
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord Bo Tien (武天菩萨). The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affiliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. Needless to say that all the saints we know are in this temple. Ji Gong Posat too is no exception. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven. We worship God and saints, not man however good that man may be. There should be no hero worshiping or idolizing of man whether he is a charismatic pastor, priest, monk, medium or lay leader. We don't even idol worship the image of any saint but reflect on what the image stands for. - the doctrine in the image. Omitofo 阿弥陀佛!.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Be aware of the upper source and go for it

No 1204 of Living Life Series 1

If all religions are one in God and saints, then why is there the need to decide what religion we should be in? 

Many just grow up in the religion. They are born into it. 

But some grow into English language and into society that speak English and are more orientated naturally to the ways of English culture and the prevailing religion in such culture. 

But the non-English culture they are born into breaks through in whatever culture and religion they grow into. 

What matters is not the religion. What matters is to see through the same oneness of God and saints in whatever culture and religion. 

Religion is just a label or front and very much man-made. Men just flow downstream in the river of life but what matters is that the water of the downstream has the same original water of the upper source. 

Good to know that. But how many will be aware of the need and go against the current to reach the upper source and away from the prevailing downstream culture to experience the natural crystal clear water of the upper source. 

They will have to get away from the downstream culture they have grown into after leaving behind that they are born into. This upper source mindfulness is what regardless of religions we must cultivate awareness of. Bye and bye with time we must reach for it. 

Of course going upstream is never as easy as flowing along downstream. This was elaborated by the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨. This is applicable to any religion. 

What matters is not the religion or the growing into another religion but the awareness of the need to go to the upper source for crystal clear spring water regardless of the religion we are in.

Be aware of the upper source and go for it. This is never as easy as flowing downstream. It requires uphill effort. 

True spirituality is never easy compared to popular religion. But the taste of clear water of spirituality is awesome. The taste of polluted water is already good for many but will be awful once they taste the water at the upper source.

That is so and so be it - Amen

No 1203 of Living Life Series 1

While it may be good to get it right the first time, it is human to get it wrong not just at the first time but for many times. This seems to be the case when we take up religion seriously. 

Firstly we are gullible. We accept what others say more so if they are charismatic and melodramatic. 

A peaceful low profile saint during his time as man in flesh is portrayed as forceful, high profile, critical and demanding. He lords over all men and all must heed what he says and must submit. Isn't that reminiscent of an authoritarian? 

The Buddha is often portrayed in a Buddhist primary school in this manner. Children who erred are told to ask Buddha for forgiveness, otherwise Buddha will punish them. 

If the saint's character can be misrepresented, how much more can the teachings related to him be twisted and polluted like the water of a river as it flows downstream. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that for natural and crystal clear water, we must go upstream to the upper source. We must go for the original fundamentals and truth. This is necessary though not easy and an uphill task. There is need to go against the current and the social trend. 

In his sermon on the God Knowledge, the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that over centuries, religion had undergone drastic changes with traditions and history added. 

Teachings and emphasis too have evolved such that religion becomes the ground for archaeological dig. Men must dig away the layers added by time to reach the original truth. 

Hopefully this will not be just the relics. It is undoubted that in the long run this may well be the case. That is why on behalf of God and saints, the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 descended in 1969 in Singapore to do what he can. 

The original teachings of religions are still there. But in time to come and as long as man is man, what can be found will just be relics - bone fragments. Then it is time for the second coming of saints often referred to in religions. 

What will be will be. That is so and so be it. This is in the nature of life. The word Amen refers to this - that is so and so be it

But God and saints never accept that and will do what they can to let men have the doctrine. It would be heartless to wait for the second coming. 

It is a divine gift that we have the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨. He sets out for us to be better in whatever religion we are in. 

We must be able to dig out the common inner truth in all religions. We must be at peace even if there be no peace around us. This is the inner peace. 

Without inner peace, we will be restless and disturbed with no inner peace even if there is considerable peace around us. 

The inner truth for the need to have inner peace come what may is what we must go for. 

It is simple but yet profound. We cannot be in a hurry to have more of the inner peace as any rush and anxiety will give us less of peace. 

A bit more peace, even a wee bit at a time is good enough for now. This is the reality. Life is like that. That is so and so be it. In the biblical scriptures, "amen" is "that is so and so be it". 

Amen. That is so and so be it. A wee bit of inner peace is good enough. A little more at a time with each passing day or year is good enough. Amen indeed. That is as good as can be. That is perfect - Sadhu in Pali for perfect. 

