No 1327 of Living Life Series 1
The good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 reminds us that there are many who go to a temple or religion to do good.
But even if they do good for their own good, to gain credit to boost their name and status, this does not mean that they are not good. At least, there is some good done though it is better that they do good for goodness sake and not for their own glory.
Man has the tendency to glorify himself and we all know this is not good. But the good lord said that there will be those who are like that and the good they do is still good but not the ideal.
Religion today and in the future will be like that. If some do try to stop this in the name of religion, they may and would likely not succeed.
They will be outnumbered and be swept aside. Others who in the name of good and God will take over. These others have the urge to seek their own good or glory in the name of goodness and God.
For example, they build nursing and aged homes in name of religion, God and saints when they subsciously do this to boost their own status - their own glory.
They even project their need for glory to God and saints. They see the need for God and saints to have glory.
Seriously, do God and saints need glory? They do not but men do - more so those who know not enough the truth.
Ironically, those who know more will not mind others who know less and want to be in religion to do good for their own glory. They know that this is in the nature of men. Religion must accept human nature present in all more so the majority. Without the majority, there will be no religion as an institution.
Alas men who seek self-glory in doing good for others more so through religion and in the name of God and saints will not admit this. They may not even be aware that they are glory seekers.
They may go one step further. They may insist that God and saints need glory. Glory to God in the highest. Then on Earth, there will be peace among men.
Does it mean that glory is not for men but if so, do God need glory? The wise of the wise will say that no problem for men to have glory if by being so motivated, at least they will be in religion and be good. No problem then for them to say God need glory if this can motivate them to be in religion.
Do you get the point? Self glory and the glorification of God are here to stay and have to be - perhaps means to the end but not the end in themselves. But without the means, the end will be more remote to many.