No 1582 of Living Life Series 1
It is matter of how religion or a temple can make us better.
It is not matter of how we can make religion to serve our selfish needs at expense of the good of others.
We can make it in any religion. But we cannot do it the other way round which is for religion to make it for us.
We cannot change the religion we are in. The religion we are in should change us to be better persons for the religion and for God.
Never try to make God or religion better for us and if we do so we are not doing good justice to God or to religion we are in.
Is a religion to make us better or we make that religion better for us? Religion and God should mold the man and not man molds the religion and God.
Do reflect on this and all in any religion will be better in the respective religions they are in.
Bo Tien 武天 says any religion will do if we know how.