
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord Bo Tien (武天菩萨). The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affiliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. Needless to say that all the saints we know are in this temple. Ji Gong Posat too is no exception. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven. We worship God and saints, not man however good that man may be. There should be no hero worshiping or idolizing of man whether he is a charismatic pastor, priest, monk, medium or lay leader. We don't even idol worship the image of any saint but reflect on what the image stands for. - the doctrine in the image. Omitofo 阿弥陀佛!.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Why the blame game ?

No 558 of Living Life Series 1

Men often like to blame others for their upsets and unpleasantness in life. This is not as bad if confined to life in general but the irony is that even in religion where we are told that God is forgiving and all will be welcome back with clean slates even if they are prodigal sons, there is still something not right somehow. 

Men know that they can err and disappoint not only fellow men but even God and saints above. Instead of standing tall and owning up to their fallibility, men blame in the name of God and saints, the fallen angel Lucifer or Mara for the woes of life - even for the woes they create for others as though the blame is wholly on the shoulders of the Evil One if indeed there is one to be blamed for all our mistakes and woes. 

This is as though they the men though fallible are not liable at all. On top of that, they add insult to injury by saying God will forgive them even if they have done wrong. 

But in the first place who did men wrong?  Can they hurt God and saints? Surely not as God and saints are above hurt if they are indeed all loving and who they are. 

The wrong we as men do hurt others as well as ourselves due to action and reaction. This is termed as karma by Buddhists and Hindus. 

God and saints are above blaming others, more so men who need their love and blessings. But men have guilt and think that to escape the pain of guilt, they pass it on to Satan or Lucifer to take the blame. As though this is not enough, they want God to forgive them for their wrong. 

But can God and saints be wronged by them or erase what they had done? Surely not if they are what they are. Men delude themselves in the name of religion that God can absolve their transgression and hurt they cause to other men and indirectly to themselves. Where is the logic and what rationality is this? 

Of course, we all know that men always play the blame game and they think they can gain from blame game. But why invoke and involve religion in the blame game. 

Why blame the likes of Lucifer and why make Lucifer the sworn enemy of God when God will even welcome erring sons in men as prodigal sons. What more and how much more would he love and welcome back a fallen angel? 

Well, men are rational in the wrong way so long as all they want in life is to play the blame gain. Blame game will never be a gain though on the surface it appears to be so. 

Man must stand up and be accountable. Men must be good enough to know where he has erred and how he can improve. Improvement takes time and is incremental. 

Don't wish the problems in life away by blaming others like Lucifer and / or passing over to God and saints to shoulder the burden. On the other hand, do not wish and crave for perfection overnight. 

Balance the denial of our shortcomings on one hand (e.g. by pushing the blame to the likes of Lucifer) and the indulgence in wanting to be rid of shortcomings overnight and be perfect immediately ( e.g. by magical thinking that God will take over immediately). Both are wishful thinking and at best fantasy. 

This balancing will facilitate more peace in life. It is yet another aspect of effecting Tao or Way - the balancing and staying atop of yin and yang as taught by sages of old in ancient China and as depicted by the two feet of the lord saint Lord Bo Tien atop the elements.

Lord Bo Tien 

Lord Bo Tien is not here to start a new religion or sect or to win people over to his side. He wants and wishes not for any of these. He only wants men of every and any religion to be better in the practice of their respective religion. One aspect would be to free themselves from and stay clear of blame game. 

No guilt please. Just be good and be better. That is all we need to do. Do love ourselves even more and unconditionally at that if we are to love others unconditionally and unreservedly. Isn't that loving kindness? 

But then all said and despite the reality of the above, men still need fantasy and easy way out for the many who want to have wishful thinking. What is wrong with wishful thinking or magical child-like thinking if it can give many moments of peace to men. 

Without fantasy belief systems, many would be far from God and saints and will be lost in the wilderness. The problem if any is when they decide to be passionate in their faith and point fingers at those who do not go long with them and disturb their peace. 

Fantasy thinking is one way religion can hold on to their followers and bring them into the house of God and saints to be closer to God and saints. It is like what Lord Bo Tien said of the flower attracting insects to it with nectar. 

Fantasy thinking is the nectar to attract many out there to be closer to God and saints. Hopefully one day by being in the house of God and saints, they can grow wiser and have deeper insight. When that day comes, they will rise above fantasy thinking and will no longer be prone to blame game. 

But the blame game is a necessity for the many for now and the foreseeable future yet to be. This ironically is the case and always will be for the majority. This is consistent with the compassion of Heaven. More than this is that it is the way that facilitates Heaven to help the many.

Why the blame game? Well, it is the will of God for the many to be in the house of God and saints rather than be lost outside in the wilderness. God and saints do need to look after their interest as well. 

So for those who think they know better, please do not play the blame game by blaming others for playing the blame game and let them be happy in the house of God of the religion of their choice. 

These few wiser ones who are supposedly more insightful should not play the blame game as well and move forward. Don't meddle with the games men play in the name of religion. 

Each and every sect, Lord Bo Tien says will have it's own ways to attract men to God and hold on to them. This dear readers may include fantasy thinking which involves blame game. This is how religions by differing ways can bring more to God and saints so as to save more souls in the long haul. 

The blame game in religion is not exactly bad after all or is it? God knows even if we are divided on the issue... 

Every or rather almost every sect or religion has elements of fantasy thinking and blame game so that more will be attracted to religion. The fantasy thinking differs from sect to sect and from religion to religion. 

Honesty and integrity are called to question when there is the blame game and the need to dwell in fantasy. How can we expect this two attributes in the many when they are good in these two - blame game and fantasy? 

Why is there the need to attract them to religion like insects to the flower for nectar as elucidated by the good lord Lord Bo Tien. As said before, religions cannot do away with fantasy and blame game if they are to bring in the majority to them like insects to flower for nectar. 

Ask any who goes to a temple or church and if he is good enough, he will tell you that he thinks God and saints will grant him his wishes especially worldly material wishes because firstly he is good save for the influence of the Evil One and secondly, that God will take over his transgression and forgive him. Then he has clean slate and is perfect and deserves the best - the nectar from God and saints even in this very life and moment. 

You may however never know for sure who is better - such men of fantasy or those few who steer clear of fantasy. Such men may progress spiritually and exceed the progress of those rare few who are wiser and better than them now, those who have less or no fantasy and claim they do not play blame game in spirituality. They do somehow...yes they do... 

The supposedly wiser few should not be conceited. The exalted will be humbled and the humble exalted. The humble includes those majority who don't know they have erred and dwell in fantasy and blame game but may not be conceited like the few who are wiser and do not dwell in fantasy and blame game. 

Blame game may be not desirable but is a means to the end. It enables the person to feel good and be at peace somehow at least for now and the moment. Like it or not as long as man is man, it is here to stay even for the wiser of the lot who are not wise and good enough as yet. 

That is the problem. Isn't this an example of why Lord Bo Tien often remarks that the problems and issues of men are many and plentiful? This will be the case for a long time to come till men be saints. Meanwhile, men will need the guidance and blessing of God and saints in life along the way to more of peace.

Perhaps men should not wait for the perfect moment but take the moment and make it perfect. That is still possible if only for the moment. 
Many such moments will add up but how we make a moment perfect is the issue. Many will somehow resort to blame game and the likes of Lucifer would have to bear the blame in order that they can make the moment in life perfect or near perfect somehow. Perhaps Lucifer is the concoction of fantasy ...