitable. They want more blessings. Often this is for the very blessings that elude them outside religion. 

They do get blessings through religion. But there seems to be a limit. Why? Men seem to find after sometime that there is more than what they can have. They have initial joy but this joy gets less and less. They want more. They call this divine discontent. 

But if this discontent makes them question everything and even question God and saints, then there will be problems. They may turn against the state and question the state. 

To offset this risk, God and saints of all religions do stress that we obey the laws of the land in as much as we obey the laws of God and saints. This is brought up by the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨
Divine discontent is never meant to turn men against God and / or the state. It is not meant for one to push for their individual good and forsake the good of the many. It is meant to turn men away from thinking only of themselves, how to have more and more for themselves. 

God will bless the individual. This will grow the faith and devotion. But if the individual wants more and more, then such discontent cannot be divine. It will bring out the devil of the self in him - greed. 

Divine discontent has nothing to do with greed and individual good at expense of the good of the wider society. In the secular world, they call individual good civil rights. Civil rights carried too far can go awry and contribute to partisan thinking and divides in society. This is not good - be it in religion or outside religion.   

This is no divine discontent and inner peace

No 1300 of Living Life Series 1

Many think they have inner peace when they have not. They mistaken giving up the push for betterment of themselves as inner peace. 

This is more of escaping from the challenges in life. They end up not chasing for their dreams. 

Some even don't want to have jobs and are content with just going to a temple or church few times a week and hanging out with church friends a few more times. 

This keeps them occupied and there is no need for work. They depend on the pocket money from parents. 

They don't seem to have divine discontent at all. If ever they have divine discontent by any stretch of imagination, it is with the need to work. They find excuses not to work if it interferes with their happy socialising in a church or house of God. 

They think they have divine discontent in their own way and have inner peace in the process. This is not divine discontent and inner peace but escapism. 

They are like insects coming to a flower for nectar as said by the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨. They go to a house of God for nectar. They manipulate religion to justify their inability to handle life. 

But they are happy with what they are doing. One day, they will grow out of it when true divine discontent sets in - when they find the lifestyle they lead is no longer fulfilling. 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Are we up to it even with religion?

No 1299 of Living Life Series 1

While the warriors or guardian angels in any temple or church are doing their jobs in earnest, the people are often not up to it. 

Thus when we go to a house of God or saint, we do not go  for the men there. We do not look up to the men for the lead. We go for God and saints and not the men in any temple.

The honest question we should ask is this. Are we up to it?

Men waste time Heaven cannot afford to do so. There are simply too many to be saved. 

The ravages of sheer ignorance and complacency take its toll. More are lost than saved in of all places the house of God. 

Even death is soon forgotten and cannot serve as wake-up call.

That is the irony of it all. The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨wants us to wake up to the reality and true nature of life. Seriously, are we up to it? 

Men go for more of the same that they have in life outside religion and as said in of all places religions. When they ask for worldly blessings and they work for these, they get it. But after sometime, they ask, "So what. These are not good enough. I am still not contented." 

To them, this is good and divine. This they call is gift of God -divine discontent. This drives them to go for more, unfortunately more of the flesh and of the world and less of God and the peace of God that is out of the world but reachable in this world. 

Are we up to it even with religion? Why are we near to it and yet far? This was referred to by the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨. How do we make good and be up to it? 

Looks like this is not easy. That is why the good lord says that the mission to save souls through the respective religions is by Heaven and not by men. 

It is not through giving up religion or changing religion like changing clothes. It is by insight. 

It is about how to be better in our respective religions. It is about how to have less to have more. It is about having inner peace which God and saints have. 

It is not about giving up with the world. It is not about being at the mercy of the world of wants. Then we are near to more peace and being with the world but on top of it. Then we will have more though with less. This would be simply marvellous. 

So please grow out of discontent and not have more and more and yet find life empty and wanting. Do not hold on to the deceptive divine discontent. How divine at all can this be? It is in a way but not for long. 

Do move on, learn from this and go for inner peace when less is more indeed. But please remember, we cannot go for nothing. We cannot give up life. If we do, then we are not up to it? 

