No 242 of Living Life Series 1
Thoughts for the day, courtesy of BWY
(1) Lemonade of life need us to have sugar and water, not just lemon from lemon tree. Sages and saints can provide sugar and water of life while we grow our lemon tree of life to produce lemon fruits. But such fruits cannot be lemonade of life if we do not have sugar and water of our own. Help from sages and saints can make the difference.
(2) Shit of life can be channeled to grow lemon trees if we know how. They need not pollute our life and make it stink to high heaven. We must turn our misfortunes into fortunes and that must be done somehow, some way and whenever we can, for no way we can stay away from shit all the time. More of lemon trees we must have and then we can have more sweetness out of lemonade in life.

(3) "Neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you" Matthew 7:6 

Do not cast pearls to swines or this be sheer waste but cast them to oysters and bigger pearls there will be. Do not waste time trying to win over those not ready for the doctrine but do so only for those who are prepared, primed, ready and receptive. Evangelism can be misdirected.
The above are glimpses of new age doctrine format presented by BWY. The presentation or format is more appealing to the new generation so as to rejuvenate the religious thought and fervour. Otherwise, the good works of the old may not see the light of the day in time to come.
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whole chicken on its own not appealing as the ultimate dishes they end up in |
That is why there must be new sects and new ways, new forms of approach but only involving mere modification of substance.
This is just like new ways of cooking the chicken but the outcome will make the difference if we innovate, repackage and re -invent. The dishes may be different and may even be new but the meat used is still chicken. The garnishing and other ingredients need to be different. Even fried chicken cannot be the same way it is fried over the decades. That is why we have modern fast food chains for fried chicken.
This is just like new ways of cooking the chicken but the outcome will make the difference if we innovate, repackage and re -invent. The dishes may be different and may even be new but the meat used is still chicken. The garnishing and other ingredients need to be different. Even fried chicken cannot be the same way it is fried over the decades. That is why we have modern fast food chains for fried chicken.
New age dishes or religions or sects of a given religion need to come on stream and are unavoidable. The above should be the thoughts for the day. Let us call this the new age doctrine. This certainly may be the way to go. Isn't this food for thought? Or perhaps they afford glimpses of manifestations of the new age doctrine format for the truth of ancient wisdom to make it simple and more relevant for the new generation and era.
We must never ever insist that we stick to the old and decry the new. We must not be die hard fundamentalist or be lost and buried in history. Even God sends down new saints and prophets from time to time to better meet and keep pace with the march of time. Some may not agree and this will be alright .... just a bone of contention and we can always agree to disagree.
There are many roads to Rome and there are many religions and sects committed to God. There are many ways to apply the same principle, the same one truth of God and saints. This is the Inner Truth message for which Lord Bo Tien is a divine messenger of God. There is unity in diversity. There is convergence in divergence.
There is balance and harmony of yin and yang for the 'sages' amongst men who wield mastery of yin and yang but not so for the many 'lost' in web of yin and yang. The mastery is depicted in the symmetry and balance of the pakua where every point is both the beginning and the end and yet there is no beginning and end. Just like existence be it for the universe or that beyond, there is both a beginning and the end and yet no beginning and no end.
There is balance and harmony of yin and yang for the 'sages' amongst men who wield mastery of yin and yang but not so for the many 'lost' in web of yin and yang. The mastery is depicted in the symmetry and balance of the pakua where every point is both the beginning and the end and yet there is no beginning and end. Just like existence be it for the universe or that beyond, there is both a beginning and the end and yet no beginning and no end.
If there be need for choice of way to peace in life, is there a need to follow any specific way or to choose the best of the spread like in buffet of sorts? Yes, we need not be aligned to any way but can pick a bit here and a bit there so long as the combination makes sense for us. But fundamentalists will raise hue and cry that this is not the way.
The one who belongs to no religion, the so-called free thinker, is actually no free thinker at all but he is a believer of what he thinks is believable and best for him. He is likely to be one who has doubts and will pursue the doubts. He will not be cowed to believe wholesale but will choose from the buffet of spread of beliefs and have his say and way.
This has been remotely referred to by Lord BoTien when He said that we should not be upset if amongst those who come to us, there are those who disagree and have doubts. Doubts can be healthy and if they can be overcome, the seeker of life will be stronger in affinity with God and saints even if he started out as non believers of God and saints.
The new age doctrine will lead to bigger share of beings who believe in God or Divinity but who are both non aligned to any religion and yet believe in some way to all. But religionists will be ruffled by them and feel threatened. This group has grown in sizable proportion and has made impact in new age society. but this does not necessarily spell the drop in popularity of institutional religion.
On the contrary, if men of religions adopt an open and liberal mind, more accomodative, perhaps a wee bit less dogmatic fundamentalist stance, the opposite effect may be the case. "Take it or leave it approach" must be relegated to the incinerator, or at best, be on back burner, or perhaps just take a back seat.
Ultimately, we must remember that religion is only a means to the end but not the end itself. The end is inner peace of spirit in God or Divinity. You can have this even if you say there is no God but only goodness of life. There is no need to squabble over, terms, names, semantics and concepts. After all, a rose by any name is till a rose they say.
Thanks to BWY, this article comes about and in conclusion, let us remember what representative of Lord Bo Tien said and will say, " The lordship is not here to start a new relgion or sect or to champion any but he did choose the frame work of a Chinese ethnic temple to begin with, for even in such a temple, the truth can be found"
Lord Bo Tien. "The doctrine (truth) is my image and the image is the doctrine (truth) " |
Many like BWY are not wrong but are near to the saints like the lord even if they may be far or do not belong...... This new age approach is to be reckoned and given the limelight. The relative decline of religions if any does not mean that there will be more of the unsavory Godlessness but may spell the contrary as God and saints will have their way. Trust God and saints to make things right. 'God is' but we cannot say 'man is'.