
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord Bo Tien (武天菩萨). The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affiliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. Needless to say that all the saints we know are in this temple. Ji Gong Posat too is no exception. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven. We worship God and saints, not man however good that man may be. There should be no hero worshiping or idolizing of man whether he is a charismatic pastor, priest, monk, medium or lay leader. We don't even idol worship the image of any saint but reflect on what the image stands for. - the doctrine in the image. Omitofo 阿弥陀佛!.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Be thankful for life, God, saints and go for peace

No 1349 of Living Life Series 1

Shakespeare once said: I cried when I had no shoes, but I stopped crying when I saw a man without legs... LIFE is full of blessings, sometimes we don't value it. 

We should be thankful for them. We should count our blessings and breathe easy with life. 

Let us thank God and saints not just today but everyday. We thank you dear God and saints for all the love and blessings you have given us: a loving family, caring friends and all the wonderful people we met in our life's journey. We humbly ask you to bless them, protect them and guide them in overcoming their challenges in life. Amen. 

The universal prayer at Bo Tien 武天 mission goes like this: To all heavenly saints we greatly adore. We believe in your existence and thy glory is in the thoughts of men. We seek for thy protection and guidance so as to live better for the time to come. 

When we are thankful, we begin to notice the smell of grass and the smell of brine of the sea breeze and the embracing warmth of the sunshine at the break of dawn. 

As Luke puts it: A new day will dawn on us because our God is loving and merciful. He will give light to those who live in the dark and in death's shadow. He will guide us into the way of peace. Luke 1:78&79. 

Bo Tien 武天 urges all to seek the inner peace by knowing the inner truth behind and common to all religions and applying it into our life - so that we have inner peace come what may - regardless of the ups and downs, the to and fros - the yin and yang. 

There will always be day and night. Day follows night and night ends the day. 

There will be storms but storms do not stay forever. Storms give way to calm seas and calm seas do not last for long. 

But the man with inner peace stays calm and is at peace come what may. He is admired and blessed by God and saints. He has faith in them and keeps his faith come what may and ever thankful for the blessings in daily life. 

He knows as Jesus says: Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. This is the way of God and saints.

Bo Tien 武天 assures that regardless of faith or affiliation, those with heart to pray and seek God or saint, God or saint does know and will come to them. Issues will be no issues. But big issues even if they cannot be no issue will at least be less of issues. 

God and saints love you and wishes the best for you. The sweetest moment in life comes not with the greetings you receive but with the thought that the someone wishes the best for you everyday. 

The best thing in life is free with no strings attached and no bargains. The best of gifts is the Word - the way to inner peace. It is free. It is priceless. It enables the inner peace. 

You need to think and thank above for giving you another day to hope, another chance to pray and yet another day to cultivate inner peace. With divine blessings, what more do you need. 

Even if you falter, God and saints will pick you up again. God and saints put you back on the way of saints - the way to have inner peace come what may. 

You should neither wallow in pain from wants nor cling on and be indulgent in and not letting go of the worldly gains which do not last anyway. Instead you should be ever harnessing, appreciating and thankful of blessings that come bye and while they last. 

You can have this if you can cultivate inner peace come what may - come day or night, come rain or drought. You have inner peace as the sunshine of life - the shine of life that comes from within. 

But remember to be thankful for the guidance and blessings from above to enable you to be on the path to cultivate inner peace. Be thankful for life, God, saints and wake up every morning to yet another morning and day for blessings. It would be easier then to go for inner peace.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Learn more of the truth from all sources

No 1348 of Living Life Series 1

Bo Tien 武天 says that the same inner or basic truth is common and in all religions. It is also found outside religions. We can know more of truth from all sources. Respect all religions and those who are wise though not speaking for any religion.
Love is still and will always be the strongest force on our planet. Bicca Hartness

Success is not always about the money. There are more important things...like family.  #5.30AMCLUB

The secret of being HAPPY is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of everyday.

Time is precious. Make sure you spend it with the right people. -- Mesmerising Quotes - www.MesmerisingQuotes4u.com 
(This echoes what is in all religions. We need to be with like minded people - to have fellowship. A collection of candle flames is better than a single flame in lighting up life. Bo Tien 武天 reiterated)

If you have much, give of your wealth. If you have little, give of your heart. -- Arab proverb 
(All religions emphasize that wealth cannot buy us places in Heaven. We must be willing to help and give. What matters is not what we do or give but what comes out of the heart. Even the poor can give. Even kind words and thoughts can go the mile to help those in need.)

