Happiness is the right of all even for the not so well endowed. The best joy is inner peace as derived from realization in life of inner truth doctrine of God. This is not dependent on mundane but all will reap blessings both mundane and supra-mundane. This did Lord Bo Tien want all to cherish.
Have the greatest joy in life that even gods do cherish by being at peace with life. Truth though profound and the talk of sages indeed is so that simple and within reach by anyone. This is what the transcended Senior Brother P. Philip wanted us to know.
This is the way to bliss and heaven on earth here and now. We do not need to wait till we are well off materially or for the afterlife to have heavenly bliss.
This too is the way to be near and dear to God and saints though far. The far may be near. This did Lord Bo Tien say.
This peace is the better platform for all to manage issues. We can better manage life and pray to the saints for more options for us to tread and manage life. As the Chinese saying goes, saints open up the ways but we choose and tread the way.
When we pray to the saints wholeheartedly, the saints do know. They will heed our prayers and be with us. We will be near and dear to the saints. Big issues if any will at least be small issues and small issues be no issues. Let us remember these divine sayings of the saints and Lord Bo Tien is one of the many. Let us rejoice that we have saints like Lord Bo Tien.
Cheers and toast to life of peace. When we have peace, we will be more blessed in management of issues not just with problems but have more direct blessings as well. But the best first step is to cultivate inner peace by having grasp of true nature of life as elaborated in the inner truth message of God.
"Gong Xi Fa Cai." Have a happy lunar new year with the best joy that can be --- inner peace that even gods cherish.
God and saints welcome all who call on the name of God and saints. There are no select few and even insects and ants amongst men can go to the flower of divinity. No one is worse off in the eyes of Heaven. Thank heaven that all have a place with God and saints and certainly all can have Gong Xi Fa Cai.
May the blessings of Gong Xi Fa Cai come from all the cardinal directions manned by the Five Arch Angels of God, the Jade Emperor and decreed by the Three Purities - the Three Pure Ones as well as supported by the Buddhas of all eras.
As the saying goes, when there is one, there is three or more and when there is three and more, there will still be one, be it for God and pure ones or for blessings one or three and more. Peace is the one blessing we must have above all else. With this one, we can have three and more. When there is three and more, peace is still the one that must be behind all. Cheers and Gong Xi Fa Cai once and ever more. Let the musketeer cheer be there for sure. "One for all (three or more) and all for one"
Inner peace is the one for all not only for individuals but also for religions and sects too. One religion for all and all religions for one. One sect for all sects and all sects for one in any individual religion too. Peace must hold true too for nations as well. One nation for all and all nations for one. Let us toast to peace galore in everything and anything for sure. Let there be peace always and ever more, even when we are tipsy with new year cheer. Gong Xi Fa Cai once again.
This dear friends and strangers alike is the way to go. Peace in men and nations alike brings blessings and cheer to one and all (three or more). You may say this again and again for sure. Toast to peace in new year cheer. May there be bottoms up for good luck and providence both big and small so that we could have all the luck and providence that can be and that we can have if we can keep the peace always in us and in all aspects of society.
God and saints welcome all who call on the name of God and saints. There are no select few and even insects and ants amongst men can go to the flower of divinity. No one is worse off in the eyes of Heaven. Thank heaven that all have a place with God and saints and certainly all can have Gong Xi Fa Cai.
May the blessings of Gong Xi Fa Cai come from all the cardinal directions manned by the Five Arch Angels of God, the Jade Emperor and decreed by the Three Purities - the Three Pure Ones as well as supported by the Buddhas of all eras.
As the saying goes, when there is one, there is three or more and when there is three and more, there will still be one, be it for God and pure ones or for blessings one or three and more. Peace is the one blessing we must have above all else. With this one, we can have three and more. When there is three and more, peace is still the one that must be behind all. Cheers and Gong Xi Fa Cai once and ever more. Let the musketeer cheer be there for sure. "One for all (three or more) and all for one"
Inner peace is the one for all not only for individuals but also for religions and sects too. One religion for all and all religions for one. One sect for all sects and all sects for one in any individual religion too. Peace must hold true too for nations as well. One nation for all and all nations for one. Let us toast to peace galore in everything and anything for sure. Let there be peace always and ever more, even when we are tipsy with new year cheer. Gong Xi Fa Cai once again.
This dear friends and strangers alike is the way to go. Peace in men and nations alike brings blessings and cheer to one and all (three or more). You may say this again and again for sure. Toast to peace in new year cheer. May there be bottoms up for good luck and providence both big and small so that we could have all the luck and providence that can be and that we can have if we can keep the peace always in us and in all aspects of society.
Blessings and luck can come in big and small for thee. Hope you could see the pun in this punch line..... Do keep the peace - the one joy behind all else and the joy that will last beyond all joys that can be. Have a good year.

