No 121 of Living Life Series 1
1) Lord BoTien in His first sermon stated thus.
2) Prophets attempt to “help the masses” from two viewpoints “to lead better lives” here and now in this life as well as “to incline them towards God”
3) They do so by laying down and elaborating the written word, which is the starting basis for organised religions.
4) The written word tries to perpetuate the initial idealistic spirit and fervour, but with time, written precepts and doctrines become more elaborate and complex to extent that the idealistic spirit is submerged.
5) Religion as organisation or institution is bogged down and made complex by the written word, by rules and regulations. With the loss of initial founders spirit or fervour, religious practice replaces spiritual practice, and organisational concerns supersede personal relationship with God.
6) In short, religion replaces spiritualism. Group or mass identification with religion as institution replaces individual oneness or identification with God.
7) Salvation is to save the soul. Though this requires help from others (organised religion), it is basically unique and personal between the individual and God (spiritual experience or rapture)
8) Lord Bo Tien divines to kindle the spiritual drive of the individual regardless of his religious persuasion
9) Lord BoTien stated that He “shall run down no existing religion” nor will He “uphold any special one”
10) He wants to turn individual’s attention to the essence of spiritualism i.e. the essential truths rather than attention to institution of organised religions
11) The purpose of organised religions is to provide vehicles or institutions to pass on the essential truths, but often the means of institutions become the apparent ends. The real ends of spiritual rapport and purity with God (through His representatives) become obscured and more than often forgotten.
12) The primary focus in any temple or group should be to ensure that this will not happen, that members, devotees and well-wishers remain focus on spiritualism behind all religions rather than on religions.
“The motive is to save the soul and assist those who are in difficulties” quote from The Four Pillar or Inner Truth Message of Lord Bo Tien.