Use your voice for Kindness, your ears for Compassion, your hands for Charity, your mind for Truth and your heart for Love. ---- fb.com/be positive.enjoy.life

Sweet words are easy to say...Sweet things are easy to buy... But sweet people are difficult to find...! 

"Real love begins where nothing is expected in return." --www.InformativeQuotes.com 
(If we expect something in return, then it is not giving as we want to take back... This the elders of religions do remind their fellow believers. Those who go to a temple to do charity to boost their name is doing good but not good enough as they want to be glorified in doing good. This is example given by Bo Tien 武天)

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Laughingcolours.com 
(Just because they know less and disagree with you in say a temple or church, don't for goodness sake make them your opponents and bring the roof down)

There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of the way to make life beautiful for others. -- Mandy Hale

Life is Nothing Without Friends. 
(Bo Tien 武天 says that we need to bless one another. there will be among a group, some with skills that will be blessings to others. We complement one another. This is a common principle in religions and cultures)

Listen to your heart. Because, wherever your heart is, that is where you'll find treasure. -- Fb/HugsandKisses

Caring people help others not because they expect a reward but because it is natural to show kindness. -- fb.com/be.positive.enjoy life

Do good for others. It will come back in unexpected ways. Karma
-- @NotSalmon.com

Happiness isn't about getting what you want all the time. It's about loving what you have and being grateful for it. 

Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world no matter what you look like. -- www.awesomequotes4u.com

Best Friends can soothe your sadness with understanding and care. They make you feel you are not alone. -- WomenWorking.com

When the world seems down, and no one seems to be around, just remember there is some up above...looking down at you with love -- Fb/HugsandKisses 
(Bo Tien 武天 says that in any religion, we often need to have faith. If we are faced with issues, we pray to above and they will hear and be with us to give us shelter so that the candle flame of our life will not flicker but be more steady. Issues will be no issues. Big issues will be less of issues even if they cannot be no issue. This is an age-old Chinese saying passed down from elders and common to all religions)

A True Friend is someone who thinks you are a good egg...even if you are a bit cracked. 

Real friends are like family. They may not be birth relatives but their love and loyalty knows no bounds. -- WomenWorking.com

Beauty attracts the eye but Personality captures the Heart. -- Fans of Betty Boop

The best makeup is your Smile. There is no beauty like the one that comes from inside of YOU -- Rhona del Mundo

An intelligent person will open your mind, a beautiful person will open your eyes, And a loving kind person will open your heart. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

Beautiful thoughts create a beautiful world

No 1347 of Living Life Series 1

When we fill our minds with beautiful thoughts, our world becomes a beautiful place. 

Chinese New Year event is the day when all whether well, unwell, rich or poor have to at least once a year have beautiful thoughts of life and feel on top of the world. 

It is a reminder that we have to move on in life and appreciate whatever blessings and life we have - which some put it as God-given. 

We should not wallow in miseries and forget we have our share of blessings too. We should not take them for granted. 

We are what we think. As we think so will our world be. Have beautiful thoughts and our world becomes a beautiful place. There will always be something in life we can be happy about. Don't end up not realising this. 

As mentioned by www.ThinkPositive.com, everything is valuable in two situations..First, before getting it. Second, after losing it. In between, we don't realise the value of anything. 

Chinese New Year is a yearly reminder to think well of ourselves even if we are far from well. We must count our blessings. We must bless all - others not forgetting ourselves to begin with.

We must give as much as we want to receive. We cannot wait till we have enough in order to give. This is embodied in the tradition of the red packets.  

Bo Tien 武天 adds that we must have love in our hearts - love and be kind to all. We must not only have beautiful thoughts of love and kindness for others but also for ourselves. We must love ourselves even if we cannot do well or are unwell. 

We must love others not because they are more well off than us and we can gain from them but only and simply because we want to love and be kind. We must have beautiful thoughts and our world will be ever that beautiful somehow. 

Beautiful thoughts create a beautiful world. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. A beast can transform into a handsome prince. It all depends on the beholder. 

Jesus stands out as King and son of God in the eyes of the beholder if the beholder has beautiful thoughts of him. This creates a beautiful world for the beholder and believer. Others who are not believers too must appreciate Jesus and they too by having beautiful thoughts create a beautiful world for themselves. 

