No 1007 of Living Life Series 1
There is never one way to do things and never only one religion for all. This is just common sense when in everything in life, different people must have different choices.
Even for the same religion or sect, people will want to view an issue differently and do it their way. It is not that they do not want to toe the line but that humanity are never same though same in a way. Likewise religions too are same in basic teachings and yet not the same.
This is obvious and is the message of the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 that all religions are one in God and goodness.
Thus when a nation tries to impose their values on another, the outcome may end up different and may even be disastrous. One man's meat may be another man's poison. What is good in one setting may not be in another.
To have more children in past means to invest for the future as when they grow up, there will be more to add to the income of the family. But with the change of emphasis from big extended family to nuclear, this will not be so. It will be a liability to have more children.
So, be it in life mundane or spiritual, what is the yardstick for goodness. We can talk till kingdom come on what is good. Basically the Buddha put it correctly when he says that we need to purify the mind from the three roots - false views, ill-will and greed. But even then this seems so vague to some though a good teaching and clear to others.
Thus other sages put this differently. Some say we must go for what is of Heaven and not of man. In the correct context and times, this is more apt to convey what is good.
Certain societies go the mile to indulge in sensual pleasures and are very open with this compared to the more reserved societies. Thus telling them to be good is useless. To them, it is good to indulge in sensuality and what is of this world.
But ultimately what all societies must stress on, be it for worldly or spiritual is how to be pure, have less needs, easily contented and love not only self but others.
We must not end up hurting or disadvantaging others at expense of own good. It would be dumb to tell others that we are helping them when on one hand we help them but on the other hand we take more from them in the process. Personal goodness at others' expense is not good.
Thus in any issue in life, there is never one way and in some instances, what is good may well be not. But if men insist then that black is white, then others may one day think that this is so.
The problem religions may at times pose to men can be something like that. Who talks most and who insists and is more impressive in peddling will win more hearts, be it in religion or otherwise.
We must never insist or deny others' way and views. We must accept and embrace the need for all and more religions and sects. We must embrace diversity.
All go for the goodness of life of men and goodness is not that simple to apply in context of the society and the times. All religions and sects are one in goodness and in God and saints. This in nutshell is the message of the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨. He says religions are good for all and there are many choices at that.
We must never insist on our own way and views or deny others' way and views but hope they know what they are doing is for their own good and others' good. We must leave it to them to be good at doing good over time and not be prescriptive and imposing.
We must learn to appreciate that others are trying to be good though they may not do the way we do. That would be good isn't it at least for now and the foreseeable future?