No 322 of Living Life Series 1
Reference post No 153 - Nov 6th 2010 The Precepts
(2) I must believe in what all the Saints preach in words, thoughts, deeds and all that are written.
(6) I must respect my parents and all those elder than me.
If we are to read the messages of Lord Bo Tien many times, we would realise that the messages do not just apply to His temple but more so to the societies in the world.
For instance in 1974, He said that people of differing capabilities and endowment must work and live together even if they have differences. They complement one another. They can learn from the lessons of life --- of their own lives and of the lives of others. They can learn from strengths and weaknesses in one another's lives and be richer from the experiences not just from their own lives but also from the lives of others.
( Revisit of Lord Bo Tien's 1974 message A temple too will attract people of various characteristics, some good and some not so good. These will be contrasted for all in the group and be noticeable. Learn and absorb as much of the good points of others. Do also learn from the weaknesses and mistakes, so that these will not be repeated in their own life.)
Also in 1975, He gave the eternal advice that irrespective of differing views and abilities, all in society must bundle up together like a collection of candles (big and small and of various shades and colors) to better light up lives. Together, despite differences, they can better complement one another so as to reap wholesomeness for the whole society as mentioned in 1974 message
Revisit of 1975 message of Lord Bo Tien Candle flames may be different - some smaller while others are bigger and brighter. Nonetheless, bear in mind that the total collection and amassing of candle flames emits brightness to effectively light the way for the those in shades of darkness, more so for the less endowed and not so fortunate."
Never mind if there are marked disagreements and lack of consensus. They need to learn to love one another and this meant accepting that they may not agree and ever need to live and let live.
In 1978 and later 1984, He elaborated that there must be yin and yang in nature and in the universe. The presence of diversity and differences as well as similarities is only natural and a characteristic of the universe. Together they make one whole as in the pakua
(A revisit of the 1978 message of Lord Bo Tien Extract from 1978: The oneness of purpose and actions contrast with the diverse background of members. This stands out as noteworthy reminder of oneness in diversity)
(Revisit of 1984 message of Lord Bo Tien Extract from 1984: He then pointed out to the Taoist Octagon or Pakua, which showed two fish-like symbols the yin and the yang. Both must exist and if there was only one, then there will be no balance and peace. Man must seek the inner peace through balance of yin and yang. A temple or organisation must find balance in the yin and yang elements of people that constitute the temple. Only then will there be peace and harmony.)
(A revisit of the 1978 message of Lord Bo Tien Extract from 1978: The oneness of purpose and actions contrast with the diverse background of members. This stands out as noteworthy reminder of oneness in diversity)
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Pa kua or Ba gua |
(Revisit of 1984 message of Lord Bo Tien Extract from 1984: He then pointed out to the Taoist Octagon or Pakua, which showed two fish-like symbols the yin and the yang. Both must exist and if there was only one, then there will be no balance and peace. Man must seek the inner peace through balance of yin and yang. A temple or organisation must find balance in the yin and yang elements of people that constitute the temple. Only then will there be peace and harmony.)
What is needed is to have peace and harmony amidst the diversity. Then society will be that much more whole. Society will be that more gracious with people accepting one another for what they are and for what they could not yet be.
God and saints can do so. A flower can accept insects for coming to the flower for nectar. A saint will never turn us away because of our weaknesses.
(Revisit of 1984 message of Lord Bo Tien Extract from 1984: A heavenly saint is like the flower and the least expected amongst men will be attracted to the saint like ants and insects to the flower. This is not the wrong doing of the flower but nature's way of survival and existence. That the least expected should be at the helm or in the following of a temple is not the folly of a heavenly saint and Heaven but Heaven's way to reach out to all more so the more lost in society. But the folly of men should not be regarded as Heaven's folly.)
God will accept us to His church or temple even if they are crooks. Lord Bo Tien in 1983 did say the same that if he wants to even a crook can be a leader in his temple if He chooses to change that person. This is the prerorative of the saint. Man in society cannot decide that those with different views from them or have disabilities or weaknesses cannot be in that society, temple or church.
