
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord Bo Tien (武天菩萨). The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affiliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. Needless to say that all the saints we know are in this temple. Ji Gong Posat too is no exception. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven. We worship God and saints, not man however good that man may be. There should be no hero worshiping or idolizing of man whether he is a charismatic pastor, priest, monk, medium or lay leader. We don't even idol worship the image of any saint but reflect on what the image stands for. - the doctrine in the image. Omitofo 阿弥陀佛!.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

From where they come or are to be, to there they go

No 1245 of Living Life Series 1

There are many in Heaven who have to come down for a purpose. Once they complete the purpose, they will have to go back. These include saints like Jesus and many with spiritual calling. 

Then there are those who after death somehow strayed from the nether or elemental world and got mixed up with human beings causing much inconvenience. If we do encounter such wandering souls, do wish them well and tell them thus. From where you come, to where you go. May you be well and be reborn. 

Our wish make make their rebirths out of nether world come true if what they need is just a little help. They lacked enough merits to be out of hell. 

The rest would have to stay put in nether world but enjoy our blessings all the same. Our wish for them to be well is a gift and God-sent

In both categories (the saintly ones from above and the poor souls from below), love is behind why they are here. This is either to give love or to need love and kindness. 

Saints and men with spiritual calling came to give love and truth. Truth is the best gift to all beings. We need their love and kindness.

In the second category, the elemental beings lack love and merits. All they need is our love. Wish them well and they will go where they came from and may even be better off with our loving thoughts. 

Tell them to go where they came from and want to be. They are supposed to be there and not here. With our kind loving vibrations given to them, they may make it to beyond the nether world. Even if they stay put in nether world, they will be better off somehow though sadly still in the nether world.

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says the near may be far and the far near. 

Saints who are far up there can be down here to be near to us. 

Poor souls lost in the elemental world may stray into our life. They are supposed to be far from us but end up near to us and far from settled. They need our help to go far in life.  We can help them.

Equally exposed are those who came down from above for religious calling. Will they back track or succeed?  Indeed they will do good but there must be no flipside. 

The fault may not lie with them but with men who idolise them and bring disgrace to their holy names. Will the crowd make them swell their ego instead of being exemplary in forgoing the ego and not be slave of wants? 

Will they backslide and fail? Some do fail and yet succeed in some ways. Look around and see for yourself. For the saints from above, the fault lies with the men with plenty of ego. These men project the saints as ego-driven when it is them who are drown and down by ego. Isn't this such a let-down?

Of course, true saints are pure in spirit. Untainted they will be though misrepresented they may be. How can they be tainted? They do what they can and return to where they come from. To there they will go. 

From where they come or are to be (want to be), to there they go - be it for saints or others far from sainthood. Be it saints or elementals, this seems to be the case though the purpose may differ and be more than sky wide.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Do not hurt or be hurt. Peace there must be.

No 1244 of Living Life Series 1

Why do we feel hurt when someone says something we don't fancy? He makes us feel bad and we feel the need not to do what he says or the need not to agree. In a way, we end up doing what he expect or want out of us. That is why there is hurt and the way we handle the situation hurt him as well

Yes, we cannot stop him from doing what he did. But this does not mean we cannot disagree with him. First we must will not to be hurt. Then there is the issue of how to react without hurting him back? How to let him know we hold to what we believe and he can hold to his? 

How to live and let live so that all parties are not hurt but yet ready to speak their mind and opinion. One way is to be what we are and he be what he is. Is there the need to hurt one another? 

Even if his intention is to hurt us and is centered on upmanship, let us not play into his game and not to play the same game - to be hurt by him and to hurt him back. 

Let there be peace in us. Surely this peace cannot be so fragile as to be affected by what he says or do. Worse still is to retaliate. 

Do not retaliate. Do not succumb and agree due to fear. We get more hurt that way. Do not feel the need to hurt him back either. 

Do not be hurt. Do not hurt back. Show that you do not agree but be nice about this. Smile and let him know you are not offended and you do not go along. He must know this. Show him there are alternatives that don't hurt all parties. Be nice about this. 

If this do not pacify him, just be friendly and show this by talking on other issues like how good he was in other areas and how you appreciate him in these areas. 

In short, we have the peace in us even if he is hurtful. If we have the peace in us, we want to pacify the ill-will or hurtful nature or ego in him by bringing out the good will in him. 

Showing how you appreciate his good side is a sure winner. Of course before we can do this, we must be mindful of what he do and we do. 

Learn from the good and the bad in him and turn this to advantage. The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says we can learn from others. Life is the living gospel and can tell us how to be better in life - not to be upset and not to be carried away. 

We can do so if we know the nature of life. The ails of life have to do with the ego. Let us not be hurt by other's ego and let not our ego hurt other's. 

Be aware if ego is at work. Know the ego - our own and that of others. Subdue the ego and the noises it make in our mind. 