Monday, May 30, 2016

Pointers for us to be better in religion we are in

No 1202 of Living Life Series 1

Pointers by Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 for us to understand in any religion so as to be better in the religion we are in: 
1) Near may be far and far near; 
2) There is the same basic teachings in religions - the inner truth; 
3) For natural crystal clear water, go to the upper source and not flow downstream. There is the same inner truth or upper source in all religions;
4) A collection of candles better than solitary candle; 
5) Don't end up with the same problems of the secular world in religion; 
6) Learn from life, learn from the strengths and weaknesses of others lives; 
7) Inner peace is what we need even if no peace around us. Even if there is peace around us, without inner peace we will not be at peace;  
8) Tao  or common sense elusive even in religion; 
9) The image is the Word and the Word is the image;
10) The mistake in going for belief and emotion and not logic in religion. Religion more logic driven than emotion driven;
11) Doing good for own agenda is still good but not as good as if done with purity of heart or spirit. Inner peace comes from purity of mind unaffected by and atop yin and yang - the ups and downs of life; 
12) There is sunrise and there is sunset. Likewise men must work and rest;
13) The problems of men are many and plentiful. This is due to the minds of men like the polluted water of the downstream of the river and not being at peace atop the yin and yang of life - not being at the upper source. 
14) The God Knowledge: Religion has evolved such that to get the basic or inner truth, men must truly dig away at the layers like in archaeological dig;
15) Men may toil away to dig the ground but when they strike water, there will be relief; 
16) Life is like crossing mountains, seas, desert under hot sun and droughts. This is the nature of life for those without inner peace based on grasp of inner truth and realising it in life;
17) The tree rooted in subterranean water survives and bear fruits at all seasons even outside the orchard and unattended;
18) Blessings in 3 forms - blessings by God and saints, blessing to one another, and blessing to self. 

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Why we can have no peace even in religion?

No 1201 of Living Life Series 1

We like others to say what we want them to say to us. Then we will feel good. But if everybody thinks that way, how is this going to work out. It will only be a pipe dream. 

It will only drive us mad when others simply will say exactly the opposite of what we expect them to say to us. They seem so frank and hurtful in their views. 

They simply don't have time to waste on niceties. This happens more so in any house of God and saints. 

Initially when we are new to them, they are careful not to hurt our feelings but once we are considered as part of them, the more they accept us, the more sharp tongue and unpleasant they seem to be. 

Perhaps they do feel for us and they speak out their thoughts in the most impactful way. This however can create more harm and hurt though said with some degree of love. The more they want to show love, the more they speak directly and bluntly. 

Perhaps these people try to be samaritans and think they are directed by God and are doing a great service to us and to God by thinking that God wants them to do so that way. They judge for God when God judges not. They are near to God but yet far. They have sharp knife-like tongues that cut in many ways.

The poor souls the ones who seek out their sympathy and empathy may be considered far from God by the sharp tongues but may be more near than them to God. They do not yet have sharp tongues. Then in another sense, they may be far from God though they are near. 

Why? They have not grasped the Word. The Word is God. They need to be good and to be good is not to have ego - not to want and want but to still value life come what may - never mind what others think of them or what they may think of themselves. 

They should neither be self deprecating nor praise themselves to the sky. Just go for inner peace amid the ups and downs, the to and fros and all will augur well. They will have the inner peace, even a wee bit at a time will do and make progress at that over time. 

It is never easy to have inner peace even with God and saints behind us and even with fellowship of brethren in the house of God. 

But remember that brethren have the same problems as us. This however does not mean we avoid them. We need them. We need to group up like a bunch of candles to light up one another's lives and shine the way for others to join us in pursuit of inner peace. 

The sad part is that all of us are novices in a way. We may end up hurting one another. We need to learn from the plus and minus of life, our own and that of others. 

All these pointers are to be found in any religion. The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 highlighted them to us and want us to know that the same truth of life is in all religions. Do learn from life and from others and from all religions. 

Among the pointers are most of the following: 
1) Near may be far and far near; 
2) There is the same basic teachings in religions - the inner truth; 
3) For natural crystal clear water, go to the upper source and not flow downstream. There is the same inner truth or upper source in all religions;
4) A collection of candles better than solitary candle; 
5) Don't end up with the same problems of the secular world in religion; 
6) Learn from life, learn from the strengths and weaknesses of others lives; 
7) Inner peace is what we need even if no peace around us. Even if there is peace around us, without inner peace we will not be at peace; 
8) Tao  or common sense elusive even in religion; 
9) The image is the Word and the Word is the image;
10) The mistake in going for belief and emotion and not logic in religion. Religion more logic driven than emotion driven;
11) Doing good for own agenda is still good but not as good as if done with purity of heart or spirit. Inner peace comes from purity of mind unaffected by and atop yin and yang - the ups and downs of life; 
12) There is sunrise and there is sunset. Likewise men must work and rest; 

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Why go for sainthood and not just heaven?

