
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord Bo Tien (武天菩萨). The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affiliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. Needless to say that all the saints we know are in this temple. Ji Gong Posat too is no exception. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven. We worship God and saints, not man however good that man may be. There should be no hero worshiping or idolizing of man whether he is a charismatic pastor, priest, monk, medium or lay leader. We don't even idol worship the image of any saint but reflect on what the image stands for. - the doctrine in the image. Omitofo 阿弥陀佛!.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

No die to life for others nor leave them in gloom

No 1529 of Living Life Series 1 

It is never a question of right or wrong as far as religion is concerned but an issue of how we are going to live this life and yet not be at odds with life. 

We cannot help others when we too need help. We cannot wait for others to have no problems before we can live life with less problems. 

This is to crucify ourselves and ignore our own life till all others have no issues to life. 

We need to learn from life and not die to life till others have no issue with life. 

Life is the greatest teacher. Bo Tien武天wants all to know regardless of religion, culture or society all are in. 

That way all can be better in whatever religion, culture or society all are in. 

All can of course help themselves and in process try to help others. There is need for that delicate balance of yin and yang as mentioned by Bo Tien 武天

This is required by all in whatever religion, culture or society all are in. Let us move on with life and harness whatever blessings we have taken for granted and long forgotten them - all because we die to life and not live and never say die. 

Let us light up life for ourselves and collectively act to better light up life for many more. We need to lift ourselves out of the gloom and doom that often beset us in life. This is the advice of Bo Tien 武天 . 

There should be no bargain and no terms. This is not the way of God and saints. 

We just help to light up life and not insist that others believe in our religion or culture or they be forgotten and be left in gloom and doom. This is the exhortation of Bo Tien 武天 .

Truth is simple but difficult to perceive and effect

No 1528 of Living Life Series 1

Who says that we should hold God and saints as almighty and as creator of all that be, have been and ever to be? 

If saints descended to be men, they became leaders not as the well-off but as beggars, homeless and at best as the friends of the peasants and the under trodden. They came to wear rags and robes of ascetics and would never be adorned in rich garments of nobility.

It is never the wish of God or any saint to impress and win over people by showing off their high status but to show that what they have of the world is little or none but what they have of the spirit is all important. 

They are poor in worldly endowment but yet rich in spirit. They are filled with abundant purity and peace and they do not need the trappings of power, worldly might and strong fists to cow even the well off into submission. 
Ji Gong 济公 in cemetery rags with patch work
But men who adore them and understand not what they stood for may portray them with an inflated ego to be awed and feared. Many place them as worldly greats equal or even better than the rulers of the land and they become threats to the rulers of the land. 

How can they be able to bring the message to people of the need to be humble, simple at heart and to have inner peace of spirit when the very thought of them creates fear and sheer subordination. 

Then people just stop thinking and logic is taboo with respect to God and saints. Bo Tien 武天 as messenger of God said that he descended since 1969 not to show his divine majesty but to let people know what God and saints like him in all religions stand for. 

There is need to be humble and peaceful and to have a good heart to be like God and saints. This message is the truth. 

Truth is that simple but many are blinded by the ways of the ego to be unable to see this. If we want to be touched by God and saints, all we need is to be simple and peaceful at heart - not tremble and fear by the mere mention of God and saints. We do not need to idolize and go crazy God and saints. 

We do not even also idolise the teachings of God and saints. Idolatry or hero worshipping God, saints and their teachings is out. 

Screaming and fawning over human idols to extent we are prepared to do the unthinkable is bad enough. God and saints do not need fan clubs. 

Doing so to God and saints make us far from God and saints though we may think we are near to God and saints. 

We go for inner peace and purity of the heart so that we be beside God and saints and be one whole with God and saints. 

The underlying common truth or doctrine behind all religions is to effect purity and inner peace of spirit come what may. This truth is so that simple but yet difficult to perceive. 

Many distracted by the call of the world and the ego fail to be able to perceive this, let cultivate and effect this in life. Many even go to a temple or religion to do what they should not do in a temple or religion. Some even come to blows, quarrel and sue one another. 
Bo  Tien 武天 in colored armour is not what he is
but the rich color depicts the richness 

of cultures and races in the world .
But all need to know the basic truth of inner peace.
All need to balance the twin devils of yin and yang
depicted as devils he steps on
All have to depend on the common doctrine -
the sceptre held in his right hand.
Left hand in salutation bids us
to move on and be unwavering and unshaken

come what may even if there be storms

Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Way of God and saints

No 1527 of Living Life Series 1 

The pointers given by Bo Tien 武天 are universal and meant to make us understand life better and have peace in life. 

