No 321 of Living Life Series 1
The way forward for the seeker of truth is to believe that truth alone is the master and not to take anyone as the master. This is the teaching of all heavenly saints.
Lord Bo Tien is no exception. He makes himself known to us through a human medium but He stressed to us many times before not to mistake man as a saint and not to mistake saint as man. Man is man and saint is saint.
Man has free will to be good and bad but the bad man is good at times and the good man can be bad at times. There is the active and the passive what is known as yang and yin of the pakua (ba gua)
There is the black and the white side in men. Whoever is chosen by a heavenly saint to communicate spiritual message and principles is the decision of the saint. Men should not worry on the credibility and standing of that man but should instead be concerned if they could understand and grasps the spiritual principles.
There is one Divinity but many saints. There is one God Almighty but many prophets and their religions. Each religion has many sects and each sect has many schools and each school many leaders.
What is important is the truth behind the saint, religion, sect, school or a teacher. We need not know more of who is the saint or who is the man but we need to know more of the truth he conveys and whether it is good and meaningful and whether it makes life more meaningful and purposeful.
While man may be attracted to a saint or to a sect or school or even to the man who leads, what is important is the nectar of truth and not the flower in the form of a saint, a man or a sect or religion.
The flower may be a beauty to behold and not only look nice but smell nice. But its individual parts may not be so. The man in a temple may portray the spiritual approach effusively and well but do remember that though that man may appear good and nice, what made up his character may not be that nice if you know him long enough.
Moreover like the flower, the niceness in him will not last and like the flower, he will wither and become unattractive. What is important is the nectar that the flower has.
What is important in a man or a saint is the truth and the way to realise truth in life that is important. For a man of religion, don't go for him as a person or you will be disappointed in no time but go for the substance of truth he presents.
For a saint, don't be awed by His sainthood or image but go for the refuge and spiritual values He stands for. Lord Bo Tien says that the truth is in His image and His image tells us the truth.
He bids us to stay the course and be steady with his left hand in salutation.
We need to be atop the ups and downs of life, the yin (passive) and the yang (active) so as to be at peace with life and not be tossed around by life. This is depicted by the lord saint in His image with both feet atop and balancing the elements of yin and yang.
We must hold on with right hand to the promise of God and saints the sceptre of hope and salvation as depicted by the right hand of the lord saint holding on to the sceptre of the mission to overcome difficulties and to save souls.
We must be the embodiment of spiritual values (the precepts, the pure thoughts, loving kindness etc) as much as we can. That way we be the pearl of truth supported by two dragons.
The dragon chair Lord Bo Tien is seated on is made of two dragons supporting the lord saint. The lord saint is the pearl supported by twin dragons. He is the embodiment of the truth in life and the way to overcome difficulties and the way to be at peace in world of yin and yang.
We need only know all these about the seated image of the lord saint and we need not know more of the saint. Need we know more beyond the doctrine in any religion?
We do not need to do so but in reality we go for the details and the presentation and the material trappings that that religion can give us and worst still, we go for the men who lead.
We forget that man should not worship man but God and saints and more importantly the way or Tao they represent. The way forward is in truth and nothing but the truth. This is the way forward in the mission of life.
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Thus far, we have dealt with life from the more spiritual perspectives. Can the principle of how to handle the black and white in man and in life by balancing the yin and yang in that man or life apply to the mundane worldly life?
Yes the lord saint would like us to know. We must learn from the strength and issues in not only our own life but the life of others. Know the man and you will know the universe of yin and yang better.
Go for life of peace by balancing yin and yang. Associate with the wise or good side but do not deny that he has the black or not so good side. Bring out the good in him and do not fan up the bad in him. Go for the good in a man but not expect the world out of that man or you will be disappointed once too often.
This is the way forward in mundane life by using the same principle of balancing the yin and yang, not denying the yin and the yang and not being the victim of yin and yang but being master of yin and yang, be it spiritual or mundane life. Life is rich with learning and a truly living gospel.
Thank GOD and saints like Lord Bo Tien for their guidance. There will be times when our efforts alone will not be enough to handle issues. No man is an island and even an island is subject to the whims and mercy of the elements.
We need to seek the shelter of saints so that when we are are yet to have better balance of yin and yang and have issues, the saints will help us. Big issues will be small issues even if they cannot be no issue and small issues be no issue. Our candle of life needs to be sheltered by the saints so that it will not flicker in the wind. Lord Bo Tien reminds us on this ever so often.
The way forward is to be the pearl of the dragons by living the doctrine in our life and make life of yin and yang work for us be it for spiritual life or for mundane life. Such a person is at peace with life and with all in life both yin and yang. He is the treasure to the world and is liked by both gods and men. He is the pearl of the dragons.