If we do, we are nuts. We will go bonkers and be out of our mind. We will not be logical. We will be far from Tao  or common sense - the way to inner peace. Common sense is in all religions or there will be not only no inner peace for the individuals in a religion but also no peace for others in the other religions. 

Why discontent divine and why inner peace?

No 1298 of Living Life Series 1

When people go to religion for more of the world, what would we expect? 

Well, all will one day feel that whatever of the world they get as blessings from God and saints don't seem to do its magic any more. 

They feel empty and inadequate. They feel discontented. This is considered a divine experience - divine discontent. 

This spurs them on to have more of the world. But what matters is not more of the world but more of God and the peace of God that gives contentment. This is the inner peace that the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 talks about and is in all religions. 

When we go for the world even in religion, we can seem to get anything and everything. But everything ends up as nothing - divine discontent. 

Peace in whatever we have of the world is everything that we need even if what we have of the world compared to others  is as good as nothing. 

The ancient Chinese say that everything is nothing and nothing is everything. They are influenced by Buddhist and Taoist thought. Christian influence will add new clarity and perspectives. 

Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 awakens us to the oneness of truth of life behind all religions and cultures. Roses by any name and color are still roses. Men somehow will have their own ways. Religions and sects are merely expressions of this nature of humanity. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

From divine discontent to bliss and to better nation

No 1297 of Living Life Series 1

There is need for worldly blessings without which many may have problems to live, let alone have the convenience to embark on spiritual pursuits. 

Too little of the worldly blessings inflicts pain and to such people what is needed is to call upon God and saints to bless. God and saints do what they can. 

But too much is never enough. That is the problem. When men have more, they are still not contented. Some call this divine discontent. 

They feel an emptiness. They need more. They are driven to have more. This is good for their benefit as well as the benefit of society. Society then is able to climb to a higher level and over time yet more higher levels. But then discontent will set in again and again. 

Why do men feel like that? If they are of a religion, they call this divine, because this will drive them to achieve more and ask why the worldly blessings seem to be no longer as wonderful. They still end up not contented. They feel empty. They want more and push themselves to achieve more. 

One day, because of their religion, they will go for more spiritual emphasis instead. They are grateful that the gospel has prospered them and in turn they are able to prosper the religion they are in. 

Prosperity gospel however has its limits. It feeds people of religion with divine discontent. Then they will question what has gone wrong. This is good. This is therefore divine. 

This makes them think and be more insightful. When they become like that, they can overcome and break through the divine discontent by knowing what God and saints stand for. 

God and saints grant prayers. If we want better worldly life and this can foster devotion to religion, this will be granted. One day, many will arrive at divine discontent not only once but over and over again. 

Many can go beyond this and realise that what matters is not to have more of the world but more of the richness of the spirit - the peace that comes from mindfulness. 

We must have peace and worldly blessings are and come as secondary. Previously it was the reverse and there was no balance. Now they are able to find the balance. 

Then they are able to be more at peace and less of dis-ease. Divine discontent has awaken their drive to higher spirituality. The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 points out that the Chinese culture of yin yang balance is all about how to have spiritual peace and how to proper not only in spirituality but also not lagging in worldly blessings. 

Prosperity gospel leads to divine discontent even when men are showered with blessings by God and saints. This leads to habituation or getting used to the blessings. The blessings no longer give the kick and there is discontent. They go for more and more. This can be good and benefit to society and nation. 

Prosperity drive or gospel is in all religions. It leads to devotion to God and saints. When life blessings no longer thrills and people end up feeling empty despite the blessings, they experience divine discontent. 

Divine discontent keeps surfacing from time to time. With time, it is natural for men to go for peace of the spirit - the purity, the humility and simplicity. 

When they achieve this, they not only progress in spirit but also in worldly life. They love life. They love people and people love them. They have self confidence and take life in their stride. They prosper and progress in all aspects of life.

They move from divine discontent to more of bliss and peace. They started off life with lack of prosperity. Prosperity gospel works and they prosper. Then comes divine discontent. 

Why do they end up wondering why they are not satisfied though blessed with prosperity? This is divine discontent which spurs them to go for more blessings. 

Then comes the awakening that what matters is to have inner peace and then there will be more of bliss. The worldly blessings are secondary but still good as with prosperity, they are a boon to society and to nation. 