Peace is beyond having heaven on Earth; for any heavenly experience will not last and will just lead to disappointments. 

By understanding this, we have to manage the ups and downs, the yin and yang and balance them if we can. 

We need inner peace within us if we cannot balance them. 

That way we will be able to face the storms in life. 

Inner peace is the way of God and saints. 

Of course, while we have yet to be like God and saints, we need their help and blessings so that like what Bo Tien 武天 says small issues will be no issues. Big issues will be small issues. 

But there is element of fate or karma and we will need inner peace to face the storms. 

Questions that are answers in themselves

No 1526 of Living Life Series 1

We believe in God. Even those who say they don't do have some inkling that there is a higher being who oversees the heavens, the world we are in and the hells. 

Even hell is relative. To those in hell, they are not in hell but we in the world is a heaven of sorts to them. 

To those in a heaven, they are not in heaven but we are the ones who are less fortunate and considered hell to them. 

Even on Earth, some have better lives and some are less fortunate. We can say that there is heaven and hell on Earth. 

But those who are hell off well off, rich and endowed may be more unhappy when what they want more they could not get and they often consider themselves in hell. 

Those who are poor but content with their lot are more happy and they feel they are in heaven. 

Heaven or hell is no big deal. What matters is what is in our heart. Are we at peace? Are we happy with our lot? Do we find life boring? Do we relish in having challenges in life. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that we can learn from others and be better off than what we are? We can learn from the wrong approaches of men towards life. 

There are those who think that they just believe in the grace of God or saints and everything will drop from the sky for them. But if this is carried too far, the sky will drop on them. 

They will find fault with others when the fault often too lies with them. Religion becomes their undoing. 

We must learn from the alpha and omega of life and of the ways of men. Sages in old China refer to this as yin and yang. There must be balance of the two. 

With regards to God, some think he don't exist because it is difficult to conceive that he is the creator. But in the first place did God say he is a creator? Did God claim perfection? He did not. 

The only perfection we know is imperfection. This does not stop God or saint from helping others. Likewise, do we have to be prefect, great, almighty and creators to be able to help others? These are questions that are answers in themselves.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Life is what we make it out to be

No 1525 of Living Life Series 1 

Morning brings on more sunshine to life for all to harness more blessings out of life. But some see gloom despite the sunshine, and sunrise and sunset makes no difference. 

Some see sunrise even when the sun sets. This the way to live. Live life and not die to life. Have spirit of getting up every time when we fall and have hard knocks. 

Always be resurrected and never say die. Sunrise and sunset is in the life of man. 

Bo Tien 武天 says. There is time to work and time to be at home. This the sages in old China refer to as yin and yang. 

Everyone must find the balance of yin and yang to have peace in life but the ultimate peace must come from within us. 

We must have this inner peace come what may, come rain or shine, storm or calm seas. 

We must stay atop and not be sunken by the lows of life nor be elated by the highs only to be felt let down when we face the downs that follow the ups. 

This is the beauty of inner peace Bo Tien 武天 talks about. This teaching is in all religions and cultures. 

Energise our life through inner peace and walk tall with confidence and hope aplenty with God and saints and not cower and hide behind the gloom of despair and be blind and not neglect the many other blessings we have in life just because of the current setback. 

Pick ourselves up and put back together all the pieces and shreds of life when there is setback and move on in life - not stay put with the setbacks.. 

We must always know when to go fast and when to slow down. We must have balance to have peace and effective fruitful life. 

We must see the blessings in what we have and in the little mundane blessings we take for granted till we lose them. 

We must have the spirit of sunshine even when there is sunset. We must know when to go slow and not race all the way when racing will no longer do. Do not live our sunset as though there will be no more sunrise come tomorrow. 

Life is what we make it out to be. We must religiously value and make the best out of life. The best is not to have more and more. Sometimes, less is more and more is less. 

Yes, a lot depends on us. Life is what we make it out to be. 

Never say die even before we are dead. Never say we can be more alive than what life we can realistically and humanely have, for otherwise we can mess up life. 

We are mortals and not immortals. Even immortals cannot go beyond the mile that they can do. This is imperfection we should know. 

The only perfection in life is imperfection. Work and live within the limits and we can still have plenty in life. Go for more and we may end up with less or even none. 

Make life work for us. Do not live life wanting more and more and end up wrecking our life. Life is what we can make it out to be. 

That is the truth. Truth is in life. No one can tell us the truth in academic fashion. We must not just accept as gospel truth what preachers tell us. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that it is alright to have doubts for doubts arise because we do not understand. We must meditate on and think through what preachers tell us. 