Let us remember the spirit of Chinese New Year when even the not so well off will want to have the best that they can have. They will splurge and indulge in blessings at least during the Chinese New Year even if right after this, they will be back to reality and rumble and tumble of the old ways of life.
All will want to be happy and feel good during the Chinese New Year festivities. But as said above, what is important is to be at peace and feel good about life and be in harmony with life namely the polarities of life. No way could we avoid the hiccups and issues of life or to make sure the good days will not ebb and flow like high tide and low tide. There will always be good days and not so good days. There will be ups and downs.
This is the very nature of life. We must heed the call for inner peace by understanding inner truth message reflected in the seated pose image of Lord Bo Tien with both feet balancing the ups and downs of life - the yin and yang. His left hand in salutation bids us to be at peace and to be steadfast in this. His right hand holds the sceptre symbolic of inner truth message of God behind all religions and sects.
This is the very nature of life. We must heed the call for inner peace by understanding inner truth message reflected in the seated pose image of Lord Bo Tien with both feet balancing the ups and downs of life - the yin and yang. His left hand in salutation bids us to be at peace and to be steadfast in this. His right hand holds the sceptre symbolic of inner truth message of God behind all religions and sects.
Do not be ruffled by the ebbing away of the good days and the drought of the bad days. But if we are rich in peace in life come what may, we have the joy of peace always. This is the inner peace of spirit of life and if we can master this inner peace, we can love life more and one day be with the saints and buddhas. We will be one with the Trinity of God, the Holy Spirit and the divine ones. We will be one with the three. This again is one perspective of the TAO - the one is three and the three is one.
This approach for peace in life should be the true spirit and essence of Chinese New Year which the the wise amongst Chinese ancestors wanted all to have not just for Chinese New Year but for every day of life. This is the message that the Jade Emperor and his divine ones want all to know.
The truth and purpose of life is as simple as that but, alas, many fail to see this. As what the late Senior Brother P. Philip did reflect thus, "Only the wise seek the fulfilment of ancient wisdom. Yet the profound truth is so simple but difficult to perceive."
Do reflect that the wisdom of the ancient sages and saints like Lord Bo Tien is like the vast ocean which extend up to the shores of many a land. Divine wisdom is within reach of many a man not just for Chinese New Year only but for every day of life of every man.
Do reflect that the wisdom of the ancient sages and saints like Lord Bo Tien is like the vast ocean which extend up to the shores of many a land. Divine wisdom is within reach of many a man not just for Chinese New Year only but for every day of life of every man.
Let the message of inner peace behind all religions and behind the true meaning of Gong Xi Fa Cai reigns over the life of every a man and being. Then every day is Chinese New Year and a day of peace and cheer. Do toast and bottoms up for many more of the good days of peace and cheer.
Then and only then will we see that those who see the inner truth of life will be different from those who do not. Both celebrate life come Chinese New Year but the ones who practise the spiritual principles of inner truth and are at peace will end up being at peace even after Chinese New Year. They will continue to celebrate life beyond the Chinese New Year as though their prayers at Chinese New Year observances are answered. Of course, saints and God do help them as they have been able to help themselves by following the spiritual principles behind inner truth message of God.
Like what Lord Bo Tien said that the principles of inner truth not only nurture spiritual results but if applied to mundane life, they also bring forth worldly blessings as well. Those who dive into worldly mundane goals without the primary driver of spiritual values may not fare as well and have lasting peace in life that is of yin yang twists.
The wise one would be like lotus plant thriving in the muddy water of life and yet be at peace flowering above and amidst the yin yang mud and swirls. This did Lord Bo Tien say to us time and time again. For that matter all other saints would say the same in their own ways to reach out to all facets of society so that more will be at peace and be with God and saints. This is integral to the Four Pillar Doctrine where the four pillars represent the religions in all cardinal driections and heaven is the roof of the house or temple of God. This was elucidated by Lord Bo Tien.
Let us pray that more will see the true spirit of Chinese New Year and have that spirit throughout the year and year on year for sure. Let Gong Xi Fa Cai be there always and ever more through inner peace. Inner peace arises from understanding and practice of inner truth message of God and saints.
Let us say it again. As the saying goes, when there is one, there is three or more and when there is three and more, there will still be one, be it for God and pure ones or for blessings one or three and more. Peace is the one blessing we must have above all else. With this one, we can have three and more. When there is three and more, peace is still the one that must be behind all.
Let us say it again. As the saying goes, when there is one, there is three or more and when there is three and more, there will still be one, be it for God and pure ones or for blessings one or three and more. Peace is the one blessing we must have above all else. With this one, we can have three and more. When there is three and more, peace is still the one that must be behind all.