No 1583 of Living Life Series 1
Many do want to be better than their elders and parents. Is this necessarily good? Can this be not good?
Well in field of education at least in some countries, this is good. But in the more educated nations, the elders can be better educated and have more financial resources than the many.
Should this be the case, then who will set the tune in what should be best for culture and for religion?
Well, the up and coming generation will always break off from the ways of the elders and decide what they want in life. Religion is a good excuse to impose what they want and how they can differ from the elders even in the same religion.
Christmas, and cultural festivals take on in very changed ways. This is in the nature of life.
Bo Tien 武天 reminds us to be aware of this and not to be surprised that changes must occur with time.
But Bo Tien 武天 says that if we dig away the many layers of changes, we will find the original or basic teaching of a religion or culture. This is the Inner Truth.
All must at some time ask what is the original abiding principles in a religion, culture or a society. This has to do with goodness and respect for everyone not withstanding the elders and parents. Only then can there be goodwill among men and across generations.
Are the ever changing ways good or not good? We should say that they are but yet not.
The important need is to go into depth and go for the inner truth that is behind and the backbone of a religion, culture or a society.
This same inner truth is in all religions and for all times. Bo Tien 武天 wants us not to loose sight of this.
Many do want to be better than their elders and parents. Is this necessarily good? Can this be not good?
Well in field of education at least in some countries, this is good. But in the more educated nations, the elders can be better educated and have more financial resources than the many.
Should this be the case, then who will set the tune in what should be best for culture and for religion?
Well, the up and coming generation will always break off from the ways of the elders and decide what they want in life. Religion is a good excuse to impose what they want and how they can differ from the elders even in the same religion.
Christmas, and cultural festivals take on in very changed ways. This is in the nature of life.
Bo Tien 武天 reminds us to be aware of this and not to be surprised that changes must occur with time.
But Bo Tien 武天 says that if we dig away the many layers of changes, we will find the original or basic teaching of a religion or culture. This is the Inner Truth.
All must at some time ask what is the original abiding principles in a religion, culture or a society. This has to do with goodness and respect for everyone not withstanding the elders and parents. Only then can there be goodwill among men and across generations.
Are the ever changing ways good or not good? We should say that they are but yet not.
The important need is to go into depth and go for the inner truth that is behind and the backbone of a religion, culture or a society.
This same inner truth is in all religions and for all times. Bo Tien 武天 wants us not to loose sight of this.