No 699 of Living Life Series 1
Here to live and here to die. Is there the need to know the reason why?
Is there the need to know when we can never know what comes next at every twist and turn.
To live is to die and that is for sure. But to die is to live and this too we are told. Must we then die to live and live to die.
It is not about living and dying but then, we are very much into living and dying. More importantly is the question of whether we are at peace with life and death.
Do we think we will surely die? Do we think we will never die? Is the way to go is to be resurrected when resurrection means that we live only to come to some end.
That end some say is not death but to live. Then isn't dying the way men will live again? Call this resurrection to make it sound good and great.
Each moment of life is due to moment dead and life goes on and on like that. Ask not why life is like that but know why there is the up and down and up and down again with no seeming end.
This is what they call the yin and yang in life. We must not be in the grip of yin and yang but be with yin and yang, yet at peace with yin and yang, be it on earth and in heaven.
Even in heaven, there is moment dead and moment born and so yin and yang there is in heaven as on earth. What matters is whether we are at peace with moment to moment and with life and death. This is the way of the saints, be it in heaven, on earth and even in hell. Even there are are saints in hell and sainthood is possible even in hell.
Why care about the long and short of the story of life. Go for peace this moment and more moments of peace there will be. Many drops of water make a mighty ocean. Many moments of peace add up to make a saint out of a man, woman as well. Do be at peace with moment dead and moment born.
Be like Ji Gong (济公) ever at peace because he goes for peace that comes from the heart and not what others expect him to do. It is what goes through the heart and not what one does and what goes through the gut. Peace must ever be there with moment dead and moment born, regardless of the views and gossips of men.
What he has is the peace and that is why he is a saint. A saint is never dead to life for he is ever alive to the peace in life come what may, be it yin and yang or life and death, and be it moment dead and moment born; here, there or in heaven or on earth.
Be like Ji Gong (济公) ever at peace because he goes for peace that comes from the heart and not what others expect him to do. It is what goes through the heart and not what one does and what goes through the gut. Peace must ever be there with moment dead and moment born, regardless of the views and gossips of men.
What he has is the peace and that is why he is a saint. A saint is never dead to life for he is ever alive to the peace in life come what may, be it yin and yang or life and death, and be it moment dead and moment born; here, there or in heaven or on earth.