No 1217 of Living Life Series 1
Will the cock crow if there is no sunrise? Will man die if he lives? Will man live if he does not die? Will there be sunset if there is sunrise? Will there be sunrise if there is no sunset? Will there be gain if there is no loss? Will we ever know what is gain or loss, if there is neither?
This is not the only bewilderment. There are others. Will there be good if there is no bad? Isn't bad good so that we can have good? Life is bewildering isn't it?
While polarities exist, we may find such questions queer and even silly. Do we need to ask such questions? Do we stay oblivious?
More obvious examples are as follows. If there is no parents, how can there be children? If there are no children, how can there be parents? Always the case of egg and chicken.
Do we live for such opposites. Why must the world be full of such opposites? If there is storm, there must be calm seas. if there are calms seas, then we must expect storms.
If there is no pain, how can there be freedom from pain. If there is freedom from pain surely there will be pain to come. Who and how then to be with life without such polarities, such ups and downs and what have you? Well, well life is bewildering isn't it?
Wouldn't we cease to exist if there are no twinning of opposites? Isn't this why some sages in old China say everything is nothing and nothing is everything? But isn't this bewildering?
Let us say that an example of such bewilderment is this oddity that we need to once again opine about. If there is no good, then there is no bad? What is good is relative to presence of bad? If there is no male, there is no female. The list goes on.
What about even this absurdity? Can we have God without Satan? Shouldn't we thank Satan otherwise without him we will not know God and the goodness of God. Who then is the real God?
Men tend to be caught in a fix in every aspect of life. But men are supposed to have brains, to have wisdom and to be master of his own life - at least blessed to be able to master life. How to do so? Is this far fetched?
Man can only do so if he is atop life and not life be on top of him. Man must be like God and stay atop life under heaven just like God. Man must have peace by being atop life and its twin bewilderments.
Man must be in control and the only control is to be on top and above the bewilderments. Have the peace come what may - the ebbs and flows.
Religions to be popular and attract the masses have to embrace the bewilderments of life for the masses seem to flow along life in its bewildering form. Men see life that way. Men want religion to provide the ups never mind if the ups give way to downs. Then they expect popular religions to give them the ups again - only to have downs and the cycle goes on
But true religiosity has to do with recognising these bewilderments and have the peace not affected by the bewildering cycles of ups and downs - the to's and fro's. The way to do so is to stay on top of life come rain or shine - come what may.
This the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 reminds us is the inner peace that all religions refer to. Only a few can be on the path to inner peace. But these few is worth the effort of religions never mind if many in religions are in religions but far presently from inner peace.
The day will come when they wake up and make it to at least some inner peace. That will be the day. This is what the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 wants us to know with regards to religions.
This is not the only bewilderment. There are others. Will there be good if there is no bad? Isn't bad good so that we can have good? Life is bewildering isn't it?
While polarities exist, we may find such questions queer and even silly. Do we need to ask such questions? Do we stay oblivious?
More obvious examples are as follows. If there is no parents, how can there be children? If there are no children, how can there be parents? Always the case of egg and chicken.
Do we live for such opposites. Why must the world be full of such opposites? If there is storm, there must be calm seas. if there are calms seas, then we must expect storms.
If there is no pain, how can there be freedom from pain. If there is freedom from pain surely there will be pain to come. Who and how then to be with life without such polarities, such ups and downs and what have you? Well, well life is bewildering isn't it?
Wouldn't we cease to exist if there are no twinning of opposites? Isn't this why some sages in old China say everything is nothing and nothing is everything? But isn't this bewildering?
Let us say that an example of such bewilderment is this oddity that we need to once again opine about. If there is no good, then there is no bad? What is good is relative to presence of bad? If there is no male, there is no female. The list goes on.
What about even this absurdity? Can we have God without Satan? Shouldn't we thank Satan otherwise without him we will not know God and the goodness of God. Who then is the real God?
Men tend to be caught in a fix in every aspect of life. But men are supposed to have brains, to have wisdom and to be master of his own life - at least blessed to be able to master life. How to do so? Is this far fetched?
Man can only do so if he is atop life and not life be on top of him. Man must be like God and stay atop life under heaven just like God. Man must have peace by being atop life and its twin bewilderments.
Man must be in control and the only control is to be on top and above the bewilderments. Have the peace come what may - the ebbs and flows.
Religions to be popular and attract the masses have to embrace the bewilderments of life for the masses seem to flow along life in its bewildering form. Men see life that way. Men want religion to provide the ups never mind if the ups give way to downs. Then they expect popular religions to give them the ups again - only to have downs and the cycle goes on
But true religiosity has to do with recognising these bewilderments and have the peace not affected by the bewildering cycles of ups and downs - the to's and fro's. The way to do so is to stay on top of life come rain or shine - come what may.
This the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 reminds us is the inner peace that all religions refer to. Only a few can be on the path to inner peace. But these few is worth the effort of religions never mind if many in religions are in religions but far presently from inner peace.
The day will come when they wake up and make it to at least some inner peace. That will be the day. This is what the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 wants us to know with regards to religions.