But above all, we must learn from life and life is the greatest teacher. Life is God and saint. This same truth of life is in and behind all religions and cultures. This is what Bo Tien 武天 says. 

Bo Tien 武天 stresses that the truth that is there in life will make all better in whatever religion or culture they are in. No need to change religion like changing clothes if we are still blind to the basic or inner truth in life that is common and behind all religions. 

Do not deceive ourselves. Just know better this inner truth that is common and behind all religions and cultures and be better in the religion or culture we are in. 

Ultimately, how far we go in life depends on us and what we want. Life is what we make it out to be.

Who is God and who is man?

No 1524 of Living Life Series 1

The 49th big day of Bo Tien 武天 on 13th day of 9th lunar month falls in 2017 on 1st November. Let us recapitulate his message on "Who is God and who is man?" so that all can be better than what they are in whatever religion or culture they may be in - as is the ideal of the Mission of Heaven he set out in 1969 to do.

Peace is from within. Go for inner peace. 

God is in us and we in God. God in man and man in God. 

Who is God? Matters not who he is. But peace is God. Beyond form or ego. Egoless and yet can be experienced. Not nothing and yet is in everything. This is not strange. 

But errant some give him ego as big as can be. Ever with jealousy and hatred. But yet helpless with the devil. This is not God. This is the devil in man. 

Luckily such men are not many. When such men infest religion like ants to a flower says Bo Tien 武天, they make religion serve the devil and not God. The devil is in them. They make religion serve them.

Religion though near can end up far from God. But the devil of such man though far from goodness of God is needed to be near to religion and to God. 

God wants to redeem such men though far from redemption on their own, more so when they, though in minority, can turn religion upside down and pit religion against religion, sect against sect and man against man in the very name of goodness we refer to as God, Buddha or saint. 

These few make God so unlike what God should be. God becomes less than wholesome and these few pollute and cause blasphemy to the goodness of God. 

They want God to be perfect but create more imperfections in God. They do not accept that the perfection in nature lies in its imperfection. The imperfection of God or nature is the greatest perfection. They know not God. They know not man.

Know God and know man. Man can be in God and God in man. But man is man and God is God. This Bo Tien 武天 did say.

Friday, October 27, 2017

The solution for all regardless of religion

No 1523 of Living Life Series 1 

Medicine Buddha at Bright Hill Temple Singapore is a sight to behold. 

The image easily lightens the heart heavy with ills and addictions mental and physical. Provides the solution to those in pain and suffering, from whatever cause. 

The essence of Medicine Buddha is in life and in all religions. 

It matters not the name. Just know the cure to life woes and be better at what we are, in whatever religion we are in. 

We need not to be his follower or even his friend. Just seek his help and he will provide the way. 

No such precondition that we must believe before he provides the solution. The cure in life is in the eightfold path as depicted by the pagoda on his palms. 
This is as opposed to the lotus on the palms of Amitabha of the Pure Land. The lotus depicts faith and belief and all will be in Pure Land even in this life to have inner peace and then to have more when they learn the way.

The image of Medicine Buddha embodies the solution to the lessening of strife and rife of life. He provides the initial ease to lighten the heavy heart laden with ills and woes. Thereafter he wakens in us the solution or way to rid ourselves of more.

Meditate on Medicine Buddha to lighten the heart.

Just have inner peace and peace is what we need. 

Image depicts tranquility and radiance described as soothing and calming like where Medicine Buddha is - where lapis lazuli abound in plenty.

Bo Tien 武天 says that the image is the doctrine, and the doctrine is the image. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Ji Gong 济公 always a friend and never forgets...

No 1522 of Living Life Series 1

Ji Gong 济公 always a friend and he will never forget men though men may forget him. 

His joviality. laughter, actions and friendliness speak louder than words. 

He will always smile and laugh and will make us feel easy - light at heart even when we have a heavy heart. 

Many go to him for succour regardless of their religion, culture, race or background. 

He is for all religions and for all gods, saints and buddhas. He helps those even in hell - both hell in this life and in afterlife. 

His doctrine is simple. Be pure at heart. Be peaceful. 

Problems are just due to bad habits when we are not pure and peaceful at heart. 

Above all be happy and why worry? Smile and dance and the world too will smile and dance with us. 

Cheers, drink and be merry. Let us all celebrate life with him, never mind the problems and issues in life. 

Just count our blessings even if little for the little is usually better that the lot. 

Less can be more and more can be less. All depends on the heart. 
Amitabha is ever on his lips. Every sentence he utters end with Amitabha - the light of enlightenment. Often he will just say nothing more than Amitabha. This alone brings cheers to life. 

