No 997 of Living Life Series 1
There is only need for a kind word or gesture to make the day. Yet, man chooses not to see and say niceties but instead let go what irks him at heart mindlessly some what just because he feels bad within him, just because he has no inner peace.
If there is inner peace, the man will be at ease even amid the ups and downs of life. He will find the most unpleasant situation or person not so unpleasant. He will see the bright side and know that he must not make the situation worse and will try to bring out the better side in the man if he can.
Definitely every dark cloud has a silver lightning. There is need for mindfulness. Don't be bowled over by the dark cloud. Do be calm and be more aware of any streak of the silver lightning that might flash every once in a while in a dark cloud.
Mindfulness must begin with inner peace. Choose to have this inner peace. Inner peace is the divine experience all religions talk about.
But men carried away and embroiled by the problems of worldly life want religions to make sure all things in life fall in place before they can have peace. Sit back and give this further thought. Will this ever happen?
Why not have inner peace first and then see for yourself that somehow all things will fall in place. You will be at peace come what may - the ups and the downs, the trials and tribulations.
You will find that life will be easier and things seem to fall in place. You will even be better poised to have more inner peace. This is the open secret of all religions.
But men blinded by the delusion that all things must fall in place before they can make good and have peace don't seem to have the peace they want in religions and that religions offer.
They flock to temples to escape from the world. They try to be near to God and saints but end up far. This is all because they want things to happen before they can have peace. They are near to peace of God and saints but yet far because of this.
The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that the near can be far and the far near.
In fact those who live quietly and may not even be in any temple except the universal temple of the world with sky or heaven as the roof, such people may be near to peace though far from the temples of men. The good lord often refers to the world as the universal temple with sky as the roof and religions as pillars.