No 277 of Living Life Series 1
A saint is usually better known outside his original domain. This is well known and yet why must this be so? Is it the fault of the saint? Is the saint not as saintly as projected by his adherents?
Jesus is more well known outside Israel and Gautama Buddha more revered outside Indian continent. The religions that centre around them are often left in the shadow in their original homeland and they become integrated into the long standing culture of the land.
In the temple of any lord saint, the ones who were the pioneers are no longer there and even if around and alive, they are often not around. Yet the temple of that saint moves on with leaders who are mainly of later day add-ons. They do not see eye to eye with some of the die hard pioneers but quietly do their way and labor on in the way they are most comfortable with. They do and not just talk. They are the blessed ones who though far in doctrinal intricacies and intrique are near to the saint. This too is part of the near and far doctrine expounded by Lord Bo Tien that the far may be near and the near may yet be far.
Let us dwell on this in some detail with regards to such men of actions who "do but do not talk" unlike some who talk and do not do. History often repeats itself but are they the current doers not as good as some bigoted* pioneers who at times being bigots tend to grumble and rumble and at times even cause a tsunami of sorts?
The answer is that they are good in their own way but may not exactly share the same zeal and spirit of the pioneers. This is true of any world religion and that is why from time to time, God sends messengers to reinvigorate the original zest and founding spirit but not the traditions and ways of old. This was mentioned by Lord Bo Tien in his inaugural pre-1974 message.
The answer is that they are good in their own way but may not exactly share the same zeal and spirit of the pioneers. This is true of any world religion and that is why from time to time, God sends messengers to reinvigorate the original zest and founding spirit but not the traditions and ways of old. This was mentioned by Lord Bo Tien in his inaugural pre-1974 message.
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Lord Bo Tien |
The problems that arise if the remnant pioneers try to bull dose their approach and interpretation is that they create schism and not bring back the zest of the founding saint.
During the time of Jesus, there were not pianos, no organs, no guitars, no raps and no hymns in various languages. There was not even a church but only temples and synagogues. There were no such things as congregation, pastors or priests. There were apostles and believers.
During the time of Gautama Buddha, there were gatherings on new moon and full moon days and He and His monks moved from place to place and only resided at shelters during rainy seasons . Nowadays, monks reside at temples and temples are led by monks.
What is important is to have the original founding spirit and zest in the modern day institutions so that spiritual focus of the founders are still there. This does not mean we bring back the old ways but instead inject the original zest and spirit of the founders in the institutions of the day.
There should be resurgence of the founding spirit but not resurgence of outdated, antedated and at times bigoted ways to snub out the new ways and enthusiasm of modern men which the bigots* do not fancy and do not want others to hold on to.
Fundamentalists and remnant pioneers are in danger of committing this bigoted folly. Some regard themselves as 'saints' and feel that they have been rebuffed and scorned by their own temple or institution but this may not be the case.
They think they are 'saints' the chosen ones and feel they are not respected by their home ground and that they are too good for the ground. Is this the case? Perhaps they are the self professed prophets or in less flattering term the bigots and often have misconceived the direction of God. They try to impose their interpretation and ways on others even when others disagree or are not ready to agree. They being bigots* impose the way of man (their own human way) as the way of God. This did Lord Bo Tien remind us that the way of man is not the way of God.
Alas, true saints and self professed saints alike may not be as well loved by their home ground as by some others well beyond. Some times, it is not that a self professed 'saint' being bigoted* is wrong and often he may be right in some way in his own context but that the masses or home ground may have their preference though in time, they may come round to his view point.
Till then it is wise for him just to share but not to enforce his views. He should not be a bigot - stubborn and intolerant of others views that differ from his own. That will be an impediment for spiritual progress not only for himself but for others at the receiving end of his bigoted ways
The problem is that such men may be over passionate and pushy rather than compassionate and empathic. It is therefore not at all surprising that men of religion if carried away by bigotry may go for one another's throats in the name of religion. How ungodly and unbecoming can this be?
Let us be mindful and say 'Yes' to God and founding spirit of the prophets but 'No' to outdated and antedated ways of men blinded by the glare of fundamentalist fervor and bigoted* ways. Then the world will be a wee bit more peaceful and there will be no push factor of bigotry* but only divine pull factor of compassionate and ever tolerant God and heavenly saints. Then irresepctive of their religious inclinations and even if none, men of all walks of life and viewpoints will live in harmony of oneness in God and all heavenly saints.
This is the spirit of the Inner Truth Doctrine for which Lord Bo Tien is but one of the divine messengers. Why only one of the many? The simple truth is that all religions and sects have their respective roles in society and He is not here to start any anew but just to explain the inner truth behind all religions and sects.
Let there be no bigots* in the name of God and all in Heaven and below. Had there be no bigots*, there will be no unrest and disharmony across religions ands sects, within individual religions and sects and within the members of a single institution or temple. Bigotry* festers ill will and ill will is fertile ground for libel, slander and terrorism be it verbal or non verbal kind. Bigotry* incidentally is verbal abuse of others beliefs and may end up therefore as verbal terrorism of sorts.
To overcome bigotry, let there be no upmanship and let us love and be loved even if we differ in approaches to God and Heaven above, for there is one in diversity and respect begets respect. We can go our own distinct seperate ways and yet be one. There is no other way.
The only way to combat bigotry* is to love the bigots* but not their bigoted ways. Bring out the goodness in them. This is the way to win them over to empathic, harmonious and non-bigotted ways. If we do not add fuel to ill will, the fire of bigotry will be extinguished.
Bigotry* will then be a thing of the past or at least fade into the background and be unnoticeable and no longer a pain in the neck of man in society. The excuse or justification for any form of terrorism be it verbal or otherwise will no longer be there and the world will be more at peace than dis - ease.
This is the spirit of the Inner Truth Doctrine for which Lord Bo Tien is but one of the divine messengers. Why only one of the many? The simple truth is that all religions and sects have their respective roles in society and He is not here to start any anew but just to explain the inner truth behind all religions and sects.
Let there be no bigots* in the name of God and all in Heaven and below. Had there be no bigots*, there will be no unrest and disharmony across religions ands sects, within individual religions and sects and within the members of a single institution or temple. Bigotry* festers ill will and ill will is fertile ground for libel, slander and terrorism be it verbal or non verbal kind. Bigotry* incidentally is verbal abuse of others beliefs and may end up therefore as verbal terrorism of sorts.
To overcome bigotry, let there be no upmanship and let us love and be loved even if we differ in approaches to God and Heaven above, for there is one in diversity and respect begets respect. We can go our own distinct seperate ways and yet be one. There is no other way.
The only way to combat bigotry* is to love the bigots* but not their bigoted ways. Bring out the goodness in them. This is the way to win them over to empathic, harmonious and non-bigotted ways. If we do not add fuel to ill will, the fire of bigotry will be extinguished.
Bigotry* will then be a thing of the past or at least fade into the background and be unnoticeable and no longer a pain in the neck of man in society. The excuse or justification for any form of terrorism be it verbal or otherwise will no longer be there and the world will be more at peace than dis - ease.
* bigotry = stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own