No 1579 of Living Life Series 1
In life and in religion, we must not be self righteous and insist that we are right and others wrong. The reality is that anyone is both right and wrong.
We can share with others what we think is better. But never say that they should give up what they believe or do.
That would be giving up whatever right they are doing, and taking on not only the right we do but also the wrong. That would not make life any more better and the person more spiritual.
We must be mindful and meditate on this.
No one is perfect and no one should pass over to others the imperfection he has and make him give up the whatever little perfection he has.
Religious conversion risks being like that. If we want to be correct and still use the word conversion, well, what we go for is to convert ourselves and others to be even more good and be mindful that there will be more of the not good in us which we have to learn to be aware and give up over time.
Let us want to be more good and this simple logic is what Bo Tien 武天 wants us to keep in mind all the time.
Belonging to a religion, sect or temple is good but there is more to good that we must have.
We have to be better and help others to be better. We have to learn from life, our life and that of others. Life is religion.
This is what Bo Tien 武天 wants all to know so that all can be better in what they are and be able to live better by the day - not just in worldly ways but in spirit.
We must be better and pure at heart, never mind if what around us upsets us and can even break our heart.
If we have inner peace at heart by being pure from the bottom of our heart, nothing around us will dishearten us.
We will be calm and at peace even if there is no calm and peace around us. You can say we have the God in us and we see what goes on around us as lessons for us to learn to be better.
You can say that God is out there too around us and to show us that we need to learn from life. Life is the Word and the Word is God.
Common sense that the Word is in life and we can feel divine presence everywhere and have divinity in us.
It is common sense that God is in us, around us and in all faiths. We must see goodness in us, in others and in all religions.
Remember too that we can learn to be more good from the not good as well. This is the truth in life and the truth is in all religions, cultures and societies. Truth will make us free.
Bo Tien 武天 refers to this as the Inner Truth. Let us be awakened to the Inner Truth of goodness in everything. Even the not so good is good as we can learn to be better.
Good but still not good Even not good is good This common sense many just put aside |
The not so good in another can make us realise how to be more good. Thus even the not good is good.
Isn't that ironic but it is in irony that we can learn to be better.
Do not expect any Man to be God just because God speaks through him. He may be good but still not good.
No one person or entity is good enough but still good. Even not good is good for us to learn to be good. This common sense many just put aside. Not even a temple is good enough. That is why we have many temples and not just one.
There must be many types of temples in all cardinal directions - north, south, east and west. This Bo Tien 武天 refers to as the Four Pillar Message of many temples, religions, denominations and what have we to reach out like the ocean to many a shore and living being.
Even the images or pictures of a heavenly saint like Bo Tien 武天 must be many. Which is the true one? This does not matter at all. It is not question of who God or a heavenly saint is but what he stands for that matters.