They take life in their stride and not let life take over them. They empower life and society. They are not overpowered by life and society. They are at peace and ease with life and with society. They are atop life and society as depicted by the image of the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 with feet atop and balancing the elements.

Divine discontent is the divine experience of feeling emptiness despite having many. Recurrent divine discontent leads to the eventual awakening to the need for inner peace come what may. 

Divine discontent leads to betterment in worldly blessings and to bliss. At the various stages of spiritual path, the individual is an asset to nation and to society. Before the setting in of divine discontent, there must be devotion to God and saint. 

There must be the seeking for blessings from God and saints. We seek prosperity and progress. All of us regardless of religion do. Some refer to this as the prosperity gospel. God and saints will answer and meet our requests - even requests for worldly progress and prosperity. Isn't this what some refer to as prosperity gospel? 

All need prosperity in some form. Even monks, priests and pastors do but they must not be derailed by greed. That is why divine discontent can be good. 

After more than a few experiences of divine discontent, the person no longer asks why he feels empty, inadequate and wants more. He experiences the breakthrough to achieve inner peace of spirit come what may. 

He no longer goes greedily for more of the world but he continues to have this in moderated way as he achieve more of the bliss from inner peace. He contributes to a better nation even before he has inner peace when he was experiencing divine discontent which spurs him to reach out for the sky. 

No wonder the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that there is no need to leave family and society to be spiritual. It is a challenge to be with society and family and yet be spiritual. 

For the many, priesthood is not the calling. We too can be as spiritual while with life - with family and with society. That way we be blessing not only to self but also to society and to the nation.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Salvation God-given? Just believe and it is yours.

No 1296 of Living Life Series 1

Salvation is not on sale. If it is on sale, it is meaningless. We need to work for it. But this will put many off. 

So men with their ingenuity may offer it as free and want this to be so. They will say that someone has sacrificed himself and worked for your salvation. You don't have to do anything. Just belief. 

Men claim that a heavenly saint has worked for your salvation and therefore it is given - in a way God given. Yes this is the trend in many religions and sects. 

Salvation is God-given. Believe and you will be in Heaven and your problems before you go to Heaven is God's problems. So why worry? Salvation is God-given. Just believe. Is this for real? 

If this is for sure, then there will be no problems. But there are problems. The problems of men are many and plentiful. The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 would say. 
Some even say that if problems stay, it is God trying to test us. God creates or allows the problems to test us. But in reality, it is men not God who create problems and dig their own graves. 

So, why not face reality? If man is the problem, then man must know why he has problems. Man can get divine blessings. But man must help himself. God will help even more those who help themselves. 

Why would God want us to have problems? Even one problem is a problem too many. But if men chose to create problems, what can the good God do? 

It is ignorance that fuels the ego of man, makes him think of himself. This is the root of the problems. This fuels the vicious cycle and problems galore. 

Thus the simple answer is that man must free himself from ego and be pure and peaceful. 

But like it or not, religion is man-made and there are two faces of religion. Popular religion attracts the crowd. Just believe and be devoted. Leave God and saints to do the rest.

This is good but not good enough for the serious. There is need to cultivate godliness - be pure, simple, loving and humble. Clean and purify the spirit. 

If we don't do it now, we will need to do this in next life, even in a heaven. We will need to come down from heaven.

We will need to be resurrected in flesh as man to put into practice what we learnt in heaven. Don't wait for resurrection to do be serious about being pure in spirit.  

For many however, who cares? All they want is for salvation to be God-given. Just believe and have faith. Salvation will be delivered to them. 

Religions do cater for that. It is the way for the many and without it, many will stay clear of religion. But some cannot accept this and they either give up or go the mile.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Why not do away with ego-prone religious labels?

No 1295 of Living Life Series 1

There is no exclusive way to think and to live life. If there is, then we will be cloning the way to think and live life. There must be diversity otherwise there will be no learning from one another how to be better and avoid one another's pitfalls and mistakes. So we need to be inclusive and all embracing. Exclusivity is out and inclusiveness is in. 

In the old days of Chinese culture, the Chinese simply took on new culture and beliefs and they grow their culture. With the passing of centuries and the global concept of religion rather than culture, culture progressively cannot take on and integrate with other cultures. 