No 1200 of Living Life Series 1

To be in heaven is to be reborn there but as long as there is no enlightenment or sainthood, it is no big deal. It is but a transit just like any rebirth. 

Only when one is enlightened will there be no rebirth as transit. The enlightened one has no more rebirth or at least is having his last rebirth. If no more rebirth, he ends up everywhere and some would even say nowhere specifically. 

That is why we must strive for sainthood. Those who cultivate purity of spirit ends up with sainthood. They may even be in heaven but many cannot see them. 

The ultimate of sainthood results in individual being nowhere and yet everywhere. The saints are near to all and yet far if they are everywhere and yet nowhere. 

This is one elaboration of the near and far sermon by the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨

That is exactly why God is pure energy or vibration. As saints cultivate purity and there are various sages of purity or enlightenment, those who can still manifest as form or formless example as light are like manifestations of ultimate divine purity. 

It is thus easy for many to equate this as God. Saints like Jesus then are like sons of God. If we cultivate even a bit of the purity, we are a bit like God and saints. We too are like sons of God

Many in religion forget that the ultimate salvation is to be pure in spirit like God and saints and the final purity is to be not anywhere but everywhere. 

To go to a heaven is easy. Just believe and have good thoughts. Just do good and have merits. Just get merit top-up by others, God and saints. 

But to be saints, we need to be pure and not even be attached to even doing good and the good like God and saints. If we can grasp this simple logic or reality, we would work for sainthood though along the way life as man or as a being in a heaven is a welcome respite or springboard for sainthood. 

In the life of man lies the best opportunities for sainthood cultivation. Many in the heavens may need to recycle themselves to be man over and over again. The best combination of the ups and downs, the yin and the yang is in the human realm. By balancing and being stop the two, we achieve inner peace progressively to be ultimately be saints.

Why go for sainthood and not just heaven? What is right is one thing? What is popular is another? For many heaven will do? For some, well it is more than that. Well, this is to be expected, perhaps even a bone of contention. 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Wait not for others to cultivate sainthood for us

No 1199 of Living Life Series 1

We have supported the need for popular religion as it appeals far far more than serious religiosity. The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that popular religion is like the downstream of the river. Serious religiosity is like the upper source. 

For clear natural water, we need to go to the upper source. But this is too much to expect for the masses. 

At the same time it must be made known that people must not put off going for serious religiosity. Don't wait till the cows come home. 

Don't expect God through his heavenly saint to take over the yoke of our life, to take over our cross of life and attain enlightenment or sainthood for us. No one can redeem us. 

Don't be deluded that others can cultivate sainthood for us - that others can cultivate Tao  for us. At best we can have sojourn  or respite in heaven for a while - to learn and hopefully unlearn. 

No one can thinks for us. Tao  is about common sense or logic. We think we have common sense or Taobut this is not the common sense that saints refer to. We are in a way to put it not so nicely more spiritually dumb than we think. 

How can a saint or worse still a man think for us and we have spiritual common sense or logic when we do not even think?Someone do all the thinking and doing for us. Then we become saint. 

It is illogical, far fetched and far from Tao 道 if someone can indeed cultivate Tao  for us. That would be fantastic. 

By all means go for popular religion which is almost effortless like flowing along downstream with all the debris and mud but do not wait till kingdom come for serious religiosity. 

Embark on a little bit of Tao - a wee bit will do. Many drops of water will make a mighty ocean - never mind if this takes ages. 

But while we are far from being the ocean, we still are no saints but every inch common men. We need to be what we are. We need to be men and must not think we are saints just because someone tells us God has sent us his saint to cultivate Tao  on our behalf and we will be saints through the cultivation of sainthood by the Godsent saint. 

This in eyes of some men would be maligning God and saint but God and any saint would not see it that way. That would be belittling them. They are far from pettiness. They know that many do not know what they do or even if they do know are too weak to want to do.  

What is right depends on the beholder

No 1198 of Living Life Series 1

Where the wind blows, there will the leaves go. Where there is noise and merry making, there will people be. Where there is attraction, people will go. 

Where there is free gift, people will buy. Where money cannot buy and cannot be given and effort need to be invested, few will go for. 

Religion has to be popular more than being right to attract the crowd. To be popular, make sure no or little effort is needed. Make sure money counts and go some way to be with God and saints though God and saints are never money minded. Make sure there is immediate rewards - merry making, partying and stage shows. 