Man certainly can create a beautiful and magnificent world for himself. Let us celebrate to that. Beautiful thoughts create a beautiful world. Let us let off firecrackers and announce this to the world not just on Chinese New Year but day to day and year on year. 

Monday, January 23, 2017

Man rejects but not God

No 1346 of Living Life Series 1

When someone is difficult person to get along with, the members of a church or place of worship will avoid him and let him feel unwanted. 

He may be one who pesters others and likes to call or speak to others many times a day and disturb the peace. He interprets and applies the holy texts in a very different way. He may have the calling by God and claims God speaks through him. He may even be convinced that it is his duty to change others and correct them. 

If others feel he has erred, then, why avoid him, why let him become a reject, why let him feel unwanted at cell groups and social gatherings of the church. 

Who needs God more? Is it the one who has erred and considered wayward or is it the majority? 

Why are those in the majority there at the church? Are they there to do the work of God? If so, this man certainly is worth their attention and care - not become a reject. 

What if this man is correct and way ahead of the times and thinking of others? Isn't this strange?

This brings to mind what Bo Tien 武天 says of such issues at a church or temple. He says that the far may be near and the near far. 

It is this man who doesn't fit in and who is difficult to get along with who very well need to be helped by God. In the name of God, the others who are cheesed off by him must somehow try to accomodate him, to work on him, to give him fellowship and to nurture his well being so that he can be an asset to God and the church. 

Those who spurn him have erred and earn the displeasure of God. The church is meant for all especially those with problems and those who are difficult persons. 

But people do forget and do not appreciate the love of God extends that much more than the love of men. Men must be like God. Men must not make God to be like them - rejecting what they consider as the odd characters. Man rejects but not God. 

To make matters worst and disgusting is when a rejected man moves from church to church and the same story is replayed. This may push the man beyond the limit and he may end up paranoid and induced psychosis in him. 

How can men be like that more so men of God and saints? But this is happening all because men likes to stay in their comfort zones. Come on fellow men. Get out of comfort zones and do more not less for God. 

Man rejects but not God. Man sends rejects to hell those he does not like even before the end of life is due. God would never do so as all are deserving. The far may be near and the near far. Bo Tien 武天 reminds us.

To those who are rejected, Jesus has this message:

Luke 10:16  

“The one who hears you hears me, and the one who rejects you rejects me, and the one who rejects me rejects him who sent me.” 
During Chinese New Year, ideally all without exceptions are welcome aloud. 

No one is a reject. All deserve treats and red packets. All are blessed with the best of wishes - greetings, good tidings and prosperity "Gong Xi Fa Cai"

Sunday, January 22, 2017

What is from God and what is not.

No 1345 of Living Life Series 1

The Christian Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testaments, are the written Word of God, given by divine inspiration through holy men of God who spoke and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. 

Psalms 30: 5,6 Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. 6 Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.

Everyone can claim God speaks to him and if this is true, then it must be verified through what is stated by the holy men in the Bible.

Bo Tien 武天 adds that the Word or Truth is in every religion and if what one believes as the Word of God, it must be present too in any religion. If this is not the case, think twice if this is what God says.
If one says that it is what God tells him but it is not in the teachings common to all religions, then one is likely to be a liar or misled by others who are not God or from God. 

What is from God must be in all religions and unite men. What is not from God is from men who are liars or mistook others as God. 

Those who believe God speaks to them may at times insist that it is wrong or fake if God or a heavenly saint of God speaks through a human being through mediumship. Even those in temples such as a temple of Bo Tien 武天 may hold such bias conclusions on such cultural practices. They think that they are enlightened and know better. They do in a way.

But what they fail to do is to put into practice the advice that what is from God must be in the holy texts and as Bo Tien says must conform to the common teachings behind all religions - the Word. 

In dismissing mediumship as outright mumbo jumbo, they do no justice to God and the mediums through whom God speaks to us. Isn't this an injustice of sorts to God? 

Of course, mediums do lie at times and are liars but this does not mean God does not speak through them. 

Please do think and be mindful of what is from God and what is not. Ask if what is said is in the holy texts. Ask if what is said conforms with the universal teachings common to all religions. 

Saturday, January 21, 2017

On branches, roots, fruits, water and gardeners

No 1344 of Living Life Series 1

It is said thus. Power and money are fruits of  life  but family and friends are roots of life. We can manage without fruits but can never stand without roots. No matter what's going on in our life, even in the worst scenario, there are always some things to be thankful for - health, home, family, friends and food. 

