No 1605 of Living Life Series 1
Can men agree with what a temple should do?
Can the mission of a temple be just to have a temple building?
Can men ever realize that the purpose is to save souls?
Can giving three meals a day and shelter (welfare services) enough to save souls?
Can men get their act together to do more than having a building and social services?
Can Bo Tien 武天 wait till there are suitable men before God and heavenly saints like him save souls?
Can Divinity depend on men to save souls?
Can those who run a temple save their own souls, let alone the souls of the many? Can the mission to save souls depend on men?
Can Divinity wait for men to be ready for mission to save souls? Can Divinity afford to wait?
Men can wait but not God. God is ready but men not ready.
Can Divinity go it alone?
Will this still depend on some right minded men somehow?
Cannot some men make the right move and God will do the rest? Do ask Bo Tien 武天.
Can we ask him? Had he not given the Word he refers to as the Inner Truth that is in religion, life and all cultures? Has he not answered?
Can the handful of rare men of right mind be good enough?
Why God cannot wait for more men to be ready and good enough in some way?