These are what attracts men to places of worship. The shrine or altar is just the excuse. 

But if religion is not like that will people come like insects to the flower for nectar? This was touched on by the good lord Lord Bo Tien  武天菩萨

The nectar is there - ever ready for the picking by insects. Men of course are not insects. Without the attractions, will the many even come to be near to and enter the house of God. 

The answer is obvious and religions somehow need to be popular. To be popular means to be attractive and often to be attractive is to be not right. 

But without these, many will not come and will be lost in the wilderness. Popular religion has to be attractive. Serious religiosity puts many off. 

It is alright for religion to be far from religious if this can bring more to be near God and saints. At least they have the edge of proximity though the near may be far as observed by the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨

God and saints welcome even those who are not ready for religion to the house of God. Who says they cannot make merry, dance and sing in the very house of God? What is right and beautiful is in the eyes of the beholder, isn't it? People do see and practice at different levels. This is to be  expected. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Silent and solid is God and noisy and empty are most men

No 1197 of Living Life Series 1

Times have changed. Instead of going to a temple or church to be alone and one with God and saint, people progressed from that to have group worship. 

With group worship instead of of just having the priest or monk recite the texts for us, soon the crowd joined in the recital. Previously the texts recital was reserved for the priest. 

This was followed in time by not just reciting the holy texts but by singing which was taboo in the long past.

Later dancing, clapping and shouting came into the picture. These are the ways of men. The sense of traditional propriety became eroded and lost to time. 

The ways of men do change and will change. But remember the ways of God and saints are always ever the same. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 commented that in all religions, the ways of men are never the same as the ways of God and saints. 

God speaks one to one through silence. The silence of God is loud to the faithful but void to and not heard by those not faithful. They end up wanting to hear their own voices and noisy at that

The noisy ones in a church or temple may at times be like empty vessels. They may have no substance - empty and noisy but very showy. 

They like what the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says are far though they think they are near. The sermon of the near and far by now is well known. The far may be near and the near far. 

The silent may be more substantial than the noise of empty vessels. Men in relating to God move from one to many, from personal touch by God and with God, to distancing by crowd from the God here and near, from silence to noise, from substantiality to empty and noisy showiness. 

The ways of men are far from the ways of God and saints. God and saints are quiet and silent but more effective. 

The silence of God is more effective than the noise of men. Traditional cultures of the East are more effective in their silence than the noisiness of cultures beyond the East. 

Silent and solid is God and noisy and empty are most men. If cannot hear the silence of God, then make more noises and at least hear their own voice and noise. Then don't they wipe our from their lives the silence that is God in the very house of God? 

Let there be silence if we want to hear God. Let there be noise and merry making if we want to hear men instead of God. Accord to God and saints what are due to God and saints and to men what are due to men. 

But some men driven by emotion and not by logic that is Tao  even howl like wolves in the darkness and silence of the night. Some talk and sing in mumbo jumbo. Some writhe and squirm like snakes and serpents. 

They do not even accord to themselves what should be for men. Do for Godsake or rather for goodness sake, be more man even if we are not ready to be more godly and more than man. 

Pointless is love if more hatred results

No 1196 of Living Life Series 1

Man likes to be better than other men. When other men are better, man is envious and not happy. 

Man should not relish in being better than other men but have compassion for them by helping them where he can and that way it is likely that other men better than him will help him as well. 

Behind this is love and when we act on love, this is compassion. 

When other men are better than us, we should not be envious. Envy is rooted in jealousy - ill will of sorts. We should instead rejoice for them. 

Rejoicing is rooted in goodwill - love. Love must be rooted in goodwill. Then it will not result in ill-will. 

When we love those around us, we should not develop bad feelings of those not with us. Such good is not good, isn't it? 

We may even have more ill-will than we thought despite having love for those around us. 

Likewise, the love for God and a saint must not be based on the love for those who are like us but entails dislike for the many more who are not with us or like us. 

The amount of bad will or bad blood is horrendous and far outweigh the good of love for those with us. 

We must not love God and saints such that we hate those who are not with us in belief. God and saints are never the excuse for us to dislike others to extent of hatred. 

In a temple of the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨, among and within the fold of members pioneers and devotees, there is no place for hatred for others just because they do not hold the same belief and approach to the lord saint. That would be unbecoming. If there be no true love, then what is the point of talking about love for the world regardless of religion, culture  and nationality

Then as said by the good lord, the near may be far. It may be far better not to be in the temple and have heart for those who are not in tune with us or have doubts in us. 