With the label of religion, you either belong or do not. You cannot believe in all religions or bits of various religions for then you will end up with no religion. So the concept of religion may end up disrupting the integration of various cultures or religious beliefs into the basic culture  of the people. 

We are expected to be exclusive and myopic in approach. That is not good. If we do this or believe in this, we cannot do that and believe in that. 

The ego of men have grown so big that it has taken over religion. Religion ends up becoming the ego front of men. 

When ego takes over, logic or common sense takes a back seat. Religion may end up divisive when one man tells another that if he believes in this, he cannot believe in that. 

Exclusivity is never good. Believe in this and you cannot believe in that. Then we will never learn and be better. The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 tells us that we need to embrace all kinds of people, learn from them, their good and their not so good. 

They cannot be us. We cannot be them. But we can be who we are and be better by learning from one another. They can learn from us and we can learn from them. 

Do not be exclusive and impose one's life or beliefs on others. Be inclusive, learn and share - give and take. Allow others to do their way. Lead by example. Others then will let you have your way even if they may not see eye to eye with you in many areas.

All must be mindful of this. Do not play God for others when God leaves men to have their own way and learn. Freewill too is God-given and must be given space and leeway of sorts

Do not let religious labels stop people from inclusive approach of days of old. Religion as identity is a recent concept. Like it or not, it may lead people to be exclusive and think they are better than others, get carried away. They think it is their duty to change others to be like them - by hook or by crook. They think this is a God-given duty and that is never good.

Ego and ignorance tend to and can take over religion unless leaders are mindful and take great pains to avoid this. Religion as a ego label may then not be good. Men may end up upholding their way and thinking as exclusive. This will be divisive. There will be less or even no peace.

So why not do away with religious labels. Let us return to era when there is spirituality without religion. This may never happen but at least be mindful. This is the ideal. We must try.

Let us try by going to basics - purity, love and humility. Don't be loud. Be quiet, peaceful and accepting. Speak from the heart - not from the ego. 

Ego makes us think of ourselves. We end up self-centered and inconsiderate. We accept ourselves and not so accepting of others. 

We end up exclusive and intrusive. We end up cultivating the devil and not the God in us and yet project the image that we are godly - the God chosen ones. 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Control freaks demonise a temple in any religion

No 1294 of Living Life Series 1

How to live life is what religion is all about. Religion is all about how to live and not about giving up life. It is about learning how to do this in a temple and applying this in the life outside the temple. 

It is not about doing in a temple what we have been doing outside a temple. It is about creating peace by not feeding the needs of the ego and have no peace. It is not about controlling a temple so that others cannot have a say. 

But the temple of today be it of any religion may end up with control freaks. They make some who go to a temple for some peace freak out. 

Control freaks are unfortunately those who don't know what a temple saint stands for. Any saint would expect followers to go for peace. Subdue the ego and the need to be control freaks. 

Be at peace with others and with life. Don't end up going to a temple to control it. This is exactly what a temple should not encourage. 

But blame not the saint of a temple if a clique of members are doing that. If they do, they know not the saint and put the saint away in the background. They place themselves in front of the saint and claim they are the new subcontractors to till the land. They are like insects coming to a flower for nectar. This the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 did say. 

Many a temple end up with this problem due to lack of doctrine. When people are not doctrine-driven but ego-driven, their egos are bigger than any big image of the saint of the temple. The big image of their egos take over the image of the temple saint

Men should not end up nearer to their egos and far from the doctrine the saint stands for. No point then of having the image of the saint in a temple. 

If men are far from doctrine, they are far from the saint. The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 reiterates that the image of a temple saint is the doctrine and the doctrine is the image. Men must see the doctrine, not just the image.

Men who see not the doctrine may end up not only not devoted to the saint but devoted to their egos. They see only their egos and the need to be control freaks to meet ego needs. 

They end up putting lip service to mission and doctrine. Control freaks defeat the mission of a temple and want people to worship their egos instead of the saint of the temple. 

Control freaks ignore views of the many and end up doing what they wish. They end up not only breaking the laws of Heaven but also the laws of the land. They end up reaping what they sow. 

