No 675 of Living Life Series 1.
There is need to go for the root of the problems of life and they have to do with self and the need to satisfy the self more and more and at all cost. This sets in place a vicious circle. The more we have, the more is the need. The rainbow ever recedes to a new horizon and we will forever be in want. More seems to be less and that is the issue.
So what is the problem. Of course, we must not center life on self and we must have less of wants and know when enough is enough. But some may think, we must not want at all and in addition to die to self, they die to life. Then there is denial and we try not to live when we are still alive.
Isn't this paradoxical? How can there be satisfaction that gives peace? We need to live life of satisfaction and peace and this pivots on having enough in life to provide the level of comforts which allow for pursuit of the higher calling which is spiritual calling not out of this world but of this world as well.
We must die to self so that we are not victims of the self and the loser in life all because of self. We must want to live but not live to suffer from wants due to self.
We must die to self but live to life - a life beyond and yet with the world of flesh and blood. Give this some thought and you will appreciate why the good lord Lord Bo Tien speaks of the inner peace of spirit that comes from being at peace with the ups and downs of life without denying the ups and downs.
We need certain level of worldly necessities and this level may differ from one person to the next and in different stations or phases of an individual's life.
We cannot afford to die to life. We must live to life but die to self. We cannot want to die to life. We must still find joy in life in terms of having peace with the ups and downs such that the downs will not put us down and the ups will not throw us off our feet and balance.
This art of living life is called Tao or Way. This is how we can die to self, live to life and we will be at peace. This is reflected in the image of the good lord Lord Bo Tien with feet atop and in dynamic balance of the ups and downs of life. We should be atop and not be overthrown by the ups and downs - the yin (passivity) and the yang (activity) of life.
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武天菩萨 Lord Bo Tien |