The good lord says that those who disagree with the temple members running the temple should be loved and welcome. That they doubt is not an issue. They should be treated like family for one day when they know better, they would be in tune with those running the temple. 

Doubt arises because they don't understand or perhaps those who think they know better actually know not enough or correctly. Isn't it pointless to have love if more hatred results. 

When we go about life and want to be good and loving, this is fine. But do know what goes on in the mind. There must be no bad will and bad mouthing in the name of love. 

Make sure the mind is pure and good. One way is to avoid gossip and frivolity. Then even if the mind is not pure, at least we do not foment more ill will in us and in others we associate with. 

Pointless is love if more hatred results. Do keep watch of the mind and keep it pure. If because of love or in the name of love, there is hatred, isn't this absurd? Please do not be absurd. 

The problem is absurdity abounds everywhere and may have become the norm for many. Instead of cultivating the God in them, many cultivate the anti-God or the Devil in them in the very name of God. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The absurdity of life baffles

No 1195 of Living Life Series 1

If there was not for birth would there be death? If there was not for loss would there be gain? If there was not for sunrise, would there be sunset? If there was not for man would there be woman? 

Why is one favored when without the other, how can that one exist? But do we need both? Can't we have neither? 

If there is no diversity, how can there be individuality or oneness in diversity. Can we not have everything? Can we have nothing? 

Can there be solutions without problems? Can we have problems without solutions? 

Can there be night without day? Can men rest without work? Can men work without rest? 

Can there be good without bad? Can there be bad without good? Can we have God without Satan? Can there be Satan without God? 

It seems that duality is here to stay. Perhaps good is bad and bad is good. How absurd can this be? But life is like that. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that as long as there is man, there will be problems. The problems of men are many and plentiful. Life for man would be absurd isn't it? But that is the man we know. 

He said that with sunrise, there is sunset and man must work half the time and rest the other half. Why not have neither or have one without the other?

In man is the God and yet in man too is the Devil. When can man not be like that. Even the religion of man specifies both Hell and Heaven. Give this some thought. 

Can we be on top of the absurdity of life? Can we not have everything and nothing? What would we have then? 

This is what we should know otherwise round and round we go. We will seem to go nowhere while going somewhere all the time. 

Where will there be the peace? When will we stand still while moving on in life? When will we move life and not be moved around by life. What is the goal or end and what are the means? Means are not ends and ends are not means.

The good lord gives a clear answer but the mind of men may not be able to see the truth. He said that for clear water we must not be swept downstream but we must just go against the current to go upstream. 

Isn't this common to all religions? Then why not have only one religion? But there cannot only be one when the thinking of men is far from one. 

Religions do reflect the nature of men. Men are one but not one. This is the truth in men as well as the absurdity of men. We should neither go for one nor all but we should not go for none. This is the trilogy of one, all and none which we should not have. 

We should be on top of life and not let life be on top of us. We should be the driver of life and not be the driven. 

As long as we see the absurdity of life, there is hope. We are on our way to be atop of life. We will have a little more peace when we can make sense of life often just by having common sense - Tao

But many simply don't see the absurdity. Their minds are too cluttered and noisy. They just cannot think straight and clear. They cannot silent their minds and have more of the peace. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Free will is the will of God..

No 1194 of Living Life Series 1

If someone is happy with what he is, what is the point of telling him to give up what he has and to be more happy with what he does not have? Isn't this odd? 

If someone is happy to give up what he has and take on another lifestyle or belief, what is the point of stopping him. That is odd as well, isn't it? 

Whatever matters is not what he has or what he can have but whether he is happy about it. The point is that he must be happy with what he is doing and know what he is doing. 

If he is happy with the limitations and the consequences, then what is the point of interfering with what he is doing? It may be good to help him explore what he is happy about what he is doing or wants to do. That is about what we can do to help him. 

Ultimately it is his life and he has to live his own life. Others should not impose on him, not even his parents or kin - not even God and saints. Isn't that free will or independence which parents are happy for their grown up children to have? 

We may think we know better and want others to give up what they have to believe and have what we have. Isn't that going against the blessing of free will that God and saints are happy for us to have. 

So in religion, what is the point of telling someone not to change religion or to change religion. Isn't that not in line with the blessing of free will. 

Those passionate about their religion must take cognizance of this blessing of free will. They may be near but if they act against the will of God and saints, aren't they being pointless? They though near will end up far from God and saints. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 advises us on the near and far regardless of the religion we are in. The near may be far and the far near. 

Men may differ in nationality, race, religion and culture but there is the same basic values of goodness behind all men. Don't see men as different and lost if they are different from you. Help them to appreciate what they are and be better. 