The the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 adds in 1979 thus.  A tree must be rooted in life to tap on subterranean water and even in drought, the tree will be able to have a crown of luxuriant leaves and may even bear fruits.  

He also echoes and emphasizes that we must have family and friends for fellowship. A single candle flame emits light. A bunch of candles together is that much better. Also among the group, there are those with skills which can be blessing to the rest.

He also refers to the need to chop off diseased branches to save the rest of the tree. We must not associate with the unwise and associate with the wise. This the Buddha tells us. 

He explains that an orchard of fruit trees if attended to by gardeners will bear fruits. But if drought occurs, they will wither while the lone tree at foot of the hill will not and may even bear fruits as that tree is rooted in underground water even if it has no gardener to attend to it. 

Followers of religion may be like that if they depend only on faith in a saint and not rooted in underground water of friends and family as well as the doctrine. 

Power and money are fruits of  life  but family and friends are roots of life. We can manage without fruits but can never stand without roots. No matter what's going in our life, even in the worst scenario, there is always some things to be thankful for - health, home, family, friends and food. Doctrine is the food of the soul. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Life is all that you need

No 1343 of Living Life Series 1

Which is more important? Is it to have this and that? Is it life? 

Why be unhappy if we are disappointed with this and that? 

Why be upset if someone upsets us? 

Do remember this. You don't need everything to enjoy life. You already have life to enjoy everything. 

You don't need to have this and that to be happy. You should be happy to try to have this and that. If you cannot have this or that, at least you are already happy. 

How can you be happy? Just count your blessings. Just know that you already have other blessings which you take for granted and want more. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that the problems of men are many and plentiful. 

Men don't seem to be happy to begin with. Men turn to religion and even in religion expect to have more and more of the world. 

What matters is to have life to enjoy everything. You don't need everything to enjoy life. 

Don't end up failing life. Life has not failed you. You have failed life. Life is what you need. Life is all that you need. 

If there is life, there is a tomorrow. What is the point of having everything if there is no tomorrow. Having one tomorrow after another beats having everything and having no tomorrow. 

So long as the candle flame of life is litted, life goes on. What you need is the light of life to shine bright and all else will be secondary. A bunch of candles together lights up life even the more. This the good Bo Tien 武天 wants us to know. 
We must smile and give cheer and glow. It matters not if you have everything. What matters is you have the glow of life to open eyes to the blessings of life - to enjoy everything that comes your way and not be blind to them and go for all that are not yet within sight. 

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Have a reason to laugh and have more life

No 1342 of Living Life Series 1

Always find a reason to laugh. It may not add years to your life but it will surely add life to your years. 

This is true even in life in a temple or church. That is why there is need to laugh, to cheer, to sing and pray aloud in a church service. 

Say nice things about one another and bring on the cheer and if possible the laughter. 

Fellowship is not about gathering together to vent frustrations but about coming together to bring on the happiness. If this means having parties and dancing away in a church or temple service, why not? 

If one person can bring on the laughter and the cheer, many more doing this will multiple the joy and cheer. 

The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 adds that if one candle flame can light up life, many more together can do that much more better - obviously more effective.  

Bring on the hope and dreams. Be happy even before the dreams come true. Even if the dreams may not materialise the way you want, at least you are happy and in good company. 

All it takes is to have a reason always to laugh. It may not mean what you hope for will come true but it will surely add life to your life. Be hopeful and be in good cheer. 

This does not mean to be in wants and to suffer and be worse off from wanting. 

It means to be hopeful and in good spirit whether the hopes come true. It means we can laugh and have more life not in having more years but in more laughter for the slightest reason. 

Whatever will be will be. But surely you can find a reason to laugh, hope and be happy. Surely you can make others to do so as well and by coming together bring on more cheer and laughter - more life in years that you have. Perhaps then, you will have no stress or at least less stress and have more years as well. You can be more hopeful that way. 

That is why in many cultures and religions, there are many occasions to celebrate , to laugh and be happy.  These provide the reasons or justifications to be hopeful, to laugh and be merry. 

Happy Chinese New Year
Ji Gong always have reason to laugh
just like Laughing Buddha below

 Happy Diwali 

Laughter makes the world go round. Have a nice laugh. Laugh when faced with issues. Other blessings you still have. 

Count your blessings. Don't just count your problems. You can better face issues that way. 