(Revisit of 1983 message of Lord Bo Tien The lord saint said that people should not judge and frown at the profile and personalities of members of a temple or spiritual organisation. The purity and excellence of the members and leaders may not be at par with and measure up to the purity and excellence of the doctrine of Heaven. The choice or judgement call on who can be leaders and members lies with the heavenly saint of the temple or spiritual organisation. Even a thief can be chosen as a facilitator of the organisation if the founding saint wants to train and teach him.)
(Revisit of 1984 message of Lord Bo Tien Extract from 1984: A heavenly saint is like the flower and the least expected amongst men will be attracted to the saint like ants and insects to the flower. This is not the wrong doing of the flower but nature's way of survival and existence. That the least expected should be at the helm or in the following of a temple is not the folly of a heavenly saint and Heaven but Heaven's way to reach out to all more so the more lost in society. But the folly of men should not be regarded as Heaven's folly.)
God will accept us to His church or temple even if they are crooks. Lord Bo Tien in 1983 did say the same that if he wants to even a crook can be a leader in his temple if He chooses to change that person. This is the prerorative of the saint. Man in society cannot decide that those with different views from them or have disabilities or weaknesses cannot be in that society, temple or church.
(Revisit of 1983 message of Lord Bo Tien The lord saint said that people should not judge and frown at the profile and personalities of members of a temple or spiritual organisation. The purity and excellence of the members and leaders may not be at par with and measure up to the purity and excellence of the doctrine of Heaven. The choice or judgement call on who can be leaders and members lies with the heavenly saint of the temple or spiritual organisation. Even a thief can be chosen as a facilitator of the organisation if the founding saint wants to train and teach him.)
If God and saints are so accommodating and tolerant as well as benevolent to the perceived wrongs, men of faith and spiritual cultivation should be a bit like that if they cannot be more like that.
If God is like man and so petty and judgmental, then no one will be worthy of the kingdom of Heaven and no one is worthy of going to a church or temple.
It is said that even those in Hell will if they can be a little more good, be reborn or leave Hell.
In the basic precepts, the lord saint said that all must respect their parents and those elder than them. We must realise that they too are not perfect and may have done wrong, and we should not be victim of their wrong though we must still respect them as parents or elders.
In another precept, the lord saint reminds us to respect and believe what saints preach in words thoughts and deeds. Sometimes our human mind will like to ignore and feel that they are irrelevant to the incident or situation at hand.
But it is wiser to respect the saints for what they preach in the context of the society and situation. We need to believe in them especially when they like lord saint said things that were yet to come and that would surely come if we do not heed their messages.
It is right that we think for ourselves as to what is right but we need to be wise. If we respect parents and those older than us, how much more need we to respect the saints and what they have to tell us in their divine messages.
That is precisely why there are two separate precepts for respect specified by Lord Bo Tien -- one is the 2nd precept, believing in and respecting what saints preaches and another the 6th precept is to respect parents and elders. However, we need not expect elders and parents to be perfect but respect is still due. (For the second and sixth precepts, go to The Precepts)
Even with the helping hands of heavenly saints, sometimes due to element of fate, we cannot avoid bad events altogether. But at least we must have faith in saints. Big issues will be small issues even if they cannot be no issues and small issues will be no issues with a little bit shelter by the saints.
(Reference A revisit of the 1977 message of Lord Bo Tien "Do pray earnestly and wholeheartedly to the saints and the saints will know. Seek their blessings in earnest and they will come to your side. Big issue will be small issues even if they cannot be no issue and small issues will be no issue.")
(Reference A revisit of the 1977 message of Lord Bo Tien "Do pray earnestly and wholeheartedly to the saints and the saints will know. Seek their blessings in earnest and they will come to your side. Big issue will be small issues even if they cannot be no issue and small issues will be no issue.")
At the same time, we must learn to understand life and the truth of life. Then, we will learn how to balance and be atop of the ups and downs, the yin and yang and be at inner peace. (For more of this, do read The way to inner peace.) This is not only depicted by the pakua but also by the feet of the seated image of Lord Bo Tien on top of and balancing the elements. Cheers