If they want to integrate into another society, nation or religion, do not stop them either. Help them to know what they are doing. Let them decide what is the choice. Bless them and better friends they will be with you. 

Don't tell them how to live life. They have to live life. We cannot live for them. Isn't that free will? Free will is the will of God. Free will is the blessing for every man. 

Without free will, man cannot think and will just do as told, let alone make decisions. All the thinking will be done for man. 

Even God needs to think and decide. Free will enables man to be like God though far from godly till they can cultivate purity of spirit.  

Free will is the birth right for everyone. It is the spring board for everyone to be godly and be closer to God. 

But many along the way of life get sidetracked and that is the problem. God and saints know this. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says the problem of men are many and plentiful. This is no fault of anyone but men. God and saints will help so that issues be no issues and even big issues at least be small issues. But the root of all problems lie in men. 

Men often act before they can think through. Men must silent the mind and not think many thoughts at same time. Men must think but do so with a pure and silent mind and in more focused manner. Men must reflect and be ever mindful. 

There are some who even say it is good to regurgitate and to redigest to think clearly but this may be waste of time though useful sometimes. Learn to think through the first time round, otherwise the mind may end up cluttered and there is less of quiet and peace. 

Monday, May 23, 2016

Religion its own undoing but saints won't give up

No 1193 of Living Life Series 1

Saints like the Buddha came down to Earth to correct the thinking of men with regards to religion. Men tends to deviate from the truth. Men cannot accept the truth and like to day dream that there is no need to work for salvation. 

All they want is to be given. Ask and be given seems the best. 

When Gotama attained under the great Bodhi tree enlightenment and become the historical Buddha, he surveyed the world and realised that it might not be worthwhile to preach the truth. 

Many will just distort it and go for the easy way out. Many will go for the untruth. Just believe and presto salvation is guaranteed. 

If this is so, was there the need for heavenly saints to come our way from time to time? 

We have to work for salvation. But men just have enough of work. 

Truth is simple but it takes effort and many rebirths to have salvation - the end of rebirths through no wanting. This simply puts people off and they go for instant salvation. 

Belief and just carry on with what we want. Salvation is God given. No need to be good. No need to purify the mind. God willing we will be purified. 

Someone will take over our shortcomings and we will be pure in mind and spirit. Thus religions run by men undo the efforts of saints who come our way. 

From the moment they preached the truth, men of the masses will undo what the saints do. Only a handful will understand and grasp the truth. 

The Buddha knew this but God persuaded him to give it a try. There will still be the few who can make it. He was persuaded but like the efforts of all saints, most people go back to square one.

Whatever the saints do and however hard they try, religions will end up far from religious - far from the truth and pander to the dreams of men. They just want to believe and salvation will be delivered like food on a plate. 

Religions end up serving untruths and only a few will see through this. This happened before the saints come our way and will continue to happen after they came. So what is the point for saints to make the effort?

But alas, if saints don't come our way and share their wisdom, even the few may not have the chance for enlightenment. That is the reality.

It is in this light that the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 in 1969 descended to show that there is this inner truth behind all religions. 

He said that religions will ever be like archaeological sites for us to dig into to uncover the inner or buried truth. Even if only a few can make it, it is still worth the effort for mission to make men realise this inner truth. 

The good lord says that most people will just flow downstream with all the mud and add-ons. Few will go against the current to upper source for clear water. 

Of course this is tedious and time consuming. Saints provide the wisdom and guidance. The rest is up to us. Saints though can help but they cannot live life for us. We have to live our own lives. 

Religions while championing spirituality end up manipulated by masses and be far from nurturing spirituality. 

Religion can be its own undoing. Saints know that. But they will still try to bring out the light. There will always be hope that a few will make it. This few is worth their effort to keep the truth available at least to this discerning few. 

Religion indeed is its own undoing. What saints want to undo will still end up as before. This is as though they have not come at all. But the few who can make it makes their efforts still worthwhile. 

Saints may be downtrodden in their time as men but men in modern times project them as the ones who condemn and threaten those who do not submit. Isn't this the undoing of sorts? 

Saints are humble and loving. How is it that men end up projecting them as the opposite and yet say that saints have the interests of men at heart? 

Men of religion indeed may end up undoing the efforts of saints. Religion is its own undoing but saints know this and will not give up. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

What is the way the truth and the light?

No 1192 of Living Life Series 1

Indeed, we find through any heavenly saint the way, the truth and the light. But it is not just the saint himself but what he taught that is the way, the truth and the light. 

But many take the easy option. The saint is the way, the truth and the light. If that is so, then is there the need to have volumes of texts in the holy scriptures? Just idolize the saint in every moment of life and all will be well. 

