No 1626 of Living Life Series 1
What magic can there be that the human mind cannot come up with? What magic a child can have in his mind that many an adult no longer can conjure?
How beautiful it would be if man can just get what he wants by mere wish? We must all be childlike and have a fairy tale life. This must be if we want to inject optimism in life and say we can make it.
Religion plays a role to weave this magic and make life work like in the never never land of Peter Pan or the experiences of Alice in Wonderland.
But wonders aside, we must come down hard to the ground and not float to cloud 9. We must know that what we have are because of what we sow.
But we still can have magical life. If we sow goodwill and love, we can have good in return. We are surrounded by love and goodwill. We can have semblance of wonderful life that is more real and not surreal or dreamlike.
Love for life not only our own but for all around us will be what we all need regardless of religion we are in or even if none. Bo Tien 武天 says love is everything in life.
Without love, there is no magic in life. Yes we can still weave magic in life and not just dream about it like a child.
How beautiful it would be if man can just get what he wants by mere wish? We must all be childlike and have a fairy tale life. This must be if we want to inject optimism in life and say we can make it.
Religion plays a role to weave this magic and make life work like in the never never land of Peter Pan or the experiences of Alice in Wonderland.
But wonders aside, we must come down hard to the ground and not float to cloud 9. We must know that what we have are because of what we sow.
But we still can have magical life. If we sow goodwill and love, we can have good in return. We are surrounded by love and goodwill. We can have semblance of wonderful life that is more real and not surreal or dreamlike.
Love for life not only our own but for all around us will be what we all need regardless of religion we are in or even if none. Bo Tien 武天 says love is everything in life.
Without love, there is no magic in life. Yes we can still weave magic in life and not just dream about it like a child.