Replace them with silence which to the wise is inner peace but to the ego-driven is hell. They rather go from ego to bigger ego. They create the super-ego in God and in the name of ego upset others who do not go along with them or to submit to them. They gain courage through misusing God. 

God is not noisy and he is silent. But in silence there is pervasive peace - unconfined, omnipresent and ever effective to the extent of omnipresence. 

We too must be silent and at peace. Then we can absorb the noises of the ego made by others. Our silence with inner peace do make the noises of non consequence and do not add more noises that jar and mar our peace. 

If ever, the peace lessens the noise by not adding to the noise. We do not irritate the other party to make more noise. God is silent and peaceful amid the noises of the world. So can we.  

Then we will not be hurt and do not find need to hurt. More peace there will be. Peace there must be. We start off by silencing the noises in us for  more peace in us. We contribute less noises to the world and do not add to the noises that abound. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Why religions have to be different yet one in God

No 1243 of Living Life Series 1

All religions are one in God, in goodness, in purity and in need to provide strength and love to all. This the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 say. 

He also added that religions will have to be different. Religions will have their own ways of holding their followers together. These include dogmas. These make religion stand out from one another and be noticed.

These are not meant to be divisive. On the contrary, they hold people together and bring sanity, love and unity. 

It is not the intention to make one religion be above another but to bring about distinctiveness and identity not to extent of blowing up the ego of men of one religion. It is to bring out the love of men for their religion and be a torch for others to notice and want to do the same. 

This love is not meant to make them dislike others outside their religion. They have to show that they are loving and kind even to those outside their religion. 

This way they can project good image and make others want to learn from them not just to change to their religion but to learn so as to be better in their own religions. 

Religions are one in God and goodness but they have to be different. 

Of course, common sense will tell us that people are different. How can religions not be different? 

Nations are different but they are of the same world? How can all be one nation or one religion? We are asking for the impossible if we insist that there is one religion for all. 

Even the view of God is different even within the same religion. Of course, it will be different across religions. But God is one and truth also one. It is in life and in all beliefs, cultures and religions. This makes more sense, isn't it? 

The beautiful part is that God is impartial in his love for beings. There is no bias and no chosen ones. All are one and same in eyes of God though different they may be. Definitely religions have to be different though one in God. 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Society is fertile ground to grow the inner peace

No 1242 of Living Life Series 1

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 is clear about what we should do if we want to be spiritual. To the good lord, leaving society and the world must never be in the literal sense. That is no longer the way to be spiritual.

The challenge is how to be in the world and yet be spiritual. There is no need to be monk or be hermit. We must not withdraw into the shell. 

Often we have to realize what ails the world. It is the lack of peace within society, across the world and within the individual. 

Peace must start with the individual. But man must not run away but stay put with society. 

Man can change himself to have the peace regardless of what swirls around him. If everyone can have a bit more peace, this peace will rub on to others. 

If everyone clamors more for self gain, how can there be peace? If man too decides that he gives up and wants nothing to do with society, he will be swallowed up by the wants of others at his expense. Society has encroached into every niche and corner. 

Even monks have to be with society. We have to be with society and not stay away. We need to plug into society somehow while we go for the peace of the spirit that religion talks about. 

Plug into society and not let society plug into us and gnaw away our spirit. On the other hand, we too can never pluck ourselves out of the world. We cannot pluck ourselves out of society. 

The challenge is how to be spiritual without being a monk or priest - how to face society and yet have the peace of the spirit. 

Unlike days of old, man in modern days must face society and learn to be spiritual. This is the challenge for men. 

Be plugged into society and yet be plugged into spiritual. It is just like how to be calm amid storm. We need to be calm even within the storm of society. Stay put and make do. Can we really run away from all storms? Storms will catch up with us somehow. 

Religion must enable men to be calm amid the storms of society. Renounce not the world and society but renounce the ego driven ways of society and have the peace. 

Surely good can prevail over the trials and tribulations. If one can have peace in society, one is on the path to more peace of the spirit. 

Go along with the world but have the peace come what may. When sun rises, go to work. When sun sets, have your rest. When the rain falls, tree will grow. 

But the man rooted in subterranean water of inner peace is like the tree which grows even during drought. He is not affected while other men suffer and wither, he is still luxuriant with leaves. This the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 too did say. 

Be with society and still have spiritual peace. We can do so if we grow the inner peace by cultivating the inner truth common to all religions. 

Be good and be pure in spirit - in thoughts, speech and in actions. What better place to do so than within society. Hanker not after wants. Subdue the ego but not life in society. Have peace while staying with society. 

Society is fertile ground to grow the peace - the inner peace. It is where peace is fragile and often lacking or absent that provides the very fertile ground to test our ability to have inner peace - ironical this may be.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Go for the truth and not just the religion

No 1241 of Living Life Series 1

Which religion we belong is immaterial. It is how a religion impact on us that matters. The label is not important. It is only the starting point or reference point.

