No 307 of Living Life Series 1
There is much said about the need to live the doctrine in our life and make the doctrine the guiding light in life. Life is full of learning experiences and the doctrine is life and life is the living gospel. Lord Bo Tien has been reiterating this to us like all other saints
To the Chinese, there is the reality of the universe around oneself and the need to realise that if one knows the universe around oneself, one will know oneself better and vice versa. The idea is to be at peace with life and with the universe be it one's own individual life or the world one is in.
But the problem is that there is flux, there is change and every problem solved is not the end all but the beginning of more problems or issues to handle. One cannot stand still but has to move on with life and be part of the ups and downs of life.
The ancient sages refer to this as yin and yang. Yin may be regarded as the phoenix and yang the dragon, but English translation may refer to yin as the negative and yang the positive, but this will give the wrong connotation that yang is good and yin is bad.
But the reality is that either is both good and bad. For example, too much of worldly or material attributes like wealth and status can bring woes and yet is good. Being lacking in material or worldly attributes like wealth is bad but can be good as we do not have issues that comes from too much. The rich may be poor and the poor may be rich. This is often attributed to Lord Jesus. The far may be near and the near may be far from divinity or what is true peace in life. This Lord Bo Tien has been telling us. So what should one go for and how to make life meaningful and peaceful so that life is rewarding come what may.
Buddha refers to craving or wanting more and more. This is the yang aspect. He also refers to the other extreme of going for nothing and denying or torturing oneself, asceticism. This is the yin element. Buddha advocates rightly that both extremes are false ways or views and lead to miseries or to put it in the words of ancient Chinese sages, no peace at all. So Lord Buddha teaches the Middle Way to steer clear of the two by having worldly sustenance and trappings -- enough earthly comforts before there is both health and comforts ample to go for spiritual enlightenment.
This is similar to Tao Way that says one cannot have only yin or only yang. One must go for balance of the two to have harmony with the universe and to be at peace in life here and now and not just for enlightenment in the life hereafter.
If one wants goodness in life one must not go for the sky. One cannot give up either in despair or otherwise. One must be in harmony with one's life events and circumstances and move on, improve oneself in life and make do if we cannot have more.
That is the only way to have continuous good out of life and that will be good. One must be at peace with life and more good one will have that way. To do so, one must not go for the sky or withdraw from life.
One simply needs to be at peace with life and flow along but not be kicked by the polarities, the ups and downs or what the Chinese sages refer to as the yin and yang. When there is harmony of yin and yang, there is peace in life and in the world. This applies to every aspect in our life. This is the Tao principle and found in all aspects of Chinese culture.
A couple has marital bliss if there is harmony of yin and yang. This does not mean that the wife is all yin and the husband is all yang. For even in yang, there is yin and even in yin there is yang. There is also relative yin and yang. Spouses cannot be identical in thinking and interests to same level. But the sum of the attributes of a couple must complement and make one whole like in the wholeness seen in the pakua (bagua)
Lord Bo Tien has through the late P. Philip in the book Lord Bo Tien's Guidance" edited by Senior Bro Pete of Bo Tien Temple referred to figure of a man with the head depicting God or Divinity above and the feet depicting men below.
Both hands outstretched on either side depict the yin and the yang. We need both hands to work as one. We need to be at peace with yin and yang and to have harmony of both so as to have peace in life on earth in order to be with God and Divinity above.
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Page 15 of book Lord Bo Tien's Guidance |
Both hands outstretched on either side depict the yin and the yang. We need both hands to work as one. We need to be at peace with yin and yang and to have harmony of both so as to have peace in life on earth in order to be with God and Divinity above.
Incidentally isn't the cross so symbolic of Christian culture identical to the figure of man with outstretched arms? To inner truth netizen 2, this may be referred to the yin yang cross to divine peace. The top end of cross represents God and Divinity. The lower end represents Man and the two arms the yin and the yang. Man must handle yin and yang in balanced way like the horizontal arms of the cross in order to be at peace and be with God and saints.

Peace be with one and all regardless of religious inclinations or even if none. One must understand that there is some basic truth principles common to all belief systems. This the lord saint Lord Bo Tien refers to as the Inner Truth.

Peace be with one and all regardless of religious inclinations or even if none. One must understand that there is some basic truth principles common to all belief systems. This the lord saint Lord Bo Tien refers to as the Inner Truth.