No 1557 of Living Life Series 1
Truth is in life. Life is simple but not easy to perceive. Why is this so? The answer is in life and the very nature of Man, more than in religion.
Photo dated 14 Nov 2017 of a servant of mankind taken with android handphone Sony Xperia XZ premium demonstrates the metamorphosis of man.
Impermanence is the only constant in life. This gives no peace.
Go for peace within. Go for inner peace.
This dear friends will be what all should have to overcome impermanence and go the way of God and saints while still man.
Then we have God in us and we in God. God is the Word and the Word is God.
God is truth and truth is in life and everywhere - omnipresent. God is there in every aspect of life and nature - ever omnipotent.
This is what Bo Tien 武天 wants us to know. Go for what God or saint like Bo Tien stands for and not for what they are. Idolise no one - God, saint or man.
Idolise not the image of Bo Tien 武天 but see the Truth in the image be it the image of Bo Tien or the image of Medicine Buddha. Truth in life is all we need.
Idolise not the image of Bo Tien 武天 but see the Truth in the image be it the image of Bo Tien or the image of Medicine Buddha. Truth in life is all we need.