1983 message is re-scoped in English based on that in Hokkien through late Snr Bro Philip. Inner Truth Netizen has emphasized on the big picture i.e. relevance of the message for the wider world at large, for any temple, for any organisation and for anyone individual in any corner of the world and regardless of religious and sectarian affiliation or even if none.
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Lord Bo Tien |
The emissary of the lord saint descended through the late Senior Bro Philip on the 13th day of the 9th lunar month of 1983 to address the gathering in Chinese Hokkien dialect. Below is the abridged version for www.
The emissary said that what human beings can have cannot be the same as what are in Heaven. Take for example the flower. As a whole and when in full bloom, the flower is a beauty to behold. But the various parts of the flower are not. From external appearance, it is beautiful but the internal parts never will be beautiful. This runs true for all Nature's creation. The creation of Nature is never static and changes with time. (Inner truth netizen elaborates. There is lack of permanence, satisfactoriness and substantiality. What is whole and deemed wholesome is not that whole and wholesome after all.)
When a strong wind in the ocean blows in one direction, only a gigantic wave in the centre of the ocean can break the energy of the wind. Calmness would then be achieved. (Inner truth netizen elaborates. When a strong wind of ill-fate blows in one's life, only a giant wave of pure energy in one's spirit could break the momentum of ill fate for calmness of life to be achieved. This pure energy comes from inner peace. Inner peace arises from realisation that one should be atop the ups and downs of life as portrayed by the image of the lord saint with feet balancing two elements. This is rather than being swept around by the ups and downs -the yin and yang as depicted also by the pakua. Inner peace steadies the person so that he is not restless and in turmoil from the yin yang swirls - the ups and downs. This inner peace breaks the yin yang ill-wind that sweeps at person's sentient life. Inner peace will enable the person to tap into the holy spirit of love and peace of the heavenly saints. Then such augmented inner peace can dissipate the energy of any ill wind of fate that may blow in the ocean of a person's life. The ill-wind tends to create restlessness and havoc in the life of the person. But with inner peace fortified by holy spirit, the ill wind will be fizzled out in its track by the formidable wave of inner peace in the person. Such a person is able to be at peace despite the yin yang twists. And with divine blessing by harnessing the holy spirit of saints, big issues will be small issues and small issues be no issue. Additionally when ill fate is unavoidable, such a person is able to accept element of fate and be at peace with fate. The effects of fate will not be as bad when inner peace abides in the person.)
The temple of the lord saint like most temples and places of worship must be viewed in the proper helicopter perspective. The teachings deal with universal truth and if followed will make life fruitful. But be mindful that a temple is not just a concrete building or a shelter. A temple is the people. It is people who make up a temple. As this temple like many others is a temple of Heaven, the sky is the roof of the temple. Thus the lord saint honorific is Bo Tien with the word Tien. Tien is the sky or heaven. (PS Inner truth netizen adds. 'Bo' in Chinese is best translated as executor of 'Tien' Heaven. It is He who executes the Mission of Heaven. Do note that He is but one of the many executor saints, many of whom are the saints of religions and sects. His role is to explain the inner truth underlying all religions and sects and not to start a new sect or religion.) Heaven is the roof for all beings. All men and beings are sheltered, overseen and judged by Heaven. God and saints, not men, shall be the final judge of men. A temple serves Heaven in its mission to save souls under Heaven. Mission is not for man to serve men but for men to serve Heaven in mission to save souls. This must be understood as the core basis of Mission. The Mission is the mission of Heaven and not the mission of man. (Inner truth netizen adds. Worship Heaven and not man. Heaven not man is worthy of worship but saints do come down to be amongst men.) If in a temple such as this temple, the followers cannot understand all these clearly and effectively (putting them into effect and practice), then these doctrines and values should be returned to Heaven and be sent to many other temples where others may be able to benefit. If the past era of 13 years teachings make no difference to the wisdom of the followers of a temple, then they might as well be burnt to return them to Heaven. The way to do so figuratively is to let many other temples, perhaps 49 others, over time span of perhaps 49 days have the blessings of universal truth by symbolic ritual of lighting three joss sticks to Heaven under the open sky. (Inner truth netizen contemplates. If other temples can benefit, it is likely that those in any temple here too can benefit if they wise up by not having fallacy such as worshipping man and not God and saints -- the error of toeing primarily the agenda of men and not that of Heaven above. Know who is God and saints and who is man. Worship Heaven and not man. Let not a temple be hijacked by man in the name of Heaven for the agenda of man. This will unfortunately come to pass when man worship more of man and less of God and saints. All the problems of religions result from this fallacy of man. Man tends to bring human weakness even to the fold of religious institution. This is not the failing of saints. Blame not the flower when ants and insects come to it for nectar. This was related by the lord saint in another anniversary message,)
The lord saint reiterated the importance of knowing the doctrines of truth. If not understood, it would be a pity but Heaven will not give up. Be pure at heart to understand truth as truth too is pure. Doctrines of religions and the religions are not meant to cause dissent and complexities amongst people. Only those who fail to realise truth of life and are not pure at heart will misunderstand one another and not be in religious harmony. People must be pure at heart, understand and practice the truth. Sam Chong in the historic journey to the West to bring back the doctrines back to China set out with pure heart. With pure heart people must seek the doctrines and only by having purity can people understand and practice the doctrines.
