No 1325 of Living Life Series 1
It is undeniable that stark truth never sells and is usually denied.
Death is a certainty the moment we are born. But even in the face of death, popular religion denies this and assures in the name of God and saints that we never die but will live.
We die to truth so that we can think we never die even if we do. Religion is supposed to make us face truth in the eye and not close our eyes to truth.
Instead of opening our eyes wide open to reality, we close our eyes wide shut and hold on to the delusion that God willing, we will never die.
But death is a certainty and is as real if not much more real than God. The truth of death is real and behind life and all religions.
But the beautiful part that is that popular religion says we will never die even if we do die.
Common sense will tell us that death is for real. The moment we accept this and yet can have the will to be happy come what may, we are enlightened.
We are closer to God and saints than many men of popular religions. The wise face the truth. The fools deny this and can only be happy if they insist that they never die.
We will die and let us face this, make up our mind to be at peace and be happy come what may. This is the true religion behind religions.
This is the inner truth that the good lord Lord Bo Tien 武天菩萨 says is behind all religions and the teachings of all religions.
We do not wait to be happy and at peace after death but we are happy and at peace even now come what may. We have arrived. We do not wait till we reach the horizon before we can say we have arrived.
That will never be. The horizon recedes even further. the closer we try to get to it.
Religion must make us arrive now and not wait even for tomorrow. There will always be yet another tomorrow.
Popular religion to win us over often make us deny truth. We end up dreaming and out of touch with reality.
Do we want to dream on or do we stare truth of life in the eyes? But alas, even the writer often prefers to dream on and not face truth.
We often flow downstream with the tide. Who would go upstream to the upper source for clear water? It is easier to flow along and dream on than to pick up the courage to face reality and go upstream.