This is the Zenist Chan Chinese way of mindfulness - moment-to-moment meditation of Amitabha even while he interacts with us. He hopes we will do likewise. 

This is the ultimate meditation in every conscious moment in life. This gift of mindfulness in every moment of life is his best gift which he hopes we will accept and put into practice. Amitabha always and ever more. 

Be like Ji Gong 济公 and have Amitabha in every thought, deed and speech. At times and not infrequently, God will be on his lip as well. 

We too must have Amitabha or God in every thought and conscious moment of life while sleeping or while awake. 

This is a good habit for all regardless of religion. They can have God or a prophet in their mind and on their lips all the time.

This helps all not to have restless and roaming mind - effectively to stop the mind from wandering and to still the mind so as to have peace and a pure heart. 

There is no time to lose. Our time as human is just so fleeting and we need to meditate 24 hours a day. This too is the grand final advice of Bo Tien 武天. This will enable all to be better than what they are, regardless of religion or sect or even if none.

Friends, family provide succour, not just God

No 1521 of Living Life Series 1

Bo Tien 武天 says that many turn to God and saints when they have problems. But he said that while this is good, they can also get help from others. 

Among the people we live with, there will be those with abilities we do not have. We can get their help and we can learn from them in the same way we seek the help of God and saints and learn from them on how to handle problems in life. They are like gods to us. 

With their help, we can be relieved of some issues so that we can better handle other issues. We will not be overwhelmed. 

Problems will become small problems even if they do not become no problems. But to begin with, what we need is to feel we are not alone. 

We can have succour from friends and society we are in. We must remind ourselves that with help and blessings from God, saints and even friends and good samaritans, small problems will be no problem and big problems will end up as small problems even if these cannot be no problems. 

Even if problems cannot be solved, we have friends in God, saints and fellow men to stand by us and be with us. We can then smile when otherwise we would frown. 

God, saints and friends provide the light to show us the way to see light and sunshine in life. We will weather the storms. Storms do not last and calm will return. Bo Tien 武天 did stress on this. 

When the next storm comes, we will be more resilient and we have no problem with problems. Do not forget there are those who are near to us who can also help us and give us support - to give us succour. They too are like God and saints. 

As what Bo Tien 武天 says, we must not end up being far from friends when in fact they are near and next to us. Our narrow mindedness may make us turn only to God and saints. 

The near can be far and of course the far can be near. This Bo Tien 武天 did stress. 

Friends and family are our gods as well in the sense they can provide us succour - help and support. This has nothing to do with human idolising or to put it sound more obnoxious paganism - worshipping of men. But they too are like God and can provide succour. 

The concept that there is no other gods beside God up there can mislead many to think that in life, we need only God. We also need succour from friends, family, people of other religions and cultures, and sometimes even strangers who come into our life. We can also have succour from those who work under and for us.

God will be happy that we can have such support. God is not a jealous God but is zealous that we know how to handle and move on with life. As Bo Tien 武天 says, a whole bunch of candles is better at lighting up life than just one or two. We need many godly others not just God to light up life for us. 

Not wrong to have many gods in addition to God. Do give this more thought and not let some others think for us and we stop thinking. We are not robots and even robots can think and are not dumb in the head.

Monday, October 23, 2017

All religions see NOT the man and devil in God

No 1520 of Living Life Series 1

Men like to be ever powerful and dominating. Men have the instinctive need to demand subservience and adoration by other men. This is due to the ego. This is why there are problems. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that the problems of men are many and plentiful. Men need to have insight that men's egos just bring them no where near to inner peace. 

The odd part is that many men even see in God the egos of men and paint God as man and at times even as the devil as well. 

Men with egos like to put down and damn other men and beings. They want to have the superior and almighty edge. They see this in God as well. This is distasteful and makes man out of God.

There is the evil in many men when men frowns at and seek punitive actions and want to exact blood out of those who cannot agree with them. 

How can men see such evil in God? This is disgusting and just not like God. How can there be the devil in God? 

Man may be God, Devil and Man - all three in one. There is need to make man more human - more humane. More than that there is need for man to be no devil before he can be humane and even before he can be godly or divine. 

The sad part is that many men make it appear that God is like many a man - an entanglement trinity of godliness, devilishness and humanly imperfections. 

This is not God but the making of many men with big egos with unending turmoil and blood sucking devilishness instead of divine haloes of peace, love and pureness. 

See NOT the man and devil in God. Some just want God to be not at all godly and more man and devil too - just like man. All religions do not condone this. 