Indeed as a starter and for for a long time, many will hang on to just believe and devotion. All will be well. Indeed this is the way for them. 

They would not even think through and use common sense. They won't want to think, be mindful and reflect. It is just too much of a bother. 

But that is the way of men - the way of the crowd and of popular religion created by men for men. In days of old many leave to monks and priests to do the thinking and carry on this habit till the present. All they do is to believe in a saint and hope to get what they want by just doing that. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that renunciation is not just about leaving family and society and be a monk. But it is to renounce the attachment or clinging of the mind. 

It has nothing to do with leaving family or society. It is not running away from society and problems. It is not denial of self nor indulgence of self. 

It has to do with mind cultivation or purification. When a saint says he is the way, the truth and the light, we must go beyond the literal meaning. The saint means much more - definitely more. 

We must think through and not just believe. As followers of a saint, we must not create an unfavorable impression of the saint. The good lord Lord Bo Tien  武天菩萨 says that whoever knows how to think and knows and sees the true nature of life, that man knows and sees the saint. 

The doctrine is in the image or saint and the image or saint is the doctrine. By knowing the Word, we know and are near the saint. By not knowing the Word we are far though near and in the very house of God and saint.  

This is the real meaning of the statement by Jesus and for that matter all saints when they mention that a saint is the way the truth and the light. 

There is only one way, one truth and one light. The Word is one but religions and saints are many. All religions are one in basic doctrine - the Inner Truth. This the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 wants us to know.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

More on Failure, Love and Inner Peace

No 1191 of Living Life Series 1

Has life failed us or have we failed life? No one is a failure if we value life and have inner peace come what may. Be truly on top of life of ups and downs by having inner peace. This if we care to dwell in depth is the enlightened approach of saints like Buddha and Jesus. 

This is the inner truth in all religions that the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 wants us to know so that we be better in life - better at what we are in our different lives and religions. 

What others have that we may not have matters not. It matters only if we have inner peace and accept life as it unfurls. 

As sure as there is the up and down and as sure as there is sunrise and sunset over and over again, surely no one is a failure if there is inner peace. So cheer up and be liberated by inner peace. 

Never say anyone is a failure. That will add salt to his emotional wounds. 

The real or greater failure is not to tell him or her that she is still valued and loved by parents, family and friends even if he or she failed in a job, examination, relationship health or financial venture. 

Love can bring support and contribute to the peace of spirit - the inner peace. Suicides and murders happen because of no love and fellowship. 

Ultimately what counts is not just love but inner peace. Even if no love but inner peace is strong and present, there is equanimity - inner peace that is not emotion driven but independent of emotion. Inner peace has in the long run to be wholly logic driven and not emotion driven. 

No one is a failure if there is inner peace. Love and fellowship helps if inner peace is lacking. Family especially parents and siblings can mitigate and sense of failure. But inner peace is best for the long haul. Inner peace brings cheer come what may. 

Person with inner peace can better shower love to those affected by the vissicitudes of life like praise blame, honor dishonor, gain and loss. All ups do not stay up and when downs happen, life can be tormenting if there is no inner peace. No need to blame anyone or cry aloud to God and telling God, "Why have you forsaken me?" 

Friday, May 20, 2016

No one is a failure if there is inner peace

No 1190 of Living Life Series 1

Has life failed us? Are we a failure to life? What is the difference between the two? 

When what we want or are expected to do, we somehow cannot do or cannot have, we feel upset and give up even all the good things we already have and can still have. 

Then we are in danger of failing life. We think life has failed us. We want to give up. Then this is when we have failed life. 

Life has not failed us. We cannot see the brightness around and are gloomed by our wants - by the finite wants which seem to elude us. 

Perhaps we have not tried enough. Perhaps life is not what we want it to be. Perhaps we are never meant to be like others. We can only be what we are and can be. 

All boils down to that we are not steady. We are not at peace. We fail to value life as it is presented to us. We want life to be what it is not or has yet to be. 

We expect life to be up and up but there will always be the ups and downs. Eventually all will end with material nothing saved the immaterial good we have in us - the purity of our spirit. 

Whether we have more ups or more downs, what is the difference? The difference if any is whether we have the peace come what may. Value life therefore and go for the inner peace. 

This is the same inner truth in all religions. This the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 wants all to know whatever religion we are in and whoever we may be. 
Has life failed us or have we failed life? No one is a failure if we value life and have inner peace come what may. Be truly on top of life of ups and downs by having inner peace. This if we care to dwell in depth is the enlightened approach of saints like Buddha and Jesus. 