Control freaks can demonise a temple in any religion. Is this the fate of the temple you go to? God-willing, this should never be. But blame not the flower for insects coming to it. This the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Why live and why life?

No 1293 of Living Life Series 1

In life we want to succeed. Indeed we need to succeed. But whither goes success once we end up in death? 

We still need to succeed somehow and in someway though but not in same way as others. We are no apes and no monkeys. It cannot be monkey says and monkey does. 

If so, when the cock crows, we have to start all over again and be what our neighbors are and go after the same things they go after. That would be sad. But indeed this holds true and isn't that pathetic? 

What have become of men? Are we chasing after the rainbow or the horizon which recedes ever the more when we try to reach it. What we go after should not end up as the rainbow or horizon. 

What we want is security and stability, a means of livelihood that best suits us - our abilities and our needs. Let the means be the means and not end up as the ends. Otherwise, where will be the end? 

Why live and why life? Life is a stepping stone to what life stands for - the purpose of life. Of what use if the purpose comes to naught at the end when death comes knocking. 

Well that requires us to cultivate our resilience and our insight of life. What can we have that will not come to naught with death? It is the peace within us that will ensure the peace stays with us regardless of what comes our way in life. 

It is about having enough and not have nothing. How can nothing gives peace? How can more gives peace when there is the more to the more we can have? 

Thus the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that in life and in any religion, what matters is to be on top of life, its coming and going, it's ups and downs, it's ebb and flow - the yin and yang. 

The way to do this is to have peace of spirit, the inner peace that enables us to embrace life and not let life embrace, suffocate and decimate us. This is the inner peace that is talked about by all religions but referred to in various ways. 

To live is to die. To die to life is to be dead to life even before death. Why live and why life? Peace is all we need come what may. 

We still need to have means to have this end of peace. Let not the means be the ends. Be clear in mind and in life. 

Dying to life gives no peace. Living it to the sky is no way to peace. Know the ends from the means. Know why we need peace at heart and in spirit. 

This matters more than anything else. But many just don't get it, do they? 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Who comes first - we or others, Man or God?

No 1292 of Living Life Series 1

Who comes first Man or God? In eyes of men, upfront they say God comes first but what they do betray their real intention. Man comes first. Men are like that. 

But to God, all in Heaven and under Heaven comes first - even those in Hell. God loves even those in Hell and even have saints there to help those in the pangs of hell. 

Obviously men comes first and God being humble and pure will not put himself first. Only men will. 

Why? Men have egos but not God or heavenly saints. Those men who think they come first more so if they think their religion is the only true religion are ever the more ego-driven. They think they come first and worst still is that others do not have second or third place. They are the only choice. 

To make matters worse, though they hold God as first and above them, their actions betray their need to be first instead of God. They are near but yet so far from what God stands for. They are not humble, not pure and ever ego-driven - far from peace and purity that God and saints stand for. This did the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 did say. This holds true for all religions, doesn't it? 

If we follow what God stands for, we should approach life by thinking that others come first but this does not mean we deny ourselves and we come last. 

That would mean we do not understand God. God is first and yet to God, every being comes first even those in Hell. We must be like God - be capable and cultivated in purity and peace. We should place others first but to do that obviously we must be better than others in purity and peace to be able to help others to be so as well - to be able to place others as first before us. 

When Chinese worship and offer offerings to the poor wandering souls during the Seventh Month Festival, they place these poor souls first. This is taught to them by the ancestors.

But who is in better position, men or the deprived wandering souls? It is men. Tradition upholds the poor souls to come first and a whole month is dedicated to them.

To worship poor souls is to place them first. To do so, men must be better than these souls. So in Chinese culture, men worship these souls and place them first though they are better off than these souls. 

Thus this article or post is titled - Who comes first, we or others, Man or God? 

In any temple and any Bo Tien Temple is no exception, members must be good enough and better than others to know others who know less must come first. 

To think that they come first and others come second or last is indication they are not good enough and no better, perhaps knowing little or nothing. Then indeed, they may be near and yet far. The near and far and the far and near has been mentioned by the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Man not God is the problem. Learn from this truth

No 1291 of Living Life Series 1

Religion never had it so good with advent of the internet. We can see the myriad interpretations of religions and nobody can stop that. 

