No 1625 of Living Life Series 1
In life, there is sunrise and sunset. The one who is wise will never let the sun set on his life.
He has a spiritual light of his own, an optimism to shine up his life even with sun setting on his life. He will scan life for the many things that can spark up his life and which often others ignore.
Even with the sun setting on his life, he is up and about. He will rise and shine. He has the calm and peace at heart - the inner peace that enables him to find his way around in other otherwise gloom when the sun sets on his life.
He harnesses the blessings that are there which others in gloom due to the sun setting on their lives will never see, let alone value.
There is more to life than the gloom that may come down like a curtain from time to time.
Surely this is the way. Never give up. There is still life and time is a limited resource. Time is itself a gift and blessing.
Scan the world around for the many other blessings which we have taken for granted and be energised. This is the way to handle life.
But the basic essential is to start with inner peace come what may and not be ruffled.