"Where there is no proper understanding of the doctrines of truth, complications will arise amongst people within and across religions, sects and schools. Doctrines of truth are pure and not meant to cause complications amongst men. Complications and conflicts arise from no adequate understanding of truth and from lack of purity and sincerity of heart in men. A temple's focus is on correct understanding and practice of doctrines and the image of the temple e.g. that of the lord saint portrays the doctrines. People in a temple or institution are only channels for Heaven to reach out to more people. Man should not be viewed as heavenly saint and heavenly saint should not be viewed as man. Do not end up unwittingly worshipping man more than Heaven. Heaven and saints are worthy of worship but not man. "
The lord saint said that people should not judge and frown at the profile and personalities of members of a temple or spiritual organisation. The purity and excellence of the members and leaders may not be at par with and measure up to the purity and excellence of the doctrine of Heaven. The choice or judgement call on who can be leaders and members lies with the heavenly saint of the temple or spiritual organisation. Even a thief can be chosen as a facilitator of the organisation if the founding saint wants to train and teach him.
If despite efforts by any heavenly saint, a spiritual organisation like a temple could still not make it even with all the doctrine, then the doctrine would go to 49 other successful organisations. This is to show that a heavenly saint is divine and not man. Divinity will persist and prevail even if Man cannot. Man may be shortsighted but not saint
DOCTRINE IS PURE BUT HUMANS ARE DIFFERENT Human beings however beautiful or good as a people is like any creation of nature such as the flower. The flower is good and beautiful but as it is part of nature, it is not perfect and wholesome. It will wither. Also it is made of parts which on their own are not beautiful and far from wholesome or desirable. The doctrine is divine, pure and wholesome. This do not imply that the members must be pure and wholesome to be entitled to learn the doctrine.
Even Lord Buddha's teachings are not exclusive to the more good but are for all whether good or not and regardless of their personalities, status, job, or background. This is the heavenly perspective that doctrine is for all and not reserved for or the enclave of any group . Whoever finds fault with a temple for having colorful people within its rank will effectively be finding fault with the helicopter wisdom and prerogative of Heaven.
The sky is the roof of any temple and the doctrine is the heart of the founding or presiding saint. The entry to be member is for all under the sky or heaven. This if clearly understood would be good for all. If members still do not understand this and the overall doctrine, then this would be a pity. But Heaven will empathise and not give up hope.
As many humans have limited wisdom and often lacking insight, the lord saint advised thus. Whether right or wrong, the members of a temple where there is disharmony and discord arising from not grasping the pureness of doctrine (truth) should pray to Heaven for latitude and blessings for better insight- what some refer to as forgiveness. They can do so in case of a Chinese temple by tradition of offering three lighted joss sticks.
The doctrine of truth and life must be seen as of prime concern and should be viewed as distinct from rituals, traditions, psychic, cult, human and nature complexities. All past anniversary messages of the lord saint are to guide men so that men will live and work in harmony with the purpose of Heaven. This will ensure that they will be focused on the doctrine and not be complicated by the weaknesses and issues of fellow men.
DOCTRINE COMMUNICATION AND PURITY PRACTICES Whoever is chosen by Heaven to communicate the doctrine is best decided by Heaven. (This holds true for any temple or religious organisation, often to the bewilderment of some.) The person chosen must endeavour to be pure in words, thoughts and deeds. He may have at times to observe practices of discipline to fortify and enhance purity. This can take form of purity observance such as three days vegetarian and meditation on life. Enhanced purity will enable him to communicate doctrine on life effectively to others on behalf of Heaven.
Even if the following of a saint of a temple is small, this is of no concern. There is no need for fanfare such as flags and large crowds to welcome him so long as the hearts of followers are pure. This will be the ideal. A temple enshrines the doctrine and it is for the temple and doctrine that a saint makes his presence.
The emissary said that His descent that night is for the temple. "The sky is the roof of the temple. When the sun shines, people will work and when the moon appears, the people will rest. When it rains, vegetation and trees will grow to provide needs like shelter and food." (Ultimately, a heavenly saint tends to all under Heaven and not a select group and their physical temple premise. This is surmised by Inner truth netizen but not all may agree.)
The following of a temple may be small but so long as they are strong they will be pillars of strength. They are like the pillars of the temple. The leader of a temple should be reminded to be straight and pure in mind and in heart. Only then will he be steady and will not be shaken even "if the wind is strong."
BE WHOLEHEARTED TO GAIN MORE OF DOCTRINE "All should let the doctrine dwell in their hearts and persevere in pursuing understanding and practice of doctrine wholeheartedly. Do hold the doctrine securely next to your heart all the time and for many lives to come. Even the Buddha had to under go five generations to attain buddhahood. Sam Chong had lost part of the Buddha's Teachings in the river. If Heaven wants these to be recovered, it could be done. Do not lose heart but have heart to pursue the doctrine and its practice. Heaven willing, followers would even have access to more of the doctrine that men had failed to take cognisance and understand in the past."
Message re-phrased and re-scoped in English for relevancy for all by inner truth netizen from Singapore
PS This blog posting like all other blog postings dwells on the inner truth behind life as re-expounded by the lord saint Lord Bo Tien. They do not represent and reflect the official views of any organisation or sub-group but the perspectives of inner truth netizen, Singapore based on the inner truth concept. The perspectives though may overlap significantly with that of one or more of many organisations or sub-groups. In addition, they are also not primarily meant to focus on or be portrayal of doctrines and teachings of any one or more of the various specific religions or sects.