Just like a book, what matters is not the cover. What matters is not the thickness of the book. What matters is whether we can get to the gist - the basic values that will awaken us to what life is about and for. 

Being attached to a book more so its beautiful cover is no use if we fail to get at the gist - the message. Being lost in the many pages of the book is what we should avoid. 

Go for the gist or message. The message is common to all religions and cultures. This is what the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 wants us to know. 

Know the gist and not the cover or the thickness of the book - the many chapters in the book. If we know that, we can know not only our religion better but all religions. 

We can learn from other religions to add value to the grasp of our own religion. They give different perspectives.

Don't be attached to religious labels for labels can be deceptive. For instance, Buddhism arises from India. But the truth it touches on is in the world. It is not in India alone. Only when Buddhism spreads its wings beyond India does it awaken many to the truth. 

Buddha rediscovered  the truth of life. He did not teach a new truth. But because he did it, people call his teachings Buddhism. This is as though his teachings are different from that of other religions and their saints. This is never meant to be. 

A rose is a rose. Call it by any name, it is still a rose. But when called by various names, we think there are different flowers. This is a misrepresentation. 

Religion is always good and must be diverse in form and presentation to reach out to the many. While religions may appear different, they are about the basic truth - the truth of God in some form and the need to be pure and good. 

If this is the case, religions are one and not many, yet there are many religions. That is a fact. 

If we criticise any religion, we end up criticising and giving bad impression of our religion. This is common sense but not for some. That is the problem.

Learn from and love all religions. That way we understand oneness of the same inner truth in all religions. 

The inner truth is one and same across religions but religions need not be one and the same. Know any one correctly and we should know all and we will naturally want to know all. 

Know other religions more and we know our religion better. Religions add value to our grasp of truth. If we cannot see that, then we have yet to know the inner truth behind religions in its totality - in its wholeness. We have allot to learn and a long way to go. 

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Belief must not make man err ever the more

No 1240 of Living Life Series 1

Why is it that men who takes pride in their belief in a religion may end up acting contrary to what they profess? They take pain to let others know that religion has changed them for the better. 

They give an impressive show of honesty, humility and meekness. This is as should be. They have changed and the spirit of God and saint is in them. 

But sad to say, they may say one thing but do another thing. They want others to know that they are law abiding. They obey the laws of God as much as the laws of the land. 

Their friendliness and loving front attract others to them. Like it or not, this sadly will include quite a few of those who don't care a hoot about abiding by laws, let alone rules. These others come to them and request from them services they should not provide. 

These unscrupulous others say that they are not asking for favors but want to buy services from them. By law and regulation, they are not supposed to do so freely as items or services are regulated. 

The man of religion and honesty often cave in to them in the name of humility required of them in their religion. But aren't this man breaking the laws of the land when he is supposed to comply with the laws of the land. 

He is afraid of threat of violence if he does not cave in. But where is his principle? Why boast that he is humble to give in? What has become of his promise and conviction to be honest? Why has he decided to throw honesty to the wind and go along with the devil - to please the devil? 

Why has he turn so bold to put aside the law not only of God but also of the land? What has become of his faith even if he is short and lacking in reasoning and doctrine? Fear of man cannot be reason to break the law of the land or the law of God. He appears to have no fear of God and the land. That is ironical, isn't it? 

Why sell away the trust of God in him. Such a man is so near to God but yet so far. The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 touches in depth on the near and the far. 

Worse still, such a man may even justify what he did to God as acceptable. He may say that he like any man will still be saved by divine grace even if by action he has made himself less worthy of God. 

Yes God is open minded and not petty. He may have forsaken God and be lacking in faith. But his belief in God must not make him bold to err ever the more. 

He should not take a high and mighty stand and yet err outright. Isn't that taking advantage of the goodwill of God - making a fool out of God. To err is human and to forgive divine should not be an excuse used too easily. Don't belittle God and uphold the Devil, be it the devil in others or the Evil One religions refer to. 

Be good. Good will always triumph over bad or wrong. Do not impose over those who think differently. But do not allow ourselves be imposed either. How to is the big question? It is not easy but it has to be done somehow.  

Friday, June 24, 2016

Better to live in their dreams for those not ready

No 1239 of Living Life Series 1

The historical Buddha on day of enlightenment was reluctant to make known his understanding of the truth of life. He had his good reason for this. 

Truth is a bitter pill and not at all exciting. In fact, many are not motivated at all by truth. All they want is that they be given paradise and happiness right from the start. 

They see worldly happiness as spiritual happiness. They don't accept that they have to work for spiritual happiness. 

They prefer to live in dreams that they will be happy from the onset of belief in God and all will be well by his grace, not by the efforts of men, not by good works and not by human wisdom which to them falls far short of divine wisdom. 

They don't think that divine wisdom is within their reach. They prefer the world of make-belief and this they hold as the reality. They are happy that way. 

Is there the need to rock the boat and upset them with the truth? They are not ready. They don't want to be upset. Life is already upsetting enough. 