Laugh away your problems. You can better solve issues that way. You can harness the shelter of God and saints. 

Bo Tien 武天 reminds us thus. Even big issues will be less of issues even if they cannot be no issues with guidance of saints. Won't that be nice? 

There will always be reasons to laugh even when faced with issues, be these big or small. Laughter is the best medicine and makes the world go round. There is no need however to laugh out loud (LOL) but this too may not be a bad idea at all. 

Thursday, January 12, 2017

May all be well and happy

No 1341 of Living Life Series 1

Let blessings come exploding

and roaring into life
May all progress with every step forward in life 
Let all keep this in mind not just for new year but in every day of life. 

Life must fly with many colors like the Buddhist Flag.

 May all be well and happy  
in whatever life and religion they may be - be better in whatever religion they may be in. Better to apply what you learn from the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 to be better in the religion you are in. Be not just a good Christian or Buddhist but a better one at that.
Bo Tien 武天

Do give and more you will receive. This is the way of God and saints. A red packet or two can often give the boost. 

Bless others in our life. Be a blessing to others and we will be more blessed. God and saints are blessings to all even those whom many think are not deserving. Be like God. Do not curse, swear and damn, worse still in the name of God and saints. That is obviously unbecoming. 

The teachings of any religion will ever be blessings to those of other religions. Religions are blessings to one another. This should be the case. This is what the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 wants to emphasize lest we forget. 

This is His Mission. His Mission is not a mission of a religion or any religion but the mission of Heaven. He starts no new sect or religion, favors none but shows that even in chinese culture and outdated archaic traditions, there is truth, goodness and blessings all the same. Blessings are for all and not for chosen few and this includes even those in hell on earth or hell down there or above.

May all be blessed and prosper. Isn't this what some refer to as the prosperity gospel but presented in the more noble, worthy and wholesome perspective. 
Be happy and feel prosperous and well. If we can do that every day, every day is a Happy and Prosperous New Year. That is for sure. It is not what we have in the bank but what we have at heart. Be rich at heart. Then blessings will shower down on us. 
We will also bring cheer to others and be blessings to others even if we have little of the world - not impressive and in rags like Ji Gong of ancient China but ever effusing with love and cheer - always of help to others. 
Ji Gong

or for that matter Jesus  of  lowly humble birth but "is of God and is God" in his own ways. He is awesome and like God but depicted always in plain robes of commoner and belittled and mocked with crown of thorns. Jesus even had to bear the indignity of being treated like criminal when he was crucified as one.  

Even Buddha was an ascetic or beggar when he became the Buddha. He too was garbed in rags or robes of beggar. He is of princely royalty at birth but at a young age chose to be a vagrant of sorts.

All are blessings to others and have rich heart though beggarly and humble in appearance. What matters is the heart and this goes without saying.

One aspect is in common. They are all excellent models of sheer humility, peace and happiness. They always want that all be well and happy. May all be well and happy. 

This includes those who do not like them. You can say that they love those who consider them as foes. We tend to be selective but not them. Even Buddha welcome murderers and converted them from bad to good. One by name of Angulimala even entered monkhood and became a saint.

With such love, they will even love those in hell and help them to be in heaven someday and somehow. There is no eternal damnation nor even a temporary one. Those in hell are victims of their own doing - not the work of God and saints. They sent themselves to hell. God and saints did not. God and saints would rather they be good and not be in hell. 

Without distinction or bias, may all be well and happy wherever they may be. This is the way of God and saints. This should be how we should conduct ourselves. 

Avoid saying, "May we be well and happy." but always try to make it the habit and cultivate the sincerity and second nature to say, "May all be well and happy." 

If religions are of God and saints, then love and goodness will be for all and not a select group. If religions are of men, then love and goodness will only be reserved for the select group and kind but not for all. You will have to join them to be included.  

Man has to be more God and less man. Thank goodness, humanity tries to be like that. Yes, may all be well and happy. This is and has to be. 

How on Earth or anywhere else can man say that if others don't believe or have done wrong, let them be in hell and be damned? With such hellish mind-set, poor chaps, they themselves are already near to hell. 

This is a common fallacy of man regardless of religion, race or culture. We must correct and help them. But first, we must set good examples and correct ourselves if we too have erred. May all be well and happy. All must be like God and saints. 

The coming together as one during Chinese New Year Reunion dinner on the eve of the new year  embodies the spirit of the call - "May all be well and happy."