Big issues count but it is the small things that make the difference.
Why small issues are important? A stitch in time saves nine. Little drops of water make a mighty ocean. Also, when we take care of small issues, big issues will not be there if we can handle the issues as they arise and nip them in the bud. Practise and cultivate peace in life a little at a time. Never mind if you are slow or still troubled in mind and far from peaceful for now. It is important that you do not stop trying and move on in life however slow you may be.
A fruit tree rooted in subterranean water will be there and bearing fruits even if there is drought but not the trees in big plantations which will wither in drought with no subterranean water. A man rooted in inner truth and practice of inner peace may not be as well off world wise as others much better off in good times. But in face of drought of life, he stands and still thrives. He is at peace when others many times better are not. Why? He is at peace as he is not affected by the yin and yang of life, for he stands at the centre of the pakua and not swept around by cyclical yin yang.
Nurture the candle flame of life however small and weak it may be compared to others. If sheltered by God and saints, this flame will glow and grow and not flicker in the wind.
Go for strength in numbers. A collection of candle flames can out do a big candle flame. This was alluded to by Lord Bo Tien.
Go for strength in numbers. A collection of candle flames can out do a big candle flame. This was alluded to by Lord Bo Tien.
If thus far, the efforts are not enough, seek the blessing and shelter of God and saints. With combined self effort and heavenly blessings, issues however big will be small even if they cannot be no issue due to the element of fate. Small issues will naturally be no issue.
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Lord Bo Tien |
In going about life, go for the little blessings in life. Often it is the little things in life that make the difference. Small things in every day life do add up and big things you will have. Also, it is easier to maintain the peace when you go for the small things in life. You are less upset if they do not come your way but surely you will have no problem getting many of the small things in life which do not require great effort and are not exacting.
The man of peace goes for the daily blessings of life and treasures them however small they may be. He does not take life for granted. He values life and often this translates to valuing the little blessings of life that come his way.
It is the little things in life that make the difference. All good things and for that matter, even the big things in life depend on our having the little things in our daily life which we often take for granted and often not even aware of. When we have them, we are complacent but when they are not there, we feel the loss and realise that the little things do count and are not little after all.
They do add up to big things to come. They do pave the way for more good things in life. It is from the little things that we can end up having big things. It is from starting small that one day we can end up big. All great men were small at some stage of their lives. Go for small if ever you want to give yourself the chance to be big one day. But do not insist that you must make it big.
This holds true for both mundane and spiritual life. The principle of being peaceful means we go for small steps and not take big leaps. A little spiritual peace every now and then will one day put us to the path of sainthood. The effort required is small and within the capability of all men. It is not in the least daunting.
The same spiritual principle of going small if you hope for better things if applied to mundane world will ensure peace and comfort in mundane secular life as well. This is the teaching of all saints and Lord Bo Tien is one of them.
Do not envy over what others have. Do not crave for what you yet to have. Do not rave over what you have. Do not stave off or deny life and left to waste what you have. Praise God for the little things in life. Then you will not crave, rave or stave off life. This may sound profound and complex but truth is actually so simple and yet difficult to perceive as what my late Senior Brother P Philip said.
At this juncture, let me share what I read many years ago. 50 years ago, one medical doctor at Ipoh Malaysia in the Voice of Buddhism wrote to a school boy to say that five precepts for a Buddhist is good enough.
"Five precepts are good enough for you. You do not need to know more or do more."
It may be a small step but it is all that boy needed to know and do to be big in spiritual in time to come, be it in present life or in afterlife.
Take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves. Is this an overstatement? Dear readers you have to decide for yourself. Cheers and once again God bless.
The same spiritual principle of going small if you hope for better things if applied to mundane world will ensure peace and comfort in mundane secular life as well. This is the teaching of all saints and Lord Bo Tien is one of them.
Do not envy over what others have. Do not crave for what you yet to have. Do not rave over what you have. Do not stave off or deny life and left to waste what you have. Praise God for the little things in life. Then you will not crave, rave or stave off life. This may sound profound and complex but truth is actually so simple and yet difficult to perceive as what my late Senior Brother P Philip said.
At this juncture, let me share what I read many years ago. 50 years ago, one medical doctor at Ipoh Malaysia in the Voice of Buddhism wrote to a school boy to say that five precepts for a Buddhist is good enough.
"Five precepts are good enough for you. You do not need to know more or do more."
It may be a small step but it is all that boy needed to know and do to be big in spiritual in time to come, be it in present life or in afterlife.
The five precepts are: do not kill, do not steal, do not tell lies, do not commit sexual misconduct and do not be intoxicated.
The five precepts and for that matter the precepts of any religion
go some way to ensure peaceful and fruitful life, both spiritual and secular. The individual will also be peaceful and pleasant to others and will bring out the peaceful and pleasant side of others.
Inner truth netizen would like to add that one can belong to any religion or even if none but as long as one's beliefs enable one to go for the little joys in life, that would ensure that one's life is peaceful, pleasant, comfortable and fruitful in every day of life.
Take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves. Is this an overstatement? Dear readers you have to decide for yourself. Cheers and once again God bless.