No 326 of Living Life Series 1
Go by the way of God and saints, and we will have to cater to the interests of all men even those who see not eye to eye with us. God is benevolent and so must we be likewise if we want to have God and saints in us and we in God and saints.
Go by the way of men, and we will end up attending to our own sectoral interests and alienating others who see not eye to eye with us. Men is not like God and saints and the devil in men will rear its ugly head. Men then will go an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
Go for God's mission and all will have place in the sun of God and saints. Even the far will be near for easy is it please God and saints for there is no bargain with God and saints
Go for Man's mission and only a handful have that chance to be in the sun of not God but of man. Even the near to Man will be far for sure for it is not easy to please man for Man will bargain and exact a pound of flesh for every pound plundered
Go by the way of God and saints and even those in Hell will not be damned for they too can mend and be whole as well.
Go by the way of men and even those who could be in Heaven may be damned for the shortcomings and be in Hell even on earth and ever so unwholesome, ever so fettered and in chains.
Go for God today and you will lap in God's benevolence even if you wrong God ever so often. God is ever forgiving and ever giving.
Go for mens' whims and fancies and you may be at their mercy if you do them the slightest wrong or merely because you do not see eye to eye with them and have really done no wrong other than not pleasing them
Who would you choose? Who is easier to please? Go for God and saints but not for men if you can and if you are wise my dear friends.
As for men there are the better ones though not perfect. Associate with the wise in men. This the Lord Gautama said in the Blessing Sutra (Mangala Sutra)
As for men there are the better ones though not perfect. Associate with the wise in men. This the Lord Gautama said in the Blessing Sutra (Mangala Sutra)
Let not men sit in judgment of men if you have the way but let God judge men. If God be the judge, more peace and leeway you can have.
In an assembly of men for God and saints, let the leaders be servants to all men and not the men be servants to the leaders. Lord Jesus be praised for His call for servant leaders in a spiritual assembly of men. This is why the second of seven precepts of God introduced by Lord Bo Tien for his followers is to believe in what saints preaches. (Refer to The Precepts and Revisit of Messages by lord saint before 1974)
What is your choice? God or Man. If you choose God, you have all of these three - free will, God's love even when you do wrong and you still have men. But if you choose Man, God is still there waiting for you the poor souls of a man enslaved by fellow men
Take refuge in God and saints. Be a free spirit and soar in life. Choose the leadership of God and saints and be like the dove to fly free.
Take refuge in Man and you will often be in the clutches and chains of Man.
Why? Dear friends, there is the yin and yang in men. Be with GOD and learn to be atop and to balance the whims and fancies of Man and be at peace as you are with God and saints even amongst men.
Let the image of Lord Bo Tien show you how with his feet atop the elements of yin and yang of men.
Take refuge in Man and you will often be in the clutches and chains of Man.
Why? Dear friends, there is the yin and yang in men. Be with GOD and learn to be atop and to balance the whims and fancies of Man and be at peace as you are with God and saints even amongst men.
Let the image of Lord Bo Tien show you how with his feet atop the elements of yin and yang of men.
Or be like the divine pearl of the pakua encompassing the fish-like symbols of yin and yang to make life wholesome, round and complete, perhaps not only for the individual but for catering to the diverse needs of society in a temple or church.
A temple or church must cater to the needs of all sectors and its management committee must be representative of the yin and the yang as well. They must serve the congregation and welcome all not only those who see eye to eye with them but also those who somehow do not. (Refer to Revisit of 1984 message of Lord Bo Tien)
A temple or church must cater to the needs of all sectors and its management committee must be representative of the yin and the yang as well. They must serve the congregation and welcome all not only those who see eye to eye with them but also those who somehow do not. (Refer to Revisit of 1984 message of Lord Bo Tien)