Something that sprung forth from God and saints should be simple and one. But who, not even God can stop men from proliferating it in so many ways. 

Surely all cannot be wrong. All too cannot be right. 

The problem lies in men. Men thinks differently. That is the real problem behind. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that the problems of men are many and plentiful. This is it. We learn from this as well and be better off. 

The many religions, sects and schools are due to men based on the same God. 

God is not the problem. Man is. This can still be good. This opens our eyes to know better why man is like that, the nature of man and the lessons of life. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Is there the need to label and divide?

No 1290 of Living Life Series 1

Is attaching a religious label on paper to an individual necessarily a good thing? This is arguable and may be too rigid when in reality one's religious beliefs are ever changing and fluid even if one claim to be still in the same religion. 

It also may create misconception that if one is in religion A and in religion A, there are some with extremist beliefs, one too is likely to have extreme beliefs far from the mainstream. This will be discriminatory. 

So some argue that we go by race and not by religion. It seems alright to label one's race and go by ethnicity. But even then what happens to those born of mixed race marriages? 

Thus some have argued that we just go for the nationality. This refers to the country a person is living in or has adopted. Even then some are even more progressive then that and say that identifying the nationality can be divisive. 

They advocate that we identify the person as from a bloc or continent. But are people matured enough to make this work? A good idea never seem to work the way it should. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that all believe in Divinity they refer to as God or any other name. But the reality is that people are different somehow and will have different beliefs they refer to as religions and sects within religions. 

To deny reality is not good. To insist that all are one and there is no need for religions and sects is to be not in touch with reality. 

We can have differences even in the same sect or religion, and even in the same culture of a community. Is there the need to label and divide? The answer is not as simple as the question. 

Won't it be good to encourage the free spirit and to grow this as the way to promote goodwill among people across races, sects, religions and nationalities? But if we are too carried away by this, we are in the clouds. Surely how good will that be? 

Is there the need to label and divide. This is the big question. The big question has no big answer. There will always be problems and issues with men. 

Men are like that. The issues and problems of men are many and plentiful. The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that God and saints are aware of this. 

We too must be aware. The root of the problems lie in ignorance and ego arising from this. When can people be not ego driven but be God-driven? Even many insist that they are God driven when they are ego-driven in the very name of God. 

This can happen anywhere and even in a temple of the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨. People in the name of God and lord can even come to 'blows' and this is to be expected but never nice anyway. Luckily good sense will prevail - otherwise one will question what a temple or religion is for...

At the cross roads of spirituality

No 1289 of Living Life Series 1

Many are attracted to religion like insects to a flower for nectar. But is it the nectar that is what is needed? Often the flower is forgotten and left to wither. 

Why did the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 refer to the flower and the insects? Why don't he be direct to the point? Perhaps many are not ready and there are many implications with regards to what he said. 
Many do come to religion to be spiritual and to have blessings of God and to be blessings to others in the process. They indeed are the blessed and there is no denying about this. 

They move along the path of spirituality, ever trying to be humble, to be pure and be at peace. But, their ego can have the better of them. 

They know they have made progress in spirituality and that is when if they are not mindful, their ego can have the better of them. They think they are better than others. 

They think they can judge others and they may end up lording over them and putting them down. Some become control freaks. The best part is that they insist they are not.

They may not be aware of it, often not mindful at all. They end up wanting to assert over others and this becomes a want that grows and grows. In the end, they create a crossroad for themselves and get sidetracked. They get lost at the cross roads of spirituality. 

They may even create a monster or a disaster out of religion. This is all because they grow the disaster of the ego in them - the very ego which they must subdue in religion. 

The ego get the better of them and devours the purity, humility and peace that are in any religion. Their ego devours the religious sense and the religion they stand for. 

This danger of the ego that creates the crossroad to side track us is not only in religion but also in life outside religion as well. Life is after all religion and religion is life. Truth is in life . 

We can learn from life, our own and that of others. This the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says. 

But to err is human and to correct oneself is divine more than to be forgiven. To be forgiven is simply not enough. We need to correct ourselves. Think over this. 

Additionally, please judge not lest we be judged. But to be aware and to learn from life even from others' lives is good but do not pass judgement and tell others off. 

