
The Living Life Series is dedicated to Lord Bo Tien (武天菩萨). The doctrine is in His image. The image is the doctrine. He who sees, understands and effects the doctrine sees and knows Him. He who does not see, know and effect the doctrine sees not and knows not the saint even if the saint or His image is beside him. The far may be near and the near may be far. Let the doctrine and the saint be part of our life. The lord saint in your life can be any heavenly saint of any religion, sect or school. The doctrine of truth is behind all and this is the Inner Truth that leads all (regardless of their religious affiliation or even if none) to inner peace and heaven on earth here and now and not just in the after life. The ideal worship and devotion is to know and effect the doctrine of God and the saints. The best gospel is the gospel of life. We learn from our life and the lives of others. The true temple is the world we live in. The sky is the roof of the temple and religions and sects are the pillars of the temple. All under Heaven are in the temple. Needless to say that all the saints we know are in this temple. Ji Gong Posat too is no exception. The whole wide world and web is the temple and must be regarded as a sacred place --- a temple for living and learning. It is more important that everyone that counts plays a role in this universal temple if due focus is to be given to the Mission of Heaven. Men must not be distracted by the agenda of men and end up serving the mission of man. That would be a far cry from the Mission of Heaven. We worship God and saints, not man however good that man may be. There should be no hero worshiping or idolizing of man whether he is a charismatic pastor, priest, monk, medium or lay leader. We don't even idol worship the image of any saint but reflect on what the image stands for. - the doctrine in the image. Omitofo 阿弥陀佛!.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Unlock Inner Truth not the astral eye, tongue, ear

No 1754 of Living Life Series 1 

Do you unlock the astral eye, tongue or ear in you? 

Let us deal with the astral eye. Why do you need the astral eye? Well what you see with our worldly eyes will never be what the astral eye could see? A stone is just a stone but in the astral world, the stone is colorful and more than a stone. 

This Bo Tien 武天 did say. But without insight, the astral eye may end up seeing the unsightly and the unpleasant. Then there will be no peace at heart. 

What is important is to know what is good for not only yourself but for others. This true goodness is in all religions and Bo Tien 武天 refers to this as the truth behind expounded truths. 

This is the Inner Truth. 

We must not just unlock the astral eye, tongue or ear but the Inner Truth. 

Some can unlock the Inner Truth without having the astral eye, tongue or ear. 

Sometimes, mental illness people hear voices, sees things that are in the head or even speak gibberish. These should not be mistaken as astral eye, tongue or ear

The religions and cultures of the day allow many to achieve Inner Truth through not one path but through many. They support and are pillars to the Inner Truth.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Do not add to the problems of man in distress

No 1753 of Living Life Series 1 

A dying or very sick person is tired. 

Do you think he will welcome conversation? He would rather be left alone. 

Yet there are those who harass him with accepting a sage or heavenly saint. 

Just leave him alone and let him cope with his tiredness. 

Only the unethical will at this time do the unthinkable. 

He does not even have the energy to pally with suggestions and issues. 

Let him have some peace even if peace is difficult. 

At least, do not add to the stress he is managing. Failure to do so is to fail to have insight and love. 

He may even be under sedation and cannot think clearly. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that the problems of men lie in the lack of insight and they may bedevil the dying and very sick man in the name of God. Isn't that doing a great disservice to God?

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Do not make other beliefs invisible

No 1752 of Living Life Series 1 

Do not make other cultures invisible. Many in eagerness to embrace new culture downplay the cultures of their ancestors. 

When religion takes on a cultural mask, this can have negative consequences. Instead of upholding the cultures men are born into, men of a religion make such cultures invisible. 

Foreign cultures and religions take over and become the attractions and trend setters. This is accepted as good and they do create good but can be  banes in disguise as gains. 

One good illustration is tobacco. We know it is bad. But in old days cigarette smoking is considered good and classy even though mere handling of fresh tobacco leaves at open tobacco plantations can easily cause vomiting and acute illness. 

This is in the nature of life. What many consider as good is actually not. But what they want is to be different, to look classy and to be in new trends. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that we must learn from life. 

Life is the greatest teacher. Do not live life blindly. Have insight or what is referred to as mindfulness. Only then, can all be really better and good in whatever religions they are in. 