What they need is immediate and instant relief and not realisation of more upsets to surmount. They don't want to know that there is more than meet the eye. 

With such people, God and saints understand. God and saints will go along with the dreams of men who are not ready as yet to wake up from dreams. 

It is better to let them be happy and hang on to dreams than be distraught. Even those who claim they have woken up will still fall back on dreams and they need God and saints to go along with their dreams. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that men have dreams of life but if they do not wake up from dreams, they are still near to God though far from true spirituality. The near can be far. 

It is better for many to live on in their dreams than to wake up. They are not stoic enough, not resilient enough and not resourceful enough. Truth is not for the faint hearted. 

God and saints even create the temporary haven in heaven for them. There they can be more settled and be prepared to face truth - to wake up from their dreams. To them, while still on Earth this is the heaven they know. 

Isn't this to do with the Bodhisattva approach? The answer is not as simple as it seems. Do more research into this. 

Religion must work for the majority and not for the few who know more or choose to have nothing to do with religion. Isn't that what religion is for? Indeed, religion is for all - especially the majority.

God and saints must look after all not just the few who know better and can be on their own. Even this few can be weak and need to fall back on dreams. 

Life is about dreams even if dreams may not be true. Even our life here is a dream which will end when death comes knocking at the door. 

While in life even if it is a dream, do make do and have the best out of the dream of life. Otherwise, we will refuse to dream and yet not wake up.

What we wake up to may still be a dream but hopefully even if still a dream, this will be a better dream - a heavenly one. Don't be a busybody and leave others to their dreams. 

But sometimes there is need to let others know they are dreaming on in life. The issue is can we and should we and when to do so. Moreover, we too may be dreamers as well. 

Even if we know better, we just had to fall back on dreams. The road to ultimate truth is long and arduous. We want the easy way with instant relief never mind if this is a tall order. Who is really ready? It is far better to live in dreams. 

Should one dreamer tell another to have a different dream? That is another issue and a problem as well. The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 commented that the problems of men are many and plentiful. 

Even in religion and with regards to God, men have problems. Man himself is the problem. Even in heaven above, man brings along problems. 

Men have different dreams and they do not agree as to which is the correct dream. Oddly, they can even fight over dreams. Isn't that ridiculous? To them, it is not as they don't think they are dreaming. They think others are dreaming and not them. 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

We are near but far from God because of ego

No 1238 of Living Life Series 1

Man lives life for his ego. When man is told to erase his ego, he thinks he no longer lives and feels empty. He then asks what is life for. 

To him life is about ego. To him if there is no ego, what then is life for? 

Even in religion, man goes to God to satisfy and meet his ego needs. He wants to enlarge his ego through God. He wants to be the center of life - the center of the world and the focus of religion. 

That is why such a man may say that his religion is good and has met his needs. What this really means is that he is more able to meet his ego needs. 

He feels he is better off than others. God is on his side and all will be well. God is for him and he is the apple of God's. He takes pride that his ego needs are better met. 

But such a man is still insecure and he goes out to ensure that others be like him and be in the same religion or sect. His ego drives him to boast of his beliefs and religion. When he is able to win others over, he is able to boost his ego. He feels good and thinks that this ego-driven pride is divine. 

His ego grows even bigger in the name of religion. There are many ills when even religion helps to grow the ego in man. Man becomes self-centered and what matters is his self. 

His ego drives him near to religion and to God but yet this ego makes him far from God and the purpose of religion. Didn't the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 say the near may be far. Yes he did and this applies to all religions and sects. 

So the next time, we offer incense to God or saint, ask ourselves are we worshipping God or saint or are we indirectly worshipping our ego?

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

God sanctions the worldly appeal of religion

No 1237 of Living Life Series 1

Are we ready for religion? Is religion ready for us? 

We may be born into religion but we may not be ready for religion when we are not even ready for life. We have not learnt to be happy. We need to take notice of worldly blessings and cultivate more to sustain us for life in this world. 

To do so, we need to be happy and motivated to be man enough for life. Otherwise, religion we go for may not be the religion that should be. 

But religion is ever ready for us even if we are not ready or go to religion for exactly what religion is not meant to be. If we are not happy and not even be human enough as a man or woman, we bring our hang-ups of life into religion. 

Religion becomes the battle field for us to play out the woeful issues we have as man. But religion is prepared to go along. God is prepared to go along and even gives his nod for us to be more worldly orientated and less God orientated. 

He provides what we want out of worldly life. He wants us to be ready and comfortable with the world and with life as man even before we be can be God ready. 

Be happy and be world ready before God ready. Be happy come what may. Then learn to be more complete as a man and woman. Be whole and then are we ideally God ready. 

But God and most religions cannot wait for that. They welcome men who are not able to be happy come what may, let alone be complete as man. 

So God offers dreams and dreams may not be real but they make men happy not strictly for spiritual life but definitely more for worldly life. The types of dreams differ from religion to religion so as to appeal to more people and their different cultures and society. 

