No 1469 of Living Life Series 1
There are many who do not have the good fortune to have a better material or worldly life all because they are not fated to do so, try as they might.
This is due to the lack of good done in past, be it past in present life or the past in past lives.
It is even more difficult to have the opportunity to be associated with a religious institution.
Even then unless they have done allot of good will they be in more fortunate position to come to know the true doctrine in religion.
Our limited fate or good fortune is like a bankroll. We can overuse it for worldly matters and have little or none for spiritual. Some even are thrifty with worldly needs and reserve whatever good they have for spiritual or religious life. This is voluntary deprivation or hardship if we may like to use the term hardship.
Thus for the many who want to be spiritual and yet lack the good fate for this, they must pay for the wrong they have done in the past and create more good fate or merits by practices such as fasting, undergoing penances like firewalking, foregoing easy life and going on mission trips.
They have to experience family or personal setbacks not that God and saints are punishing them but that they have to make up and enrich their merits or fortune to bankroll their spirituality.
Additionally, many help to setting up aged or nursing homes and hospitals or schools where the poor and the suffering could not otherwise have.
There is thus the twin paths of hardship and good deeds before we can receive the true doctrine inside and behind religions.
Bo Tien 武 天 likened this to the two dragons supporting and bringing up the pearl of doctrine.
Once the pearl is there, we must not go one step further. We must not go for what we can get in return for hardship or good done. We must not think of 'we', 'I', or 'you'.
Doing otherwise will put us on the path of cause and effect and create clinging and the endless rebirths. We must understand this and know that the vexations we have are all because of this, otherwise we will not have inner peace.
We must know that inner peace comes from within us and not from without. God and saints only guide us and help to make our life less onerous so that we can stop being ego centered and yet not deny self or life.
We must be one with life, others and nature and even one with God and saints. Then we will have inner peace - the pearl. This is the innate God or true or pure self in us. This had become the guest self when overtaken by the guest or false self created by the five senses and the mind or 'I' sense.
We must cultivate this pearl or gem in us that is innate in us. This cannot be instant but takes time. Do not even crave for this divine gem or pearl for then there will be the ego that craves for it and we will be more distant from the gem.
Just do be mindful and have moment to moment progress in cultivating what inner peace we have. Go for whatever purity of heart and mind we have for the moment.
For Chan practitioners, if the divine aspiration is the ultimate inner peace in pure land of Amitabha, then they should not yearn for the pure land in afterlife but go for the pure land they can have with like minded others here and now.
Yes, they can have heaven here and now and not wait with longing for the afterlife. So can anyone in whatever religion or culture he or she is in. This is the message of Bo Tien 武 天 on behalf of Divinity.