No 260 of Living Life Series 1
The pakua deals with life and all phenomena. It figures prominently in the I-Ching - the Book of Changes. This book is centred on the ideas of the dynamic balance of opposites, the evolution of events as a process, and acceptance of the inevitability of change.
There are many perspectives to the pakua but five are touched on below. Peace from balance of yin and yang is the common goal of all the various perspectives of the pakua.
The trigrams are related to the five elements of metal, fire, earth, wood, and water.
There are various evolved applications of the pakua but most notable is in feng shui which often degrades the true spiritual value of the pakua and is best considered an off shoot application.
(5) Cultural perspective
In pakua, yin and yang descriptives are ascribed to each and every phenomenon and context of life. Yin and yang are sort of opposites that go in tandem, the negative and positive, the downs and ups and the female and male elements. We need to contend with both, flow with both but not swept around by them. We need to balance both the yin and yang in life.
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Pakua takes centre stage at Bo Tien Temple shrine hall at No 6 Chin Bee Road Singapore 619708 Tel: 65 62626021 |
Balance does not mean mid point or average and the best way to understand this concept is to refer to the dynamic equilibrium which yields peace. This is as per the doctrine portrayed by the image of Lord Bo Tien in seated pose with feet astride the two elements at his feet. The elements represent the yin and yang which some refer to as the little devils or elfs of life but the more well informed will use the terms yin and yang.
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Lord Bo Tien |
There are many perspectives to the pakua but five are touched on below. Peace from balance of yin and yang is the common goal of all the various perspectives of the pakua.
(1) Plurality perspective
The many segments of the pakua depict plurality of nature and life but this is not the only message behind the segments. These segments of diverse aspects of nature and life come together in harmony to form the pakua. They embrace the yin yang elements - the polarities of life which include the 'up's and 'down's of life. Do read article 257 for more of plurality by clicking:-
(2) Creation perspective
The two dots represent primordial energy. From them, arose the Three Pure Ones, each with own heaven in the supra- universe and then God who created from the post primordial yin and yang the universe we understand of heavens, earth, hells and all beings -- all represented by the segments of the pakua. For more of this, read article 258 by clicking on
(3) Phenomena perspective
Pakua literally means eight diagrams to represent 8 categories or areas of life and phenomena. The eight trigrams sometimes refer to the changes in life. The term is derived from the book of the I-Ching*, a sacred text. Each diagram consists of three lines, each line either "broken" or "unbroken," representing yin or yang, respectively - ☰ ☱ ☲ ☳ ☴ ☵ ☶ ☷. Because of the three lines, they are called trigrams.
Why three lines and not two or four? The answer is a philosophical one. There is heaven, earth and man emphasis in Chinese culture. There is the yin and the yang and the third party where they act or which acts as neutraliser of sorts. In the instance of heaven, earth and man, heaven is yang and earth is yin. What is yin to one circumstance or context may be yang in another circumstance or context.
Why three lines and not two or four? The answer is a philosophical one. There is heaven, earth and man emphasis in Chinese culture. There is the yin and the yang and the third party where they act or which acts as neutraliser of sorts. In the instance of heaven, earth and man, heaven is yang and earth is yin. What is yin to one circumstance or context may be yang in another circumstance or context.
乾 Qián ☰ | 兌 Duì ☱ | 離 Lí ☲ | 震 Zhèn ☳ | 巽 Xùn ☴ | 坎 Kǎn ☵ | 艮 Gèn ☶ | 坤 Kūn ☷ |
Heaven/Sky | Lake/Marsh | Fire | Thunder | Wind | Water | Mountain | Earth |
天 Tiān | 澤(泽) Zé | 火 Huǒ | 雷 Léi | 風(风) Fēng | 水 Shuǐ | 山 Shān | 地 Dì |
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Pa kua |
☰ ☱ ☲ ☳ ☴ ☵ ☶ ☷
The trigrams are related to the five elements of metal, fire, earth, wood, and water.
Trigrams of Heaven (Qian) and Lake (Dui) are related to element of Metal.
Trigram of Water (Kan) is related to the Water element.
Trigram of Fire (Li) is related to Fire element.
Trigrams of Earth (Kun) and Mountain (Gen) are related to Earth element.
The trigrams of Wind (Xun) and Thunder (Zhen) are related to Wood element (being forces that can erode stone).
(4) Feng shui perspective
There are various evolved applications of the pakua but most notable is in feng shui which often degrades the true spiritual value of the pakua and is best considered an off shoot application.
In feng shui, the eight trigrams end up having bearing on eight aspects of life: (i) wealth, (ii) reputation, (iii) love, (iv) family and health, (v) travel and helpful acquaintances, (vi) career, (vii) wisdom, (viii) children and creativity. Though this perspective might not be behind the original primary spiritual basis for the pakua, it has however found favor amongst geomancy and feng shui practitioners and believers. The motivation is far from spiritual and obviously driven by fanciful mundane obsessions.
It has become a social tool to modulate and optimise all the eight aspects of life. No one application appears to be wrong and none can be exactly right. Belief after all is in the hands of the beholder and is always subjective rather than objective. Rationalisation makes things appear more right and proper to extent of being more conducive to be acclaimed and venerated beyond mere art.

Many had in the past adopted the pakua often with a mirror variation as talisman to deflect or ward off untoward forces and ill wind. The pakua was placed at the main door of a house to face outwards often at neighbours' doors to their distaste. This cultural perspective is no longer a mainstream practice. In the first place, it was not what the pakua was designed for by the ancient sages of Tao.