No 291 of Living life Series 1
Whoever says we cannot be with the gods? We can do so if we know how. To begin with, we must want to be like the gods and that is the starting point. To prevent confusion, let us use the term saints in place of gods for many prefer to reserve the word 'god' to God Almighty, the Jade Emperor.
We must be gods or saints amongst men. We need to be at peace and grow the peace so that we can love ourselves and treasure life.
This starts with our own life.
We must love ourselves for being different from the rest. We must accept that we cannot be the same or have that which others have or experience. Even if we have the same, that which we have in common with another will not be the same as the impact and values will differ. We may have the same father, but the impact of the father for the different children will differ.
We must have self worth. We must cherish what we have and not lament what we could not have. No two are born equal and the genes differ from person to person.
We must be alive to life. We must be energised by the thought that life is what we can make out of it.
With self love, self worth and being alive to life, we can create our own world within the context of our own life.
We must be our own candle flame to shine on life, especially our own and learn from life. Every up and down, every gain or loss and every whim and fancy evokes mental experiences both pleasant and unpleasant. We make each moment and event a blessing by learning from the many lessons in life. We turn a woe into a blessing by being stronger and wiser from the experience. We learn from life and life is the living gospel. This did Lord Bo Tien said.
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Lord Bo Tien |
We must have that indomitable spirit. We must make our life a torch to light up our life as mentioned by Lord Bo Tien in His message in 1975. But we must realise that we are never alone.
When we love, cherish and be alive to life, we create boundless energy that are magnetic and create loving ambience which attracts not only like minded men but also the gods or saints for we are in a way a god or saint in our own mortal way. We kindle the love of life in fellow beings and those who scorn life will either leave us or be changed by us and be saved.
Lord Bo Tien said further that other lights will be attracted to us. A collection of candle flames or torches is better than the lone torch or flame.
If one spirited individual can lift up the spirit of life not only for himself but also others, what more can many spirited individuals do. Surely, there will be a heavenly enclave of sorts . Men can have heaven on earth in this way, here now and not wait for the afterlife.
The saints or gods above are attracted to those who try to light up their life, and will come to shelter them more so if they seek for their divine shelter. A sheltered flame grows and glows ever brighter and will be less likely to flicker in the wind of life.
Better still is for us to not only seek divine shelter when faced with difficulties but also to associate not only with wise and spirited men. In that respect, why not associate with the gods and saints above! We must live and walk with gods and saints even though we are mere mortal. That way we stand tall, model after the gods and saints and try to be good and make good with what we can have. We can make life tick and work.
Do not associate with the unwise who moan and groan, who grumble and rumble, who curse and swear, who have thoughts of anger and hatred for you may be affected and be sunk into the depths of hell on earth.
Associate with the wise. Do live in a suitable locality and have a suitable job. That way we will have blessings in life. So said the Lord Buddha in the Mangala Sutra first stanza.
Associating with the wise can be at different levels. Why not associate with the sages, the holy ones and the gods and saints? That would be the best collection of candle flames. Obviously, this will be keeping with what Lord Bo Tien said in 1975. That would be better for sure.
Do live with the gods and saints not only amongst men but also with the gods and saints above. Do remember and recite the universal prayer.
"To all heavenly saints I greatly adore. I believe in your existence and thy glory is in the thoughts of men. I seek for thy protection and guidance so as to live better for the time to come."
There is need for men to be with the saints, and the saints to be with men.
To be with the saints, men must do their small part to further the good work the saints set out to do which is to help those in difficulties so as to eventually save their souls. Go to their temples to take part in their divine work amongst men.
For the saints to be with men, men must invite saints into their homes and into their lives.
Let men invite saints into their homes. Let the homes of men be filled with the presence of gods and saints.
Let men too invite saints into their life beyond home. This is the way to live with the gods and saints.
The sages of old did say in ancient China,
"A home must host the pantheon of gods and saints. Such home is a blessed home.
Merits and blessings will be more than what men can have by virtue of their capabilities and efforts.
Life will be smoother with less problems and obstacles. There will be more health, calm, peace, progress and contentment with less suffering, clinging, strive, trials, misfortune and tribulations as all these matter no more or less to the men who live with the gods and saints. Even death is no issue or at least less of an issue. Though there is element of fate, fate matters less and perhaps no more.
In short, as reiterated by patron saint of Bo Tien Temple, Lord Bo Tien, if there be problems, big issues will at least become small issues even if they cannot be no issue. Small issues will be no issues. "
Do live with the gods and saints.
In fact, there is the western biblical saying by Lord Jesus that "man shall not be saved by good works alone but by the grace of God (and his saints) "
"To all heavenly saints I greatly adore. I believe in your existence and thy glory is in the thoughts of men. I seek for thy protection and guidance so as to live better for the time to come."
There is need for men to be with the saints, and the saints to be with men.
To be with the saints, men must do their small part to further the good work the saints set out to do which is to help those in difficulties so as to eventually save their souls. Go to their temples to take part in their divine work amongst men.
For the saints to be with men, men must invite saints into their homes and into their lives.
Let men invite saints into their homes. Let the homes of men be filled with the presence of gods and saints.
Let men too invite saints into their life beyond home. This is the way to live with the gods and saints.
The sages of old did say in ancient China,
"A home must host the pantheon of gods and saints. Such home is a blessed home.
Merits and blessings will be more than what men can have by virtue of their capabilities and efforts.
Life will be smoother with less problems and obstacles. There will be more health, calm, peace, progress and contentment with less suffering, clinging, strive, trials, misfortune and tribulations as all these matter no more or less to the men who live with the gods and saints. Even death is no issue or at least less of an issue. Though there is element of fate, fate matters less and perhaps no more.
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Lord Bo Tien |
In short, as reiterated by patron saint of Bo Tien Temple, Lord Bo Tien, if there be problems, big issues will at least become small issues even if they cannot be no issue. Small issues will be no issues. "
Do live with the gods and saints.
In fact, there is the western biblical saying by Lord Jesus that "man shall not be saved by good works alone but by the grace of God (and his saints) "