Any religion will do but this does not mean that all the practices are congenial to all the people in that religion. 

Often, it is better to believe in what are good and never draw the line between religions. Embrace all even if we are in only one religion. That will be wholesome and the world more pleasant. There will be more of love and harmony.

Hunger for good is not the good God wants in us

No 1751 of Living Life Series 1 

He who wants something but cannot get it is in hunger for it. He is a hungry ghost in a way. 

The way to go is to be contented even if he cannot have what he wants. Then he is not a hungry ghost but a satiated being. 

He who goes to a religion to seek providence from God can risk being hungry ghost even while still every inch a human being and devout to God. 

The right and proper way to religion is to know what is good. Do not hunger for this or that but just make do and move on. 

Do not deny outright what can come our way just because we think God can provide and we think we do nothing and wait for God to do things from above. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that what we must have is to know what is good. Any good is no good if we get flustered when we cannot get it. 

We will not have inner peace. Bo Tien 武天 says that inner peace can only come with practice of what is truly good. 

This truly good is behind all religions and cultures. Hunger for good is not the good religions refer to. This good is the Inner Truth in all religions and cultures.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Religion is for those who can please and love others

No 1750 of Living Life Series 1 

When will men learn that pleasing themselves is NOT to displease others. 

In reality, the truth is that pleasing others will please themselves even more. 

This is what Bo Tien 武天 says is the loving kindness that all religions talk about. 

Let this be our guiding principle regardless of religion. 

We should never please ourselves by displeasing others. We can be better than that. We should only be pleased if can please others. 

But helping others to please themselves by displeasing those they dislike is not the way of loving kindness. It is the way of hatred and lack of truth. They have poor insight of what is good. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that they know not what is good. 

They have no understanding of life and what is good in life, let alone be considered as religious. They are far from religious though they say they are. 

Religion is for those who can please and love others.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Is life or God a keepsake?

No 1749 of Living Life Series 1 

Life is never ours. But we always think it is in our hands. 

Even God cannot promise eternal life. Life has to do with God and goodness. 

Life belongs to the person who saves and treasures life. Life never belongs to the one who captures and misuses life. 

We must save life and not destroy it. Life is the gift for all. Treasure it and be wise. Life like any gift is not for our whims and fancies. If we mismanage life, life will be a destroyed item to be thrown to the junkyard. 

Treasure life and be true to life. Then life will be rewarding and a blessing. 

Remember that any blessing, like any toy will not be forever and when no longer attractive, any toy will be discarded to rubbish bin. 

Our life when old will no longer be treasured even by love ones who prefer new toys that is their own lives. 

It is often the case that men treasure God or a heavenly saint for keepsake. But is life, God or a heavenly saint for keeps? 

Many value God or a heavenly saint like Bo Tien 武天 but treasures them as keepsakes. 

What is important is to treasure what they stand for and not treat Divinity as keepsakes. Is God or a heavenly saint for keeps? 

God or a heavenly saint is for goodness and this is what God or heavenly saints stand for. 

We must be good and goodness is God or any heavenly saint. This is the teaching of Bo Tien 武天 and applies to any religion.

Reborn on the seventh day of the lunar new year

No 1748 of Living Life Series 1 

A life is reborn when person meets death door but still alive. The old year has died and on the seventh day, a new life begins. 

That is the meaning of the seventh day of Lunar New Year dubbed as everybody's birthday. 

A new year has commenced. All are reborn for the new year. This is not religion but Chinese culture. 

All who celebrate the day are not betraying their religion, race or nation. 

This is good and good is what we must go for in life. 

This is the goodness in all religions. Bo Tien 武天 refers to this goodness common in all religions as the Inner Truth. 

Some religions did say on the seventh day of creation, all must rest and be happy. This is the day we refer to as Sunday. 

Sunday is a good day to reflect on non worldly issues. 

Happy Birthday for all on the seventh day. 

From the brink of dsaster and death

No 1747 of Living Life Series 1 

Many thanks to those who help others even if they themselves need help. This is the way society should be. All need to help and be helped. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that we can turn to God and saints in any religion for help. But what is more important is to help one another and to give thanks to help from others as well. 