This is the inner truth in all religions that the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 wants us to know so that we be better in life - better at what we are in our different lives and religions. 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Critical of ancestral worship but yet practicing it

No 1189 of Living Life Series 1

Is it wrong to worship ancestors? Isn't worship of God and saints in a way the respect for the greats of mankind - those who started and mould mankind to what they are currently? 

God and saints have been roped in to bring mankind together - the unifying bond in a country and even the subservience of nations to the dominance of another.

Won't it be easier if all look up to the same ancestry of man? Won't it be wonderful if God is the original ancestry from whom all mankind and beings can trace their origin and history and identify with? 

So why on Earth condemn ancestor worship when the age-old tradition of God in the centre of our lives is in itself a higher form of ancestral reverence? 

This speaks volumes of the minds of men. They are critical of ancestral worship but yet promote it. Isn't this ironical and illogical somewhat?

No wonder the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that the problems of men are many and plentiful. Even in relation to ancestor worship and God, they create problems. 

Men can be critical of ancestral reverence but yet subscribe fervently to it in another form. What has happened to the common sense - the logic of men?  

To make matters worse, men can tell other men that the God they revere is not the same God just because of different religion or culture. The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that all are one in God and saints. Aren't men absurd at times? 

Truly, as the good lord says - the problems of men are many and plentiful and the near to God may be far and not so near after all. The God that is there is not what men conceive him to be.

Men may be critical of ancestral worship but yet practicing it. God is the ultimate of ancestors. Men cannot be of favor to God but God can be of favor to men. Men can be of favor to human ancestors but human ancestors may not be in position to favor men as much as God is capable of. 

Thus many men favor only God but not the human ancestry. Isn't that not telling? But that is why men are men and not saint. Religions are good at bringing men to God and saints but men must relate correctly to God and saints. Therein lies the issue. 

Some in their desire to manipulate and make others of different culture subservient to them discount ancestral worship to detach them from cultural and racial loyalty. Then they introduce God as the replacement. 

But, they of course in their own vested interest introduce their own version of God. God becomes the means for them to exert racial and cultural superiority. It becomes easier to show that they know best and others should look up to them. They are then able to assimilate others into their culture and thinking. They call the tune that more easily.

God ends up as a pawn for the games of men to checkmate and coerce others into looking up to them. First they say that people should not worship ancestors. Then they encourage God as the replacement - the original ancestry. 

But men are men. Some of the very ones who are won over end up thinking more differently and they sell their new thinking back to them. God then ends up as the plank for more problems among men.

It is ideal for religion and politics to stay clear of each other. But if the law of the land does not step in to moderate religion, religion may well be straying into the terrain of national interest. 

It must be recognised that the law of the land is not interfering with God but ensuring no religious adventurism and excess in name of religion. There is therefore a delicate balance based on logic - Tao 

This if not achieved will result in people critical of ancestor worship but yet practising it. They do so somewhat discreetly not just to further spiritual ends but more for non-spiritual ends. 

Men must of course be forgiven as men often are short of expectations of fellow men, not to say God and saints. God and saints hold no misgivings with regards to men. They would rather forgive men for men know not what they do. Men are myopic and not far sighted. 

Men can be far though near to God in the same way pet dogs are as near but yet far from being men. That seems derogatory but is an astute observation. When will men rise to be more God worthy and wholesome? This will be a long time to come. We have to wait a long long time. 

The pessimism is justified when man in one breath denounces ancestor worship but in the same breath justifies God ancestry and reverence. The Chinese saying that there is one eye big and one eye small sums up the sentiment that men tend to be bias. 

This sentiment is held for those they have less respect or regards for - those with less culture and no respect for ancestry. This can be made worse still by those who borders on hypocrisy and to be exact double talking. Don't be critical of ancestral worship but yet practice it. 

To put it bluntly some respect only God but not the elders and ancestors in family and society. Isn't this unbecoming and uncivilised? No wonder the some self opinionated Chinese of old who held their nose high refer to them as barbaric - to be exact and to put it in more civil way 'uncivilised'. 

In the first place, those who are critics of ancestor worship but are all for God ancestry and reverence are victims of self opinionation and conceit. But some of the self opinionated Chinese of old are even better at this. Some refer to this as 'double to know one'.

But that is not the way the wise and humble would put it. They will be more prudent and wholesome in their comments. The wise will say that people need to learn and to make good. Such people know not what they do. Give them time and space and all will be well. At least keep some space and distance from others for time being. 

Do not talk before we can think clearly. If what is to be said is hurtful, don't even say it. Shut up the gap and that will be good. Silence can be golden.