That is why there is diversity and variety. There appears to be contradictions but there is the oneness of God behind all religions. Religions want men to be happy, then be more complete as man and finally be more complete in God and saints. 

This is the message of the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨. There is oneness in diversity. Diversity has its purpose. Diversity leads to oneness with and in God and saints. 

God sanctions the worldly appeal of religion. God goes along with the dreams of men. For religion to be popular, religion has to centre on the dreams of men. 

For many, life as man is a dream from birth to death. For many they wake up from the dream of man only when they are no longer man. For some, they wake up from the dream even while still man. Many would rather continue the dream here and in the hereafter in the never never land. Surely this is good they say. Yes it is. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Love and not punish. Only more love will work

No 1236 of Living Life Series 1

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says that insects come to the flower for nectar. Blame not the flower for insects coming to it. 

Likewise, in every religion, there will always be the most unlikely of people who come to a temple for blessings. They break all the precepts, are unable to be worthy and contribute towards the goodness of society. Some are like pests and parasites. They even run temples.

In fact, they come for nectar of worldly gains from God and saints. They seem to be even more blessed instead of being punished for not doing right and contributing to right. 

They are likely to also be the ones who are miserable in life. They don't know how to be happy and just could not be blessings to themselves. They are so dependent on others. They readily come to God and saints in a temple.

Some may think why on Earth must God and saints be so kind to them. Why don't such people be taken to task and be deprived from blessings they already have, let alone be showered more blessings and love? Why not make them worse?  

Why don't God put them in their place? But God knows better than that. Depriving them will make them worse and in worse shape. They will be caught in the vicious cycle of not doing right and not making it in life, be it spiritual or otherwise. 

Instead God and saints give them more blessings and love hoping that they will wake up and make good. This is better than depriving them and pushing them further - only to push them deeper into the life of wrong and the life that is far from right. 

Readers would have realised that in many families, some children who grow up given blessings of education, having degrees and diplomas don't have the volition to even work and would rather not work. 

They seem so spineless and blaming others for being unkind. They cannot find jobs or hold on to jobs. They depend on the parents for pocket money which can be as much as a salary of sorts. 

Instead of depriving them, the parents who are like God and saints may even give them more. Why are parents like that? What are they trying to do?

Often these young adult children want to work and earn a living but somehow they are so stressed out and have hang-ups that they can never pick themselves to do so. 

Parents who walk the way of God and saints would not mind them being like insects coming to the flower for nectar. Which loving parent would have the heart to propel them deeper into the abyss of more lack of volition and drive for life. 

Some though may say, spare the rod and spoil the child. But what if the child is no longer child but adult. Using the rod of whatever form will only further wreck their lives. 

Anyway, there is no way to use the rod on adult children. They must be even more blessed and supported instead. Worldly blessings will not spoil them but will prevent them from more wreck. 

There will at least feel the love and hopefully they will wake up and make good in life. This must be the intention - the noble and divine objective.

Do not wreck those mired in wrong and cannot seem to make it in life on their own. They need help and more blessings, not less and don't even think of punishing them. 

Those who can make it don't need extra help. Often they are blessings unto themselves. God knows better and we should learn from God. They are also good role models and can provide worthy peer influence.

Punish not but support more those who are not right. Only God and parents who are loving will do so. Doing otherwise will finish those who cannot make it and have not shown they can make it. Do not give more hell to those already in hell despite having heavenly benefits. 

It is even likely that those who are good too have faults. If love means to uphold the law, then no one is worthy of God and saints. Every one will be nearer to hell or be in deep shit of hell.

Are we to punish those who cannot make it in life because they don't find the need to change and cannot pull themselves together to change as individuals? Won't that be mean? They are already maladjusted to life and their life is already in tethers. 

They just could not be whole and the hammer of authority will break them even more asunder into more pieces. Only more love is the solution. God knows even if we don't. Love and not punish. Only more love will work. This is how God deal with us and we too must do likewise to others more so our children and family. 

This too is how popular religion must be. The wise but yet not so wise enough who let ego go into their heads may think this is ridiculous. 

How can God and saints not only accommodate but also love people so excessively that they think they can be saved just by believing? Such people continue to be wayward and even feel they could continue to do. 

They do know they are in the wrong. They do believe the teachings but they still continue in their erstwhile ways. They know God is still with them no matter how and what they do or not do. God loves them even more though some men think they are not worthy to be men and not worthy of God. 

God believes in love. Love and not punish. Bitterness follows unpleasantness. Only more love will work. We must learn from God. 

Oh God, when can we be like you. Teach us not to judge or be judged. Teach us to love even those not worthy of love - even those in their own hell or in hell below. 

Life on Earth is hell enough to those who cannot see life as blessings and cultivate blessings. Many see effort to cultivate blessings as hell-like experience. The need for such effort simply switch them off. 