We can be light or beacon for others to follow. Do not say one is better than another but say that we love one another for the kindness they extend to us. 

There must be the give and take spirit. 

We need help most when there is birth, illness and death. Do not judge those others for what they are. Even the misled and those worse than us can be source of help when one is desperate. 

Let us thank heaven and thank earth. Let us not forget that those in hell can help us as well. This is how we can help ourselves. 

Religions can help one another. Then society will be more compassionate. 

One who has helped others too can be helped by those whom he considered as unlikely to help him. 

This spirit of truth underlies the inner goodness in all men and can find expression though any form. 

But do remember no one is perfect. But give credit where credit is due. 

Then in suffering, in any disaster or even at death, there will be hope. Then problems will be mitigated. 

As any religion will say, big issues will be less issues even if the issues cannot be no issue. This is part of growing up of the spirit. 

Without this, where will there be hope? Life will be hopeless. Life should be with hope and love and hope make the world go round. 

The spirit of Chinese New Year or any big day of any religion or culture is the obvious expression of the need for love. 

So what if we are different? We can still help one another. This will bring  us out of the hell in life. 

This is how society can pull itself from the brink of disaster and death. Disasters and death are man made. Only man can overcome  disasters and death. 

We must learn from the harshness of life and not grumble about it. This truth Bo Tien 武天 says is in any religion or culture. 

Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Edict of God

No 1746 of Living Life Series 1 

When the Emperor was around, the children of the Emperor were united and had to do the bidding of the Emperor. 

Once the Emperor is not around, there is no one to hold the children together. 

Whatever the late Emperor instructed them to do may not hold sway. 

There will be the risk of breaking down of the uneasy relationship of the princes and one will emerge to belittle the rest. 

This is the reason behind the downfall of dynasties. 

This applies to religions. 

When God showed his presence, the religions had to work with one another. 

What if God distant himself? Well religions may not be as cohesive as before and may break ranks. 

The time will come when God will have to return and all will take allegiance to God. 

The disappointing part is that men cannot comply with the edict of God to be united through the truth of goodness God stands for. 

What good can there be if religions compete for the hearts of men and ignore the wish of God? 

Thus God has to send neutral messengers to remind men the edict of God to be good, pure and honest. 

Religions have to complement to further this edict of God. 

Bo Tien 武天 is one such messenger. 

He starts no new religion but he works through all religions to bring them to focus on the edict of God to be good and loving to one another.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Can life less ordinary be extra ordinary?

No 1745 of Living Life Series 1 

When in trouble, men cling on to God and heavenly saints. 

When trouble is over, they forget that they turn to God and saints. 

More must be said of those who have not an iota of faith in themselves and are wholly addicted to God and saints from cradle to grave. They think they are more than ordinary and are the chosen ones of God and saints. 

There are also those who believe in God and saints but may be less than ordinary with regards to God and saints in the eyes of men. 

They are near though far from God and saints if they live as though they are distant to God and saints but able to live correctly. 

They may lead less than ordinary life from religious angle but are able to live up to the goodness, humility and pureness God and saints want them to live by. 

Life less ordinary can be more than ordinary. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that the far may be near and the near far. Do reflect and be mindful of this. Life deemed less ordinary can be more than ordinary.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Speak so that others may know

No 1744 of Living Life Series 1 

The more you do, the less you speak. 

The CEO of a company does not have to do. He speaks only and others do what he speaks. 

God speaks and does not need to do. 

The Emperor speaks and others do. 

God speaks and others carry out what he speaks. God speaks and others do. God cannot live the life for us. God only speaks. 

The wise man speaks and others do. 

Bo Tien 武天 speaks so that we can know what to do in life. 

Bo Tien 武天 sets out in 1969 to speak to us what we should know behind religions and cultures. 

We should speak to the world what he told us. We should speak so that others know what to do and not just live life blindly.

Monday, February 12, 2018

A loving God is what God is

No 1743 of Living Life Series 1 

Tried living or tired of living? 

Many find life tiresome and are tired of life. What is the point of carrying on? But they just have to labor on for they have no alternative. 

Have they tried to live more meaningfully and make life wholesome? 

