
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord Bo Tien (武天菩萨). The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affiliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. Needless to say that all the saints we know are in this temple. Ji Gong Posat too is no exception. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven. We worship God and saints, not man however good that man may be. There should be no hero worshiping or idolizing of man whether he is a charismatic pastor, priest, monk, medium or lay leader. We don't even idol worship the image of any saint but reflect on what the image stands for. - the doctrine in the image. Omitofo 阿弥陀佛!.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Is the coming of Maitreya 彌勒菩薩 (Mílè Púsa) due?

No 724 of Living Life Series 1

Many await the coming of Maitreya (彌勒菩薩) long before he is due to be incarnated as man. It is said that he will be the next historical Buddha when the teachings of Gautama Buddha are watered down and distorted, no longer practiced and there is need to have the next enlightened one to put people back to the cultivation of the holy life and not just believe and be saved. 

Men instead of cultivating the holy path and purifying the mind, just continue to be attached to the worldly life and they think that they can do so as Heaven or God will take care of all things so long as they just believe and have faith. It is as though salvation or enlightenment is just child's play. They only have to do one simple act - which is to commit their souls to God and saints. 

They say that men will be saved by grace of God and heavenly saints and not by good works and self cultivation - the purification of mind. Then they will have eternal life and no longer need to have rebirth. Those who do not do believe and have faith will go to eternal hell and the numerous rebirths that may prove more hellish than hell itself. 

With such thinking, they justify not lifting a finger to cultivate the path to purity of mind free from attachment and wrong views. They justify that they can live up to the call of the flesh and indulge in worldly sensuality and drives as they think this is God-sent. 

This is too good a bargain to be put aside. This is the genuine simple and sincere gesture from God and saints. All that people need to do is to just believe in them and committing their souls to them.  Belief and be saved has caught on in the last century or two.

Instead of self-cultivation and setting the goal on enlightenment, they are content with just the promise of heaven. They are under the impression that being in heaven is for eternity. But for those in the know, heaven is not for eternity and men will only be there for as long as their life or good karmic energy allows them. 

Even among the adherents today of the teachings of the historical Buddha, the trend has been to steer away from self-cultivation and embrace the trend of belief by faith and saving by grace of God and saints. This is the natural tendency. People want the easy way out and even the monks are not spared by this trend. 

But as long as there are those who try to encourage self-cultivation and not self surrender for salvation, the coming of Maitreya (彌勒菩薩) is not yet due but the writing is on the wall. 
Original image of Maitreya (彌勒菩薩)
 in Tusita Heaven seated and 
awaiting to descend to Earth  
With the mission of Lord Bo Tien (武天菩萨) still in the works, there is still hope that men will see the light and not go for the easy way out but strive to cultivate the holy life and live in the Word in the midst of the worldly life. He teaches that the same principles that promote spiritual success will also promote worldly success but yin yang balance must be achieved with focus on the holy life. 
Lord Bo Tien (武天菩萨)
But the holy life is not in putting on the robes and not in what one does but what is in the heart. As what Ji Gong (济公) says, "What matters is not what goes through the gut or what one does, but what goes through the heart." 

If some somehow still cannot fathom this part, never mind and leave this for another day...when they are not so influenced by the push to believe and be saved and when they are more ready to be hands-on and cultivate the holy life amid the worldly life - by balancing and being atop the yin and yang. 

There is certainly no free lunch or is there that free lunch after all? It is better to cultivate and be saved than to belief and be saved. Of course, there are many who go for both and get the best of both worlds. 

Incidentally, the next Buddha will have no easy task. He will have to contend with globalization and the presence of many cultures and belief systems. Lord Bo (武天菩萨) has set out to show the oneness despite the plurality of cultures and belief systems. This will pave the way for the second coming, be it the Messiah or the Buddha in the name of Maitreya (彌勒菩薩) 
Alternative image of Maitreya (彌勒菩薩)