Many would like to believe that God and saints are like men. When leaders of men handle other men, they expect men that when men make mistakes and commit crimes, they should be corrected criticised and even be punished more so if recalcitrant.
Rather than trying to correct, trying to let fellow men realise what are best for them, self anointed leaders of men would like to judge, to say at least certain unpleasant words and in the process to kindle distaste, disquiet and even ill will.
But if God and saints are like that, no one would be able to please them. Everyone would face the wrath of saints and many would face damnation and many would want us to believe even eternal hell or damnation.
Fortunately we would be wrong in thinking so. We should not wrong God and saints and see them as men. What have the prophets have to say on this matter?
Judge not lest ye be judged. Many see the dusts in others' eyes and fail to see the dusts in their own eyes. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. If someone slap you on one cheek, offer the other cheek.
Certainly God and saints see the goodness and potential for more good in men. They do want men to be good but let men learn and do so at their own pace. They do not judge, let alone prejudge. They do not seethe with anger but do not have slightest anger or ill will and are ever loving, understanding and full of goodwill. They do not go for an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
Fortunately there are many good amongst men nowadays who too would not take such position and attitude.
Men may badmouth and do wrong to saints but they the saints do not harbour anger but just pity and love for men.
Any consequences of wrong by men are due to consequences of bad actions but not due to the retaliation of saints.
In the view of the saints, it is natural for the yin and yang to be present in men for men belong to the world of yin and yang. It is the ideal to be right all the time and to be able to please fellow men all the time. But in reality this is not possible. We do differ from others. We do have different views and we can make mistakes.
But we cannot avoid having views and actions by doing nothing and by running away. We cannot over do by overindulging and be reckless. We have to balance and to learn in yin yang world.
We reap what we sow for both the good and for our shortcomings as well. God and saints reward us for the good but they do not punish us for our shortcomings.
Divinity sees value in everyone and fosters more goodness in us and hopefully this will mean we become more good and less bad. That way, our life like a cup has no place for sand and mud when there is more water of goodness poured into it.
But this will take time and divinity is tolerant and willing to wait though fellow men may protest and damn our shortcomings on behalf of God and saints. There is divine benevolence for the wrong we do and small wonder some say we are saved by the grace of God and not by good works alone.
Saints like Lord Bo Tien have reminded us on the following. The ways of men are not the ways of saints. Those who do wrong and are outcast or damned by men are near to the saints so long as there is at least some or a little goodness in them which like a flickering candle flame can be sheltered and nurtured to grow and glow as Lord Bo Tien has to say since 1975. The far may be near and the near may be far.
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Lord Bo Tien |
Do not stand on high pedestal and say so and so has done good in past but because of his one or two irritating transgressions, this will in the eyes of the judgemental men wipe out all his goodness and he should be damned. Dear friends and readers, this certainly is not the way of God and saints.
No man is damned by his actions but all men are saved by the good they have however finite the good may be. But more so, they are saved by the grace and goodness of Heaven to shelter and nurture the candle flame of goodness in men. Divinity fosters more good in men. God and saints are certainly caring and benevolent.
Men may be self opinionated and ego-centric but God and saints are not. Even those in deepest level of Hell are not damned but saints will help the beings in Hell to salvage and nurture whatever goodness they may have in the past and grow the goodness so that they be reborn to higher levels and even to Heaven.
Lord Bo Tien is known to be tolerant of human weaknesses in a man. The lord will be kind to that man for the good he has done and will go all the way to bless him so that he will be more focused on his blessings and concentrate to enhance his good points. He will therefore have less time to further his weaknesses. This way, though that man has not changed in respect of his weaknesses, the weaknesses will not overwhelm the good and be more of a bane to him as he is channeled to focus and cultivate the good in him.
This is manifestation of the benevolence of the lord saint. Otherwise the weaknesses if indulged and exacerbated will be like cancer and overwhelm and consume whatever good a man has and destroy him. That man will have less time for his wreaknesses and there is less inclination for him to rub other men with his weaknesses.
Also other men who are the victims of his weaknesses will have less chance or opportunities to have anger and ill will towards him. His victims who bear less or even no grudge and vengeance will be blessed by the lord saint if they can have less grudge and ill will. The lord saint will bless them not only for that but for the good that they may have. They will be channelled to better things then to dwell on grievances caused by the weaknesses and transgressions of that man
All men without exception have weaknesses and need to improve by eradicating at their own pace and freewill such weaknesses that they may have. Meanwhile with guidance and benevolence of saints, they will have less opportunities to dwell in the weaknesses and such weaknesses will have less destructive effect for these men and for the men they associate with and who are hurt by their weaknesses.
If the men belong to a temple, then they will be less likely to destroy the temple just like insects and parasites destroying a tree which was the analogy referred to by Lord Bo Tien in one of His messages
Lord Bo Tien is known to be tolerant of human weaknesses in a man. The lord will be kind to that man for the good he has done and will go all the way to bless him so that he will be more focused on his blessings and concentrate to enhance his good points. He will therefore have less time to further his weaknesses. This way, though that man has not changed in respect of his weaknesses, the weaknesses will not overwhelm the good and be more of a bane to him as he is channeled to focus and cultivate the good in him.
This is manifestation of the benevolence of the lord saint. Otherwise the weaknesses if indulged and exacerbated will be like cancer and overwhelm and consume whatever good a man has and destroy him. That man will have less time for his wreaknesses and there is less inclination for him to rub other men with his weaknesses.
Also other men who are the victims of his weaknesses will have less chance or opportunities to have anger and ill will towards him. His victims who bear less or even no grudge and vengeance will be blessed by the lord saint if they can have less grudge and ill will. The lord saint will bless them not only for that but for the good that they may have. They will be channelled to better things then to dwell on grievances caused by the weaknesses and transgressions of that man
All men without exception have weaknesses and need to improve by eradicating at their own pace and freewill such weaknesses that they may have. Meanwhile with guidance and benevolence of saints, they will have less opportunities to dwell in the weaknesses and such weaknesses will have less destructive effect for these men and for the men they associate with and who are hurt by their weaknesses.
If the men belong to a temple, then they will be less likely to destroy the temple just like insects and parasites destroying a tree which was the analogy referred to by Lord Bo Tien in one of His messages
Man may damn other men but certainly this is not the way of God and saints. God and saints have better ways. That is the great difference between saints and men. The ways of men are not the ways of saints.
Let us learn to be a wee bit more like the saints, only a wee bit more will make a vast difference and bring more good and cheer to this world of men
Let us learn to be a wee bit more like the saints, only a wee bit more will make a vast difference and bring more good and cheer to this world of men