Make them aware if we can but do not lord over them or hurt them. Empathise and be with them and not against them. To judge is to be against them and face the consequence of eliciting the counter judgement of us by them. 

There will be no end of this when we get sidetracked at the cross roads of life or spirituality. Whatever value that hold true for religion holds true for life outside religion. This the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says.

If at all we know that we have long way off to subdue the ego in us, at least hold our tongues even if we cannot have get hold of our mind to have the peace - to be pure and humble. 

Remember what all saints of religions said. Lord Jesus put it pointblank when he said that the humble will be exalted and the exalted humbled. So humble ourselves. 

Don't think the world of ourselves and have pride. Pride begets a fall. But we can pick ourselves up. However is it necessary to fall in the first place and to have many falls? One fall can be one fall too may. 

In spiritual life, go for the straight path of humility, peace and purity - never create crossroads of spirituality to snag us and be sidetracked and lost. This is just logical. This is Tao  - common sense. 

Friday, August 12, 2016

Religion should not be advertised.

No 1288 of Living Life Series 1

It has become a new trend of late in 2016 that a religious website must advertise in order that it reaches a wider audience. This from the worldly viewpoint may seem logical. But the doctrine of God and saints should have nothing to do with money. It is beyond dollars and cents. 

To demand money to allow a religion to reach out to more people is to hold God and saint to ransom. To foot the bill for doctrine to reach out to more just don't sound right. It may enable Satan or the Devil to have the upper hand if money talks. 

Commercialisation has intruded into the realm of religion. Is this right? Should religion advertise and pay for the advertisement to reach a wider audience? Should the mission of God or a heavenly saint be advertised? 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 certainly don't want and do not need men to pay to spread his Word. The Word is God and saint. To pay for the Word to reach out to more on the world wide web runs counter to what God and saints stand for. 

Truth and divine peace should not orbit around money. But this is a money world. So what do we expect? Religion ends up making money and paying money to reach out to the many. 

Religion sells its religious wares in the open market. Since religion does so, people will want religion to pay for its spread through advertisements.  

The Devil will welcome this and make capital out of this and undermine the spread of the Word of God and saints. To relate God and saints with money is to cheapen and demean God and saints. The Devil will be grinning from ear to ear. 

So will the men who want money and have no qualms at exacting money from religion. Why have some men stoop so low and even better than the Devil in making mockery of religion and God. 

Men are more at this than the Devil. So who is more devil - Satan or unscrupulous men? Who is more horny with more horns - the greedy men or the Devil? Such men may end up locking horns with one another and with the Devil. They can be better than the Devil in what the Devil is best at. Who then is the real Devil?

Money will always be the issue. Money talks. Logic takes a back seat. Religion will then go into advertisement and be more adversarial. Money is used to buy and win support. 

But like it or not, advertising religion is here to stay and will catch on. Anyway, religion will not stay upstream where there is clear water but will be swept down stream where the water is polluted. 
The message of the need to go to the upper source and stay there for clear water is emphasised by the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 and this holds true for people of all religions.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Whatever will be will be but is this true?

No 1287 of Living Life Series 1

Whatever will be will be. Is this true? 

If this is something good but we do not work for it, it will not be. If this is something bad and we do nothing to correct it, mitigate or moderate it, it will be. Our destiny is in our own hands. 

For the not good that comes our way, the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 has given us this advice. 

Seek the help of God and heavenly saints. Those who pray in earnest, God or heavenly saint will hear and if they have the sincerity, God or heavenly saint will come to us and do what they can. 

This is the only precondition. Otherwise those who have problematic life due to their low spiritual rating will never have chance to better themselves. They will get stuck in mud and sink further. By divine intervention, this should not be.

With help of the divine, small issues will be no issues and big issues will be small issues. But there is the element of fate which we must understand. 

However even if some big issues cannot be small issues, they can still be lesser issues. At the end of the day, it is what we learn from having issues in life. This is what many fail to do. 

But even if they understand not why, God and saints will not forsake them. All that is needed is to seek divine help. Seek and ye shall find and knock and the doors will be open. This goes some way to level up life more so for the many who are blind to the Tao or Way of life - the logic or common sense of life.