No need to add to the hell others have but give them some leeway and heavenly blessings if we can. Popular religion helps to address this. Just be at the house of God and all will be well by grace and not by effort. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Fighting over God is not what we should do

No 1235 of Living Life Series 1

Of a truth we must all know that God is love. How can he have wrath, jealousy and hatred? How can he even want to create Hell? How can he be sparing with Devil and demons over men? How can he have eyes only on men and not care about the other beings that far outnumber men? 

The failings of men are many and plentiful. But men find solace and comfort that God too is like men. God has wrath, jealousy and hatred and yet have love like man. Then God is not God but man. 

Please make no mistake. Mistake not the attributes of man as that of God and heavenly saints. But alas men find comfort and think God too is like that. 

God keeps his silence and let men have their way. God is accommodating but men are not. 

How can an accommodating God be partial and bias? He will never be. He even has heart for those in hell, be it hell on Earth or hell down there. This is the God we should know. 

He even sent the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 not to start any new sect or religion to divide men in the name of religion but to show the same oneness of truth underlying all religions. This truly is the God we should know. 

But alas men can fight over anything and even over who has the right over God. Fighting over God is not what we should do. 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Truth will set us free and awaken the lion in us

No 1234 of Living Life Series 1

People feel uneasy when faced with the topic of death or unpleasant events. There is fear because they don't understand the truth and will not face truth. They think bad events can happen to others and not to them. 

They don't want to know who they really are - what life is about. They run from the truth. They see not the ego as the problem and think the world of their ego. They live for the ego in them.

When we know what life is more than the ego and more than meet the eye, it is then we know the truth of life. We need to go to the bottom of life. We need to know life beyond the ego.

When we know what life is about and what is in store for us, we will be free - free from fear. We often don't want to know ourselves. We run from ourselves and from truth.

Our being what we are is about life and death. Life and death is like the day and night - sunrise and sunset. We cannot have one without the other. They are never separated - one follows the other. 

Know the truth and truth will make us more down to earth - more living in life and not running away from life or death. We know better than to die to life or to live to die. 

We become more purposeful - no wants for sake of wants and no dying in spirit before we even die. We uphold the spirit and liven the spirit.

We moderate and have balance - not driven by desires and not denying worldly needs. We know what we truly need.

We know life. We know the truth and truth will set us free. 

Life is about sunrise and sunset. When the sun appears, go to work and when the moon appears, time to sleep. When the rain falls, tree will grow to provide shade for the people. 

These are blessings inherent in life. Count our blessings. This they say is the awakening of the lion in men. 

In life is the living gospel. When we can see life as the gospel, this is when we awaken the lion in us to brave the ups and downs in life and feel free and liberated that we can be atop the sunrise and sunset - the yin and the yang. 

This is the teaching common to all religions. The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 wants all regardless of religion to set free the lion in them - to roar and let the world know that they are free and ever the king of all the ups and downs that life is about. Truth will set us free and awaken the lion in us. 

Learn from Lionel at the temple of the good lord at Singapore. He will share more with you. You too can set the spirit free and awaken the lion in you. 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Man can be worse than the Devil

No 1233 of Living Life Series 1

The devout comes to a temple to pray and respect God and saints. But those with personal agenda comes to a temple like insects to a flower for nectar. This was mentioned by the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨

This is not as expected but still acceptable as most come for nectar anyway even if they say they come to pray. It is alright if people just come and go. But some will not do just that. 

To make matters worse, they fight for nectar and even want to run and take ownership of the temple for God. That makes a mess of what we would expect in a house of God. 

But these may well be the very men who started off good and worthy of God. They built up the temple but they build up their pride as well. Pride and ego had the better of them. 

That's it and the rest we should know. But those who looked up to them see the God and saint in them and not the Devil of the ego in them, they too may not be better. They make demons out of such devils. It boils down to one thing. 

They see the God in them. They mistake man as God. Man is man and God is God. Man is man and saint is saint. This the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says men in any religion should well know. 

Otherwise man will bedevil the house of God and open doors to the Devil. Invite not the Devil of Ego to the house of God. Man can be worse than the Devil. 

Bring not the ego to the house of God. The ego is worse than the one we refer to as the Devil. The Devil often takes the brunt for the wrongs of men. 

But alas, God and saints think differently from men. To God and saints, the wayward are the very ones who need to be with God and saints, never mind if they are far from ideal to be in the house of God. 

If God can accommodate Devil and demons, how much more will they accommodate the devil of the ego in men? God will have his ways and his plans. Leave matters in the good hand of God and saints. 

The additional advice given by the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 is that we must obey the laws of the land and the laws of Heaven. We can break the laws of Heaven but never break the laws of the land. 

Heaven may give leeway and space but it is a different matter with the laws of the land. Break not the laws of the land in the name of God and saints. Even God and saints leave matters with regards to the wrongs of men to the land. 

