No 1485 of Living Life Series 1
Often we can only go for what we can have, be it in job or after work life.
This is because our ideals may not be realisable due to various constraints such as time and lack of opportunities.
Also, we cannot impose our world on others. We will be outnumbered and decimated.
But at same time others should not impose their world on us. If they do so, they too will be outnumbered and in conflict with many others.
There will be no satisfaction and peace that way. There will be no life in life.
But whether it is us or them, all have to belong to the world which we share. This is a harsh reality.
But this does not stop us from being ourselves, from having our own world outside work, job and beyond social interactions with family and others after job hours.
What matters is that we must take charge of the world within us and not let this be in conflict with world around us.
We have to be part of the world we are in but we can and must have peace and control of the world within us - what we refer to as the spirit or mind.
This way we can succeed both in the internal world within us and at same time we can have the same modus operandi to apply to the material world.
We will be able to have reasonable success in material life of the world outside us and of which we are mere digits. Yes, the way for inner peace enables us to succeed and be at peace with the universe of the world external to the world of our mind.
This is the explanation of Bo Tien 武天. He says that the way to spiritual enrichment if applied to mundane world will ensure success comfortable for enrichment of the spirit. We need to master the world within us, enrich it and have the inner peace.
Bo Tien 武天 adds that we need not forgo the world outside us and be celibate, monks and nuns. It would be more challenging that way to be no nun, no monk no celibate but just family men of men of society. Though more challenging as lay persons in worldly life, we will still be able to have inner peace and spiritual bliss.
There is no physical or worldly renunciation but embracing the world by having inner peace within us and taking on the world with inner peace come what may, regardless of polarities of yin and yang.
This is the explanation of Bo Tien 武天. He says that the way to spiritual enrichment if applied to mundane world will ensure success comfortable for enrichment of the spirit. We need to master the world within us, enrich it and have the inner peace.
Bo Tien 武天 adds that we need not forgo the world outside us and be celibate, monks and nuns. It would be more challenging that way to be no nun, no monk no celibate but just family men of men of society. Though more challenging as lay persons in worldly life, we will still be able to have inner peace and spiritual bliss.
There is no physical or worldly renunciation but embracing the world by having inner peace within us and taking on the world with inner peace come what may, regardless of polarities of yin and yang.