No 337 of Living Life Series 1
Post dedicated to all who have erred despite having done good. One day of rain does not mean there is no sunshine. In life, there is always both rain and sunshine like the yin and the yang. Also every dark cloud has a silver lining. Do not be disheartened by men for God is with you even if men are not. These men may be no better than you though not in the same boat. All have erred and fallen short of the glory of God. Fear not the judgement of the self righteous. They too are not free from wrong. They may be further from God than you. The far may be near and the near may be far. This did Lord Bo Tien the messenger of God say, not once but over and over again. Read on and feel good. There is always hope and better days and many tomorrows to come. The exalted will be humbled and the humbled will be exalted. Praise Lord Jesus for saying this......Seek the shelter of God and saints. Lord Bo Tien says "With divine blessings, issues however big will be small if they cannot be no issues. Small issues will be no issue." Life is not just a bed of roses, and even roses have thorns. That's life. We need to contend with yin and yang....which too the lord messenger saint did remind in his last message through none other than the late P. Philip the golden wheel missioner who is no saint but every bit of a man like you as well. Cheers and read on and live on......for yourself and for your love ones. That is the nucleus of loving kindness and love for life which we must cherish for every moment and even on the day we pass on.
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God Almighty and the saints of all religions |
To err is human and to forgive is divine.
Because, we can err, that is why we are still human beings and not yet in Heaven.
Even God or Divinity closes one eye and gives leeway as men are more short sighted compared to divinity. Men lack and need to develop insight and foresight.
If God is not benevolent, all will be sent to Hell not just at end of life but right now for the transgressions they made.
Men are more intolerant of weaknesses of other men, and they tend to pass adverse comments, more so when they are in position to judge.
Because of man's shallow wisdom at times bordering on arrogance or even high pedestal approach, man condemns fellow man when God allows him to learn and grow at own pace and time ---- even if it means man has to make more mistakes in the process.
This does not mean God don't care and won't lift a finger. He does care immensely and that shows out in benevolence to accommodate man's need to have free will and to learn and not be a puppet. A puppet does not live but the manipulator is the one who lives. Man must live and earn blessings
But if man learns not from his slips, man will face same music again and again, not just now but in future, perhaps next life.
Today, misfortune happens to some others for the slips they made. Tomorrow we may be the ones. This goes on and on like musical chair.
Let us be more benevolent of wrong other men may do. We too can at times be wrong. Let no life play out the game of musical chair and leave us lost and downtrodden
One flaw does not make a devil out of a man but a good reminder of his and our mortality and fallibility. The greatest mortal wound is not of body but of the spirit
Mortals will never be perfect when their flesh and blood can never be and more so if they are not strong in spirit. Even for those strong in spirit but not at divine peace, perfection is ellusive and ever seem to fade away like the horizon.
God knows and that is why He gives us many opportunities and many religions and sects. That is why we need to work our way in this life and perhaps in many more to be in Heaven and be enlightened to be with God and saints. For the Heaven we can have here and now is just the Heaven within us when we can be at peace with the yin and yang (the ups and downs) come what may.
Lord Bo Tien |
We can do so by being atop and balancing the worldly contingencies, the yin and yang. This is depicted by the Ba Gua and the Taiji in the Ba Gua or even by the feet of Lord Bo Tien astride the elements.
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Ba Gua with Taiji |
Even those in Hell can make good and come out of Hell with help of King Yama and other saints like Ksitigarbha. They nurture them to meditate and contemplate on good not just past good but intended goodness. That is the way for all beings to improve their lot spiritually. This includes the mortal lot that is us the homo sapiens as well.
Some may even say that immortals too can have errors of judgement. So what more for homo sapiens, my dear friends.......
Incidentally Ji Gong broke many of the rules of the Vinaya (rules of conduct for monks) as he ate meat and drank wine and he was asked to leave the monastery. That was a punishment of sorts based on human judgement of the monks in that monastery. But he bore no grudges and continued his ways and services to mankind and was acclaimed as Ji Gong Posat.
He showed immense benevolence especially for those who had been wronged and those who wronged others but who made good or at least intended to make good. Need more be said?
He believes that what goes through the gut is not important as what goes through the heart. We can cultivate perfections of the mind without being bounded by traditions and standard ways. Think about this and ask for His guidance. He still lives amongst men though he is a heavenly saint and that is why he is Ji Gong the Living Buddha.
Be a judge unto yourself and worry not of being judged by others. Know thyself and be yourself in any endeavour in life, be it spiritual or otherwise. Ji Gong was able to achieve perfections and be saint just by being his own judge, by knowing himself and doing his own way.
Ji Gong and model after Ji Gong the Living Buddha. Better still seek his guidance. You would not be alone. He as well as all heavenly saints will stand by you and be with you.
Even the best of men too will be found wanting and blamed for transgressions of one form or other if not in their present lives, then after they have passed on. So dear friends, do not be dejected and throw in the towel but do see the bright side. Tomorrow is yet another day. There are many tomorrows to come. There is more to life than what you have gone through. The best is yet to be if you fear not the worst from men and look not back at your past especially your past slips in life.
"Namo Ji Gong Posat"
Saints like Lord Bo Tien allow those who have transgressions to make good and even be the leaders of men in temples and churches These men are not the better of the lot and are obviously not above board. They are very human and fallible. Though these men may often disappoint fellow men, the saints rather that they stay in their roles and do some good than leave their posts and be lost to end up more bad. The benevolence of saints is boundless but that of men is often absent or at best paltry and pathetic.
Lord Bo Tien even said that we cannot blame insects from coming to the flower. The flower can be any temple or saint. Isn't that beyond normal human ways.....
"Namo Bo Tien Posat"