No 1430 of Living Life Series 1
If we are at old age, we keep losing weight even if we eat more as all the organs are not able to handle food. They are not functioning as before.
But before we are old, say below 65, our organs are functioning well enough.
We are lucky if we are still growing upwards when young.
But come the late twenties and especially in middle age, though our organs are functioning, the food we take add on to sideway growth and not to height.
This is life and we have to accept it.
This has to do with the certainty of change. The only certainty in life is uncertainty or change.
Be at peace with uncertainty or change. We must accept change in us and around us.
We handle life changes with inner peace come what may. Then we will be able to face change, even the storms in life. No big deal at all. Don't be at mercy of life. Be at peace and count our blessings which we still have. This is the universal truth.
We are lucky if we are still growing upwards when young.
But come the late twenties and especially in middle age, though our organs are functioning, the food we take add on to sideway growth and not to height.
This is life and we have to accept it.
This has to do with the certainty of change. The only certainty in life is uncertainty or change.
Be at peace with uncertainty or change. We must accept change in us and around us.
We handle life changes with inner peace come what may. Then we will be able to face change, even the storms in life. No big deal at all. Don't be at mercy of life. Be at peace and count our blessings which we still have. This is the universal truth.
Do take care of health and meditate. Go for solitude where we can. Often we get caught up with life and have no time for self.
If we fear change and are at the mercy of life, how do we handle the four inevitables - disease, decay. old age and death?
We must not do nothing and just suffer.
We can do something but what matters is to be at peace.
Be with life and don't avoid life. Don't ever over indulge nor give up. Hold the ground and inner peace needed for this.
What is said above is nothing new and not the purview of anyone or religion. The truth said is in life and in all religions. This is the universal truth.
As this is in life and in all religions, Bo Tien 武 天 refers to this as the Inner Truth. This Inner Truth is there all the time. Bo Tien 武 天 is merely doing his part to share that this is in life and in all religions.
We must not do nothing and just suffer.
We can do something but what matters is to be at peace.
Be with life and don't avoid life. Don't ever over indulge nor give up. Hold the ground and inner peace needed for this.
What is said above is nothing new and not the purview of anyone or religion. The truth said is in life and in all religions. This is the universal truth.
As this is in life and in all religions, Bo Tien 武 天 refers to this as the Inner Truth. This Inner Truth is there all the time. Bo Tien 武 天 is merely doing his part to share that this is in life and in all religions.