No 1224 of Living Life Series 1
Let there be light and there will be light. Isn't this magical or wishful thinking. But not so they say if you are God. Thus what is magical becomes real if the thinker is God.
In a way all of us are what we think. We are what we think. We do act out our thoughts. Aren't we our own God in a way? Yes it may seem so. But no say some.
Who is the one we refer to as I? It is not an entity but a composite of aggregates. If we take them apart, the I no longer is there.
Moreover what seems to be the I or ego is a collection of wants or desires. If we detach ourselves from ego and there is no ego drive, there is the calmness or peace which is void of wants but still the clear consciousness which gives inner peace.
All religions teach us to go for inner peace in their respective ways. Some mitigate the harshness of negating ego by submission to divinity. Call this God and heavenly saints if we want.
Invariably when we are new to this, we end up clinging not to our own I or ego but to overall God and saints up there. This is a stepping stone to having less of ego by being part of or be in synchrony with God.
Initially we will see the attributes of our own ego in God. God is projected as guarding his pride and ego. He is jealous. No one should go for any other ego than him. Men end up worshipping himself in God.
But as men progress spiritually, men will no longer see his own ego in God. God will no longer be ego-centric. His love is beyond jealousy and envy. There will not be the chosen few.
This is the God we need to know - not the God we make him out to be. God is egoless, without boundaries, ever present, loving without borders and with boundless compassion.
God will not spoil us and will not indulge us and be imposing. He will be there for us. God is in us but let us decide and learn from life. That is an understanding God. He gives us leeway even to be wrong so that we may be right. God gives freewill.
There is God in all religions. This the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 wants us to know. But religions have their own ways to present God.
Eventually the inner truth is that all will come to know the God we need to know. All will learn to know God better - from the God we need not have to the God we need to know.
Let not men divide men and pit men against men in the name of God. This can happen when men of religions turn awry. God is one but religions many.
Like religions, men too are many but should be one in God not through one religion but many. This is the way of nature. There must be diversity yet oneness in diversity.
In a way all of us are what we think. We are what we think. We do act out our thoughts. Aren't we our own God in a way? Yes it may seem so. But no say some.
Who is the one we refer to as I? It is not an entity but a composite of aggregates. If we take them apart, the I no longer is there.
Moreover what seems to be the I or ego is a collection of wants or desires. If we detach ourselves from ego and there is no ego drive, there is the calmness or peace which is void of wants but still the clear consciousness which gives inner peace.
All religions teach us to go for inner peace in their respective ways. Some mitigate the harshness of negating ego by submission to divinity. Call this God and heavenly saints if we want.
Invariably when we are new to this, we end up clinging not to our own I or ego but to overall God and saints up there. This is a stepping stone to having less of ego by being part of or be in synchrony with God.
Initially we will see the attributes of our own ego in God. God is projected as guarding his pride and ego. He is jealous. No one should go for any other ego than him. Men end up worshipping himself in God.
But as men progress spiritually, men will no longer see his own ego in God. God will no longer be ego-centric. His love is beyond jealousy and envy. There will not be the chosen few.
This is the God we need to know - not the God we make him out to be. God is egoless, without boundaries, ever present, loving without borders and with boundless compassion.
God will not spoil us and will not indulge us and be imposing. He will be there for us. God is in us but let us decide and learn from life. That is an understanding God. He gives us leeway even to be wrong so that we may be right. God gives freewill.
There is God in all religions. This the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 wants us to know. But religions have their own ways to present God.
Eventually the inner truth is that all will come to know the God we need to know. All will learn to know God better - from the God we need not have to the God we need to know.
Let not men divide men and pit men against men in the name of God. This can happen when men of religions turn awry. God is one but religions many.
Like religions, men too are many but should be one in God not through one religion but many. This is the way of nature. There must be diversity yet oneness in diversity.