No 1402 of Living Life Series 1
You can be loud and noisy when in your own religion and house of God. But for goodness sake, do not be loud about what you believe and be imposing.
You must not make others want to hide their beliefs and their own religion. Do not make them shy of their religion and way of life.
You must learn to accept and appreciate others and their religions. They should be made proud of their religions and want to share with you what they believe.
In the process, you will see more common ground and understand better what your religion teaches you on the same common ground. Learn from your own but there is also more to learn of your religion through knowing other religions.
This is what Bo Tien 武 天 says all the time. Learn from other's life and ways and in the process, be better at your own life and ways.
This is life, be it in religion or otherwise. Life is the greatest teacher. Life is the holiest of the holy texts. Life is the overall religion.
Bo Tien 武 天 says that the whole world is the universal temple - the temple of all temples. God and saints shelter us and the sky is the roof of the world temple. All are in the same world - the same universe. Religions that we know are like the pillars of this universal temple. They should support the sky - God and saints in sheltering and guiding those in the universal temple - the world.
We belong to the same world. The world is the universal religion and religions we know are but only the sects. We are of the same world or universal religion though we profess to be of different religions.
You must not make others want to hide their beliefs and their own religion. Do not make them shy of their religion and way of life.
You must learn to accept and appreciate others and their religions. They should be made proud of their religions and want to share with you what they believe.
In the process, you will see more common ground and understand better what your religion teaches you on the same common ground. Learn from your own but there is also more to learn of your religion through knowing other religions.
This is what Bo Tien 武 天 says all the time. Learn from other's life and ways and in the process, be better at your own life and ways.
This is life, be it in religion or otherwise. Life is the greatest teacher. Life is the holiest of the holy texts. Life is the overall religion.
Bo Tien 武 天 says that the whole world is the universal temple - the temple of all temples. God and saints shelter us and the sky is the roof of the world temple. All are in the same world - the same universe. Religions that we know are like the pillars of this universal temple. They should support the sky - God and saints in sheltering and guiding those in the universal temple - the world.
We belong to the same world. The world is the universal religion and religions we know are but only the sects. We are of the same world or universal religion though we profess to be of different religions.