But when such unbecoming nature in men makes many attracted to temples like insects and ants to a flower as elucidated by Bo Tien 武天, what can we expect? 

But God and saints prefer that. At least such men enter the orbit of a temple and can be near to God though still far. This did Bo Tien 武天 say. 

Man truly is man and God is God. Man is not God and God is no man. Bo Tien 武天 wants all to know regardless of religion, culture or society so that all can be better than what they are in the religion, culture and society they are in. 

Man can be like God one day. God cannot be like man unless man can be like God - a splitting image of God in time to come though not now and for a long time to come. God wants us to be his equal and be seated with Him. 

Succour from God no less if creator he is not

No 1519 of Living Life Series 1

Many find succour from a pastor and thinks the world of him. This is because they have help and support from him. They will even kiss the ground where he stands.

Many too have great respect for the monarch or head of state of a country and addressed him as his majesty or his excellency. They think he is excellent. Does this really mean he is excellent? It is just a show of respect  and he is a symbol of excellence.

Many think the world of God and call him almighty. This does not mean God will show his might and will make men tremble in fear and awe of him. They think he is the creator and the alpha and the omega - the first and the last of the Greek alphabets.

Many find succour with God and saints. They are grateful for the help and support from God and saints. They take God or saint as almighty and even think he is the creator, the universal judge and nothing in life can they have if God or saint does not think well of them. 

What if in reality, there is no creator? God or saints are no creators. This is a fact. 

Will this mean we will turn away from God and saints and not get help and support from God or saints? God or saints will always give succour - help and support and the compassion of God or any saint will not be any less just because God or saint is no creator.

We who are in need of succour from God and saints should not be less loving and grateful towards God or saint just because he is no creator and not literally almighty. 

The poor and those in need would accept help and support from anyone. It is ridiculous that those in need will turn away from a benefactor just because he is not rich enough, not powerful enough and not the creator - not the alpha and the omega.

It is the fault of many to be bias and to think big. They will only get help and support from the mightiest of the mightiests. Isn't this ridiculous? Even a beggar would not refuse a dime from a giver just because the giver is not the ultimate of the ultimates.

Bo Tien 武天 has always said that he descended not to show his might and majesty but to help and support men just like God and any saint in any religion. Wouldn't it be ridiculous if many turn away from Bo Tien 武天because they think he is not worthy enough and not creator? 

No wonder, Bo Tien 武天 says that we must learn from the nature of many men and not have the same flaws. This would make us better than what we are, regardless of who we are, and in any religion or culture we are in.  

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Be ever wiser with life, with religion and beyond

No 1518 of Living Life Series 1

All and even God and saints try to be better than what they are. All have to rise above the primordial energy and constant flux from energy to form and from form to energy - the yin and yang the sages in old Chinese civilisation refer to. 

All have to rise above the yin and yang and yet be with yin and yang changes in universes and in life. All need to be in and yet above and beyond all these, and exist not as ego - be this in more subtle form or formless energy. 

All need to be present everywhere and not have limits or borders - in fact, to be present everywhere and even beyond the visible and invisible universes. This they call the Buddhas and the Pure Ones whom God, his hosts of godlings, and saints look up to and try to learn from. 

They like us as well can help others to be better than what others - even if they are trying to be better than what they already are. The need to do this cannot wait. This is the mission and this mission simple cannot wait. 

This is the message of God through Bo Tien 武天. This truth is the inner truth common and behind all religions, cultures and societies. 

This will go the mile to make all to be more correct with life and with religions or even with life beyond religions - beyond God and heavens we are told. There is the seemingly endless need to be wiser with life, with religion and beyond religion.

Be more correct with life and with religion

No 1517 of Living Life Series 1 

Religion is never at logger heads with science. 

In fact what religion says about nature and the universe is consistent with the prevailing understanding of science. 

But taken in context of modern times, what was consistent with science centuries ago become inconsistent with the times. 

Creation is one potential subject and ends up contentious. 

This is due to the ego of men who put their ego and even their reputation and credibility into religion and insist that what they believe is the truth and cannot be wrong. 

Another misconstrued thinking follows with one's belief to be never wrong. 

God hero worship results in notion that God is the end all and start all. 

Then there should be no other entity for one to respect except God. 

Carrying this too far will result in disregard for the authority that be in the land and disregard for parents as the elders to behold. 

They think there should be no one to behold other than God. 

Is this what God want? 

Bo Tien 武天 says that there is learning from the life and from beliefs of others so that we can learn to be wiser and be better off from the learning. 

We can be better than what we are regardless of religion, culture or society we are in.