Never mind if men can be worse than the devil because of the ego and greed in men. When men takes matters into their own hands in the house of God, they often break the laws of the land and have to learn the hard way. God and saints perhaps don't even need to lift a finger. 

God and saints are loving. They will not find fault with men even if men are at fault - even if men can be worse than the Devil in the very house of God. 

Even the laws of the land no longer go for any eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth as many who rule over the land have been influenced by God to adopt a more humane and perhaps even godly approach. There is no need to go the way of the devil to deal with the devil in a man. 

Leadership mentality must be many cuts above that of the men they lead or govern. For this they must develop more the god in man and not just being man - never of course being more devil to deal with the devil in man. 

But of course, the laws of the land cannot be the same as the laws of God. Give to God what is due to God and to man what is due to man. 

Whatever happens, man must not end up worse than the Devil what more in the very house of God. This will demean the sanctity of the house of God. 

But it goes to show that there is loving kindness by God and saints be it for men bedeviled by ego or for the Devil. Neither the Devil nor God is responsible for Hell. Hell is the making of men bedeviled by the ego. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Be at peace even before we can have what we want

No 1232 of Living Life Series 1

If we are prepared to go for something, do be prepared to let go if that is not within your reach as yet. Letting go is often not as easy as it seems. 

We may think that we have a life calling. We can make a go for it. But how are we to know if it is only a pipe dream? 

Well life is like that. We don't seem to know for sure. What we want to have may end up good-to-have but is it a must-have? 

Can we reach it even if it is a must have? There is often more than meet the eye. 

What we know pales in comparison with what we do not know, be it of life here and now not to say life in the future. 

What is past is history. What is now is a present. What is in the future is not set in stone and often a mystery. Be mindful of this. 

But do not give up and run away from what we want. We can still do something but be realistic. We should not go for the mountain. 

Go for what we can step by step. Little drops of water make a mighty ocean. But we don't need an ocean anyway, do we? A pond or a hillock will often do. Do we need an ocean or even a mountain? 

By letting go, we have no mountain to climb or ocean to contend with. Better to enjoy the pond in our backyard or the hillock we have. 

Life is like that. But some want to have more. Is it necessary? If it is, then go for it but within means of course. The process must be as rewarding as the end result. 

What is needed is to be happy in life - in living life. We must not be at war with life. We must be at peace with life. Life is our friend. Make do with what friends we have but remember the greatest kin or friend is still ourselves. 

Self confidence is a better friend though many hands make light work out of life. We must know how to manage life and be at peace even while doing so and not wait till we get what we want before we can be at peace. If we do so, we will never be at peace. 

Be at peace even before we can have what we want. Better to enjoy the hillock or the pond that wait for mountain or ocean.

This is the message of the need for inner peace that the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 wants all to realise and to have whatever be their religion, life or society. 
There is no need to change religion, job or society we are in. No need to leave the family and be monk or priest. No need to be the best or the worst. There is need to be ourselves and to be better at this through inner peace. There is need to be at peace even before we can have what we want. 

Inner peace is what we need. We start with inner peace, move on in life with inner peace and complete life with inner peace. We must even go beyond life with inner peace. 

The three step approach to be ready for God

No 1231 of Living Life Series 1

Man wants to be spiritual and to be with God and saints. But though man may not be ready, God and saints will accept them. They will reap love and blessings but this would have been more ideal if they are better poised. 

How can man be primed to be closer to God and saints? How to be ideally primed? 

First, they must learn to be happy with whatever happiness they can see and have in life. Count their blessings and be cheered. 

They must not wallow in their miseries and not envy endlessly for what their neighbors have which they do not have. They must know how to be happy with what they have. 

It is already a blessing to be man - a higher birth than birth in lower realms. Those in hell and in animal world will find it heavenly to be man. Treasure therefore life as man. 

Secondly they must learn how to be man and not behave like they are no man. Man must be humane and be like man - not animals. 

Even some animals can be better than man in virtues. Man being endowed must be able to rise to be what man is meant to be. Man must have moral conduct. Precepts of religions set the out of boundary markers. Men must know the basis of the precepts. Precepts make them more man.

Thirdly man must learn and cultivate virtues and goodness that make them more than man. Man must be pure and divine. Man can create heaven on Earth.

To do so, man must radiate love and good vibrations that make others feel there is the God and saints in them and through them. 

As this takes time and man may backslide, more elaborate precepts will steer men on the path. 

But where possible, man must cultivate moment to moment mindfulness of what arises in his mind and what subsides in his mind. 

Awareness of the moment must be harnessed to still and rid the mind of impure thoughts of wants, false views , greed and ill-will. 

To give up on life is a false view. To indulge and have more and more as though the end is to have more and more is the other extreme we should not have. Have the balance and still the mind. 

The above three step approach the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says is behind the teachings of all religions. Then we are more of God and saints than most men. 

Every man must be happy, be man and ultimately be more than man. If we are not happy even as man, then how can we be man enough? If we are not man enough, how can we be more than man? How can we be ready for God and saints and the teachings of God and saints? 