Some tried to do so by wishful thinking. To them, God has a plan and design for them. What they undergo is the plan of God. 

They carry on the cross of life and has no reason to be crossed with life. They cannot be crossed with God. But is God so mean? 

How then can we reconcile with God being a loving God? 

Well all religions talk about a loving God and we suffer not because of God but because we know not what we do and what God stands for. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that many have misunderstood and have wrong concept of God. 

His descent in 1969 is to bring awareness and insight to men on God and what God stands for. God is about being good and loving. 

We too must be good and loving towards all and more so towards ourselves.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Fear less with insight of religions and cultures

No 1742 of Living Life Series 1 

Fear less with God giving protection and guidance. Life would be worse otherwise. 

But do not think that all will be well as we need to live life. God cannot live life for us. 

Any well placed person is just like you. You have to make life work even with less to begin with. 

Less can be more and more can be less. All depends on you. 

Blame not why others have more to begin with. 

Be in the know if you want to be on the go. 

What is needed is to be good at heart and to be at peace come what may and regardless of the less you may start off with in life. 

Live life not just for the afterlife and do not forget that life too is the here and now. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that all religions touches on the need to be good and to live life that we are in and not live as though we are no longer in this life. 

Religions are good but men may end up in the cloud with the wrong approach to life. That is why Bo Tien descended in 1969 to right the not so right and ensure men are better in the religion they are in. 

Bo Tien 武天 starts no new religion but points to the truth in life that is already in all religions. 

To start one is to give the wrong message that there is a better religion than the religions that are there. 

The same truth too is in Chinese culture or any culture. Bo Tien 武天 is able to show this to us. Fear less with insight of religions and cultures.

Let there be many joyous beginnings

No 1741 of Living Life Series 1 

Joyous beginning must mark the beginning of life or a new year. 

The birth of a sage or prophet is remembered with joy. This too is a joyous beginning. 

The descent of Bo Tien 武天 in 1969 too will be remembered as a joyous beginning. 

The start of school for a child is no less a joyous beginning. 

The wedding of a couple is always a joyous beginning regardless of how the marriage turns out in time. 

Of course, a joyous beginning must be preceded by the end of the preceding stage in life. 

Chinese celebrate the end of a year with the grand reunion dinner with family and kin. 

It comes as no surprise that the end of life too is a celebration of life that is concluded and like the reunion dinner is grander than the birth that follows the end. 

The end is the beginning and this is cause for joy. 

Will the mission of Bo Tien 武天 to awaken the realisation of the common good behind all religions be punctuated by many stops and many beginnings. 

Surely this is what will happen over and over again. 

Let there be many joyous beginnings.

Tail wags the dog. Dog wags the tail

No 1740 of Living Life Series 1 

Dog wags the tail. What happens when the tail wags the dog? That will be ridiculous, isn't it? 

God should hold sway over man. What happens when man decides to hold sway over God? That is unthinkable. But the unthinkable can happen. 

God presides in the court of life over men. But man may decide to take over this role and make a mockery of the court of life. Man ends up presiding the court of life in this world. This is not the norm but has happened. 

Man may not even bat an eye and think he has done a great job. This happens in life. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that if we are truly spiritual, we will learn from life to and be better off from the learning. 

The truth is in life. If we are not insightful and mindful, we will end up with situation of the tail wagging the dog. Tail wags the dog. Dog wags the tail.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Journeys of life

No 1739 of Living Life Series 1 

When we go on a journey, we have to start somewhere and we have to plan our stops along the way. 

We have to travel by different means and we will have to come to an end somewhere. 

We have to decide on whether to drive or be driven part of the way or all the way. 

In life, this is the same. 

We may not start from same point and end up at the same point. 

Some have longer life and some shorter. 

Some have more interim destinations or what are referred to as life events. 

Some may fail and have to reroute and decide to change their journeys. 

Some are driven by leaders of religions part or all the way. Some can drive their own life. 

Some end up in ravine or accidents and cannot proceed in life as desired. 

This is life. Life is a journey. We drive our own life or be driven. We learn along the way. 

Bo Tien 武天 says that it is in the journey of life that we can learn from life and hopefully be better off from the learning.