No 1481 of Living Life Series 1
We may look for happiness and peace in life through friends. But true friends we can hardly have. Even our kins and close ones are in world of their own.
Where can we have true friends? We can have associates or fair weather friends in life, be they at work, at home or in religion.
We will never truly have peace in life if we depend on others. We have to remember that self confidence is the greatest friend.
If we cannot depend on ourselves, we have no peace and fulfilment in life.
Let us be our own greatest friend. Then, we will radiate smiles, confidence and charisma which like a flower will attract others to us just like a flower which attracts insects to it - (quote from Bo Tien 武天)
But be wary of fair weather friends. They are good for socialisation but will not give us peace and happiness.
For peace and happiness, none can give us except ourselves.
Even worldly items are means to this end but not the end. These will need to serve our needs to add life and peace to us.
These should not be our masters to burden us down to more and more. We must be on top and in control and not let the worldly items dictate and be on top of us and sink us with more and more of such items. We can however make use of these to get more peace and meaning out of life.
We are of the world and need to be in the world. We need to work, live and socialise. But let not what are outside us dictate our life happiness and peace.
To run away from world and its worldly items will never be possible. Wherever we go, we are still in the world. But we have to depend on self to create a better world for ourselves and we start with peace in us and not expect peace around us before we can have peace.
This is the way of the wise. The wise follow the yin and the yang, the polarity nature of the world, working half the day and resting for the other half. The world and us constitute the yin and yang and these two must work in synchrony, harmony and in tandem.
The wise find themselves their own greatest friends and by doing that they have more friends but are aware that friends cannot give what we ourselves need. We have to seek what we want in the world within us.
Even we cannot find God out there but we can have more of God in us. Inner peace is the manifestation of God in us. Go for inner peace in us and no way we can have peace out there for if we seek without, peace will be elusive like the rainbow. Let the rainbow be in us. Let God be in us. Cheers
This is the way to handle life. This is mother nature. This is the nature of God essence. This sums up the correct way of life based on insight of mother nature in us and around us. Let us live life by knowing mother nature - the God essence.
We need to live the way of life based on insight of mother nature, the God essence. This is the truth behind and driving all religions. Bo Tien 武天 refers to this as the inner truth in life and in all religions. All religions are one in this inner truth.