No 1623 of Living Life Series 1
Bo Tien 武天 descended in 1969 and those who came to him only wanted what they could have from him. Bo Tien 武天 would ask if this or that was what they wanted. He would caution them if indeed this and that would make them happy. He would grant their wishes.
Some would end up setting business. Some who were students ended up becoming managers in multinational companies. Many were serving national service in army. They contributed their paltry allowances but what they asked for were worldly status and high ranks. They got what they wanted but they drifted away and had no part in mission.
This was more so when Bo Tien 武天 said he had provided them the Inner Truth and the need to help the destitute. After a decade, he had left behind his teaching and he ascended. Those who wanted could meditate on what he taught and the teaching is him.
More than welfare services, men should understand the doctrine and share with others so that all can save their souls in whatever religion of culture they are in.
Some did stay behind but what they were more keen with was to show that they were able to run a temple and they gained in stature and standing with high society.
No wonder Bo Tien 武天 asked many if what they wanted from him would be what would indeed be good for them - good for their souls.
All must not lose focus that the mission is to save souls by making all good, humble and pure at heart. Many end up more defiled, impure in spirit and far from peace with life.
Many are like ants and insects coming to a flower for nectar. Bo Tien 武天 said this. He also adds that they who are supposed to be near end up far. Bo Tien 武天 hopes that they will learn and learn they must.
What many wanted may not save souls.