We must go beyond the "ask and be given" and go to the level of "cultivate and do" to have more of the inner peace of God and saints in us and through us - for the good of not only ourselves but for all. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

God's presence in us is what matters

No 1230 of Living Life Series 1

There are two groups of people who go to a temple that will attract our attention. 

The meek who need repeated reassurance and sense of security that God are with them is one group. They need to be reminded that all will be well and worry a great deal about their mortality. They will keep going to others for comfort. They spend great deal of time with doctors. 

This group is part of the meek that saints talk about. But not all the meek are like that but they stand out prominently as some of the meek who love God and saints and are submissive. 

They are beautiful people who manifest the beauty of God. They take great pains to project the beauty and love of God. Indeed they do a great job at this and we can feel the peace and beauty of God through them. 

But behind and beneath the facade, there is the burning insecurity not in keeping at all to their front. They need to cling to the coattails of God otherwise they will be in despair. God loves them and will take good care of them but they need to be better than what they are, so that they can better bring others to God

Then there is the group who wants the good feeling that they will get more than what would be due to them. They have done good but want to deserve more than the good they have done. 

They feel that God will bless them more than those who have done much more good because their belief in God and his saints will put them in the privileged lot. Indeed, they think they don't need to be good at all. They think they are many cuts above others just because they believe and they belong to God and saints. 

God and saints have taken away their shortcomings, their not having done enough good, and they are the chosen ones who will have all good and no bad coming to their lives. They are oblivious to the not good that comes into their lives. They see only good coming their way and insist that all will be good for them. They are even arrogant about this and regarded others as lost to God.

They belong to the devoted and there is no doubt at that. But they act with air of arrogance and impunity. They in a way exalt themselves but will take pains to explain that they are saved by their belief in God and saints. 

But they may be far from exemplary and always behave as though they will be better off even outside the house of God. They too have underlying insecurity but with great pride and conceit brushed them away by asserting that all will be well and surely only good will come to them because of their belief in God and saints. God and saints will take over their bad or transgressions - their not being good enough. 

Both groups are pitiful lot and do need God and saints. God and saints will not forsake them. They are fortunate that God and saints will shelter them and indeed all will be well. 

But though near they may be far to God and saints. They understood not the true nature of life - the Word that is in life and the Word that is God. 

They lack self confidence and they think that to believe in God, they must not have self-confidence. They do sadly misconstrue self confidence as arrogance. This too is unfortunate.

They claim God gives them calm but this peace or calm is fragile. Below the calm surface or exterior, there is storm and fear breaks through every so often. 

They think it is not humanly possible to have calm and peace that gives self-confidence without closeness with God and saints. To them those with self-confidence cannot be close to God. 

Indeed those with self-confidence appear aloof and may not show they are close to God or saints but they are so at heart and as individuals. They seem to be the far though near to God. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 dissertation of the far and the near surely amazes us ever so often. Who is the near and the far? It is never easy to know. 

Sometimes there are those with self confidence but they may be deceived or made use of by other than God and saints - some refer to the influence of the Devil. 

There is more than meet the eye. Judge not lest we be judged. 

Look not for spirituality or lack of this in others but look inwards into one self and be at peace with self. When there is peace, the issue of who is better does not arise and who is more right is of no consequence. There is no ego when there is peace within and the unmistakable presence of God and saints within the spirit

Go for the God and saints in us and not just out there or up there around us. Many go for the God and saints out there and up there but has no presence of God and saints in them. 

Without the presence of God in them, they are not humble and do not have sense of oneness with those who do not think as they do. There is this showy arrogance that they have the upper hand and God is with them and not with the others. This is ego in its ugly form.

This will be distasteful when God is loving and accommodates all those who know more and those who know less. In fact if they know more, they will appreciate those who know differently. 

The near and the far are relative. Near can be far and far can be near. Never be too sure. There is more in spirituality than all should know. Others who know differently can add to our beliefs and spiritual development.

This lack of God's presence in some presenting as arrogance holds true in some men in many religions. The fallacy takes on new forms with passing of time. History often repeats itself and may contribute to hegemony within a religion as well as across religions. 

Men need to be humble and not feel exalted to be spiritual. They will be far from spiritual if they are exalted and ego based. Feel and love others and think not lowly of them even if they think not and do not what they do. 

They may well have a thing or two or perhaps more to learn from others. They can be better off by learning from fellow men and from those who are different from them in the same religion or in different religions. This is the point that the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 wants all to realise. 

Though a heavenly saint, the good lord never wants to show that he is one. He only wants all to know that what he stands for is in all religions and that all can be better off in their respective religion. All can be better than what they already are. 

Strive to be ever humble and loving and have the presence of God and saints in the spirit. The presence of God and saints within the self will make one humble and simple not arrogant and conceited. If there is arrogance and conceit, then one is far from God though one claims to be near.